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Zambian Arrested With Cocaine At Suvarnabhumi Airport


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Zambian arrested with cocaine at Suvarnabhumi airport


SAMUT PRAKARN: -- Thai police and customs officials arrested a Zambian national for possession of about one kilogramme of cocaine at Suvarnabhumi Airport on Sunday.

Identified as Mabvuto Francis Ngoma, he was en route to the northern province of Chiang Mai.

Officials acted on an investigation report that there would be drugs smuggled from Bangladesh.

One hundred and thirty bars of a suspicious substance were found in a secret pocket of his luggage. A test showed that it was cocaine and he was charged with possessing illegal drugs for selling, according to Somchai Poolsavasdi, deputy director general of the Customs Department.

The authorities estimated that 1.15 kilogrammes of cocaine can net three million baht in Thai street sales.

The customs department has seized 11.95 kilogrammes of illegal drugs in 10 incidents so far this year at Suvarnabhumi Airport.


-- TNA 2009-06-29

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I always thought that cocaine was in a white powder form. Only saying this from watching movies, tv etc.....

And I thought that cocaine came from south America????

Maybe the authorities 'tested' some and got confused??

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I always thought that cocaine was in a white powder form. Only saying this from watching movies, tv etc.....

And I thought that cocaine came from south America????

Maybe the authorities 'tested' some and got confused??

It is white in color. He just has/had it packed it some other type wrapping.

Times are hard, people get desperate.

Now, let the death merchants have at it.

Kill 'em

hang 'em

burn 'em at the stake....

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I know this has been said before many many times (and needs to keep being said) but keeping certain drugs illegal just does not work - prohibition should have pointed that out to everyone. Especially as alcohol and cigerattes (both of which do more damage than any other illegal drug) are not controlled but actually pushed by main stream society.

If some more governments would just spend the money they currently use to "fight" drugs to find alternative solutions I am sure we would all be better off.

I lost my sister to drugs and one of the things I think would have helped would have been if she had not found the need to "hide" her habit from us all and been able to buy "clean"(as in uncut with talc etc) drugs. She ran up huge debts on her credit cards paying for drugs and buying very bad gear - all controlled by people who's only goal is to make as much money as possible without a single care of the damage they are causing.

So I for one will keep voting for alternative solutions.

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I don't think there are any solutions whether drugs be legal or illegal. In the end there will always be a % of people that can't handle recreational use of drugs and start abusing it.

I agree that governments could do a lot more in harm reduction.

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Is he not entitled to a presumption of innocence too, or perhaps dark skinned people from third world countries are not yet human enough for this right? His misfortune seems to be the source of a few jokes too eventhough he faces a death sentence.

And for the many many many posters who are convinced of some large scale scam at the airport, how do they know that this is not also one of those scams and this poor innocent man is an unwitting scapegoat? Oh I forgot, this man is guilty already in most posters' views.

I am neither defending nor attacking this man; simply he is entitled to the same presumption of innocence as everyone else...but apparently many posters here can arbitrarily judge who is innocent and who is to be hung solely on the basis of a newspaper report and/or uncorroborated hearsay.

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I know this has been said before many many times (and needs to keep being said) but keeping certain drugs illegal just does not work - prohibition should have pointed that out to everyone. Especially as alcohol and cigerattes (both of which do more damage than any other illegal drug) are not controlled but actually pushed by main stream society.

If some more governments would just spend the money they currently use to "fight" drugs to find alternative solutions I am sure we would all be better off.

I lost my sister to drugs and one of the things I think would have helped would have been if she had not found the need to "hide" her habit from us all and been able to buy "clean"(as in uncut with talc etc) drugs. She ran up huge debts on her credit cards paying for drugs and buying very bad gear - all controlled by people who's only goal is to make as much money as possible without a single care of the damage they are causing.

So I for one will keep voting for alternative solutions.

Very sorry to here about your sister and i agree with your post,but the sellers should have long sentences.The big problem with this is the next seller moves in and it starts all over again.

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I don't think there are any solutions whether drugs be legal or illegal. In the end there will always be a % of people that can't handle recreational use of drugs and start abusing it.

I agree that governments could do a lot more in harm reduction.

I know what your saying - just dream that we may evolve enough to move away from current situation as it only seems to be getting worse.

To possibly put to death someone who may only be trying to make enough money to keep their own family alive makes me wonder if most of us may not do the same if in the same drastic situation.

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Zambian arrested with cocaine at Suvarnabhumi airport


SAMUT PRAKARN: -- Thai police and customs officials arrested a Zambian national for possession of about one kilogramme of cocaine at Suvarnabhumi Airport on Sunday.

Identified as Mabvuto Francis Ngoma, he was en route to the northern province of Chiang Mai.

Officials acted on an investigation report that there would be drugs smuggled from Bangladesh.

One hundred and thirty bars of a suspicious substance were found in a secret pocket of his luggage. A test showed that it was cocaine and he was charged with possessing illegal drugs for selling, according to Somchai Poolsavasdi, deputy director general of the Customs Department.

The authorities estimated that 1.15 kilogrammes of cocaine can net three million baht in Thai street sales.

