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Have been advised to call police immediately if it ever happens again and there should not be any need for tea money. At the time it was wait a few minutes; repeated a number of times.

I've plugged them on here before, and I'll do it again- BNH (Bangkok Nursing Hospital) is the only hospital in Bangkok that has bothered to run diagnostic tests on me to make sure about what the problem was before treating it.  Twice they have found the problem was something which needed a specific drug (not the ones the local clinic doctors and/or other private hospitals had given me), and it cleared up after treatment.  They are *slightly* more expensive than even the other private hospitals, but they seem to get things right- and it's certainly cheaper to go to them the first time, rather than spend a little money on someone who won't fix the problem and THEN go to them.

A friend of mine was in a medical administration job in Europe, and he never goes anywhere else in Thailand.


I have also used BNH for 20 years or so for my family and rather miss the old colonial style set up.These days I alternate with Bumruangrad which on balance I would recommend for the trickier stuff.Its not incidentally true that BNH is more expensive than Bumruangrad.I think the BNH has some management problems -being weighed and measured in corridors,long wait for drugs to be dispensed etc.But medical staff are fine but keep away from the farang doctors!


Remember This is Thailand and Private Hospitals exist for one purpose...To Make Money

And in the rest of the world , Private hospitals are there to lose money ? :D


What on earth are you two trying to say? You set up a private hospital anywhere, of course to make money, not lose it. But maybe also deliver a quality of care and service not available in some public sector?? However hospitals are not Nieman Marcus...they have to deliver cures and care...if they don't do that but just collect cash??

Suppose you both have shares, and don't like the suggestion that Private Thai Hospitals are more interested in cash than Care or Cures?...Sorry I believe it to be true....and if you really wanted I would document it over some 200 pages of crass incompetence at a Bangkok Private Hospital not a million miles from Bangkapi. Whereas what I have said about the Bangkok Childrens Hospital, I notice, you ignore!


These private hopsitals run as businesses, and it's in the doctor's interest to make the hospital money. Unless you are loaded or covered by good health insurance, try to do as mucy research as possible about your ailment and the type of normal treatment given (assuming you know what it is). I once went to Bumrungrad and I knew exactly what tests to expect. I asked if one particular test was available (because knew it was slightly cheaper) and the doctor told me that the test wasn't available in Thailand. This was a downright lie because I'd had the test at another private hospital a week before - I was actually at Bumrungrag to get a second opinion. I didn't say anything to the doctor but I was very disappointed that he was trying to scam me.


I fckin' HATE Bumrungrad. Perhaps their in-patient services are up to the standards they claim, but their out-patient services are terrible. Honestly feels like they're trying to get you in and out as fast as possible to get the $$$. Doctors don't even give you the feeling they're giving any attention to you as your describing symptoms.

I had a case of conjunctivitis two years ago. Went to Bumrungrad, got the usual rush-through treatment and prescribed eye drops. After three days of using these drops the right side of my head started to swell up and my eyes were getting worse. Went to a real optometrist, recommended by one of the Thai staff, and the guy couldn't believe what Bumrungrad prescribed. The drops were completely ineffective for symptoms of conjunctivitis.

The bill for the optometrist was also half what Bumrungrad charged, and the newly prescribed eye drops had an effect within hours.

This was the final incident with Bumrungrad. There were a few more before that put up warning signs in my mind, but I won't go into detail again.

Give me BNH anyday. Okay, the service might be a bit slower, but the doctors come across as being far more sincere.


Been to Bumrungrad 3 times, last time went through their "comprehensive medical checkup".

It took only 2 hours, a lunch voucher and after that a full, binded, report and about 15-20 minutes commentary from the doctor.

Still, looked and felt nice and effective, 12700B.

At moments it was like being a car on an assembly line but that's what I wanted, not a whole (or more) day waiting in corridors.

For more complex things, don't know.

A few years ago my wife and I were involved in an automobile accident between Rayong and Pattaya..she was taken to B'grad hosp. in Rayong and the Dr's there had "accidently" taken the lens out of her eye and said "sorry, we thought it was a piece of glass"...she was stitched up like an American football and after 12 hours was moved to Pattaya Bangkok Hosp in Pattaya where she under went three surgeries in 31 hours just to correct mistakes made by the first hospital including removal of lots of glass left in, facial reconstruction, etc...sorry, I truly do not have any good experiences with Bmgrad...but PBkk was excellent and the Drs are quallified surgeons to handle emergencies..the plastic surg. and eye Dr. are top notch who constantly keep up to date on meds and illnesses. 

Don't know it the experience would have been the same at the mother hospital in Bkk but would think twice about it before using B'grad for elective procedures.  Definitly do you homework before deciding.

