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How can I be sure, when I meet afriendly lady in a bar/club/go-go/disco etc. that she is a lady and not a bloke? I can't exactly grope his/her genitals and they have good breasts and pretty faces and I have had many lagers.....

I have a pal who picked up a lady who turned out to be a bloke and she turned off the lights and said she was shy and they did many 'acts' and in the morning he nearly died of shock.

I will keep the lighyt on but, I am scared a ladyman might give me a 'you know what' and then I might 'you-know-what' in her 'you-know-what', when I am drunk...

Please help here, I need some wise words.....

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If you are in Pattaya and you think that you have the prettiest one in the bar, then you can be sure you've got yourself a ladyboy.   :o


Lady boys are usually taller than their female counterparts.

Their hands are bigger.

Their heads are bigger.

Thay have an adams apple.

They have deeper voices.

They have poofter mannerisms. This is the easiest way to pick them in a crowd. Limp wristed and always running their fingers through their hair or flicking their hair. Pure vanity at it's worst.

As has already been pointed out to you, they are prettier than females, their skin texture is almost flawless.

They are forever looking at their own reflection in a mirror or as they pass shop windows.

If you aim a camera at them, they always will pose, whereas bar girls usually hide.

If you wake up in the morning with a sore bum you have probably picked up a lady boy who is still well hung and not yet had the operation.

If your partner wakes up in the morning, borrows your razor and shaves with you, she is probably waiting for her hormone tablets to take effect.




Actually they dress more sexy then generic females. The Thailand Katoey or Ladyboys maybe have many different configurations. Got mammary implants on chest or no, got SRS, the sex reassignment surgery or no. If no surgery just ask her to drop her mini skirt and check. The Adams apple may be shaved, she might not need to shave facial hair may be all gone by electrolysis or laser treatments. Check size of hands and feet, larger if male. Her voice may be female, because she has learned to change the pitch or had surgery on the throat for voice change. If she has a really nice butt, check for butt augmentation surgery. She may only want to do you oral because the SRS surgery is cheap and only for show, no actual penetration possible 1/2 inch tops, just a nice looking bush nothing more or she may have had great SRS and has a depth of 9 inches. Do not get her mad, she may knock your butt, be kind. But if she is a good one, you will never know, many pass 100 percent, without being read or clocked. If you can read her, she has not done a complete transformation yet, the hormones have not kicked in. Check her ID, if male name you know. They cannot change their names to female, even after SRS in Thailand. Unless your completely homophobic, what is the problem? By all standards she is a woman, they are ladies sometimes in male bodies, how well they have transformed usually determines how comfortable you may feel with her. Personally if all you want is oral and she looks like a duck and quacks like one, who cares.



Hey, ain't you supposed to be dead Syd? Or at the very least an O.Ded veg somewhere in Cambridge? What happened mate? P'raps a comeback tour in LOS is on the cards? Cool! You were the original, much misunderstood and maligned heart of Floyd. But please don't go and screw up again in some dim bar in 'kok. Your fans are waiting for a sequel to Opal. "I know a girl, she's as cute as a squirrel's nut, really think she's got the lot..............." (or som'at like that).

PS The giveaway is when they want to follow you into the Gents.


There is a Belgian on my block who has been shacked up with a ladyman for three months. He boasts that he/she is the best **** he has ever had. He maintains that he is 'straight' yet has a kathoey boy/girlfriend. I would not repeat the things that he does, but even I was shocked!

Syd, don't worry my son, keep the lights on and if she has a three piece suit, politely show him/her the door. I doubt that will happen though, because you will probably be 'tipped-off' before you leave the bar. Besides, most of the ladyman bars are in fact ladyman bars.

They seem very popular with French/Belgian/Scandanavians.

My theory is that they just want to try something 'New', even though they are 'straight'.

It's not my cup of tea, but I would like to hear of members experiences with a ladyman, I always like to keep a broad mind on such matters.

Please help here, I need some wise words.....

syd, you are really attracted to them, admit it, it's becoming an obsession...

Don't be afraid, stop using cucumbers, use the real thing!


If no surgery just ask her to drop her mini skirt and check
Just ask? C'mon.
If she has a really nice butt, check for butt augmentation surgery

Hmm. How? Just ask or 'demand' she shows you her butt. Bud, I think you're going to get a kick in the balls from one of these girls if you demand this. Good luck!

