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Phuket Immigration Crackdown Announced

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Why not just tattoo a number on the arm's of all foreigners to keep track of them .... I can't believe this .... :)

Don't the Thais have the right to ensure those who come into and stay in the country are ligitimate? Many countries in the world have registration systems to provide information on who is living where and for how long. What's the problem?

It's no hardship for the foreigner, it's the guesthouse or hotel that has to provide the info and like i say many other countries do the same.

With the security situation in Thailand and the world the way it is ithink it's well over due!


A Thai national who wants to visit The Netherlands for max 3 months visit/holiday

Needs a visaapplication from the Dutch Ambassey in Bangkok.

Needs a bankstatement added 140,000 bath or a gaurantor

has to report him/herself in 3 day's at the dutch Imigration

has to report about his where abouts meaning:

If i visit Thailand and my lady's home, i just fill in this arr/dep card where i stay, and that's it.

So what is the problem.



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What a banal statement. How on earth would this chase tourists away or make things difficult?! Who cares if the hotel submits a residency statement. It has no bearing on anything that I may be here to see or do. Unless of course you've got something to hide or are on the run from the law. In which case, great! Catch 'em & string 'em up by the balls! This country is too full of low-lifes.

Here we go again.

Another one for chasing tourists away.

In the same league as raising prices to get the same income.

If the tourists stay away, for whatever reason, you make it more difficult for the remaining visitors.

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Why not just tattoo a number on the arm's of all foreigners to keep track of them .... I can't believe this .... :)

Don't the Thais have the right to ensure those who come into and stay in the country are ligitimate? Many countries in the world have registration systems to provide information on who is living where and for how long. What's the problem?

It's no hardship for the foreigner, it's the guesthouse or hotel that has to provide the info and like i say many other countries do the same.

With the security situation in Thailand and the world the way it is ithink it's well over due!

Are you serious!!! If I have a friend from overseas coming to the UK ( which also has a serious terrorism threat ) I don't have to "report them to immigration" if they stay with me. This is just officialdom gone seriously bonkers.

The requirement to prove they are legitimate rests with the border controls, not with a householder.

Tourism is down, and Thai officialdom is doing everything possible to make it stay that way.

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Why not just tattoo a number on the arm's of all foreigners to keep track of them .... I can't believe this .... :)

Don't the Thais have the right to ensure those who come into and stay in the country are ligitimate? Many countries in the world have registration systems to provide information on who is living where and for how long. What's the problem?

It's no hardship for the foreigner, it's the guesthouse or hotel that has to provide the info and like i say many other countries do the same.

With the security situation in Thailand and the world the way it is ithink it's well over due!


A Thai national who wants to visit The Netherlands for max 3 months visit/holiday

Needs a visaapplication from the Dutch Ambassey in Bangkok.

Needs a bankstatement added 140,000 bath or a gaurantor

has to report him/herself in 3 day's at the dutch Imigration

has to report about his where abouts meaning:

If i visit Thailand and my lady's home, i just fill in this arr/dep card where i stay, and that's it.

So what is the problem.



Strange as I took the first wife multiple times to Holland and never once had to report her location.. I never left any bond, and never had to report her location, where we traveled or anything.. And I wasnt even a Dutch national, or resident, sponsering her application.

Once there with her schengen visit visa we traveled all over Europe without anone asking anything.. IIRC the swiss wanted a look at her passport and that was it..

Edited by LivinLOS
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Would you please tell us the name of this country because I for one would like to make sure I NEVER visit there!

I don't see what the hassle here is all about.

In my home country it is REQUIREMENT to declare the arrival of foreigner within 48 hours.

A few years ago, when I took my wife to visit my home country, I failed to report her to the local authorities as she had a Visa and I taught that having a Visa and an Entry stamp would be sufficient (we stayed at my brothers house).

Two days later, we had a "visit" from the local Police and they said that they had the right to deport my wife immediatly and jail my brother for not declaring that he had an undeclared foreigner in his home!!!!!

Go figure!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that was not an "third world country".

If the Immigration crackdown is meant to make Thailand safer and follow the International standards, then they should go for it.

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I don't see what the hassle here is all about.

In my home country it is REQUIREMENT to declare the arrival of foreigner within 48 hours.

A few years ago, when I took my wife to visit my home country, I failed to report her to the local authorities as she had a Visa and I taught that having a Visa and an Entry stamp would be sufficient (we stayed at my brothers house).