Perhaps thats why is now closed. I suspect that Bumrungrad BKK could not get doctors of a high enough calibre to go and work up-country. Its a very common problem across a whole range of industries - BKK is the epicenter for everything in many many Thai minds. Anything other than working in BKK is a BIG step down. I gave up trying to open an office in Chonburi because I could not attract the calibre of staff I needed to work on the Eastern Seaboard.


In general terms I am a strong supporter of Bumrungrad. However as I tend to find with anything here, there are many variables. If I need to go, I always do some research and CHOOSE which doctor under the speciality I wish to see. I always choose someone who's online resume at www.bumrungrad.com shows them as some kind of Asst. professor or higher and ideally i choose someone who went to Chula medical school. I also look at how long they been qualified and also what are the lengths of their surgeries at Burmrungrad. Teaching doctors at Chula will only be working after 5pm at Bumrungrad or at weekends.

Furthermore I have also asked a doctor who's opinion I very highly regard - for example, I was worried about my heart a couple of years ago and wanted to see someone GOOD. I had seen two general doctors in the past on the same subject and tests were always inconclusive. I asked this doctor who is a teacher at Chula Med School, who I should see and immediately she gave the name of a doctor. "This doctor is very very good - he is the one to see" was her reply. He only worked at Bumrungrad for about 6 hours a week split over 2 days. Given that the consultation fee is the same regardless of which doctor you see, thats why I always go and see a highly experienced specialist. So far I have had no problems, but I do see quite a few young doctors walking around the hospital and I suspect that they do not have the expereince or insight of the more experienced guys. Nothing different to a teaching hospital in the UK or Australia as an example - you want to be under the teacher not the newly qualified medic. Difference is in Thailand is so easy to stipulate rather than wait for a referal from a more junior doctor as often happens in the west.

  • 1 month later...

Their Heart Surgeons show no US trainging or Europe either.

Would be concerned about that...

skycop :o

As always, Buyer Beware. There are good and bad Doc's in ALL kinds of med facilities here, in my experience. Be very assertive and proactive with any medical care providers in Thailand (or, for that matter, anywhere).

very good advice.

the hospital and facilities are first rate.

Their Heart Surgeons show no US trainging or Europe either.

Would be concerned about that...

skycop :o

As always, Buyer Beware. There are good and bad Doc's in ALL kinds of med facilities here, in my experience. Be very assertive and proactive with any medical care providers in Thailand (or, for that matter, anywhere).

very good advice.

the hospital and facilities are first rate.

Have another look at the list of cardiologists there. It is not correct to say there is no foreign post grad education in the lineup.


Hi all,

Best doctors in Thailand in the private sector usually work for more than one hospital. Most doctors I know work for at least two of the following... Samitivej, Ramkhamhaeng, BNH and Bumrumgrad. I know for a fact that operational costs of Bumrumgrad are up the roof, and management is looking into it.

From my personal experience...wat at ICU of Samitivej for 4 days and I was greatly impressed.

PM me and I might be able to give you some doctor references.



I've had some good, some not so good experiences at Bumrungrad. On the bad side, I didn't get proper treatment and information for a sprained ankle, which has left me with chronic pain. I've since switched to Samitivej and things are improving. I definitely get the "conveyor belt" feeling at Bumrungrad these days, but they seem to be genuinely very busy. It's much more relaxed at Samitivej.

During my annual checkups (with heart stress test) at Bumrungrad they never told me I had mitral valve prolapse, but Samitivej noticed it right away.

I wasn't impressed with one urologist I saw at Bumrungrad who wrongly diagnosed "the beginning of enlarged prostate (BPH)" and put me on some diabolical medication that sapped all my energy.

The plastic surgery I had there was OK, but not perfect. However, the surgeon did seem very caring and gave me her pager number in case I had any problems. And there can be serious problems with plastic surgery.

Perhaps thats why is now closed.    I suspect that Bumrungrad BKK could not get doctors of a high enough calibre to go and work up-country.  Its a very common problem across a whole range of industries - BKK is the epicenter for everything in many many Thai minds.  Anything other than working in BKK is a BIG step down.    I gave up trying to open an office in Chonburi because I could not attract the calibre of staff I needed to work on the Eastern Seaboard.

I'd say that the answer to that question lies in a news release published through the SET 'company news' thing back in 1999. I seem to remember that the Rayong facility had some large debts to a local bank other than the 'family bank'. Unfortunately the SET website only lets you search the last 6 months:


Ajarn, seeing as you made a DVD, and seeing how the Doc was obviously incompetant, arn't you intitled to some kind of compensation, due to all the revision surgerys resulting from that mess up???

Why don't you at least try to make some of your $ back from Bumrungrad, due to 'negligent behaviour' or whatever it's called legally?

