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Reasons Why Los Tourism Is Way Down


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how can you treated like a 2nd class citizen....You are not even a citizen... :D

Hence the word LIKE.

Let me guess...another "English Teacher"..... :)

Its called sarcasm old chap..... :D

No it's not - it's called 'not being able to read properly' :D

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Yes well, we can argue to the cows come home as to why tourism is down, and for sure there is not one single reason .

But we all get the general idea. A combination of the world recession, higher prices in Thailand, and a lot of unsavoury publicity over the past year or two - both political, and allegedly bad things happening to tourists. (murders, rapes, farangs jailed for minor offences etc).

When I first came here in the early 70's, you'd be amazed at the number of people back home in the UK had never heard of Thailand, and certainly didn't know where it was. Then if you mentioned Siam, a smile of recognition would spread across their faces, thanks to "The King and I". In those days, tourism in Thailand was in its infancy, especially from Europe, and in any event, the Americans were still bombing the hel_l out of Cambodia from their air bases in Thailand.

Then the tourist explosion started, and for the next 2 decades, Thailand was the destination that almost every Brit wanted to go to. I'm not talking about sex tourists, I talking couples and families and many elderly tourists. I lived in the UK with my Thai wife for many years, and it was a surprising how many people I met had either been to Thailand and loved it, or were planning to go. They all had the more or less the same comments: "The Thais are such lovely people; we had a really wonderful time there"

Well the wheel has turned. Thailand is not quite the same magical land in the eyes of Europeans that it once was. There has been a lot of adverse publicity, the prices are much higher (especially in terms of exchange rates), and there has been a lot of competition from rival destinations such as the Seychelles, Malaysia, Caribbean etc.

But in spite of all this, the tourists still keep coming and will continue to do so. Some may not repeat their holidays here due to bad experiences, but there are plenty more to take their place. Thailand has enough going for it to maintain a large tourist industry for many years to come, and I am sure it will weather the current storm.

More to the point is what are the powers that be doing about it? One of their first moves was to offer free visas for a while. What a pointless and stupid thing to do! I wonder what genius thought that one up. Do they really think that having a free visa is going to persuade someone to come to Thailand? From what I observed, those receiving free visas, were surprised and puzzled as to why it was being offered, and they certainly didn't expect it.

Now the government has earmarked billions to pump into the tourist industry. I wonder what they are going to do with it. Does it really require billions? It would seem that they are going to prop up many tourist sectors that are having hard time – like giving them money to stay afloat. Is this going to help expand then industry and get more visitors over here? I doubt it. It seems to be just an attempt to placate angry and unemployed Thais who work inn this sector.

The key to tourism is the overseas travel agencies, and the package holiday companies. If Thai holidays are not in their brochures, then the tourists will go elsewhere. Any attempt to boost tourism must center on heavy promotion to overseas agencies and package holiday companies, in conjunction with the major hotels who can come up with special offers, and make presentations on the delights of a Thai holiday. If this is done properly, it will take money – but billions? I think not.

Has anyone in the government really thought this through properly – or is it just another, endless list of corruption exercises to fill the pockets of politician's and their cohorts.

The Thais have been found out in my view, and people are sick of their free loading and duplicity. Now they have to be proactive as befits a wealthier nation, and of course they don't have a clue.

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37. SIX French Fries on a plate (I come to Thailand to eat Thai food, if I want French food I'll go to Paris)

Man, you mean this could happen to me? Pretty nasty to be asulted by some rogue french fries.... :)

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.I copied this list off the Main NEWS Post about TOURISM being down..they are not MY grievances or complaints

Next time take tourist grievances expressed on Thaivisa by whining farangs with a big grain of salt.

The logic goes like this - they screwed my little paradise, but I'm not alone - I speak for the millions of tourists.

Millions of toursts don't give a shit about one year visa renewal in Penang or Cambodian visa runs.

But they do care about 90% of whats on the list...

