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Phuket Immigration Crackdown Announced

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If Thailand has problems, and Thailand wishes to address them in certain ways.

I think it is fair to let them.

All countries that I know of, is trying to keep track of

their foreigners..


Really ?? name any modern / first world country that has to report foriegners details checking into a hotel ??

Well why not try AMERICA. "The land of the free". Thats one. Oh I supose that you dont show any identification at all when you check into a hotel, right? well must be cause the hook you are with already paid for the room.

Yea know I read Thai Visa all the time and I am really amazed at how really F___en stupid you or most of you people realy are.

It would be nice sometime to read some intellegent comments. But I guess thats a dream.

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The question, is Thailand capable of protecting World leaders against terrorism at such a venue?

Even though a woman in a RED shirt was able to open the door to the PM's car :)

and are they only just protecting them from foriegners, if so then it will never work

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Oh well .. another day another CRACKDOWN on the blood-sucking aliens (foreigners) who need to be tightly controlled not to take over Thailand.

Yes, this law existed for a long time but like many other Thai laws was hardly ever implemented. How many visitors come to Thailand every year? How many hotels do the stay at? The reports must not only include the names of the foreigners but their passport numbers, validity, type of visas they are on, the date of their entry and border stamp validity. Imagine the amounts of paper-work, time spend reporting them and the size of the immigration police needed to follow up those reports. These types of laws exist only to give the authorities the flexibility needed when they want to apply them selectively and screw somebody up in the process.

I really hope it's all about "the summit" in Phuket. If not the struggling hospitality industry can ill afford the amount of up-paid work required to comply with these STUPID requirements.

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Why not just tattoo a number on the arm's of all foreigners to keep track of them .... I can't believe this .... :)

nothing unusual thailand is just trying as hard as it can to keep the tourists out. The less tourists coming into thailand the better.

Has Thailand changed it's mind on democracy and opted for communism?

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"name any modern / first world country that has to report foriegners details checking into a hotel ??"


I can't think of any. I know in Australia all a tourist has to do is fill out an arrival and departure card. You are not asked for your passport when checking into hotels and you movements are not monitored whilst moving about and enjoying your holiday. The actions of the thai authorities is going to make any potential tourists feel very uncomfortable whilst trying to relax in thailand. You will be looking over your shoulder all the time to see if you are being followed wondering if every thai in the street is watching you and reporting to the government everything you do what you eat for breakfast do you coke or water.

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An old friend of mine will be coming over and stay with us in our house for a few day. Do I have to report him to the Police?

And what kind of suspicious behavior should I report?

- Not chasing girls?

- Not drinking "lao"?

- Driving politely?

- Giving a big tip?

If he talks into his shoe and speaks in foreign tongues, that would be a clue... :)


If Thailand has problems, and Thailand wishes to address them in certain ways.

I think it is fair to let them.

All countries that I know of, is trying to keep track of

their foreigners..


I agree. I remember going to Egypt...some years ago so this may have changed....but every time we booked into a hotel in a different town we had to register with the police. This basically involved the hotel taking our details and sending the police the relevant information. It was no big deal.

Maybe some people do have something to hide...?

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foreign tourists and Rohingya are not the ones who are going to attack the Laguna to stop the conference. Security for that should be focused on red shirts and other local hooligans. to say this measure is to ensure safety for that event is interesting logic.

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I think what most people need to remember, both defenders and attackers of this thread is that as a foreigner living here in our homes. (Yes, Thailand is our home too ( you don't need to be born in Thailand to make it your home)). We are subject to the daily grind of being segregated, discriminated against and made the scapegoat for all of Thailands woes and people are pis**ed off with it.

These frustrations then boil over when even a reasonably sensible precautionary measure, as is the OP of this thread, turns into a slanging match because once again the OP reinforces, amongst the general population, the acceptability of segregating (treat them different to Thais) discriminate (may not be allowed to stay in Thailand) and make a scapegoat (if anything happens it the foreigners fault).