How to spot one. They tend to over-exaggerate female 'sexy' moves - like swaying their butt when they walk.They also gesticulate wildly, with limp wrists. Once you've seen one you'll understand. Oh, they screech like a parrot when they laugh too.


Try the big bad wolf test:

1. My darling wot big hands you've got....

2. My darling wot big feet you have........

3. My darling wot a big D**k you have !!!

Personally I follow these rules and hope for the best:

Never trust a mates judgement, ever ! They could be takin the P*ss.

If she's taller, has bigger hands or feet than u, dont go there!

If it's in a bar, have a good luck at the adams apple, let other bar girls no ur looking they'll let on to the katoey who'll become very interested in u because ur trying 2 figure it out they know they're in with a chance.

Don't trust wot the other ladies tell u, theyre gonna say its

a lady.

Don't have another beer while you try to resolve ur problem it will ensure the wrong decision is made!

If it has nice breasts leave well alone.

If it sways its hips when it walks, run a mile! (If it catches u it's definetly a bloke an a bloody good runner at that!)

If in doubt, opt out !

PS> Never take a photo of the occasion to show to ur mates back home, one of my mates did an he was convinced she was well fit - we thought otherwise ??hmm??  ???


We shouldnt become too paranoid about ladymen though......

Once I hired a waitress who was a bit broad in the shoulders, had smallish breasts and had a voice which voice was kinda deep.

To my dismay, soon afterwards the rumour began to fly around town that Keestha had adopted the dubious practice of employing ladymen. This girl only worked in my place briefly though, after one month she quit because she was getting married, and soon afterwards she became pregnant.

Some of my  fondest memories of Thailand have to do with ladymen, and mind you I am not talking about between the sheets type of memories.

As a newbie to Thailand once I went to a discotheque, and not being in the mood for socializing or dancing , I just sat alone with my drink somewhere in a corner, observing the people. Soon my attention was drawn by a group of three amazingly beautiful women, who were having an extremely animated discussion, making exaggerated gestures.  Only very slowly it started dawning upon me that they werent real women, their appearance and their behaviour were just too exaggeratedly feminine.

On another occasion I was sitting in a Koh Samui bar chatting with a waitress, when all of a sudden a tourist came in with a lady who was so strikingly beautiful that I couldnt help observing her continuously, once they had settled down not far from me. Only after a while I started realizing that this lady was looking just too perfect to be true, also she was checking her hair and so on every 2 minutes in a small mirror she kept in her handbag. When she went to the toilet I used the occasion to ask the waitress I was chatting with if this lady maybe was a katoey......and yes, she was.

Quite a few times when I had visitors from Europe, I had fun pointing out real cuties to them, and then telling them afterwards they had been looking at (ex)men. Sometimes the ladymen are looking so perfectly feminine though, and also their behaviour seems so natural, that I am sure that up to the present day, after 11 years in Thailand, that occasionally still I cannot tell them fom born women.

Spit, don't swallow, take some lubrication and a halogen torch!

I think this is the boards first "chonabotism".    :o

How can I be sure, when I meet afriendly lady in a bar/club/go-go/disco etc. that she is a lady and not a bloke? I can't exactly grope his/her genitals and they have good breasts and pretty faces and I have had many lagers.....

I have a pal who picked up a lady who turned out to be a bloke and she turned off the lights and said she was shy and they did many 'acts' and in the morning he nearly died of shock.

I will keep the lighyt on but, I am scared a ladyman might give me a 'you know what' and then I might 'you-know-what' in her 'you-know-what', when I am drunk...

Please help here, I need some wise words.....

Make sure he is cut and you will have the time of your life  :o

They seem very popular with French/Belgian/Scandanavians.

My theory is that they just want to try something 'New', even though they are 'straight'.

More like Japanese, Chinese and clueless american GIs looking for cheap sex.

I always enjoy watching the scene when a ladyboy book a farang who think he got the best deal of the night.  :o

Priceless  :D

How to spot one. They tend to over-exaggerate female 'sexy' moves - like swaying their butt when they walk.They also gesticulate wildly, with limp wrists. Once you've seen one you'll understand. Oh, they screech like a parrot when they laugh too.

no way man. Obviously you have never met a "real" one, the one that is so like a women that you can't tell unless you do a full inspection. I have seen a few like this in Pattaya and Patpong and they are unbelievable. Very low profile and still sexy. You can tell something is wrong when you have the "eye" but usually you won't even notice.

