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Hey, Wash Your Hands To Avoid Swine Flu!: Ministry


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Practise good hygiene : Health Ministry

Officials urged to spread the word, prevent further spread of the virus

BANGKOK: -- As type-A (H1N1) influenza virus cases continue to spread, the Public Health Ministry yesterday alerted health care officers and volunteers to instruct people and communities to practice good personal hygiene - wearing a face mask and frequent hand washing - to prevent flu infection.

Deputy Public Health Minister, Manit Nopamornbodi said most victims had been infected at educational institutions, military camps, and entertainment venues.

The ministry is now reporting three fatalities linked to the influenza which yesterday infected 41 new cases, bringing the total to 1414. Of this number, 1,387 have recovered with only 24 remaining in hospital.

The Public Health Ministry's deputy permanent secretary, Dr Paijit Warachit said two more suspected cases were in a critical condition: a 47-year-old cleaner thought to have contracted the flu virus at his workplace, and a 21-year-old woman suffering from pneumonia and admitted to hospital in Bangkok.

Paijit said confirmation the pair have the influenza A (H1N1) infection is dependent on laboratory test results.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, where more than 27,717 infected cases and 127 deaths had been reported , the H1N1 infection causes a wide range of flu-like symptoms including fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. Many people also reported nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhoea.

People can be quite miserable in bed for a few days, but complications rarely occur. However, pregnant women or people with underlying medical conditions like asthma, diabetes, can have a much worse outcome.

As symptoms of the new flu virus are similar to seasonal flu, Dr Tawee Chotepitayasunon, chairman of the ministry's influenza academic team, said people suffering flu-like illness with high fever and body aches for more than three days should undergo treatment at hospital.

The World Health Organisation reported the new flu virus has infected in 70,893 cases, killing 311 people in 116 countries worldwide. The global mortality rate was 0.44 percent.


-- The Nation 2009-07-01

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The common cold / flu is a yearly and near on expected form of illness in the the UK and Europe and possibly many other places. We get tired, sneezy , weary , lethargic with sweats etcconstantly blowing our noses , the usual. We go to the doctor and he tells us we've got a virus.

We had Chicken flu , Indian flu and a few others before the Swine flu, many strains that take the blame . Every year some people do die , maybe they were not of good health to start with or got complications on top , yet who are we to really believe . Some of my friends here now have the flu , its wet season , they normally get it. If its the swine flu then I hope they recover or if chicken flu they lay an egg.

Older people , women who are pregnant , the usual ones who maybe more at risk with any illness, should take more care and seek treatment as soon as possible but my own view is its all hype. Another way to make money for the drugs companies to produce something expensive to make millions. I was always taught that there is no treatment for a virus. Just to stay warm indoors , rest and take plenty of fluids. Achoo, I think I have it coming !

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I hope they will also instruct food sellers to refrain from handling food with their bare hands. They usually use the same hand when putting the food in the plastic bag and when getting your money. This is a very unsanitary practice that they should also check.

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The common cold / flu is a yearly and near on expected form of illness in the the UK and Europe and possibly many other places. We get tired, sneezy , weary , lethargic with sweats etcconstantly blowing our noses , the usual. We go to the doctor and he tells us we've got a virus.

We had Chicken flu , Indian flu and a few others before the Swine flu, many strains that take the blame . Every year some people do die , maybe they were not of good health to start with or got complications on top , yet who are we to really believe . Some of my friends here now have the flu , its wet season , they normally get it. If its the swine flu then I hope they recover or if chicken flu they lay an egg.

Older people , women who are pregnant , the usual ones who maybe more at risk with any illness, should take more care and seek treatment as soon as possible but my own view is its all hype. Another way to make money for the drugs companies to produce something expensive to make millions. I was always taught that there is no treatment for a virus. Just to stay warm indoors , rest and take plenty of fluids. Achoo, I think I have it coming !

Got to agree with you, this is the media taking everything to the extreme again to keep up ratings etc.

Whilst they hype this some of them do mention that normal flu is far bigger killer but its very down played vs swine flu headlines..

Only real concern I have (especially being a parent) is that the fatality rate in young children is higher.

Below is from CNNWorldwide, the annual death toll from the flu is estimated to be between 250,000 and 500,000.

About 9 out of 10 of those deaths are among people older than 65, Currie said. Most times, they already have health problems that the flu makes worse, he said.

"Regular influenza can be taxing," he said. "It causes their underlying disease to decompensate and then they don't have the reserves to get through it.

"While it may not be the direct cause listed on the death certificate, it certainly contributed."

One of the reasons medical experts are nervous about the swine flu outbreak is that many of the people who have died in Mexico have been young and otherwise healthy. The strains found in the United States have so far been weaker.

But even the regular flu is sometimes fatal for younger victims.

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my three kids had it a couple of weeks ago,one of them is back in bed sleeping today with a slight relaps...not sure if swine or not... just treating like a flu... wish people here would use tissues instead of their hands... blow nose, throw tissue away, wash hands... then serve customer... NOT rub nose with hand, kind of wipe hand somewhere, serve customer... many problems can be solved by washing hands well... ask my kids, they hear it all the time... wash your hands... ew ew wash your hands... yuck, did you wash your hands???? poor things.... ah well, that's the joy of being a mother you get to nag people on a regular basis! :)

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I hope they will also instruct food sellers to refrain from handling food with their bare hands. They usually use the same hand when putting the food in the plastic bag and when getting your money. This is a very unsanitary practice that they should also check.

I think you and your family should wash yourselve's antiseptically sterile and stay in your home and never come out again,problem solved.Who would you have instruct the food sellers,who would you like go around and instruct the 95 gazillion food sellers,that that their behaviour is unacceptable to farangs,therefore,if they don't clean their act up farangs won't buy their food anymore.Well that will break their hearts,how much do you think you contribute to the Thai economy. By the way when you go home after an outing at Robinsons do you wash your hands after emptying the shrapnel out of your pockets,I don't think so,I'd guess you use the same DIRTY money next time or give the kids some small change to buy something for themselves.

Or do you wash the money out of a sense of responsility before you pass it on at the next transaction.

I DON'T THINK SO. Give it a rest or go somewhere it's clean enough to keep you and your'se happy.

Just one more bitch from someone who say's they love Thailand

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I hope they will also instruct food sellers to refrain from handling food with their bare hands. They usually use the same hand when putting the food in the plastic bag and when getting your money. This is a very unsanitary practice that they should also check.

I think you and your family should wash yourselve's antiseptically sterile and stay in your home and never come out again,problem solved.Who would you have instruct the food sellers,who would you like go around and instruct the 95 gazillion food sellers,that that their behaviour is unacceptable to farangs,therefore,if they don't clean their act up farangs won't buy their food anymore.Well that will break their hearts,how much do you think you contribute to the Thai economy. By the way when you go home after an outing at Robinsons do you wash your hands after emptying the shrapnel out of your pockets,I don't think so,I'd guess you use the same DIRTY money next time or give the kids some small change to buy something for themselves.

Or do you wash the money out of a sense of responsility before you pass it on at the next transaction.

I DON'T THINK SO. Give it a rest or go somewhere it's clean enough to keep you and your'se happy.

Just one more bitch from someone who say's they love Thailand

No logic whatsoever. :)

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