Can anyone please tell me when a law, press release, statement anything! was made, passed which showed foreigners in a positive light.

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If Thailand has problems, and Thailand wishes to address them in certain ways.

I think it is fair to let them.

All countries that I know of, is trying to keep track of

their foreigners..


Really ?? name any modern / first world country that has to report foriegners details checking into a hotel ??

You really are living in a trance, my blissfully delusional friend... I almost envy you...

FRANCE, ITALY, SPAIN, USA, CHINA, RUSSIA to name just a few... And before you jump to say that China is not modern first world country, - check who made your pants, undies, TV, DVD, PC, cookery, tablecloth, bedlinen, etc... That is, if you use any in your state of blissful ignorance.

Happy life, baby! :)

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If Thailand has problems, and Thailand wishes to address them in certain ways.

I think it is fair to let them.

All countries that I know of, is trying to keep track of

their foreigners..


Really ?? name any modern / first world country that has to report foriegners details checking into a hotel ??

ALL WITHOUT EXCEPTION... even third world countries!!! it shows how traveled you are and how much you know!!!

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"name any modern / first world country that has to report foriegners details checking into a hotel ??"


I can't think of any. I know in Australia all a tourist has to do is fill out an arrival and departure card. You are not asked for your passport when checking into hotels and you movements are not monitored whilst moving about and enjoying your holiday. The actions of the thai authorities is going to make any potential tourists feel very uncomfortable whilst trying to relax in thailand. You will be looking over your shoulder all the time to see if you are being followed wondering if every thai in the street is watching you and reporting to the government everything you do what you eat for breakfast do you coke or water.

EVERY COUNTRY has the same law regarding hospitality's sector. Every hotel is obligated to provide all the information about the guests both foreigners and nationals. Is it possible that in Australia no identification is required when you check-in in a hotel???? you must be kidding!!! only a moron can say such bunch of non sense c_rap!. Just look at the emmigration officers at the airport and how strict they are...have you ever been in Australia??? or in a hotel??? it seems that the only mistake the Thai Athorities made was to inform about the enforcement of a law that have been aound for many years and this way confuse the minds of some of the people who use this forum to express their ignorance!!!

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I don't see what the hassle here is all about.

In my home country it is REQUIREMENT to declare the arrival of foreigner within 48 hours.

A few years ago, when I took my wife to visit my home country, I failed to report her to the local authorities as she had a Visa and I taught that having a Visa and an Entry stamp would be sufficient (we stayed at my brothers house).

Two days later, we had a "visit" from the local Police and they said that they had the right to deport my wife immediatly and jail my brother for not declaring that he had an undeclared foreigner in his home!!!!!

Go figure!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that was not an "third world country".

Sounds like a 'fourth' world country then.

If the Immigration crackdown is meant to make Thailand safer and follow the International standards, then they should go for it.

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Next time a Thai visits your house, condo, etc ask for a photo copy of his or her ID card, get them to sign it, before you let them in. They maybe a threat to your security.

I'm fairly sure they'd think you're barking mad and pretty soon you'd have no visitors.

If the Immigration crackdown ( this procedure) is meant to make Thailand (you) safer and follow the International standards, (Thai standards) then they (we) should go for it.
Edited by jonclark
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Here I am just sitting down to eat and I check my Email to find that Thaivisa has again provided me with an ample supply of "whine" to go along with my dinner. Most hotels and guest houses have been doing this for years. It is nothing new, other than enforcing the law.

The expat whining contained in this dialogue is tiresome and immature. After living in Thailand for seven years and encountering and observing thousands of expats I am resolved that at least half of them should never have been admitted through Thai immigration in the first place. I would not want them in my country and much less my home as their conduct is disgusting. I don't blame the Thai authorities for clamping down~! All you whiners pack up and leave!

