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Tourist Population Swells With Injection Of American Seamen


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One downside, Americans are compulsary tippers, so no one should be surprised when workers at Phuket tourist venues get to expecting tips from all farang. It could get as bad as the States where, if you don't tip generously, you're treated like dirt by staff members - who feel genuinely jilted.

Blame the labor laws. People who receive tips are exempt from the minimum wage. Some are paid as little as £2 / hr.

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One downside, Americans are compulsary tippers, so no one should be surprised when workers at Phuket tourist venues get to expecting tips from all farang. It could get as bad as the States where, if you don't tip generously, you're treated like dirt by staff members - who feel genuinely jilted.

Blame the labor laws. People who receive tips are exempt from the minimum wage. Some are paid as little as £2 / hr.

No need to place blame anywhere, as these people make far more than a lacky on min wage. They understand that they are independent contractors, responsible for paying their own taxes and earning what they are worth in the eyes of the patrons they provide service to, having said this the social norm in the usa is 15% hence they have a measuring stick to assess their work via a monetary reward. imho if they were given a choice of working for a guarantee of 5 pounds per. hr. or working comission the good ones would all choose comission. hel_l that would be a good screening test for owners; offer waiters a choice of a 5 pound base or comission. I'de pick the ones who believed they would earn more on com.

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According to one of the crew members who spoke with the Gazette, taxi drivers are charging an extortionate 2,000 baht per trip – about 1,400 baht more than the price local expats would consider a reasonable fare.

Food and souvenir vendors near the dock at the deep sea port are also charging high prices for their wares. Small bottles of water that usually sell for about ten baht each in convenience stores are sold on the dockside for 20 baht each.

2,000 Baht for a taxi trip of about 1,400 Baht?

20 Baht for a bottle of water?

Sounds like somebody is being screwed up very hard by somebody.

An US Navy sailor being screwed by a Thai local.

Seems to me that the US Navy should do a better job on schooling for their crew.

Wonder how much the hookers and the ladyboys will be charging for a "short time".

5,000 Baht?

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USS New Orleans amphibious transport vessel with just over 1,000 crew members, about 10% of whom are female oficers.

When asked why Phuket was chosen as a port of call for all five ships, Mr Davies explained that Phuket was the destination of choice among crew members due to the island’s diverse options in entertainment. That sentiment was confirmed by other crew members who said that they always receive a warm welcome from the locals in Phuket.

Has anybody confirmed the above - or that in fact this vessels are men of war - oops, men and women of war.

So the ship's company decide where the ship goes? How very democratic. Where shall we go next lads? Tahiti sounds good, at least Fletcher Christian and his mates thought so. I'm now wondering what American admirals and their staffs do for a living?

Does this new freedom extend to the US army? If so, how long before they up sticks from Afghanistan and Iraq and poodle off somewhere more amenable? Barbados is good.

I'm also wondering what advantage is gained by making a ship appear smaller. If a missile can hit a fast moving aircraft 20 or 30 miles away ......................

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Or could it be :

Tourist population swells with injection of American semen

USS New Orleans in Phuket


Can't believe I needed this to figure out the title... injection and swelling was pretty good already but yeah... the topic title is a classic :D

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So the ship's company decide where the ship goes? How very democratic. Where shall we go next lads? Tahiti sounds good, at least Fletcher Christian and his mates thought so. I'm now wondering what American admirals and their staffs do for a living?

Does this new freedom extend to the US army? If so, how long before they up sticks from Afghanistan and Iraq and poodle off somewhere more amenable? Barbados is good.

I'd imagine it's in the best interest of everybody if the boys go where they have the most fun. Come on, Phuket or Penang, it's not that hard... or, rather, it is... :)

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taxi drivers are charging an extortionate 2,000 baht per trip – about 1,400 baht more

this makes my blood boil talk about taking the piss! ok a couple of 100 baht more maybe, but 1400 more! some one should let these guys know and hopefully a couple of pissed marines will turn the gun torrents on the taxi line and do us all a favour!!

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USS New Orleans amphibious transport vessel with just over 1,000 crew members, about 10% of whom are female oficers.