The customs department has seized 11.95 kilogrammes of illegal drugs in 10 incidents so far this year at Suvarnabhumi Airport.


-- TNA 2009-06-29

I'm happy to read this. But the sad thing is: How many come through? I've lost a lot of friends using hard drugs, so there's no I'm sorry. 1,15 kg is a lot of cocaine, streched into 4 or 6 kilos would make a lot of people rich, but a lot of people would suffer. The other sad thing is that some of them become English teachers suddenly and they still keep their business alive. I know what I'm talking about, I've seen Nigerians here with fake Ghanese passports. Doing their dirty business and teaching little kids with fake documents. teaching what; One example: ( I hope the person will read that article) The fake one who wanted to go for lunch always using;' I go eat myself'.

Let them rot in hel_l, or in Bkk. Hilton, there's no excuse for them. Would you do that to our son, there'd be other ways to solve this problem....................................................


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Why IMPORT COCAINE when you can have Heroin/Opium for next to nothing in the north.

Who can afford Cocaine here, a bowl of soup has just gone up to 25bht and thats steep if you ask me . :)

Oh, if only these people would use rational thought and realize what they are doing.

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Sad, really. He didn't make it to Chiang Mai, and it's lovely this time of the year.

Yes commiserations, bet he's kicking his self now,if he has enough room to do so in his 2 x 2 shit box.

..about 120m² with ~100-200 fellow people inside...

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Why IMPORT COCAINE when you can have Heroin/Opium for next to nothing in the north.

Who can afford Cocaine here, a bowl of soup has just gone up to 25bht and thats steep if you ask me . :)

Oh, if only these people would use rational thought and realize what they are doing.

Oh only the disco dancing tourists, and the leeches who feed off them.

Oh and a few, for the moment well heeled, Thais in business,

who want to hang out and "be cool", and look more Hi-So and cool

with visiting farang business associates out for a night's debauchery.

Cut with the usual crap and prices can go pretty low for one buyer.

Granted it contains next to nothing,

but that's a plus since the rest of us,

don't want them getting too hooked too fast anyway

Paranoid powder is found in every dance club, world wide, at least some of the time.

Thankfully not as much as it USED TO BE.

Looks like this fool will just become and other roach motel inhabitant for a few decades.

No sympathy.

Edited by animatic
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I know this has been said before many many times (and needs to keep being said) but keeping certain drugs illegal just does not work - prohibition should have pointed that out to everyone. Especially as alcohol and cigerattes (both of which do more damage than any other illegal drug) are not controlled but actually pushed by main stream society.

If some more governments would just spend the money they currently use to "fight" drugs to find alternative solutions I am sure we would all be better off.

I lost my sister to drugs and one of the things I think would have helped would have been if she had not found the need to "hide" her habit from us all and been able to buy "clean"(as in uncut with talc etc) drugs. She ran up huge debts on her credit cards paying for drugs and buying very bad gear - all controlled by people who's only goal is to make as much money as possible without a single care of the damage they are causing.

So I for one will keep voting for alternative solutions.

someone with some sense

I wonder when people will wake up and face a few facts

the current way of dealing with the whole drug problem has not only completly and utterly failed, it actually increases the problem

the only countrys where any real progress is made are ones which have tolerant policy and recognise that some people will always take then, so better do so under some sort of middle road policy

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I don't think there are any solutions whether drugs be legal or illegal. In the end there will always be a % of people that can't handle recreational use of drugs and start abusing it.

I agree that governments could do a lot more in harm reduction.

I know what your saying - just dream that we may evolve enough to move away from current situation as it only seems to be getting worse.

To possibly put to death someone who may only be trying to make enough money to keep their own family alive makes me wonder if most of us may not do the same if in the same drastic situation.

let me assure you 90% plus of all TV readers, including the " let him rot' crowd would

do exactly the same ....

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Why IMPORT COCAINE when you can have Heroin/Opium for next to nothing in the north.

Who can afford Cocaine here, a bowl of soup has just gone up to 25bht and thats steep if you ask me . :D


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Zambian arrested with cocaine at Suvarnabhumi airport


SAMUT PRAKARN: -- Thai police and customs officials arrested a Zambian national for possession of about one kilogramme of cocaine at Suvarnabhumi Airport on Sunday.

Identified as Mabvuto Francis Ngoma, he was en route to the northern province of Chiang Mai.

Officials acted on an investigation report that there would be drugs smuggled from Bangladesh.

One hundred and thirty bars of a suspicious substance were found in a secret pocket of his luggage. A test showed that it was cocaine and he was charged with possessing illegal drugs for selling, according to Somchai Poolsavasdi, deputy director general of the Customs Department.

The authorities estimated that 1.15 kilogrammes of cocaine can net three million baht in Thai street sales.

The customs department has seized 11.95 kilogrammes of illegal drugs in 10 incidents so far this year at Suvarnabhumi Airport.