Hey, maybe you even booked one once but you never knew it :o


Hey, maybe you even booked one once but you never knew it

My first ever trip to Patpong, few years back and I saw a very beautiful 'girl' on the stage. She noticed me looking at her and came over. When she said, ' Sawatdee Kha' in a voice deeper than mine, I realised I had a guy on my knee.

I had a friend that was caught out. Back at the hotel room, he noticed she wasn't quite right down there, said it 'looked like an open sore'.

Maybe they're real good, I can't tell you this as I've never tried.



Try attending the "Ladyboy" shows, look and study, learned from your Thai girl, you and her go out practice identifying them and have her tell you what percentage of the time you have read or clocked them correctly. Many of these Asian transsexuals are much more difficult to ID then their Western counterparts. Some men prefer them over generic females {G-Girls} the Thai or other transsexuals are called {T-Girls} meaning transsexual. Thailand is the capital of the world for GRS, Gender Reassignment Surgery, so often you will see Western Transsexuals in country for <deleted>, Facial Feminization Surgery or GRS, Gender Reassignment Surgery, check out the 7th floor of the Nursing Home Hospital or Yan Hee, they are all over the place, but most of the Western T-Girls just have surgery and leave. The Nana, Cowboy, all red light areas alike support the Thai Ladyboys, they seem unable to find professional career employment in Thailand even if they have a college degree, most must settle for bar girl, small shop sales or owner, waitress, nothing all that impressive career wise. Some go to the West for rights or an honest career they cannot have in Thailand. Some taxi drivers will not even allow them in their cab.

But if you prefer the generic ladies and are afraid of making a mistake, I think most of these ladies are actually generic ladies ... this site is free, make contact via email ....


One positive way is her ID, you see even if she has had the GRS surgery, in Thailand her ID will still say male. So if you can read Thai and you get to see the ID you know for sure.



They can't change their ID card gender BUT many of them carry their female siblings ID cards.   A lot of these photos, as you may have seen are school days photos, so it's a bit "off" anyway.    

I'd say I've seen ladyboy preferences more common in non Brit western Europeans and Scandinavians.    Americans, especially military seem to be the type to wig out on a homophobic note most often.  

Economically speaking, it's a great way for Thais to get pawn off even more useless 'members'  (pun) of our society on foreigners.  


The Nana, Cowboy, all red light areas alike support the Thai Ladyboys, they seem unable to find professional career employment in Thailand even if they have a college degree, most must settle for bar girl, small shop sales or owner, waitress, nothing all that impressive career wise. Some go to the West for rights or an honest career they cannot have in Thailand. Some taxi drivers will not even allow them in their cab.

Not sure this is correct Bud.  I would argue that ladyboys in Thailand face far less discrimination here in Thailand than they do in most Western nations, where the discrimination in the norm and they must fear the threat of hate crimes constantly.

As far as career, I have seen many ladyboys at Chulalongkorn (arguably the most prestigious university in Thailand) both in the student body and as faculty members - so in acadmics at least they get a shot.  As far as business careers, I have been told they face a very similar "glass ceiling" as women face, getting promoted past a certain point is near impossible with out being a member of the "old boys club."



To foolwholaughsatdeath,

I agree they do not face as many hate crimes in Thailand as in other parts of the world. But there are pluses and minuses of each country, in America they can change their names legally, even change gener on the birth certificate and all other Id after GRS, get married legally. None of that is possible in Thailand. In America social approval is very low, employment is determined by whether they pass as female or not. Actually I think one transsexual dies .. is actually killed each 24 hours world wide, per day. Many were murdered in American, some even killed by police in some South American countries. Most of these I believer were working in the entertainment industry where the John found out they were preoperative and had something different between their legs. Transsexuals in America are about one in every three thousand people. In Thailand they are very common, maybe one in every seven hundred, do not quote me on the numbers. Thailand became the transsexual capital of the world because their doctors became very experienced transforming their own Thai males into women, not much vice versa they cannot make a functional male organ, but the vaginas function for real with orgasms, children not possible and no periods. Thus, the word got out about Thailand, inexpensive, experienced doctors who can do a great job on GRS. Someone said they do about 100 GRS surgeries male to females daily including all hospitals within Bangkok, with patients coming in daily from around the world.