When asked why Phuket was chosen as a port of call for all five ships, Mr Davies explained that Phuket was the destination of choice among crew members due to the island’s diverse options in entertainment. That sentiment was confirmed by other crew members who said that they always receive a warm welcome from the locals in Phuket.

Has anybody confirmed the above - or that in fact this vessels are men of war - oops, men and women of war.

So the ship's company decide where the ship goes? How very democratic. Where shall we go next lads? Tahiti sounds good, at least Fletcher Christian and his mates thought so. I'm now wondering what American admirals and their staffs do for a living?

Does this new freedom extend to the US army? If so, how long before they up sticks from Afghanistan and Iraq and poodle off somewhere more amenable? Barbados is good.

I'm also wondering what advantage is gained by making a ship appear smaller. If a missile can hit a fast moving aircraft 20 or 30 miles away ......................

wow, I hope this guys was drunk when he wrote this.

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USS New Orleans amphibious transport vessel with just over 1,000 crew members, about 10% of whom are female oficers.

When asked why Phuket was chosen as a port of call for all five ships, Mr Davies explained that Phuket was the destination of choice among crew members due to the island’s diverse options in entertainment. That sentiment was confirmed by other crew members who said that they always receive a warm welcome from the locals in Phuket.

Has anybody confirmed the above - or that in fact this vessels are men of war - oops, men and women of war.

So the ship's company decide where the ship goes? How very democratic. Where shall we go next lads? Tahiti sounds good, at least Fletcher Christian and his mates thought so. I'm now wondering what American admirals and their staffs do for a living?

Does this new freedom extend to the US army? If so, how long before they up sticks from Afghanistan and Iraq and poodle off somewhere more amenable? Barbados is good.

I'm also wondering what advantage is gained by making a ship appear smaller. If a missile can hit a fast moving aircraft 20 or 30 miles away ......................

It is called a "port call" and is made with allied and friendly nations as a courtesy. So you are going to check everything that looks like a fishing boat on your radar? How many fishing boats work off the North Korean coast you think, braniac?

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5,700 seamen with lots of injections of semen? O Lord, another tsunami for phuket, yah? happy holidays, mates. don't forget the willies though, phuket is too small an island to have a ground swell in her popoulation.

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take it to the limits, mates. you only live once, remember. do it for the memory of yourself - if no one else. phuket or nothing. you or nothing. there're lots of part-time lovers out there . best in this part of the globe. down tools, and up with your tools. just do it, like nike says. :)

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:) The Phuket hospitals will be doing overtime "delivering" lots of babies...end March 2010....

5.700 seamen....that's a huge amount of hormones.... :D .....Oh Boy..... :D


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USS New Orleans amphibious transport vessel with just over 1,000 crew members, about 10% of whom are female oficers.

When asked why Phuket was chosen as a port of call for all five ships, Mr Davies explained that Phuket was the destination of choice among crew members due to the island’s diverse options in entertainment. That sentiment was confirmed by other crew members who said that they always receive a warm welcome from the locals in Phuket.

Has anybody confirmed the above - or that in fact this vessels are men of war - oops, men and women of war.

So the ship's company decide where the ship goes? How very democratic. Where shall we go next lads? Tahiti sounds good, at least Fletcher Christian and his mates thought so. I'm now wondering what American admirals and their staffs do for a living?

Does this new freedom extend to the US army? If so, how long before they up sticks from Afghanistan and Iraq and poodle off somewhere more amenable? Barbados is good.

I'm also wondering what advantage is gained by making a ship appear smaller. If a missile can hit a fast moving aircraft 20 or 30 miles away ......................


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hope the sea men are careful where they inject their semen, or we might see men drowning with their feet in cemen(t).

One downside, Americans are compulsary tippers, so no one should be surprised when workers at Phuket tourist venues get to expecting tips from all farang. It could get as bad as the States where, if you don't tip generously, you're treated like dirt by staff members - who feel genuinely jilted. Largely for such reasons, Americans tip automatically, with little concern for quality of service. They all know exactly who is supposed to get tipped (waitresses, valets, girls for hire, cabs, and such) - whereas the vast majority of service workers don't have a hope of getting tips (janitors, street sweepers, chimney sweeps, carpenters, night watchmen, etc.)

Wow! You have to look pretty hard for a negative in this story but I have to hand it to you I would never have thought about the scourge of tipping.