-- TNA 2009-06-29

the "strange & doubtfull" Thai laws (...in any case...to be respected by every one transit in Thailand) will take his life

... bye bye and God bless you, man in trouble

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I know this has been said before many many times (and needs to keep being said) but keeping certain drugs illegal just does not work - prohibition should have pointed that out to everyone. Especially as alcohol and cigerattes (both of which do more damage than any other illegal drug) are not controlled but actually pushed by main stream society.

If some more governments would just spend the money they currently use to "fight" drugs to find alternative solutions I am sure we would all be better off.

I lost my sister to drugs and one of the things I think would have helped would have been if she had not found the need to "hide" her habit from us all and been able to buy "clean"(as in uncut with talc etc) drugs. She ran up huge debts on her credit cards paying for drugs and buying very bad gear - all controlled by people who's only goal is to make as much money as possible without a single care of the damage they are causing.

So I for one will keep voting for alternative solutions.

someone with some sense

I wonder when people will wake up and face a few facts

the current way of dealing with the whole drug problem has not only completly and utterly failed, it actually increases the problem

the only countrys where any real progress is made are ones which have tolerant policy and recognise that some people will always take then, so better do so under some sort of middle road policy

great post!

Here in germany they seem start to wake up now, finally.

Diamorphine state controlled from the doctor for hardcore users who tried

many time to get rid of that stuff and methadone just don`t work with them. They simply need the kick.

I´m in methadone (90mg daily) programme 12 years now, stable with no side use (ok a fatty from time) and no alcohol.

It safed me a LOT of time, health, stress and MONEY and NOT makes heroine dealers rich and let me live a LIFE.

(Ok, the dealer in my case is my doctor and he gets his money from health insurance)

Next step should be legalize cannabis (marijuhana) and sell it with big tax state controlled and good quality.

Would fix many money propblems of my counttry if i look around how many people smoke weed here.

I NOT want my son buy his weed at a dealer, simply because most of the time the dealer not has only cannabis!!

This is the point where other drugs get involved and thats why weed has so a bad reputation aa the "starting-drug"

and in some way it is because it´s not offered controlled and you have to buy it illegally.

But smoking weed is legal here in germany. But not the possesion and selling, thats illegal.

Sorry for crappy english :)

Edited by luvU2much500THB
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Flunked Marketing 101 when he did his MBA at Moscow U - no worries Mate, plenty of time to complete same

and more at the Hilton.


Why IMPORT COCAINE when you can have Heroin/Opium for next to nothing in the north.

ever saw for yourself an university from the inside?

why don't keep talking just with the other people in your valley, instead of log into the internet and spread your supremacist hate ideology at everything what is different from your daily village life.

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Why IMPORT COCAINE when you can have Heroin/Opium for next to nothing in the north.

Because that´s why it´s going to be imported because it is rare in Thailand.

And must be shipped from overseas (mostly from farangs).

That´s why cocaine nearly is as much as expensive in Thailand than in Europe.

Maybe even more expensive.

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Pity he got cought. Coke aint bad, its a wonderful substance the same as alcohol, sigarettes, coffee and other stimuli are. The couple of times I took coke are among the nicest moments of my life, madness people are trown in jail for using it or taking it to the people that like to be able to do what they want without a pestering government. Thank god I live in a small nation at the north sea that isn't hypocrytical.

Some posters here are so ignorant, making tough statements without ever knowing what coke is and only knowing the brainwashing story their distorted government tells them. Most people are sheep.

Coke ain´t bad, agree but it does destroy lives.

Rich people who can afford it are quite happy with it.

The long the coke is active in your body, everything is OK. You feel like the king, but when it goes away you suffer

and you want again and again and more and more.

Poor people are forced to do criminal stuff ,sell their body and more, to buy it.

People like you, who take it from year to year are very rare. Most like it to much an want it again and again.

I tried it also, even injected it several times. Nice kick :)

But this drug is not my world, to strange come down and greed for more is to strong for me.

But if someone draws me a line, my nose is ready for it :D

I have seen 2 people lose their houses over coke;

not making the mortgage payments chronically and losing the jobs chronically.

I have seen one guy put a klennex in one nostril and out the other,

because he burned a hole in his septum. He could put his forefinger

up either nostril up to the knuckle too.

I have seen free base / crack heads who did horrendous things for the next hit.

Sure a few lines are fine IF IT STOPS THERE, but way too often it doesn't.

Crack made from coke is a whole nother animal entirely.

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You are so far off base so as to be totally ludicrous. Other more fitting adjectives spring to mind, but why lower myself.

I am amazed you are tolerated anywhere in whatever illiterate society you choose to live in.

You insult us with your sheer ignorance, and endanger innocent lives to wit.


Pity he got cought. Coke aint bad, its a wonderful substance the same as alcohol, sigarettes, coffee and other stimuli are.

Jack, your words reveal you aint among the brightest in town. Your forgiven, its a bit too ambitious to expect all people to be able to control themself. But why should a weak person that has a tendency to be an addict (to fat, candies, chocolate, sigarettes, coke, weed, alcohol etc..) be able to prevent me from having my occasional fun. Jack, life is also about being able to control your urges, I like a very occasional sniff. Coke aint bad, its some people that can't cope with freedom.

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