They have all patients (or patient's relatives for minors/unconscious pts) sign a release document before in-patient admission or before any procedure is performed. You basically take all responsibility for what they do to you and give them a carte blanche for doing whatever they see fit without consulting you or anyone else (relatives, insurance co docs etc) before doing so. So if you go in for a nose job and get a vaginoplasty because the surgeon want you to have one, there is nothing you can do. Choose your doctor well and you'll probably be ok but don't just let 'customer services' pick the butcher for you.


I am a fan of Bumrungrad. Rushed there by taxi last Dec. for high fever (104+) and kidney pain. Spent over a week dead on the bed and received outstanding care. Went through over 10 tests from blood to chest x-rays however Doc. discussed all tests with me before hand. Towards end of stay Doc. pushed me to eat and walk to gain strength before release. Young farang with no family in LOS they took great care to ensure my comfort. Inquired about visa, in case need to extend, coordinated with insurance, +++. I will be a repeat patient, ….if need be.

Only complaint……those awful plastic patient beds that allow for no air circulation.

Chock dee!


Must admit reading these posts didnt exactly lift my spirits :o There was a recent news item on the BBC about people going to Thailand for ops (Breast enlargement and Bumrungrad was the one mentioned in the clip) and they made things seem quite rosy in regards to standards and cost. Being someone with a life long orthopedic condition and more recent eye problems its of great importance to me that I find a place im happy with.

That said, I dont know if you heard about it over there, but in past couple of days a 36 hour old baby died in a UK hospital from the MRSA super bug....one of my local hospitals has had major problems with it also (its a major problem all over UK hospitals). So, things not exactly rosy here either!! (Also 6 hour waiting times at my eye check ups at the local clinic where its hit or miss if you get a good Dr and can get different Dr each check up so each time trying to explain your case in a 5 min time slot!)


I can highly recomend the Phuket International Hospital in Phuket Town, a few years ago I had a serious heart problem when on holiday.

They saved my life, and the service during my one week stay would put a five star hotel to shame.

The doctors were first class and the nurses great, you were never alone for a minute in the intensive unit.

The price for a full week came out at only 45000 bath, and they saved my life.


I have just had an ultrasound, gastroscopy and MRI scan at Bumrungrad (thankfully nothing major wrong)...the doctors all seem competent, as do the technical staff and the facilities/equipment are good. Of course it's difficult for a non-medico to be able to really assess the quality of care, but I have worked at a teaching hospital in Aus for a long time and they seem to be up to standard. Of course there will be mistakes/screw-ups but they happen at ALL hospitals.


I know many Thai models that have had nosejobs, eyelid surgery, breast enhancements, LASIK, etc. and none of them picked Bumrungrad. They say the best doctors are elsewhere.

Thai people don't go there.

It is beautiful though. I lived nearby. I tried going there once but ended up going elsewhere as the scheduling was a pain in the neck.

I talked to one of the administration there who said that they don't pay their doctors much so many of the best doctors choose to work elsewhere. Save money on doctors and staff.

There are some good doctors there though.

Some of the old doctors there have done alot of procedures but have done them poorly for a long time. Doing a procedure 3,000 times does not guarantee it has been done well 3,000 times.

Patients are the best source for referrals. See the results firsthand.

I know many Thai models that have had nosejobs, eyelid surgery, breast enhancements, LASIK, etc. and none of them picked Bumrungrad.  They say the best doctors are elsewhere.

Thai people don't go there.

It is beautiful though.  I lived nearby.  I tried going there once but ended up going elsewhere as the scheduling was a pain in the neck.

I talked to one of the administration there who said that they don't pay their doctors much so many of the best doctors choose to work elsewhere.  Save money on doctors and staff.

There are some good doctors there though. 

Some of the old doctors there have done alot of procedures but have done them poorly for a long time.  Doing a procedure 3,000 times does not guarantee it has been done well 3,000 times.

Patients are the best source for referrals.  See the results firsthand.

Good point - I will remember that when I need to have my breasts enhanced :D

In the meantime, for any life threatening procedure, as against something cosmetic, I'll be found at Bumrungrad :D

Oh and as 30% of Bumrungrads patients are non Thai, I wonder where the other 70% come from considering no Thai's go there :o


in fact...................in my dying state I asked my THAI friend, who flagged the taxi down, to take me to the best hospital in all of BKK, to Bumrungrad I went. Her hospital of choice. She goes for anything and everything.

I also plan to go soon for dental check up and work, I'll let you know how it goes!

I know many Thai models that have had nosejobs, eyelid surgery, breast enhancements, LASIK, etc. and none of them picked Bumrungrad.  They say the best doctors are elsewhere.

Thai people don't go there.

It is beautiful though.  I lived nearby.  I tried going there once but ended up going elsewhere as the scheduling was a pain in the neck.

