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Todays Nation 25th Of June


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Usually I don't read the nation because its a piece of poo, which was further demonstrated today when I got to the opinion section.

Basically I am wondering who else saw this, understands what they are trying to poke 'fun?' at and found it deeply disturbing.

If you haven't seen the video I will post it below, but I warn you it is very saddening, but also very powerful and relevant for the current situation in Iran.

Now let me explain the cartoon or attempt to as best as possible. For those who have seen the video you should be able to get a clear idea in your head.

Basically it is the picture of her laying in the street with the 4 men around her and blood coming from her mouth like in the video. The "youtube" logo has been changed to "youdie" and there is a caption "NEDA!!!" in the center of it. The man screaming her name in the video is her father, at first he is freaking out not knowing how to save her, then he basically is trying to keep her from being scared in her last seconds... How can anyone think that is funny to change those 2 small details and draw this cartoon? Is it meant to be a joke, or just strange for people to look at. There is no elaboration or comment in any form on the actual situation, its just as if the artist has seen the video realized it has millions of hits really quickly and thought it would be funny and recognizable without even knowing where it originated.

I am wondering if anyone else saw this and found it disturbing, or perhaps just didn't know what the cartoon was of. If you do care to watch the video and you have seen it, please think "how was that cartoon funny or really anything about the story?"

Just got back to lunch and I had to share that, it disturbed me terribly.

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If the cartoon was in the political section, it was not meant to be funny at all, but serious. Political cartoons are sometimes funny, sometimes sad, and sometimes serious but in this case I think the cartoon is making some sort of statement in support. Can you scan it and show me? Otherwise I wouldn't know, but I'd guess you're misinterpreting it.

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I actually emailed Stephff apparently the point or the funny of this cartoon was the fact it had 5 stars. She didn't appreciate my comment either and suggested I read a Buddhism book which i found hilarious... So simply I replied with the basic definition is cartoonist and how she wasn't successfully cartooning at all. Plus suggested cartooning for dummies for her 'kind turn' in suggesting a good read for my personal development.

What a dumb.. dumb cow, she didn't spell half the words correctly in her responses to me either. But I guess I should just expect that from anyone affiliated with The Nation 555.

Sorry I cant find the cartoon online, only saw it in the paper at lunch.

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I actually emailed Stephff apparently the point or the funny of this cartoon was the fact it had 5 stars. She didn't appreciate my comment either and suggested I read a Buddhism book which i found hilarious... So simply I replied with the basic definition is cartoonist and how she wasn't successfully cartooning at all. Plus suggested cartooning for dummies for her 'kind turn' in suggesting a good read for my personal development.

What a dumb.. dumb cow, she didn't spell half the words correctly in her responses to me either. But I guess I should just expect that from anyone affiliated with The Nation 555.

Sorry I cant find the cartoon online, only saw it in the paper at lunch.

Stephff is a guy and a non-native English speaker.

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Taken by phone camera, I think the Nation has decided not to show it on their net edition

I guess the idea is the high rating that attracts someone's death.

Thanks for posting. I don't take it as an attempt to be humorous. I view it as a non-verbal commentary on the state of violence in Iran and also the ready access to international events previously only available through main-stream media are now widely available and rapidly disseminated through websites like YouTube.

There is also an overtone of the darkside of YouTube in that one can watch a violent death on the site, but a bikini-shot deemed too risque gets deleted. Inconsistencies abound, but that's to be expected in a burgeoning new form of information presentation.

This is, of course, all IMHO.

Edited by sriracha john
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IMO the cartoon is meant to contrast the crassness of a five-star rating on YouTube with the gravity of a video of a person losing her life. We're more used to YouTube being for things like Susan Boyle videos, not something this serious. Perhaps too it could be taken to mean how trivial what gets our attention is in the west compared to something like this.

It's more social comment than humour and I think, in its way, it works. Not all cartoons need to be funny. The best ones are often the darkest.

I certainly don't think Stephff was out of line with this one, and The Nation no don't didn't put it online not out of editorial choice, but because their website doesn't even get the attention given to this discussion thread.

Taken by phone camera, I think the Nation has decided not to show it on their net edition

I guess the idea is the high rating that attracts someone's death.

Thanks for posting. I don't take it as an attempt to be humorous. I view it as a non-verbal commentary on the state of violence in Iran and also the ready access to international events previously only available through main-stream media are now widely available and rapidly disseminated through websites like YouTube.

There is also an overtone of the darkside of YouTube in that one can watch a violent death on the site, but a bikini-shot deemed too risque gets deleted. Inconsistencies abound, but that's to be expected in a burgeoning new form of information presentation.

This is, of course, all IMHO.

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It was in the opinions section, but unless you have seen that video it makes absolutely no sense. If you have it doesn't seem to be funny and if its not attempting to be funny why change the 'youtube' to 'youdie' I get it we are watching it actually happen, and yes its a change in the way we exchange information but I simply didn't think this was in good taste at all, and didn't make much of a point.

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the cartoon is pretty stupid. i guess its just saying that youtube is profiting from her death and people rate the video highly because they are happy to watch such a thing... not much commentary really. kind of like what youd expect out of an unoriginal high school kid trying to show people that he is smart.

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I actually emailed Stephff apparently the point or the funny of this cartoon was the fact it had 5 stars. She didn't appreciate my comment either and suggested I read a Buddhism book which i found hilarious... So simply I replied with the basic definition is cartoonist and how she wasn't successfully cartooning at all. Plus suggested cartooning for dummies for her 'kind turn' in suggesting a good read for my personal development.

