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Neighbour's Disturbing Behaviour


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I've been renting a house in the Sai Yuan area of Rawai for the past two months and every day, usually in the late morning and early afternoon when the soi is quiet, I can hear a farang neighbour literally whipping his dogs who are kept locked in kennels at the back of his house. Very distressing as the house is in quite close proximity to mine and there's no sound other than the thwacking sound and the whimpering of the dogs with no voice raised in anger, almost as though the neighbour were somehow enjoying it.

I really can't bear the thought of this going on for the duration of my stay, not to mention the odd and sadistic behaviour of the neighbour. If it were a one off with someone losing their temper with their pet, as people sometimes do, it would still be awful to witness, but this is daily and is 'creeping me out'.

What to do? :)

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Hmmm, That is a tough one. Is the neighbour thai or farang? You could try asking him politely to tone it down, thats the only thing I can think of. If this were back in the western world you could call the Humane Society for animals and report him, not sure if you can do that here? keep us posted.

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animal cruelty. Tells me alot about someone. It would certainly stress me out too if I had to listen to that. Do you have some really good, close, supportive Thai friends you can talk to about it and maybe provide some solutions.

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That is VERY VERY disturbing, I don't understand anyone who could be so cruel to poor defenceless animals. He is obviously a very spineless guttless individual & if I was you I would take quick action to watch for when he leaves the house, scale his yard and remove those poor animals. They would be better off dead or somewhere defending for themselves for food etc. Very Sad. :)

Wouldnt it be sweet if somebody could wait for him one night and whip him into shape.

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This could be part of training for guard dog. :)

I read some where that whipping makes dogs aggressive and good guard dogs. Not the recognized humane training method but there will always be some people who will enjoy this method.


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Guy whips his dog twice a day for a couple of months? Must be one tough dog to still be alive.

Maybe neighbour is working out on his kickbag and his dog is restrained and wants to join in the activity desperately yelping and whining.

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I would go whip him, or offer the BIB a little pocket money to visit him and talk to him about his abuse of animals... sick F&%(*#&, He should get whipped.

call soi dog the organisers are quite well connected and will I hope help the animals, well the dogs anyway, the animal may well get a different kinda help.

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I've been renting a house in the Sai Yuan area of Rawai for the past two months and every day, usually in the late morning and early afternoon when the soi is quiet, I can hear a farang neighbour literally whipping his dogs who are kept locked in kennels at the back of his house. Very distressing as the house is in quite close proximity to mine and there's no sound other than the thwacking sound and the whimpering of the dogs with no voice raised in anger, almost as though the neighbour were somehow enjoying it.

I really can't bear the thought of this going on for the duration of my stay, not to mention the odd and sadistic behaviour of the neighbour. If it were a one off with someone losing their temper with their pet, as people sometimes do, it would still be awful to witness, but this is daily and is 'creeping me out'.

What to do? :)

You need to see and hear, are you sure ?

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I notice the OP hasn't been back on line to read the responses since he made his one and only post, so I'm not sure why I am bothering to reply.

However, I would go to see the guy, when the whipping is occuring, to ask, and confirm, what is going on.

If there is a problem with abuse I would let him know my thoughts on the matter and what action I would be taking if he doesn't desist.

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Hi all - I've been pondering alternatives, PAWS can't help, no law here regards abusing animals, yet, and breaking and entering not really on the cards. But after yesterday's beating (he has three dogs by the way, but seems to pick on one in particular - another neighbour saw him taking a rather large stick to it some months ago), decided to bite the bullet and go and tell him I can hear what he's up to. I think he thinks no one can hear, immediately to the rear of his house is an old 'shack' occupied by an equally old Thai woman, and he probably thinks he needn't worry about her.

He came to his gate, I told him I could hear him whipping his dogs and would he stop as it was very upsetting. I work at home and can't but hear this every day when working at my computer.

He told me his dogs, and I quote 'needed correcting'! Correcting about what I haven't the faintest idea, they're either locked in their kennels all day to the side and rear of the house, or, chained to his front gate (where another neighbour actually witnessed a beating and threatened him with the same - good for him!). He then went on to say 'It's just a dog, and it's none of your business. What are you going to do? Call the police? You think they care about a dog? And stormed back into his house.

He's an odious bully of a man and bullies are usually cowards. I don't know if he reads this forum, but think a note with the url in his letterbox might remind him that not all of us left our compassion at the airport arrivals desk and that there are some who might be prepared to 'correct' him, if he persists.