  • airport closers (I still remember your posts saying these would have no long term impact :) )
  • roits
  • asean summit closed
  • sex industry (this attracks some, and repells others)
  • taxi fees
  • beer fee at bars
  • being ripped of every where they try to go
  • double pricing (toursits as well as expats bitch about this online)
  • not getting what you pay for (Mayben ria)
  • dirty cops hassling tourists
  • lack of professionalism by hotel/restruant staff
  • street peddlers
  • dirty rabid dogs on the street
  • pollution
  • unfriendly immigration officers

Those are the things I think most tourists have issues with, allot of those things are nothing new, so at the moment what is making toursits stay away in large numbers, in my opinion is:

airport closers (all three of them), bangkok roits, asean summit, dirty/unfriendly cops (that aussi beer mat thing), unfriendly immigration (the man arrested in phuket for being rude when they accused him of having a fake passport)

** I am in no way saying the cops in the beer mat thing were dirty, or even unfriendly as she tried to run away, she should have been put in jail.... but international media twisted this story and what is preceaved is that the cops were unfriendly.... Although the cops could have prevented this if they charged her with running away from police, rather than sticky to and making her plead guilty to the STEALING charge when it was clear she did not steal, her friend did....

Edited by MyphuketLife
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You have obtained your 3rd world bride, after exploring the nightlife in Pattaya. :) Now, like many reformed sinners, you return to the scene of your former depraved actions to enlighten the poor lost souls still living here. We should repent at the earliest opportunity!

Spare us more of your navel-gazing please! At least for a week or two.

Yeah, by reading his different posts and topics, it seems that for some reason and seeing how often he mentions them, Cognos is obsessed with bargirls.

Is there something you want to tell us? :D

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99% of the tourisim problems are self inflicted as we can see.

Why the TAT would ask for help leaves me to believe somebody wants a new BMW

I don't think Thais understand Farangs yet. Thai would pay high prices just to get a prize. I guess because the money does not have value when they have it.

But Franag, care only if the prices are low and right for them to spend

What's a Franag?????????? :)

..a Franag is a drunk farang??

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Like your friend livinginexile, whom you defended against one of my riposte to a thread very similar to this one, you seem to have a bee in your bonnet this week! :)

Stirring the pot is one phrase that leaps to mind. Why take the time and trouble to summarize another thread and start another topic the regurgitates same?

You are happily ensconsed in Lotus Land with plenty of access to herb. :D You have obtained your 3rd world bride, after exploring the nightlife in Pattaya. :D Now, like many reformed sinners, you return to the scene of your former depraved actions to enlighten the poor lost souls still living here. We should repent at the earliest opportunity!

Spare us more of your navel-gazing please! At least for a week or two.

Tourists come and tourists go. Make of that as you will. Mai pben rai.

Hi Bobbin..I will refrain from summarizing other posts..you have a good point..in the meantime I will do some sewing ( where are the bobbins??) and do some bobbin' for apples..but on a more serious note..i respect the users of thai visa, including you..and will in the future 1. let livinginexile defend himself 2.spare you..and come up with something more original in the next post in a week or two. 3. wish you all the best..sincere regards, Dean

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This sounds more like a b#tch list for expats.

The biggest reason tourism is down is the world economy. Next prices must come down by 30 percent or more. Thailand is still pricing like it is a hot market and there are no hot tourist destinations right now anywhere.

Thailand's promotion has not been that bad in reality.

As per visa laws, property, etc. these are not issues for tourists in my opinion but rather expats. I agree these are ridiculous xenophobic laws but the best way to remedy them is not to buy land until the property can be put under your name. As someone else put it vote with your feet. I have no sympathy for anyone who buys land under someone a girlfriend or wife's name then complains that about the law.

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You have obtained your 3rd world bride, after exploring the nightlife in Pattaya. :) Now, like many reformed sinners, you return to the scene of your former depraved actions to enlighten the poor lost souls still living here. We should repent at the earliest opportunity!

Spare us more of your navel-gazing please! At least for a week or two.

Yeah, by reading his different posts and topics, it seems that for some reason and seeing how often he mentions them, Cognos is obsessed with bargirls.

Is there something you want to tell us? :D

Hank.. it seems you know it all already..so i won't tell you sweet fanny annie..actually i will.. i have not been with a bar girl in more than 2 years..never been happier..but I don't care what you think.. quite frankly hank..