What a dumb.. dumb cow, she didn't spell half the words correctly in her responses to me either. But I guess I should just expect that from anyone affiliated with The Nation 555.

Sorry I cant find the cartoon online, only saw it in the paper at lunch.

Stephff is a guy and a non-native English speaker.

Spot on. A very nice guy too.

Stephff's cartoon slot is probably the best thing left at The Nation. As for 'dumb', Stephff's got his own successful business made from scratch here in LOS

Edited by Stephen Cleary
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I think you are getting mixed up between comics and cartoons.

Comics (like Garfield) are usually meant to be funny. Cartoons (like this) are more often intended to be either serious or satirical responses to current affairs. Stephff's work often appears to lean towards the serious. I interpret the cartoon as a powerful comment on the kind of society we have become, where people can callously watch uncensored footage of a girl dying in her father's arms and then assign a five-star rating as though watching a movie.

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I think the cartoon is a strong commentary on the human condition in regards to the blood lust which even high tech civilization has not taken away. We are still the barbarians of old no matter how many I-phone apps we have loaded.

I can see how the cartoon would have gone over many heads, If not for this thread I might have missed it too. the flaw is too little emphasis on the 5 star rating so the irony is wasted.

May the people of Iran overcome their oppressors.

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Agreed. Its commentary and its well done. Not offensive in the least. The murders by the Iranian government of their OWN people, now THAT is offensive. The fact is the Iranian dictator has shut off the media and the brave Iranians who are risking their lives to protest and to upload onto sites like youtube are the only way the world is learning about the horrors there.

May the people of Iran overcome their oppressors.



Edited by Jingthing
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There is at least one very sick and twisted mind opinionist in one of the two biggest english language newspaper, i can't remember which one, it was a young lady, i have no idea how a national newspaper can allow such a sick writing, i assume that the reason she's been put on the job are far from her professional or moral qualities...what can you do? TIT

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I wish I had not watched that link.

The girl in question, Neda [ who's name in farsi means 'the calling'] was a 27 year old music student with no real political feelings but, obviously, not happy about the stolen election, but who was stuck in a traffic jam and got out for a minute or 2--at this point the Baseej militia gunman took a pot shot at her--right in her heart/lung--she's now become a focal point for the oppostion in Iran--that country really deserves some compassionate leaders--I doubt whether it will get it though.

Sorry I didn't comment on the Stephh cartoon but the shooting of yet another innocent in Iran sidetracked me somewhat.

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What a dumb.. dumb cow,

You must be pretty dumb to misunderstand the whole point of the cartoon.

The artist obviously also disapproves of how people can enjoy watching such videos and is bringing light to the sick fact through satire.

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The OP obviously watched the video before he saw the cartoon. If he is disturbed so much by afterwards seeing a cartoon depiction, then what made him watch the video in the first place? Or is he disturbed that the cartoon cuts too close to the bone, in that he is responsible for one of the "hits" in Youtube?

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Media tries to make profits. So what?

As far as the video, yes, why not watch it, it is history and Neda is a martyr. Don't stop there, watch the countless videos of the brutal violence of the Iranian government, they don't want the world to see it, so by all means SEE IT. That is the least we can do. The protesters WANT the world to see this. They are indeed RISKING THEIR LIVES to get these images out, and you are too queasy to watch?

The regime there is lying about this as we speak ....

Pro-government media even suggested that Neda Agha Soltan, a young woman whose violent death on a Tehran street on Saturday shocked the world after it was captured on cellphone cameras, was shot from behind by an unspecified terrorist. Bystanders said she was shot in the chest by a Basij sniper.
Washington Post Edited by Jingthing
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Taken by phone camera, I think the Nation has decided not to show it on their net edition

I guess the idea is the high rating that attracts someone's death.

Pure brilliance! Sums up the public's disconnection with reality and numbness to human suffering.

Some cartoons aren't meant to be funny.

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I think you are getting mixed up between comics and cartoons.

Comics (like Garfield) are usually meant to be funny. Cartoons (like this) are more often intended to be either serious or satirical responses to current affairs. Stephff's work often appears to lean towards the serious. I interpret the cartoon as a powerful comment on the kind of society we have become, where people can callously watch uncensored footage of a girl dying in her father's arms and then assign a five-star rating as though watching a movie.

Yes, this is more succinct. Agreed. (Though I find the Garfield Versus Garfield comics funnier).

Good editorial cartoons provoke. And this does that. You can time it on your stopwatch how long it takes to have the Iranian Embassy write a letter to the editor with their usual propaganda nonsense.

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I think you are getting mixed up between comics and cartoons.

Comics (like Garfield) are usually meant to be funny. Cartoons (like this) are more often intended to be either serious or satirical responses to current affairs. Stephff's work often appears to lean towards the serious. I interpret the cartoon as a powerful comment on the kind of society we have become, where people can callously watch uncensored footage of a girl dying in her father's arms and then assign a five-star rating as though watching a movie.

Yes, this is more succinct. Agreed. (Though I find the Garfield Versus Garfield comics funnier).

Good editorial cartoons provoke. And this does that. You can time it on your stopwatch how long it takes to have the Iranian Embassy write a letter to the editor with their usual propaganda nonsense.

Good comment, the illustration is not a "cartoon" the message is clear. Follow Sharia law or pay the consequences. It is played out in food markets embassies and any establishment where innocent people gather. It is an act of cowards who cannot accept the fact that there are people who will not submit to their absolute religious authority.

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