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Red Mango, Central Festival


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Just had some frozen yogurt at the Red Mango in Central Festival. We had planned to get frozen yogurt at Swensen's, but the branch in CF did not carry frozen yogurt like in RG. So we went downstairs for....... the world's smallest helping of frozen yogurt.

The plastic bowl looks large enough for 49 baht, but I do not think that 20% of the bowl was filled with yogurt. My friend had a shake, which was mostly ice, with a little yogurt in it.

Avoid unless you want to laugh about what they put in the bowl.

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So true, so true, the same rip off joint that used to be at Big :


It is just plain DISHONEST to display cup sizes and when you order, putting in a tiny amount.

Red Mango is an international chain. I really doubt a Red Mango in Los Angeles would display cups of a certain size and then put in a tiny portion relative to the cup size. US customers would literally read them the riot act if they tried that. Clearly they are going after one off tourists. If they had the honesty to actually display a cup the actual size of the portion, how many do you reckon they would ever sell?

BTW, there is another yoghurt place in the mall (high floor) with decent quality and portions (got a small and they filled the cup!), something like Buddhi yogurt or something like that, near the Canton House I think.

Edited by Jingthing
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Thanks for the tip. I will try the Buddha yogurt tonight.

I have not been to the USA in 9 years, so I did not know that Red Mango was a branch of a US company.

I will write to the US company and connect the links. I might even buy another cup and take apicture of it along side a ruler and send it to the US company as well.

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When I did try Red Mango the one time, I did complain. The staff of course regarded me as an insane person for even making a comment. Its a good idea that the franchiser be informed that their operation here is giving them a bad name.

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Sent: Wed 7/01/09 6:28 AM

To: [email protected]

You have some very unhappy customers in Thailand.

The Red Mango shop in Central Festival Shopping Center in Pattaya Beach, Thailand has large cups and places a very small amount of product in the cup, so little that it is laughable. I really thought that the machine was out of yogurt.




Derek Sharron

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I think that the individual performance of some of their international franchisees don't feature too highly on the home offices radar in as much as someone getting rinky-dink service or small portions in some third-world country outlet is really going to affect the bottom line in their major markets back home.

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I actually think Red Mango is originally from KOREA, not the USA. Since 2002 in Korea. I don't know if I agree that they wouldn't care and I don't consider the Pattaya market, being the most popular beach resort city in Asia, as rinky dink.

One subversive idea I have (I wouldn't bother but someone else might) is to order a small and coyly avoid paying UNTIL they present the cup. Then say, that portion is tiny, I am not paying unless you provide a proper sized serving! 55555

BTW, this is really shame because their product is quite good.

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I have started refusing to pay for products that are not up to what I requested or substandard. I kept asking to lady that does the drinks at the Tesco food court to put only a "little bit" of ice in the iced coffee. She continued to fill it up with ice so you only get a quarter cup of coffee. Two weeks ago I started repeating "nam kang, nit noi" and walking away without paying. After about the 3rd time she started filling it only 3/4 full which is fine with me.

I also have walked away when given miniscule portions like at Red Mango.

I refused to be ripped off any more.

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There are times when I have ordered a milkshake at Burger King-their strawberry is pretty good, and if the cup is not full, I call them on it. They have refilled it with ice cream and run it through the machine again.

I also look at a chicken leg at KFC, then look at the employee, then at the chilclen, and then at the employee, and tell them.... "I WANTED A RIGHT LEG, NOT A LEFT LEG!"

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Thank you for your email as we greatly appreciate hearing from you. To help clarify, Red Mango, Inc. is a franchising organization with locations in North America only. We are not affiliated with the Red Mango organization in South Korea and therefore cannot speak to the recent experience you had in one of their stores. Please feel welcome to visit our website: http://www.redmangousa.com for our store locations.

Thank you again for your email! We hope you will be able to visit one of our many locations in the near future.

Treat Yourself Well!

Nicole Anderson

Red Mango, Inc.

2600 W. Olive Avenue, Suite 500, Burbank, CA 91505

F: 818.461.9454

[email protected]

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