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Why not just tattoo a number on the arm's of all foreigners to keep track of them .... I can't believe this .... :)

Don't the Thais have the right to ensure those who come into and stay in the country are ligitimate? Many countries in the world have registration systems to provide information on who is living where and for how long. What's the problem?

It's no hardship for the foreigner, it's the guesthouse or hotel that has to provide the info and like i say many other countries do the same.

With the security situation in Thailand and the world the way it is ithink it's well over due!

Yes I have to wholeheartedly agree with this poster. It works both ways, it means if someone breaks into your room or anything else untoward happens then there is a record of occupants. I work in the travel biz and this is standard operating procedure in most 'civilised' countries. Thailand do keep shooting themselves in the foot but in this case I agree.

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Why not just tattoo a number on the arm's of all foreigners to keep track of them .... I can't believe this .... :)

Don't the Thais have the right to ensure those who come into and stay in the country are ligitimate? Many countries in the world have registration systems to provide information on who is living where and for how long. What's the problem?

It's no hardship for the foreigner, it's the guesthouse or hotel that has to provide the info and like i say many other countries do the same.

With the security situation in Thailand and the world the way it is ithink it's well over due!



HEY MISTER PANIC-PERSON (and you're obviously not the only oe on this litle forum !) : Why don;t you slow down and relize a few things:

1. We ARE all guests in this brilliant country

2. Last time in Pattaya, no measures (security) to speak of, were taken and look what happened there

3. Whenever you write your comments; PRETEND hat some Thai people are reading this forum too . . . . .

"Yellow-Stars" and "Tatoo'd Numbers-on-arms", what a bunch of super rude and extremely infantile suggestions; certainly show the level of thought some of these people are (only) capable of.

Just because a web-site forum is a "printed" media, doesn't mean that you can just write anything (like the super-insults which appeared here), only morons of epic proportions do this; I just bet your mouths aren't half as big, when it comes to person-to-person communications.

Let's all behave ourselves.

BTW; this system of ospitality Industry reporting excists in many other civilized countries; maybe check out your own country, before criticizing the one you have chosen to live in ?

Somehow, it looks like my first response to this diatribe was censored. I did not use any profane language so I am mifed about why my reply was censored. But anyway, I take exception to the comment about Thialand being a 'brillant' country. With all due respect to the many wonderful Thais it gets a little annoying when you are constantly being ripped off by taxi drivers, merchants and restaurant owners not to mention all the idiots driving on the wrong side of the road or sidewalk or the others who go thru red lights for 30 seconds after the light turns red.

I have never seen a policeman enforce any driving laws. Perhaps there aren't any. They do a wonderful job tho of enforcing the helmut law until about noon when they then totally disregard it. I guess they are only concerned about the safety of these people for half the day. I mean how the hel_l do you see the 'brillance' in that?

Thais seem to have no concern about people's property like motorcycles. They block them in, bang them up by parking too close to them or even just go ahead and drag them somewhere to get your spot. I had a car once and parked on the street and came out from a shop only to find it totally blocked in by motorbikes in front and back of it. If these are the customs of Thailand I fail to see the 'brillance' in them.

And God forbid if you live in an apartment or condo where if something doesn't work tough spit. My internet in a building was down for 18 straight days and the manager said she was too busy to do anything about it and that I was the only one to complain. Finally, after I made a hugh scene in front of many people she called the company up to fix it and although it took them the whole day they fixed it. Why did I have gto wait 18 days? Is this a sample of Thai brillance??? Just asking how anyone can justify this stupidity.

On the other hand if you don't give a s... about being honest and respectful or giving service to foreigners who pay a ton of money in to your country then sure doing all that is brillant so I would have to stand corrected.

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This topic seems to be much a do about nothing.

There is no new requirement here, hotels etc. have been required to report foreigners staying for ages. That is the reason one has to show a passport when checking into a hotel. Thai persons have to do the same when they check into a hotel.