Be advised there are more than 300 million people in the united states and probably 3 or 4 "chimney sweeps". They actually would get a tip in all cases. Everyone in America does not receive tips but most receive Christmas bonuses. Street sweepers are unionized and make about $100,000 in wages and benefits. Janitors and night watchmen a bit less. A carpenter is a great job if you can find work. Be your own boss, that sort of thing but , you're right, no tip.

If this sort of topic makes you feel cheap and a bit guilty all you have to do is tip a little. You will be happier with less stress and the service personnel will think you are more civilized.

Cheers. :)

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USS New Orleans amphibious transport vessel with just over 1,000 crew members, about 10% of whom are female oficers.

When asked why Phuket was chosen as a port of call for all five ships, Mr Davies explained that Phuket was the destination of choice among crew members due to the island’s diverse options in entertainment. That sentiment was confirmed by other crew members who said that they always receive a warm welcome from the locals in Phuket.

Has anybody confirmed the above - or that in fact this vessels are men of war - oops, men and women of war.

So the ship's company decide where the ship goes? How very democratic. Where shall we go next lads? Tahiti sounds good, at least Fletcher Christian and his mates thought so. I'm now wondering what American admirals and their staffs do for a living?

Does this new freedom extend to the US army? If so, how long before they up sticks from Afghanistan and Iraq and poodle off somewhere more amenable? Barbados is good.

I'm also wondering what advantage is gained by making a ship appear smaller. If a missile can hit a fast moving aircraft 20 or 30 miles away ......................

It is called a "port call" and is made with allied and friendly nations as a courtesy. So you are going to check everything that looks like a fishing boat on your radar? How many fishing boats work off the North Korean coast you think, braniac?

Precisely. The armed forces of a nation are the muscle of their foreign relations departments. Ports of call are decided upon, or should be, by the need to maintain friendly relations. Cruising up and down offshore indicates a perceived need to change hearts and minds. Calls at friendly nations are marked by cocktail parties on board for the local politicians and phooyais, asistance with projects on shore and holding parties for local underprivileged kids. It is purely a PR event. I do not want any of my tax monies spent so that sailors can go on the piss in some exotic location. The rank and file are there to do and die and have no input, or should have, to wherever they are sent. Think floating ambassadors. Got it?

You obviously have no idea of the capabilities of contemporary detection devices. I have already made a judgement on your intellect and level of intelligence based on your need to lower yourself to the use of abuse with somebody who has different opinions to yourself. Others may well have come to the same conclusion as I in this respect.

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The point of stealth is to obscure.

If you can do that by appearing significantly smaller that you are,

you can then move in much closer before being detected.

This is SOP in the animal kingdom especially among insect predators.

This can also stretch your opponents resources thinner,

thinking they now must investigate EVERY small craft on radar.

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Lucky skimmer pukes!

Three Gators and two escorts...sounds like an ARG (Amphi Readiness Group) to me. Not a normal thing for the ARG to pull into one port but given the option that Phuket is all there is on the west side what choice do they have? Sometimes the crew is told that they have options on port calls, doesn't happen too often but it does. Example...Lads, we are getting liberty in Thailand, we can opt for Phuket or Pattaya, Phutket is two days sailing and Pattaya is 5 days. This is usually made by the Skipper after consulting with the ARG/Battle Group Commander, the Fleet and the Embassey. A good Skipper will sometimes allow the crew the privilege to express their opine as a moral booster or reward for excellent performance. On one deployment I lost liberty ports to Oz and Pattaya due to operational requirements (aka some other boat or crew f'ed up); we (the boat) were given the choice of going back to Korea for the third time (no freaking thanks) or a rare port call to New Caledonia. We had a good Skipper and a dam_n good crew, we went to New Caledonia and got justly rewarded with a 4 day extention of our 5 day port call because Bastille (sp) day was two days after our schduled departure and the islanders actually wanted us there for it. It was the best port call ever in my 20 years. We had the privlege to be the first US Submarine to visit since 1942 when the Submarine base there was abandoned during the war.

To the comments on the "radar/detetion" systems...you obviously don't know jack about EW and should refrain from proving same. And no I will not join you in a diatribe because quite frankly you don't have the need to know and neither does this forum.

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