Thankyou very much for all your replies and pms. I'll keep you posted :)

Edited by itsthejourney
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Hi All,

As someone who volunteers with PAWS and is aware of the complete lack of animal welfare legislation in Thailand, I can confirm that there is nothing 'legal' that any animal welfare foundation can do. Worse still, getting an animal welfare organisation involved would create more problems as the authorities would no doubt turn their attentions to the foundation - not the dog beating owner.

Its a terrible situation, but sadly, these are the laws we have to live with here in Thailand. The police might get involved if there are "incentives" but I doubt they care about the animal.

A previous post mentions PAWS has no claws, interesting - perhaps 'think' before posting next time. This is not the UK, or the US where the RSPCA or HSUS would step in with registered, licensed officers who could take the animals into care. This is Thailand where no such laws exist and the price of breaking laws, is considerably high.

If the owner can be "persuaded" to re-home his dogs, I'm happy to assist with the re-homing.

Thanks to all for your concern about the dogs.

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Thanks for getting back to us OP.

You are so right about LOSERS that cause harm to poor defenceless animals. Unfortunately over the years I have seen many cases like this, however these were outside Thailand and no need to discuss them here.

One thing that I noticed between all the cases is what pathetic sick gutless individuals the perpetrators were in every case. This individual (certainly couldnt refer to him as a man) could quite possible be a great danger to society. No doubt there will be those that flame me for saying so, however some Australians and others might be familiar with the Anita Cobby murder in Sydney. This would probably be one of the most grusome murders/crimes in Australian history and the main offender in the murder (there were multiple offenders) was John Travers, a truely sick perverted individual who had an extensive history of extreme cruelty to animals. This is no joke.

I am saddened by this story OP & whilst aware there are probably thousands of these cases worldwide everyday, fithly little gutless, spineless creeps like your neighbour need to be stopped, please don't just rest now, go the next step & see if you can report this matter to a Police Officer that is willing to act & I understand how difficult that might be, afterall I am well aware of how things work in Thailand, but you might just be surprised at how easy it might be to get help.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Edited by neverdie
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Could you please visit him and ask for his number as I may have a little job for him. I'd be happy to supply the tools of the trade, knotted ropes and suchlike, if he would give the dogs on my soi a sound thrashing. Might make them a little quieter at night.

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Some posts with members just flaming each other have been removed.

Yes, better we have a post asking for the perpetrators number, than asking another member to actually not knock a foundation trying to do some good....................unbelievable..............

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.... they're either locked in their kennels all day to the side and rear of the house, or, chained to his front gate (where another neighbour actually witnessed a beating and threatened him with the same ......

If other neighbours share your horror regarding the treatment of these dogs, you need to band together, wait for the ideal opportunity and release the dogs from their confinement.

You might need a bolt cutter.

You would need to relocate the dogs to a kind person who will take better care of them.

This guy can't stay home all the time. He also has to sleep sometime.

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A previous post mentions PAWS has no claws, interesting - perhaps 'think' before posting next time.
Isn't the fact that PAWS has no claws exactly what you are confirming in the following quote?
As someone who volunteers with PAWS and is aware of the complete lack of animal welfare legislation in Thailand, I can confirm that there is nothing 'legal' that any animal welfare foundation can do.
Edited by stevenl
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A previous post mentions PAWS has no claws, interesting - perhaps 'think' before posting next time. This is not the UK, or the US where the RSPCA or HSUS would step in with registered, licensed officers who could take the animals into care. This is Thailand where no such laws exist and the price of breaking laws, is considerably high.

And so how was his statement wrong ??

While I support its efforts and aims.. PAWS or any other animal protection agncy is basically toothless and powerless.

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In all fairness we need t o work out if this guy is whipping his own dogs for his own reason or if he is flogging soi dogs to control them.

Firstly, one does not have to hit a dog t o control it.

However, a dog that has been hit is easy to control.

Next, soi dogs should be gassed.

Then BKK would become a place for humans and not rats with tails.

You may disagree, but if one of the mutts near my gate snaps at my daughters feet again, I will kill every one of them and endure the rath of local idiots.

I have sized a bamboo pole and expect to kill a mutt or two, with a view to dropping them in a a barrel.


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In all fairness we need t o work out if this guy is whipping his own dogs for his own reason or if he is flogging soi dogs to control them.

Firstly, one does not have to hit a dog t o control it.

However, a dog that has been hit is easy to control.

Next, soi dogs should be gassed.

Then BKK would become a place for humans and not rats with tails.

You may disagree, but if one of the mutts near my gate snaps at my daughters feet again, I will kill every one of them and endure the rath of local idiots.

I have sized a bamboo pole and expect to kill a mutt or two, with a view to dropping them in a a barrel.


I hope your daughter does not ever snap at you. It would be a shame if you had to kill her

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