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Why So Many Farang Hate Thailand?


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i just decide to move to Thailand to start my new and improved life. i think the Thai people are amazing and kind so i choose to live here but many farang seem to only complain endlessly about everything and everyone in Thailand so why do they want to live here?

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i just decide to move to Thailand to start my new and improved life. i think the Thai people are amazing and kind so i choose to live here but many farang seem to only complain endlessly about everything and everyone in Thailand so why do they want to live here?

They don't, most of the complainers are just losers who have not advanced in any way since being here, have no family and rely on drunk bar buddies and bar girls to entertain them. If this was your life wouldn't you be depressed and lash out ?

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i just decide to move to Thailand to start my new and improved life. i think the Thai people are amazing and kind so i choose to live here but many farang seem to only complain endlessly about everything and everyone in Thailand so why do they want to live here?

You can't possibly have a balanced, objective view of this country until you LIVE here for at least a year. Frankly, you sound like you are in the silly rose colored glasses honeymoon phase. It isn't paradise, it isn't heaven, it isn't hel_l, its just another country with a distinct set of positives and negatives. Also, it is most definitely NOT for everyone.

Edited by Jingthing
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i just decide to move to Thailand to start my new and improved life. i think the Thai people are amazing and kind so i choose to live here but many farang seem to only complain endlessly about everything and everyone in Thailand so why do they want to live here?

You can't possibly have a balanced, objective view of this country until you LIVE here for at least a year. Frankly, you sound like you are in the silly rose colored glasses honeymoon phase. It isn't paradise, it isn't heaven, it isn't hel_l, its just another country with a distinct set of positives and negatives. Also, it is most definitely NOT for everyone.

Bloody well put ! It is what you make of it I find.

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For most the rose tinted glasses stay for about 2 years,and in that time the'everything is wonderful"fades and your left with a more balanced view,more aware of the pitfalls etc.but i dont know too many moaners and groaners here,but if theOP knows many,best to just avoid them and stay in the company of positive people.

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don't you get it Mike?

It's trendy! Has been for years.

It's a tribal, pack mentality thing. it's chic to stand in a farang bar and bag thailand.

Especially when your own country is so perfect in every way.

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I'll agree with the point that Thailand has it's up and downs. But think about your home country and people talking; did they usually say "What a maverlous day" or was it more "'Bout dam_n time the bloody fog lifted and rained stopped". As humans we rarely mention the good, unless we're trying to push an agenda, but are sure to raise hel_l about the bad. If everything ran exactly the way it's supposed to there wouldn't be much point to life anyways since it would be stupifingly boring bliss all the time......

Also, I think that whilst some are just plain old negative, and thus see any comments as validation of their stance, a simple comment on say food posioning from eating duck purchased at an open air market is considered a smear against all of LOS rather than an observation.

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QUOTE (MikeSoi11 @ 2009-07-05 14:14:28) *

i just decide to move to Thailand to start my new and improved life. i think the Thai people are amazing and kind so i choose to live here but many farang seem to only complain endlessly about everything and everyone in Thailand so why do they want to live here?

They don't, most of the complainers are just losers who have not advanced in any way since being here, have no family and rely on drunk bar buddies and bar girls to entertain them. If this was your life wouldn't you be depressed and lash out ?

I'm not sure that's true. I've met plenty who've been here for years/are married/have children/have careers/clearly aren't going anywhere else but who would rather walk over burning coals than say something positive about the country or the people. I'm sure lots of these people are really just miserable f*ckers who'd never be happy anywhere. The fact that they're in Thailand just provides a convenient excuse for their bitterness.

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I don't think most farang hate thailand but I do think most farang hate aspects of Thailand just as they hate aspects of their own country. There is a saying "if you have good service you will tell someone. If you have bad service you will tell everyone!". I think that is probably what you are hearing.

Having been here almost two years you might come across me having a moan about driving, corruption, beaurocracy or doing business here. But there are 100 planes leaving Thailand everyday and I do not get on them.

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Various parts of the Thai culture is not well understood by us farang even after living here many years. This can be exasperating to say the least, so at times, we may lash out/complain about what we think we do somewhat understand. Corruption, poor service, indifference, driving habits, pollution, double pricing, inconsistency in application of law. poor quality of product/labor, quantity of labor for a day pay, politics, prices of coveted items and availability, roads, traffic, weather, and just about anything else that may catch our fancy on a given day. Like people have said we are still here, but who knows tomorrow may bring a chance in perception.

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Various parts of the Thai culture is not well understood by us farang even after living here many years. This can be exasperating to say the least, so at times, we may lash out/complain about what we think we do somewhat understand. Corruption, poor service, indifference, driving habits, pollution, double pricing, inconsistency in application of law. poor quality of product/labor, quantity of labor for a day pay, politics, prices of coveted items and availability, roads, traffic, weather, and just about anything else that may catch our fancy on a given day. Like people have said we are still here, but who knows tomorrow may bring a chance in perception.

LOL, I think you've covered just about the lot. Like you I am still learning on a daily basis too and by the time I depart this mortal coil there will still be heaps I don't know.

I try to make learning fun though and haven't given up on the concept.

Yes it is enormously frustrating at times but for some reason, here, I can handle it. When someone fuc_ks me about in Australia though I tend to 'lose it' a little.

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i just decide to move to Thailand to start my new and improved life. i think the Thai people are amazing and kind so i choose to live here but many farang seem to only complain endlessly about everything and everyone in Thailand so why do they want to live here?

They don't, most of the complainers are just losers who have not advanced in any way since being here, have no family and rely on drunk bar buddies and bar girls to entertain them. If this was your life wouldn't you be depressed and lash out ?