Two days later, we had a "visit" from the local Police and they said that they had the right to deport my wife immediatly and jail my brother for not declaring that he had an undeclared foreigner in his home!!!!!

Go figure!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that was not an "third world country".

If the Immigration crackdown is meant to make Thailand safer and follow the International standards, then they should go for it.

Never heard of that for a "first world" country. What police state do you live in?

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It is only relevant to those who come into Thailand without using a passport. Or for those who live here without one . Simple as that .

The day to day running of hotels etc is none of our business , it doesnt concern us , we are here to holiday , the hotles etc are here to follow the legal requirements.

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I don't see the problem, This law is already in place for many years and applies for whole Thailand.

Hotels, Guesthouses House renters etc are required to provide the guest information to the immigration within 24 hrs of arrival.

Nothing more or less.

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One of the reasons stated was security for the ASEAN, HMMMMM may be government should worry more about their own people (red or yellow or navy or black or whatever else color) rather then tracking tourists.

For all those agreeing with the changes-SEEK help, you obviously either Thai or have over stayed in Thailand for too long and unable to use the brain

Why and what is the reason for having all foreigners reported?

What is the purpose of keeping this information?

Should it be a security concern, then how about training idiot guards to actually stay awake.

How about thorough checks on arrival

and how about training police force to respond rather then to extort?

There seems to be no limit to human right violations in this country, so i am really unsure why even bother to talk about democracy-it never was, and never will be in this country

Special note to some Thai's who are members of this board and are winging about insults. You (Thai's) insult us foreigners and tourists on hourly basis, starting from entering the country to simply buying water. Just the word farang is insulting enough. Either in the shop or doctors or anywhere, a non Thai should be addressed as customer or male or patient not "Oh Farang here"

Calling black people from Africa or US "Negro" is insulting yet all you Thai's do it.

Calling foreigner "oowan"-fat pig is insulting to any foreigner yet is perfectly acceptable to Thais.

So if you do not like the comments which you decide are insulting-GET OFF the board and learn to respect prior to demanding respect.

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I had my landlady make the simple 10 minute notification last year in CM.

Only required once ( unless you move )

No Fee

No questions about the date of arrival.

The homeowner ( hotel, guesthouse, etc.) is subject to the fine, not the "alien". :)

Sometimes, and just sometimes..(cough, cough ) the "alien" :D is going to (BOHICA time here guys and gals..)

end up being "asked" to pay the fine...


It's easy

It's free and you only have to have 'em do it once, unless you move.

Save your money..

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Every time something like this happens, People complain and act like this is something new. It's NOT new and six years ago I had to give copies of my passport for this very reason.

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:) Another valiant blow in the Land of Smiles public relations campaign! The hostility generated should keep another horde of unwanted farang riff-raff from the Motherland. At this rate, soon all those in the tourism sector can go back to farming :D !
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An old friend of mine will be coming over and stay with us in our house for a few day. Do I have to report him to the Police?

And what kind of suspicious behavior should I report?

- Not chasing girls?

- Not drinking "lao"?

- Driving politely?

- Giving a big tip?

If he talks into his shoe and speaks in foreign tongues, that would be a clue... :)

If he talks to his shoe then call him Maxwell Smart. If he talks in foreign tongues then bust a cap in his ass.

It won't be long before Thailand drives out all the foreigners. Between getting ripped off forced to jump through visa hoops, it can make you hate this place!

I for one am done here. I'm sick of the Thai way and next month will be making my way back to the states. The 6 years I've been here has had some good times but there were tons of bad times with the "Thai Way" of doing things. Most of us know why we come here and it's not for the Tom Yum. Not that I care what anyone thinks anyway, I'm just done. My company is Internet based and the lack of cable speeds here just pisses me off and Thailand does NOTHING about the Internet speeds. More and more kids are jumping on the net these days doing gaming and it just sucks that the speeds are the way they are. So, Thailand, you can keep your Tom Yum and your "Rip Off The Farang" mentality. I'm tapped!

Oh and one more thing before I go. To most of the moderators of this site. Over the years you all seem to have gotten too big of a head. To most of you moderators, one day you can stop hiding behind your computer and come out into the real world. You will find that being all tough and stuff won't get you anything but a fat lip. So, my advise is stop pretending your God because really, you're just losers behind an IP address and that is the lamest thing eva!