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You have obtained your 3rd world bride, after exploring the nightlife in Pattaya. :) Now, like many reformed sinners, you return to the scene of your former depraved actions to enlighten the poor lost souls still living here. We should repent at the earliest opportunity!

Spare us more of your navel-gazing please! At least for a week or two.

Yeah, by reading his different posts and topics, it seems that for some reason and seeing how often he mentions them, Cognos is obsessed with bargirls.

Is there something you want to tell us? :D

yes..please think what you like hank..let your delusion become your reality..and run with it hank..right to the bank..feel free to yank..your crank..hank

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You have obtained your 3rd world bride, after exploring the nightlife in Pattaya. :) Now, like many reformed sinners, you return to the scene of your former depraved actions to enlighten the poor lost souls still living here. We should repent at the earliest opportunity!

Spare us more of your navel-gazing please! At least for a week or two.

Yeah, by reading his different posts and topics, it seems that for some reason and seeing how often he mentions them, Cognos is obsessed with bargirls.

Is there something you want to tell us? :D

yes..please think what you like hank..let your delusion become your reality..and run with it hank..right to the bank..feel free to yank..your crank..hank

Actually..upon reflection.. I take those comments back..sorry Hank..don't take it personally..I am not looking for friends on Thai visa..but at the same time I am not looking for enemies either...cheers..

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This is a joke right? No one is begging you to stay... 90% of what you have posted is fiction especially the part about more gun violence than the USA I'm from Philly don't try to BS me. Obviously you are a bitter "perpetual tourist" that thinks you have rights.

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"The Thais have been found out in my view, and people are sick of their free loading and duplicity. Now they have to be proactive as befits a wealthier nation, and of course they don't have a clue."

True, it's rare, but occasionally you do encounter a Thai who has their act together with Farangs.

I was attracted to a massage place awhile back because the girls out front were particularly friendly and not really "hustling", as many do.

After the massage, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that they charged only 75% of the "going price" that all the other shops charge.

After several return visits, I got to know the owner a bit and asked why she charges less than all the other shops on her street? -- She was new in business when she started her shop and said "I do not like that all the places charge one price for Thai and a higher price for Farang - I wanted to give everyone the same price"

Interesting that she has a very thriving business-- probably 90% of all the massage business on her Soi, has expanded her operations twice, and all the other shops have girls sitting out front wondering why nobody comes to them . . .


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41. because the global economy is fcuked and a holiday isnt the most importnat thing, tourisms down globally hence why airlines are suffering so much.

I cant understand why you put sex tourism and Pattaya together, sex tourism is rife in every tourist location of LOS, most notably Phuket where i see your from.


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This is a joke right? No one is begging you to stay... 90% of what you have posted is fiction especially the part about more gun violence than the USA I'm from Philly don't try to BS me. Obviously you are a bitter "perpetual tourist" that thinks you have rights.

Hi Jungian.. your Avitar name is cool, jing jing..its sort of like Carl Jung.. :) Philly and places like Detroit ( MURDER CITY USA).. unless that has recently changed.. bring up the average compared to LOS.. I'm alluding to some info from Thai visa. I read..so please correct if wrong..this info was based on limited research...btw, my wife has land..so I am not a "perpetual tourist", my bpen rai khrap, and the house is paid off in farang land..cheers

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This is a joke right? No one is begging you to stay... 90% of what you have posted is fiction especially the part about more gun violence than the USA I'm from Philly don't try to BS me. Obviously you are a bitter "perpetual tourist" that thinks you have rights.

These numbers have been doing the rounds on ThaiVisa for a while. It appears that they come from a rather dubious site called Nationmaster.com. If you want to get an indication of the quality of their data, ponder these numbers:

Murder rate per 1,000 people: 0.0800798

Murders with firearms per 1,000 people: 0.312093

In other words, they claim that four (4) times as many people are killed by firearms as the total number of murders. If you count every bullet that hit as a separate murder (and people use machine guns) then it might hold up :)

Unfortunately, since it is posted on the Internet the latter of the numbers has become a factoid ("•An inaccurate statement or statistic believed to be true because of broad repetition, especially if cited in the media", http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/factoid ).