The only thing immigration is announcing is that they will enforce this rule much stricter, so hotel owners be warned.

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I don't see what the hassle here is all about.

In my home country it is REQUIREMENT to declare the arrival of foreigner within 48 hours.

A few years ago, when I took my wife to visit my home country, I failed to report her to the local authorities as she had a Visa and I taught that having a Visa and an Entry stamp would be sufficient (we stayed at my brothers house).

Two days later, we had a "visit" from the local Police and they said that they had the right to deport my wife immediatly and jail my brother for not declaring that he had an undeclared foreigner in his home!!!!!

Go figure!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that was not an "third world country".

If the Immigration crackdown is meant to make Thailand safer and follow the International standards, then they should go for it.

Jesus! That sounds a bit extreme. If you don’t mind me asking what country was that, I will be very careful if I ever visit there.


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Phuket Immigration crackdown announced


Phuket Immigration Superintendent Chanatpol Yongbunjerd

speaks at this morning's press conference.

PHUKET CITY: Phuket Immigration this morning held a press conference to announce measures aimed at improving compliance with immigration law, including the requirement that owners of all hotels, guesthouses and rental homes report foreigners on their premises to immigration within 24 hours of arrival.

Phuket Immigration Superintendent Chanatpol Yongbunjerd told the press that the crackdown follows the recent arrest of three ethnic Rohingyas on charges of involvement in an international human smuggling ring.

The three men, two of whom were arrested in Songkhla's Haad Yai district, are also suspected of having links to terrorist groups including Jemaah Islamiyah (JI).

The crackdown is also part of stepped-up security in the run-up to the 42nd Asean Foreign Ministers Meeting, scheduled to take place at Laguna Phuket from July 16 to 23, Col Chanatpol said.

Expected to attend that event are Foreign Ministers from all 10 Asean states as well as their counterparts from dialogue partners Australia, Japan, New Zealand, the European Union, the United States, China, India, South Korea and Russia.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is scheduled to attend the meeting, during which the ministers are expected to try and hammer out a unified approach to the nuclear ambitions of pariah state North Korea – which successfully carried out a nuclear test in May.

Col Chanatpol used the press conference to ask for co-operation from hotel owners as well as employers of low-wage foreign laborers, who must report the details of all foreigners under their employ as soon as possible – or face fines.

Other security measures will include: more thorough screening of foreigners entering and leaving the country, especially those on watch lists or exhibiting suspicious behavior; increased co-operation with local police departments in monitoring residences with foreigners in domicile, especially those with suspicious behavior; increased security in popular tourism and nightlife entertainment areas; and better co-ordination and information exchange among police and related agencies.

Col Chanatpol also asked the public to report any problems or useful information to Phuket Immigration on 076-212108.

Phuket Immigration Inspector for Investigation Suparerk Pankosol, who also attended the meeting, told the press that homeowners who fail to inform Immigration of foreigners staying in their homes – either as guests or under rental agreements – face fines not exceeding 2,000 baht.

Owners of hotels, guesthouses and other commercial accommodation establishments who fail to report guests are subject to fines ranging from 2,000 baht to 10,000 baht, he said.

Phuket Immigration's webmaster, Bunta Lapet, told the media that such registration could be conducted quickly and easily on line by using the site's "Phuket Immigration Enterprise" webpage.


-- Phuket Gazette 2009-06-23

SO does this mean when I go to Phuket for the day and enter a Short Time hotel  They will report me... :D so much for the black curtain.  Do they have to take pictures as well :) OOPS!

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Does this mean a crack down on work permits? 90% of the English teachers in Thailand's schools are working without a permit as it's nigh on impossible to get a permit for teaching unless you have a degree and those with degrees want more money than they pay in Thailand.

On the other hand it's easy to get a work permit if you want to hassle tourists selling time share.

What goes on with the whole work permit system? It's a mess and if they crack down on permits they wont have enough English teachers for the schools.

