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The Difference Between Red And Yellow

Robby nz

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Now first off I will tell you I am no fan of either the yellow or red shirt groups as I can see that they have both done a helava lot of damage to this country that I have chosen to make my home.

There are however some differences after the fact of what they have done, for instance:

The yellow leaders have never denied what they did while the reds are still making up stupid stories of denial. The latest I read on another post from Khun Koo is that the reds only went ( not broke) into the ASAEN summit venue to ask why the blue shirt group attacked them? I am sure you all know the “We didn’t do it stories” in spite of what we saw on Tele. Then there is the “The PM wasn’t in his car when we ( sorry, someone else) attacked it, twice, and somehow because they say he wasn’t there it makes it right, or at least acceptable.

None of the yellow shirt leaders ran away and I believe they all turned up to hear charges against them. Contrast that with the reds most of whom emulated their great leader and fled from justice, at least one from the country. Initially the only ones who ended up in a police station were the 3 who were nabbed of the stage, although I believe others have now “given themselves up”

The yellows are no longer holding rallies and stirring up unrest, you might argue that they have what they want, but have all their demands been met? And was it the actions of the yellows who brought down the Govt of did the PPP MP’s do it themselves?

None of the red shirt leaders have had an attempt on their lives.

Ok so does that make one better than the other? Not in my eyes they are both a pack of misguided rat bags, what do you think?

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It is difficult to argue that the Reds have defended the thugs who committed the 2006 coup, their pardoning, or their ridiculous excuse for a constitution they instated. But, if you must, try.

No, but many of them do seem to support a man who was responsible for the murder of dozens of ordinary people, did his utmost to suppress free speech, and tried to bribe the judiciary. Amongst other things.

Red leaders / Yellow leaders - different sides of the same coin.

Edited by KhaoNiaw
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It is difficult to argue that the Reds have defended the thugs who committed the 2006 coup, their pardoning, or their ridiculous excuse for a constitution they instated. But, if you must, try.

No, but many of them do seem to support a man who was responsible for the murder of dozens of ordinary people, did his utmost to suppress free speech, and tried to bribe the judiciary. Amongst other things.

Red leaders / Yellow leaders - different sides of the same coin.

Yep the red leaders and the yellow leaders need to be in prison. Then they can have their own prison gangs. through in any of their supporters caught on tape breaking the law and don't forget to cram them all in as few cells as possible so they don't over crowd the rest of the prison.

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Red = freedom fighter, defender of democracy

Yellow = cowardly defender of elite, armed coup and suppression of dissent

two sides of the same coin.

The yellows don't hide their main objective in maintaining some sort of semi-democracy, with the country ruled by those from the elite. Their contempt for the poor is more obvious.

The reds will do everything to pretend that they are for the common man, but their real intention is for a semi-democracy, however one run by them. They hide their contempt for the poor.

An interesting excersise is to sit down with people who are red leaders (the real ones), or those who are close to them. To a person, they have absolutely nothing on common with the people they proport to represent, and the only tractor they have driven is of the Kensington variety, on the way to harrods. There is little difference between them and the yellow leadership. In actual fact, most know each other quite well, and educate their kids in the same places.

So much for revolutions.....

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As i see it the REDS won the election! :D

The Yellows came second. :)

The Reds had some planks for Prime Minister and the YELLOWS got pissed of with them and some how took control without an Election.

Why when the YELLOWS took over DID they not CALL a GENERAL ELECTION? :D

I suppose if the Torys are pissed off with Labour at the moment in the UK I don't think that the Torys would try and take control without a GENERAL ELECTION.

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As i see it the REDS won the election! :D

The Yellows came second. :)

The Reds had some planks for Prime Minister and the YELLOWS got pissed of with them and some how took control without an Election.

Why when the YELLOWS took over DID they not CALL a GENERAL ELECTION? :D

I suppose if the Torys are pissed off with Labour at the moment in the UK I don't think that the Torys would try and take control without a GENERAL ELECTION.

In a parliamentary system it doesn't matter who gets the most seats in parliament, it is who has the numbers on the floor of the house.

Elections of individual members are held every 5 years. Nothing has changed there. For the 5 years they are in parliament, each individual member can choose to support whomever they like to form government.

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