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Psychologically speaking only, self esteem, education, drug & alcohol abuse, anonymity, fear, immaturity,

abuse, sexual dysfunction, logic, discipline, perception, reality, etc, etc, et al, the list goes on.

These are contributing factors, plus the daily reality check.....

Contrarily, there are millions of folks who are really, really positive about LOS and its people, who love life and who are

passionate about Thailand and its future. Associate with them rather in real life.

Its like watching the news every day - ya gonna get depressed - severely.

Welcome & enjoy your new home.


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i just decide to move to Thailand to start my new and improved life. i think the Thai people are amazing and kind so i choose to live here but many farang seem to only complain endlessly about everything and everyone in Thailand so why do they want to live here?


I hope the OP imports his car to Thailand.....

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Lets not forget that back in their home countries they could talk to anyone about little issues and gripes that come up. In Thailand their circle of friends is smaller and this is a sort of like a pub where people come to talk over things and those little grievances get aired. Sometimes with humour, sometimes with exasperation. Don't take this as them hating Thailand, take it as them using this forum as a place to let off a little steam as they try to adjust to life in a foreign country.

Edited by cdnvic
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i just decide to move to Thailand to start my new and improved life. i think the Thai people are amazing and kind so i choose to live here but many farang seem to only complain endlessly about everything and everyone in Thailand so why do they want to live here?

They don't, most of the complainers are just losers who have not advanced in any way since being here, have no family and rely on drunk bar buddies and bar girls to entertain them. If this was your life wouldn't you be depressed and lash out ?

I am not sure where 'bravingbangkok’ gets his info, and I am here for two years have family and don’t drink at all. And I do hate something about Thailand and Thai people; especially when Thai people do wrong things and never say sorry, when they promise something and unable to deliver, some all care is about farnag money especially the wife family, but I still like living here and I guess has more good than bad.

I have learned to be careful about some thing and some people over here and make sure I do not get taken

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Someone once said to me that the things you fall in love with about Thailand, you will eventually come to hate :D

I have lived over here for 10 years, and fortunately I havent reached that stage yet :)

The place can be terribly frustrating, but the good things far outweigh the bad.

I would certainly rather be here than back in that sh!thole known as the UK :D

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i just decide to move to Thailand to start my new and improved life. i think the Thai people are amazing and kind so i choose to live here but many farang seem to only complain endlessly about everything and everyone in Thailand so why do they want to live here?

They don't, most of the complainers are just losers who have not advanced in any way since being here, have no family and rely on drunk bar buddies and bar girls to entertain them. If this was your life wouldn't you be depressed and lash out ?

I am not sure where 'bravingbangkok' gets his info, and I am here for two years have family and don't drink at all. And I do hate something about Thailand and Thai people; especially when Thai people do wrong things and never say sorry, when they promise something and unable to deliver, some all care is about farnag money especially the wife family, but I still like living here and I guess has more good than bad.

I have learned to be careful about some thing and some people over here and make sure I do not get taken

Yes but you do not make it your life mission to try and talk as much sh7it about Thailand and it's people as possible.

Like a normal and decent human being you accept that people are different and you just get on with it.

It is one thing to think about it, it is another to constantly start threads about it as we have seen on this forum and talk endlessly about it in bars of which I have overheard many a time.

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Various parts of the Thai culture is not well understood by us farang even after living here many years. This can be exasperating to say the least, so at times, we may lash out/complain about what we think we do somewhat understand. Corruption, poor service, indifference, driving habits, pollution, double pricing, inconsistency in application of law. poor quality of product/labor, quantity of labor for a day pay, politics, prices of coveted items and availability, roads, traffic, weather, and just about anything else that may catch our fancy on a given day. Like people have said we are still here, but who knows tomorrow may bring a chance in perception.

LOL, I think you've covered just about the lot. Like you I am still learning on a daily basis too and by the time I depart this mortal coil there will still be heaps I don't know.

I try to make learning fun though and haven't given up on the concept.

Yes it is enormously frustrating at times but for some reason, here, I can handle it. When someone fuc_ks me about in Australia though I tend to 'lose it' a little.

As per your last sentance..I can se where your coming from there mate...same same here.

The differance is that A'holes in oz know what they are doing and take pleasure in being smart ar$es and continue to do it for fun

At least the majority of thais,for all their faults (many of which we also have),can still remain somewhat civilised and respectfull when under adversity

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I have found that the miserable, whingeing, whining, grumpy complaining farangs would do exactly the same thing no matter which country they were living in. It is just the type of person they are. Never happy with whatever they are doing or living and nothing will ever change them.I personally just laugh at them as they are really sad people. Stand in any bar back home and you will hear the same old crap! No! the country is not utopia and is far from perfect but my quality of life here is far better than working my butt off for 12 hours a day 7 days a week in London! :)

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Someone once said to me that the things you fall in love with about Thailand, you will eventually come to hate :D

I have lived over here for 10 3+years, and fortunately I havent reached that stage yet :)

The place can be terribly frustrating, but the good things far outweigh the bad.

I would certainly rather be here than back in that sh!thole known as the UK :D USofA

I voted with my feet Edited by Lost in LOS
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In most cases I find the folks who really enjoy Thailand enjoyed the country they came from.

The ones who REALLY hate Thailand hated their home country even more.

The complainers...you got it complained about ever thing back home.

If you have rose colored glasses keep them on. It for makes a peaceful life.

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I have been told that Thailand will give you better sex and you dont have to worry about how you look , the way to a better sex life is only a flight away.... :)

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Were it ever true that some Farangs had no place (bars?) else to go and vent, and needed some more time to acclimatize, I would venture to say that there are more bars per square here than anywhere else on God's green earth.

What with the copious amounts of gorgeous Thai babes about, who has the time or need to whinge & whine about whats wrong. Another veritable crock. So how much more time do y'all need?!


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