Is this just fancy talk or can we expect immigration officers to be swooping on the schools?

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Don't the Thais have the right to ensure those who come into and stay in the country are ligitimate? Many countries in the world have registration systems to provide information on who is living where and for how long. What's the problem?

It's no hardship for the foreigner, it's the guesthouse or hotel that has to provide the info and like i say many other countries do the same.

Well said! While I do not approve of the general global trend towards more governmental control of individuals and the curtailing of individual liberties, I still do not see a big problem with this. It is no different from when I last visited Europe, and is arguably less invasive than U.S. government attempts to have U.S. universities monitor the movements of foreign students on their campuses.

It's simply not that big a deal. And I hope the government makes it as smooth and easy as possible to avoid checkin delays which would cause annoyance, and to reduce the cost impact on the businesses involved.


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In Phuket they introduced last year an online system for hotels and guesthouses to report the details of each guest who stayed at the hotel. This did not replace the existing hard-copy system, but (presumably) meant that the Immigration office did not need to process the hard-copy reports, but could simply search the online reporting database if needed.

I used to complete these online reports each day at my (ex) guesthouse in Phuket. For my small guesthouse, it would take about 1 hour each day to complete the online details for all guests. Think how much time/resource is required by the 200+ room hotels....

Note that the reporting system also requires the reporting of Thai nationals who stay at the hotel. It doesn't just apply to foreigners.


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Immigration want to see passports and ID they should return to their periodic raids near Sukhumvit Road between Soi 3 and Soi 5. They actually sell passports in the area and many of the residents have more than one identity. Drug dealing is rampant there too. A perfect place for the Rohingyas terrorists to hang out. I'm just saying...

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If Thailand has problems, and Thailand wishes to address them in certain ways.

I think it is fair to let them.

All countries that I know of, is trying to keep track of

their foreigners..


Really ?? name any modern / first world country that has to report foriegners details checking into a hotel ??

Mmmmm Italy, France, Greece, Germany, China, Russia, UAE to name but a few...........Probably lots more.

My ! Aren't you the well experienced tourist!

Edited by Phatcharanan
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Why not just tattoo a number on the arm's of all foreigners to keep track of them .... I can't believe this .... :)

Don't the Thais have the right to ensure those who come into and stay in the country are ligitimate? Many countries in the world have registration systems to provide information on who is living where and for how long. What's the problem?

It's no hardship for the foreigner, it's the guesthouse or hotel that has to provide the info and like i say many other countries do the same.

With the security situation in Thailand and the world the way it is ithink it's well over due!



HEY MISTER PANIC-PERSON (and you're obviously not the only oe on this litle forum !) : Why don;t you slow down and relize a few things:

1. We ARE all guests in this brilliant country

2. Last time in Pattaya, no measures (security) to speak of, were taken and look what happened there

3. Whenever you write your comments; PRETEND hat some Thai people are reading this forum too . . . . .

"Yellow-Stars" and "Tatoo'd Numbers-on-arms", what a bunch of super rude and extremely infantile suggestions; certainly show the level of thought some of these people are (only) capable of.

Just because a web-site forum is a "printed" media, doesn't mean that you can just write anything (like the super-insults which appeared here), only morons of epic proportions do this; I just bet your mouths aren't half as big, when it comes to person-to-person communications.

Let's all behave ourselves.

BTW; this system of ospitality Industry reporting excists in many other civilized countries; maybe check out your own country, before criticizing the one you have chosen to live in ?

Have you ever considered that we are all citizens of the same planet? Why do you want me to stay where I was born, or otherwise i have no human rights, are just a guest at the mercy of the ones born there? What a stone age concept of living! Hey, get out of my cave, I was born here, but not you!

We have a global economy, like it or not, we face global problems, affecting all of us, no place to hide. But still, here is a line, so many lines all over the globe, cross it and you are a suspicious alien! C'mon, wake up guys, and develop!

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