Peace my brothers and sisters. See you in the next life. Oh and I hear Panang is the next big destination...

dam_n that made no sense! No need to reply, won't be reading it.

classic post, sounds like someone needs a visit to the doctor. speed of internet has sent you insane? i reckon 1 week back in the USA and you will be back eating your words

farewell loser, we wont miss you :D

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... measures aimed at improving compliance with immigration law...

Compliance with immigration law works both ways. Isn’t it in Phuket where immigration officers routinely ask foreigners applying for an extension of stay to pay 5,000 Baht although the regulatory fee is 1,900 Baht? Will Phuket Immigration Superintendent Chanatpol Yongbunjerd do something to make the officers comply with the rules and collect only the normal fee?



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Those aren't new rules, they were in effect in '85, when I came to


Phuket Immigration crackdown announced


Phuket Immigration Superintendent Chanatpol Yongbunjerd

speaks at this morning's press conference.

PHUKET CITY: Phuket Immigration this morning held a press conference to announce measures aimed at improving compliance with immigration law, including the requirement that owners of all hotels, guesthouses and rental homes report foreigners on their premises to immigration within 24 hours of arrival.

Phuket Immigration Superintendent Chanatpol Yongbunjerd told the press that the crackdown follows the recent arrest of three ethnic Rohingyas on charges of involvement in an international human smuggling ring.

The three men, two of whom were arrested in Songkhla’s Haad Yai district, are also suspected of having links to terrorist groups including Jemaah Islamiyah (JI).

The crackdown is also part of stepped-up security in the run-up to the 42nd Asean Foreign Ministers Meeting, scheduled to take place at Laguna Phuket from July 16 to 23, Col Chanatpol said.

Expected to attend that event are Foreign Ministers from all 10 Asean states as well as their counterparts from dialogue partners Australia, Japan, New Zealand, the European Union, the United States, China, India, South Korea and Russia.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is scheduled to attend the meeting, during which the ministers are expected to try and hammer out a unified approach to the nuclear ambitions of pariah state North Korea – which successfully carried out a nuclear test in May.

Col Chanatpol used the press conference to ask for co-operation from hotel owners as well as employers of low-wage foreign laborers, who must report the details of all foreigners under their employ as soon as possible – or face fines.

Other security measures will include: more thorough screening of foreigners entering and leaving the country, especially those on watch lists or exhibiting suspicious behavior; increased co-operation with local police departments in monitoring residences with foreigners in domicile, especially those with suspicious behavior; increased security in popular tourism and nightlife entertainment areas; and better co-ordination and information exchange among police and related agencies.

Col Chanatpol also asked the public to report any problems or useful information to Phuket Immigration on 076-212108.

Phuket Immigration Inspector for Investigation Suparerk Pankosol, who also attended the meeting, told the press that homeowners who fail to inform Immigration of foreigners staying in their homes – either as guests or under rental agreements – face fines not exceeding 2,000 baht.

Owners of hotels, guesthouses and other commercial accommodation establishments who fail to report guests are subject to fines ranging from 2,000 baht to 10,000 baht, he said.

Phuket Immigration's webmaster, Bunta Lapet, told the media that such registration could be conducted quickly and easily on line by using the site’s “Phuket Immigration Enterprise” webpage.


-- Phuket Gazette 2009-06-23

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... measures aimed at improving compliance with immigration law...

Compliance with immigration law works both ways. Isn’t it in Phuket where immigration officers routinely ask foreigners applying for an extension of stay to pay 5,000 Baht although the regulatory fee is 1,900 Baht? Will Phuket Immigration Superintendent Chanatpol Yongbunjerd do something to make the officers comply with the rules and collect only the normal fee?



Maybe this was only for those without a passport, :)

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... measures aimed at improving compliance with immigration law...

Compliance with immigration law works both ways. Isn’t it in Phuket where immigration officers routinely ask foreigners applying for an extension of stay to pay 5,000 Baht although the regulatory fee is 1,900 Baht? Will Phuket Immigration Superintendent Chanatpol Yongbunjerd do something to make the officers comply with the rules and collect only the normal fee?



NO :)

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Get real people...

Ive never heard so much bullshit complaints over nothin.

Tell me a country where you can book into a hotel without showing your passport? You think they only want to look at your pretty picture??

If countries like the UK had in place a system where immigrants where checked they wouldn't have over half a million illeagals running around the system.

I have to show my passport whenever I book into a hotel, my landlord had to inform Imm when I rented, I do 90 day reports....?????