I have a friend in America who did a transformation, actually she no more a he is very well shown, but not my type. The Asian "Ladyboy"? It is possible I never knew.




I think you're right about having more legal rights such as name change and such.  But a lot of things are legal but just not tolerated in Smalltown, America.  I think overall that Thai's are more socially accepting of Ladyboys than Americans.  Also, I believe one can come to a hospital in Thailand and get the surjury performed right away.. I don't know exactly, but I think that in the US it is a much more difficult process including lengthy psychological examinations over a period of time, before the permission was granted.  Thus, a lot of TG's got butchtered by whack doctors accross the border in Mexico, doing quick fix surgery.



Actually I checked, your right, America requires them 1 year dressed and living as a woman, real life experience, before GRS, with a referral from a Psychiatrist, before any US Doctor can operate. Oh, my ex-wife was a Dr. who did some GID work. Gender Identity Disorder counseling, so I heard all the stories, from her and from a person we knew who did a transformation.

I think my ex-wife mentioned the doctors charge $15,000 or more stateside. They must follow requirements as stated in Harry Benjamin, a set of International Guidelines. However, in Thailand the only requirement is that the person be over the age of 18, they figure at that age the person is an adult and can decided on their own. A year ago a person who talked with my ex-wife did GRS in Thailand paid between $3,000 to $6,000, I know the person used someone at the Nursing Home Hospital. I understand not all Thai doctors are reliable, the ones in clinics sometimes think more about money then quality work. However, I was told the Thai Hospitals do the best work and have the best follow up.

Like any plastic surgery in the USA it is highly overpriced and sometimes the quality is not there.  Actually many normal gender orientated women and men not associated with the transgender community have their plastic surgery done in Thailand. The Thai Hospitals are top notch, many doctors trained in Western countries, great technology within the hospitals, and the prices are about 60% cheaper. Anyone seeking any kind of plastic work, i.e., face lift of nose job should highly consider Thailand.


Do you own that rent-a-thaigirl kraut site Bud ? Three times you have posted the URL in a couple of days. You are an enigmatic person Bud. You are emailing chicks online and not taking your own advice. Hmmmm


Dr. P.P. great to hear from you,

I am not a real puzzling person, nor do I drop many hints.

Just thought maybe a few gents could use the email opportunities. As for myself, I think I have found someone, she did come from an email site but not the German one. What is puzzling is sometimes finding out if your lady really is a lady. I think that the fact that most of the ladies on that German/English site have children, and the fact that a "Ladyboy" cannot kind of puts some of these guys at ease. I am a humble male. Not very puzzling, nor am I hinting anything, I still have my equipment.

"One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble"



Very interesting topic of Thai lady boys.  The asian ones beat the american ones by a whole nine yards.  I have met a few of these in Bangkok, and believe me their looks can beat the genuine girls, and they are picky as heck.  Also by the way, many of the thailand genuine girls dislike these ladyboys and even more so to the transgenders who did the chop chop.  Reason is the genuine girls are in fact threatened to competition.

I met one at the airport on one of my trips there and her name was Som.  She passed every bit as a woman, body wise and trust me she was so good it did surprise me.

But however no matter how much they try, there is no way even a transexual can be like a real girl.  Genuine females have certain characteristics about being a woman, and I am not talking about physical aspects.  I am talking about character of who they are etc.  To be like this one has to have years of being a woman, doing all the woman things, the upbringing, the thoughts, the way they see things and so on.  It is ingrained into them from the very early years of their life.  So the bottom line is once born a man you will die as a man.  Men are men, women are women.

Also you cannot do voice surgery and if you do, you just about committed suicide on your voice box.  One mistake and bye bye on speaking.  If you do succeed, it is only temporary and once the stretched vocal cords return to normal, they relax and presto back to male voice.   Therefore many of these transexuals never opt for such surgery and they do hate to lose their voice for good.

