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The Most Boring Jobs In Los


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Some jobs owned by Thais which left me baffled! I'm sure they work long shifts (like 8-12 hours)?!

1. The whistle guy in car park lots (and tipping is not required!)

2. The girl in Phuket airport punching holes on the airport tax slips

3. The guy in 'security' booth raising and lowering car barriers

4. The guy who opens door when you walk into Central/ or any big shopping malls(automatic doors?)

I'll rake my brains a bit more :o

Do you have any to add on?

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The unlucky guy who has to count Thaksin's profit money every day:

"100,000... 200,000... 300,000... 400,000... 500,000... 600,000... 700,000... 800,000... 900,000... a million... a million 100,000... a million 200,000... a million 300,000"... and on and on and on and on and on... what a dreadfully, unending job.

Edited by sriracha john
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Not quite in the same category I guess but my personal peeve / subject of cynical amusement are the Security Guards in my Village here in Thailand - and other Villages, Office Complexes etc. too of course.

If the car entering does not have a "sticker" they officiously require that you surrender I.D. of some sort in exchange for a "Pass", and on exit the reverse exchange is made.

It all looks very secure until you realise that absolutely no record is kept of who enters and when, and no check is made of who or what is in the car - there could be 3 bodies in the boot but you are still passed through the checkpoint.


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What about the security guards at Big C or Tesco. Handing out those tickets. I don't really see the point , as Mr. Brownstone said, the security is terrible. If I wanted to nick a car, I would drive in an old banger and pick up a ticket, then use my ticket when I drove out in a jaguar. Maybe there is another reason.

The women in the coupon plce in food halls in Central etc, what a bore.

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The ones at my condo do keep records of all vehicles coming in and out.   



But still?! Sitting in a 1m sq booth for like, what, 8-12 hours a day, in long-sleeved polyester uniform, writing down car numbers? :D

Thats much better than the job at the airport parking where the guy only has to pull the ticket from the machine and hand it over to you. :o

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Not boring, but being a traffic copper never used to be much fun, by the sound of things. From way back in 1998:


Tuesday October 27 10:13 AM EDT

BANGKOK, (Reuters) - A policeman directing Bangkok's notorious traffic pulled out his revolver and shot himself dead during the morning-rush hour Tuesday.

A police spokesman said he believed the stress of the job had pushed 34-year-old Corporal Nopadol Thechawandee to take his life on the main road in front Bangkok's International Airport.

Two officers on duty nearby said Nopadol had said earlier that he wanted to die but they did not think he was serious about killing himself.

Research by Thailand's Public Health Ministry has shown Bangkok's traffic to be a major cause of stress for both motorists and traffic policemen.

Wonder if the "perks" have gone up since then...?

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The ones at my condo do keep records of all vehicles coming in and out.   



But still?! Sitting in a 1m sq booth for like, what, 8-12 hours a day, in long-sleeved polyester uniform, writing down car numbers? :o

Oh, I don't deny it looks boring, but they do serve as a minor deterrent (say, compared to neighborhoods where the guards don't write down tag numbers, change shifts every few hours, etc.) against evil doers. If you hire Guardfire, Chubb, PCS, etc. security, they are more detailed in their job duties as opposed to the regular Somchai Schmoe guards at no name apartments and neighborhoods.


Edited by Heng
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i guess you guys never did menial stuff like this; once a month i have to sit for 4 hours in a little booth at the kibbutz gate and check cars and people going out and coming in; and someone between jobs does that during the day full time even if he has a doctor's degree or cant read...boring as s*** cause any terrorists are not going to come in the front gate; the worst is the nite duty which is 6 hours of sitting in alittle booth and doing the same thing, and every body does it... there is one button for out going cars, one button for ingoing cars and a third button thay lifts both so the busses can go thru...twice out of sheer boredom i didnt pay attention andi pressed the button to lower the 'arm' on top of a car...and when people are really really bored they have their kids sit with them and let them press the three buttons....this is why i tell my kids they have to go to college, so they dont do this for a living....

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Teaching English all day long to a bunch of unruly, racist brats.  But the good ones save your sanity.

Kat, my dear - you really don't need to introduce "racism" into every Post you answer!



"Racist" & "Racism" are the new catch phrases out there these days.

You don't like someone - call 'em a racist.

...not starting anything here, Kat. :D

No disrespect intended...jing jing :o

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Yes, the term "racism" is a new catchword, when it's compared to how long racism has actually been around.

And I don't use "isms" like the latest catchphrases. I can draw upon a much wider lexicon to communicate my distaste for someone :o

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