/ Priceless

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..after reading the Thai visa news re : "Tourism way down..".. I copied some of the reasons from only the first 4 pages( for times sake..and the reasons were getting few and farther between)..Add MORE REASONS as needed. should you feel the need. NOTE: I have no gripe, as I am married to a wonderful Thai lady from a great family, I have a good job, she has land.. my bpen rai..personally I like less tourists in LOS..however..voila..thanks to those who wrote most of these points :)

1. Suvarnabhumi closure

2.Political unrest

3.Insidious corruption

4.Police scams on tourist..plead guilty or go to jail..extortion

5.Farang treated as 2nd class citizens

6.Losing face

7.Visa/ immigration "hoop jumping" (tell me about it) :D

8.Red and yellow shirts/ riots in BKK

9.No foreign ownership of land

10.(only)15 day visa runs

11.Double pricing

12.Draconian laws against marijuana

13.Thai airways



16.Bogus exchange rates

17.Pollution, garbage everywhere

18.Violent crime with handguns ( way worse than U.S., which is terrible)

19.Thai xenophobia

20.Yee sip..random police checks of tourists

21.120 Baht beer in bars

22.High ATM fees

23.Poor Tourism Marketing from TAT

24.Rising airline prices to fly to LOS from farang land

25.Golfing green fees high

26.Business hassles/red tape


28.The NO Tourist Police

29.Draconian Immigration Laws

30.No accountability for mistakes


32. Bogus discounts


34. Sexual Tourist Playground (PATTAYA)

35.Closing Asian Summit in Pattaya

36. The SOUTH

37.SIX French Fries on a plate

38. Thaksin

I'll stop there, as 38 is a lucky number pour moi (wife's age) oh crap.. one more..she'll be 39 next year..

39.The negative Media image of Thailand in FARANGLAND ie: in your face sex industry ( although Japan's is much higher by capita but well hidden) :D Take care eh

To those of us that don't earn a living from the Thai tourist industry, who gives a shit. I sure don't. My incomes not dependent the whims of tourists. In fact, as far as I'm concerned, the less bloody tourists the better. Think I'll fly over to Koh Samui next week to go scuba diving and enjoy the nice uncrowded conditions on the dive boats. There's never been a better time to get out and enjoy the great uncrowded tourist destinations that this great country has to offer. JUngle trekking around Kao Sok will also be good value as well without all the tourists. Oh wait, most you guys probably aren't interested in any of this because you're too busy crying in your beers at the lame bar your sitting at in Bangkok. <deleted>, get a life.

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To those of us that don't earn a living from the Thai tourist industry, who gives a shit. I sure don't.

Well I am sure there are thousands of farang 'residents', including myself, who don't earn their living from the tourists industry, so rest assured you are not alone.

In fact, if Thailand continues to have problems attracting tourists, most of us will benefit, because the economy will be affected, and along with that, the strength of the Baht.

A weaker Baht means money money for most of us who transfer funds into the country to live on. :D

But in spite of all this, I hope that Thailand sorts it's problems and get the tourists and the economic rolling again.

Why? Because I care about the country I live in, and in particular the Thai people. (And I am not talking about the rich, corrupt cartel that rules the country and does it's to bleed it dry).

It is the ordinary people who suffer when the tourist industry and the economy goes into recession, and I hope they manage to change things around soon, even though it may well financially disadvantage people like myself.

I find it most peculiar that you would choose to live and work in country, where you "don't give a shit" about the fortunes of the people from that country.

What a sad existence. :D

And why is it that whatever the subject, some folk just delight in passing nasty remarks and having cheap pot shots at other farangs who live in Thailand? :D

Totally off topic, and totally irrelevant.

You have to wonder at their motives :)

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To those of us that don't earn a living from the Thai tourist industry, who gives a shit. I sure don't.

Well I am sure there are thousands of farang 'residents', including myself, who don't earn their living from the tourists industry, so rest assured you are not alone.

In fact, if Thailand continues to have problems attracting tourists, most of us will benefit, because the economy will be affected, and along with that, the strength of the Baht.

A weaker Baht means money money for most of us who transfer funds into the country to live on. :D

But in spite of all this, I hope that Thailand sorts it's problems and get the tourists and the economic rolling again.

