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What Is The Penalty For A Farang To Found Possesion Of A Firearm?


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All right guys,

Two senarios.

1) Farang found with an illegal unregistered gun in the car. Purpose for carrying = Self defense against highway car robberies and unexpected.

- Used, open fire and shot death an attacker with a illegal unregistered gun.

2) Farang founded driving alone with a legal registered someone else gun in the car. Purpose = Self defense.

- Used, open fire anf shot death an attacker with a legal registered gun.

What are the consequence?

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All right guys,

Two senarios.

1) Farang found with an illegal unregistered gun in the car. Purpose for carrying = Self defense against highway car robberies and unexpected.

- Used, open fire and shot death an attacker with a illegal unregistered gun.

2) Farang founded driving alone with a legal registered someone else gun in the car. Purpose = Self defense.

- Used, open fire anf shot death an attacker with a legal registered gun.

What are the consequence?

First of all - so unusual chances are I don;t think they'll know what to do, but after a bit of banter on their walkie talkies they'll decide its something that needs to be looked into and you'll more than likely have to go down to the local police station for some "questioning".

In case 1, they'll more than likely be more interested in how you got it than in the fact that you have it - then take it away from you.

In case 2, they'll still want to know how you got it, but I guess the circumstances will come into play, like were you in your house, was the victim running away from you, blah blah , blah, blah ......(i.e. the fact that its unregistered will be a minor, if not moot point).

In case 3 - nothing. You'd just be attracting uneccassery attention to say you had it for self defence (you haven't said that have you?)

As in case 2 - same story: moot point that its unregistered - how did you get it and what are the circumstances relating to its use.

But more important - you really have to seperate how the cops handle the matter, with how the judiciary would subsequently deal with it if it went to court - 2 very different things. Its so unusual it wouldn't suprize me if the cops took any oppurntunity they could to deal with the matter "off the books". Different matter if you shoot someone. The days of dealing with those sorts of cases under the table have not yet past us by compleltly, but been a ex-pat it would attract so attention and tounge wagging I'd be suprized if it could be kept quiet and deal't with informally.

Either way, hope like hel_l they don't send it to forensics only to find it was used to shoot Constable so & so in Yala province last year (or anyone else for that matter) - now things will be formal - and you will be needing a lawyer.

My guess is so long as no-one has been hurt with it, and you have some or other plausible story like it belongs to the father-in-law (registered or not - lots of Thai's have hand guns, so its not all that unusual) you'll land up having to pay someone off and that will be the end of the matter. Its not to big a deal.

Why don't you cut to the chase and share with us just what has happened (?)

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Why don't you cut to the chase and share with us just what has happened (?)

Hello Maizefarmer. Thanks for your information.

Nah, nothing has happened. Im just trying to get more information on this as i am going on a long roadtrip in within remote places. Will be good to have a gun in the car for protection just in case...the unexpected.

I think this information will benefit all of us here who would like to protect themselves. Not only to pple who are on a roadtrip.

So keep it coming in.

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surely the gun was the attackers with whom you had a struggle and the gun went off.. alarmed you picked up the gun in shock

This is one great idea. This could be use for short range situation or close struggle range senarios.

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"Officer,he dropped the gun during the attack,i picked it up and it went off"........"I honestly would not know how to use a gun,i've never had one in my life"!But if you are simply stopped with one,then it's the missus gun!But carrying one is a different story(On your person).there are plenty of other weapons that will not get you in half the trouble,like auto extendable batons... :)

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As far as I know it is perfectly legal for a foreigner to own a firearm here if he follows the rules regarding proper licenses, registration, etc.

I presume that the laws which apply to illegal ownership/concealment of a weapon are the same for all individuals; having been in violation of the law would present an additional risk to the foreign violators because it would possibly mean review of visa status, etc.

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As far as I know it is perfectly legal for a foreigner to own a firearm here if he follows the rules regarding proper licenses, registration, etc.