As already stated, this requirement is Law, not directed at the tourist or the expat but the hoteliers and landlords of properties that rent out to foreigners, its those that the Imm Dept are tightening up on. Hotels also take the details of Thais who stay there.

Those of us who stay long term do 90 day reports, others do border crossings, whats the problem here??

Unless of course there are some who have something to hide!!

Paranoid beyond belief, another opportunity to kick at the Thais.

Things are not perfect here; but they are a long way better off than the places we left behind...otherwise we wouldn't be here would we?

Edited by Tafia
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It's really very simple KUFFKI...

You choose to live in Thailand and yet you seem to find Thai ways, practices, logic and cultural differences unacceptable. So what the hel_l are you doing here?!

My wife calls me "Moo" as a term of endearment. It's to frikkn' bad if you don't understand or can't get behind the Thai way. I don't especially like it but it's the thought that counts.

I highly suggest you get off your podium, pack up and get the hel_l out of here. If you can't adjust your way of thinking, you do not belong...

One of the reasons stated was security for the ASEAN, HMMMMM may be government should worry more about their own people (red or yellow or navy or black or whatever else color) rather then tracking tourists.

For all those agreeing with the changes-SEEK help, you obviously either Thai or have over stayed in Thailand for too long and unable to use the brain

Why and what is the reason for having all foreigners reported?

What is the purpose of keeping this information?

Should it be a security concern, then how about training idiot guards to actually stay awake.

How about thorough checks on arrival

and how about training police force to respond rather then to extort?

There seems to be no limit to human right violations in this country, so i am really unsure why even bother to talk about democracy-it never was, and never will be in this country

Special note to some Thai's who are members of this board and are winging about insults. You (Thai's) insult us foreigners and tourists on hourly basis, starting from entering the country to simply buying water. Just the word farang is insulting enough. Either in the shop or doctors or anywhere, a non Thai should be addressed as customer or male or patient not "Oh Farang here"

Calling black people from Africa or US "Negro" is insulting yet all you Thai's do it.

Calling foreigner "oowan"-fat pig is insulting to any foreigner yet is perfectly acceptable to Thais.

So if you do not like the comments which you decide are insulting-GET OFF the board and learn to respect prior to demanding respect.

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As I have said many times in the past, visa runs should be terminated, all those applying to stay in Thailand long term should be imposed to use the non Immigrant visa process with a requirement that each applicant has a police letter from their home country confirming what is and what is not on file about them.

Those who are contravening the laws in Thailand create the tightening up of visa regulations for those of us who are legitimately living here long term.

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As said the reporting of foreigners is nothing new. It has been a requirement for many years.

This is merely a notice to business owners that they are craking down on them. And nothing more.

Pretty much as it has been.

Just bringing it back up on the radar,

and especially in light of the coming summit on Phuket.

And especially if the local gendarme must be seen to have

done something in advance, in case something goes wrong.

As was seen in Pattay and the sacrificial ouster of the local top cop.

A fall back position as it were.

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Get real people...

Ive never heard so much bullshit complaints over nothin.

Tell me a country where you can book into a hotel without showing your passport? You think they only want to look at your pretty picture??

If countries like the UK had in place a system where immigrants where checked they wouldn't have over half a million illeagals running around the system.

As already stated, this requirement is Law, not directed at the tourist or the expat but the hoteliers and landlords of properties that rent out to foreigners, its those that the Imm Dept are tightening up on. Hotels also take the details of Thais who stay there.

Those of us who stay long term do 90 day reports, others do border crossings, whats the problem here??

Unless of course there are some who have something to hide!!

Paranoid beyond belief, another opportunity to kick at the Thais.

Things are not perfect here; but they are a long way better off than the places we left behind...otherwise we wouldn't be here would we?

I thought most of the immigrates in the UK came from "Wales ' :)

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As far as the issue of security is concerned, this policy would make more sense if hotels/guesthouses were required to report all guests staying with them, including Thai nationals. Why would someone be considered a possible security threat for no other reason than them being a "foreigner"? Are hotels required to routinely record and report details of their Thai guest's identity cards when they check in?


Good questions. For the first, yes, depends on how they are profiling people. For the second, I don't know, but whenever my wife and I stay in Bangkok, I show my passport, and my wife shows her Thai ID card; the hotel requests both, probably for their own protection (to make sure she's not a foreigner).

That being said, anytime we've stayed in hotels around our home in Issan, we've never had to show anything except cash :)

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