I talked to one of the administration there who said that they don't pay their doctors much so many of the best doctors choose to work elsewhere.  Save money on doctors and staff.

There are some good doctors there though. 

Some of the old doctors there have done alot of procedures but have done them poorly for a long time.  Doing a procedure 3,000 times does not guarantee it has been done well 3,000 times.

Patients are the best source for referrals.  See the results firsthand.

Good point - I will remember that when I need to have my breasts enhanced :D

In the meantime, for any life threatening procedure, as against something cosmetic, I'll be found at Bumrungrad :D

Oh and as 30% of Bumrungrads patients are non Thai, I wonder where the other 70% come from considering no Thai's go there :o

Absolutely correct. Right on. :D

I talked to one of the administration there who said that they don't pay their doctors much so many of the best doctors choose to work elsewhere.  Save money on doctors and staff.

I was under the impression that at Bamrungrad it is the individual doctors themselves who decide what doctors fee they are going to charge any given patient. Certainly, the doctors fees that the patient pays are high at Bamrungrad, but I don't know if the hospital takes a higher proportion of that back than at other places.

Personally, I don't think Bamrungrad is a bad medical facility as such. It is just that unless you require some v.expensive or sophisiticated medical equipment that is not available elsewhere, then you will pay more than what you would for the same treatment at other places.

For example, try comparing the fees for their "health checkup" programs to elsewhere. All private hospitals do these, they are all much of a muchness, and do not exactly involve any brain surgery. Why go to Bamrungrad when you can get a better deal at such as Bangkok Christian, St. Louis etc, which are very pleasant, good quality hospitals.

At Bamrungrad, I always feel that they are trying to squeeze every baht they can out of you.

I fckin' HATE Bumrungrad. Perhaps their in-patient services are up to the standards they claim, but their out-patient services are terrible. Honestly feels like they're trying to get you in and out as fast as possible to get the $$$. Doctors don't even give you the feeling they're giving any attention to you as your describing symptoms.

I had a case of conjunctivitis two years ago. Went to Bumrungrad, got the usual rush-through treatment and prescribed eye drops. After three days of using these drops the right side of my head started to swell up and my eyes were getting worse. Went to a real optometrist, recommended by one of the Thai staff, and the guy couldn't believe what Bumrungrad prescribed. The drops were completely ineffective for symptoms of conjunctivitis.

The bill for the optometrist was also half what Bumrungrad charged, and the newly prescribed eye drops had an effect within hours.

This was the final incident with Bumrungrad. There were a few more before that put up warning signs in my mind, but I won't go into detail again.

Give me BNH anyday. Okay, the service might be a bit slower, but the doctors come across as being far more sincere.

Having the same problem myself @ the moment, and have been given eye drops and antibiotics, 3 days later its just got worse, could you point me in the direction of the optometrist? thanks

Having the same problem myself @ the moment, and have been given eye drops and antibiotics, 3 days later its just got worse, could you point me in the direction of the optometrist?  thanks

If you want the best, go to Rutnin Eye Hospital on Asoke Road.


just got back from the eye center @ bangkok hospital, doc there said the antibiotics,antihistamine,eyedrops, and sleeping tablets :o that the local medical center had given me for 700 baht were a load of nackers and would have had no effect what so ever..

Instead shes given meh some eyedrops for (B407) baht, according to the bill I got the consultation (B500), nursing and midwifery (B100), and medical equipment fees (B100) of course... :D A grand total of B1107 :D

Quite a bit of money to be made in this hospital lark isnt there...

just got back from the eye center @ bangkok hospital, doc there said the antibiotics,antihistamine,eyedrops, and sleeping tablets :o that the local medical center had given me for 700 baht were a load of nackers and would have had no effect what so ever..

Instead shes given meh some eyedrops for (B407) baht, according to the bill I got the consultation (B500), nursing and midwifery (B100), and medical equipment fees (B100) of course...  :D  A grand total of B1107  :D

Quite a bit of money to be made in this hospital lark isnt there...

Isn't it a lark everywhere in the world ? :D

just got back from the eye center @ bangkok hospital, doc there said the antibiotics,antihistamine,eyedrops, and sleeping tablets :o that the local medical center had given me for 700 baht were a load of nackers and would have had no effect what so ever..

Instead shes given meh some eyedrops for (B407) baht, according to the bill I got the consultation (B500), nursing and midwifery (B100), and medical equipment fees (B100) of course...   :D  A grand total of B1107  :D

Quite a bit of money to be made in this hospital lark isnt there...

Isn't it a lark everywhere in the world ? :D

well the eyedrops started workin str8 away, its as good as better within 24hrs of using em, mebbe worth the coin :D Would have to recommend the place if only for the pussy :D

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