Another deadly factor in this deal is those hormones being estrogen. A mix of estrogen and progestrone gives the tits a more rounder natural look rather than a snoopy look.  Most of these so called want to be females have snoopy tits.  Also After doing it for just so long getting the injections, they run the risk of cancer 100 fold, and also are very good primed candidates for a good heart attack.  Estrogen causes blood clots and the danger is so acute, even doctors will not recommend it to genuine females who want them during menapause.  And if they have the breast enhancments done, they have but all destroyed their chest permanently, and silicon can get nasty to the body if it leaks.  Best case for it to last is only like 7 to 9 years if well taken care of, but in most cases it lasts just around 4 to 5 years.

The requirement as one mentioned is a lot of B/S.  If you know the right people you can get it done without having to go thru the channels.  Cost wise all this is very expensive, and employment wise it is very hard and the money is not the same earned wise as males get.  So if they do this, it is a lot to give up.

If you not understand what is involved, try being a female for a month as a cross dresser if possible.  You will find out it is not easy being a woman.

One other thing even the best of T/S that is around, they cannot even pass as a woman around kids or teenagers.  They can pick you out of a crowd like a radar beacon.  These genuine girls know all the signs of being a woman, and they can spot one of these T/S very quickly.  A woman can tell the difference so fast even I cannot see how they do it, but I have witnessed it myself and seen it myself.

Don't ask me how come I know so much on this subject.  It is a long story and the places where I have been I did a lot of asking of questions and inquiries into their lifestyle for the sake of knowledge, even to Doctors if I come across some that do such surgery.  It is better to ask rather than not to know, cause one never can tell when this information can be handy some day.

So I guess this is one of those times.  Hehehehehehe.





Dave Yo you have a lot of good insight about Westernized transsexuals .. if you do not mind I would like to add ..

What you need to know about katoeys in Bangkok.

Any *real sexy* glammed-up mini-dressed howlingly sexy women are probably male... but the chances are that you may never know as they come in 3 flavors (believe me!!!)

Ladyboy. No op at the top or bottom

Top op. Tits (brilliant ones usually!) and a tool.

Full op. Top and bottom.

Ladyboys are the same as boys or ladies.... EXCEPT that everything is intensified... I mean... what hopes and expectations do YOU have? What do THEY have? Marry? Kids? Family and future? They cling to affection, and are loving and faithful (well, mostly!) at the show of it, and sensitive and over-reactive at the lack of it. The quickest way to get a black eye in BKK is to take the favor out of a katoey. If not a black eye, then beer all down you and a LOT of shouting!

Stay graceful! If one throws him/herself all over you... don't be disdainful or mocking. No matter how homophobic a person is, unless they're an utter jerk, there is room for a gentle, smiling denial. Don't degrade yourself by being afraid or dismissive. They're people... much as you or I... that is, unless YOU'RE an moron, in which case I'll be dismissive and mocking of you.

I'd always heard they were vicious and would beat the crap out of you, but this is not true. They can have definite mood swings and because of that can be vicious, I suppose. If you are up & up with them & treat them nice then you will not get the 'crap beat out of you'.

So how do I recognize katoeys?

Of course it is considered indelicate going up to a girl and asking... "Oi, you! You a katoey or what?" So how do you find out then? The only reliable way (and its not consistently reliable) is to grope them a bit BEFORE you're committed. If they are coy about it... katoey. There again, have you ever known a bargirl to be COY? Not shy or modest... but under the table, out of sight, when no one's looking sort-of-coy?

Of course this is assuming that they still have their equipment intact! I have seen katoeys dancing on a bar bottomless and guys are eating their "hearts out". How are you going to tell by groping?

If you pay attention, big hands, big feet, Adam's apple, sort of falsetto voice and a cutesy name "Melanie, Tiffany, etc." you will be able to spot them. I have an advantage in as much as I like really petite girls... very few katoeys under 5' tall. On one of my earliest visits to BKK, my sweetie of the moment was professionally offended when I failed to detect a mixed gender dancer... She dragged me around the rest of the night saying: "This one, man, woman?" until my successful ID rate went from the initial 10% up to 80% or so. Once you get the hang of it, it's fairly easy to tell. After a couple more years in the scene, for the last 20% or so (the ones that it would take a DNA test to tell), I finally decided- "who cares". If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck (and gives great, well you know), then it must be a "girl".


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