Why? Because I care about the country I live in, and in particular the Thai people. (And I am not talking about the rich, corrupt cartel that rules the country and does it's to bleed it dry).

It is the ordinary people who suffer when the tourist industry and the economy goes into recession, and I hope they manage to change things around soon, even though it may well financially disadvantage people like myself.

I find it most peculiar that you would choose to live and work in country, where you "don't give a shit" about the fortunes of the people from that country.

What a sad existence. :D

And why is it that whatever the subject, some folk just delight in passing nasty remarks and having cheap pot shots at other farangs who live in Thailand? :D

Totally off topic, and totally irrelevant.

You have to wonder at their motives :)

The fact that I support four Thai people indicates that I do care very much about the fortunes of this country. I just don't "give a shit about tourists".

There's really nothing to be gained by accentuating the negative, and that's what the OP's list is. There's nothing that we farang can do about it so why even spend time thinking about it. Just concentrate on doing the best for ourselves because, at the end of the day the Thai's have created their own mess and now they've got to lie in it. Yes, it's unfortunate that alot of the average Thai man on the street will be hard done by but, and I'm sorry if this offends you, that's the way of the world. There's the weak and there's the strong.

Take advantage of the cheaper deals that will become available when drop in tourism really starts to bite.

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There's the weak and there's the strong.

If that's not a fatuous statement, I don't know what is.

And to make a statement like that shows that you know absolutely nothing about the Thailand and the Thai people.

I will leave it for others to educate you, as you are so way off base I can't be bothered.

Come to think of it, anyone who also says:

"Oh wait, most you guys probably aren't interested in any of this because you're too busy crying in your beers at the lame bar your sitting at in Bangkok. <deleted>, get a life."

isn't really worth debating with.

Edited by Mobi
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There's the weak and there's the strong.

If that's not a fatuous statement, I don't know what is.

And to make a statement like that shows that you know absolutely nothing about the Thailand and the Thai people.

I will leave it for others to educate you, as you are so way off base I can't be bothered.

Come to think of it, anyone who also says:

"Oh wait, most you guys probably aren't interested in any of this because you're too busy crying in your beers at the lame bar your sitting at in Bangkok. <deleted>, get a life."

isn't really worth debating with.

Why is it fatuous? It's a fact of life. I think you're the one that need educating. Isn't how human beings evolved, the strong rise to the top, or do you believe all that liberal twaddle about how everything should a level playing field and life's just not fair? Life's never been fair since the dawn of time, the fittest survive.

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Why is it fatuous? It's a fact of life. I think you're the one that need educating. Isn't how human beings evolved, the strong rise to the top, or do you believe all that liberal twaddle about how everything should a level playing field and life's just not fair? Life's never been fair since the dawn of time, the fittest survive.

So lets take an example.

The vast majority of people in Burma are extremely poor, impoverished, have little or no medical facilities, and many die of starvation and malnutrition. So it's all their fault is it? They are weak. That's the reason they are suffering, and are unable to improve their quality of life. If they were strong, they would long since pulled themselevs out of their sorry plights and improve their lot in life.

Ditto North Korea, ditto Darfur, etc etc etc.

Although nowhere near as bad, ditto Thailand, which is run and controlled by the cartel of the elite, and they make it their business to brainwash and keep the general populace ignorant and relatively poor.

You write a complete load of tosh.

Would you be saying the same thing if you had been born in a third world country, or even some countries from the former Soviet Union, where dictators and brutal rulers hold/held the population to ransom?.

Your arrogance is breathtaking.

And the very last thing I am is a bleeding heart liberal. I'm to the right of Thatcher, Bill O'Reilly, and maybe even Attila the Hun :)

But it doesn't stop me having compassion for my fellow human beings.

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I will leave it for others to educate you, as you are so way off base I can't be bothered.

Come to think of it, anyone who also says:

"Oh wait, most you guys probably aren't interested in any of this because you're too busy crying in your beers at the lame bar your sitting at in Bangkok. <deleted>, get a life."

isn't really worth debating with.

Why bother arguing with a guy who calls himself, "MEGATHICK"? :)

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