I presume that the laws which apply to illegal ownership/concealment of a weapon are the same for all individuals; having been in violation of the law would present an additional risk to the foreign violators because it would possibly mean review of visa status, etc.

It is illegal for a foreigner to own a firearm in Thailand.Your wife can own one,but not you.There is NO licence application available.I have explored all possibilities,and no amount of influence changes the fact.But that does not mean you cannot get away with it,you just need to be friends with certain figures in your area.But it will still be illegal if you use it,and you better have a pocket full of baht.... :)

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If you feel the need to carry a loaded gun in Thailand, then it's time for you to leave.

Mr. Garry9999. Do you want to leave things to fate and go with the submissive unpredictable flow if someone intend to murder and attack you for stuffs? Or do u want to have at least some control of the outcome and have something to fight back when you are faced with situations in life and death?

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I have ridden all around Thailand and ended up in some very remote places. Never felt the need to carry anything for self defence. I think that if you think you need to carry a loaded firearm around then it is because of the things you are either planning on doing or normally do. As someone has already said. If you feel the need to carry a gun it is time to leave! To legally have a firearm you need to be a resident I think ?

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Ya need to change your type of business - packing is considered a felony everywhere.

There are way more piece-packing Thais than there are Farang, so lose the job/piece.

The scenarios are rather weak. Just tell us where so we can avoid ya like the plague


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I have ridden all around Thailand and ended up in some very remote places. Never felt the need to carry anything for self defence. I think that if you think you need to carry a loaded firearm around then it is because of the things you are either planning on doing or normally do. As someone has already said. If you feel the need to carry a gun it is time to leave! To legally have a firearm you need to be a resident I think ?

I'd like to add that there are certain times and places where you could be forgiven for feeling the need to carry a sidearm,i certainly am no criminal however i do stand out due to being a business owner and a farang,and these things make me an open target for criminal types,especially when i arrive home late in the evening,with housing surrounded by bush.I don't like firearms,but sometimes you have to do,what you have to do to protect yourself and your loved ones.Every business owner i know has a concealed sidearm on them.If you cannot read Thai language,then you most likely don't get to hear about the high level of violent crime in Thailand,it's VERY real. :D:D (No,they don't carry .50 desert eagles...mostly small calibre) :)

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People that are not experienced in the use of sidearms and that do not pass certification tests every so often, usually end up either killing or wounding innocent bystanders because they do not have the aiming skills and self discipline that comes from constant training or they end up dead when the attacker panics and shoots or takes the gun off the person. It takes alot of training to use a sidearm properly and to actually hit the target. Take a look at the people that don't miss. They train, have good eye hand coordination and most importantly, never panic under stress. Can you be like that?

Every year, more people die in the west from the improper use of firearms than they do from their legal discharge use.

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Not sure what the exact penalties as we're all legal with our firearms at our house. I do recommend though that you pay attention to the various police bulletins (or better yet make friends with the local police clerk and have him/her inform you) that announce that they will be registering illegal firearms, making them legal. Happens every several years.

The same way that the local amphur does with illegal South East Asian aliens (construction/factory workers, maids, etc.) periodically.


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People that are not experienced in the use of sidearms and that do not pass certification tests every so often, usually end up either killing or wounding innocent bystanders because they do not have the aiming skills and self discipline that comes from constant training or they end up dead when the attacker panics and shoots or takes the gun off the person. It takes alot of training to use a sidearm properly and to actually hit the target. Take a look at the people that don't miss. They train, have good eye hand coordination and most importantly, never panic under stress. Can you be like that?

Every year, more people die in the west from the improper use of firearms than they do from their legal discharge use.

I think my avatar says it all :)

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I'm not sure if i could always tell if someone had deadly intent towards me so maybe I would just end up shooting the village idiot, if you just want protection get something that you know you will use, pepper spray or similar,

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I cant think of many places in Thailand were one would feel the need to carry - perhaps a few small isolated areas along the Thai/Myanmar border - all that goes on up there is narcotic and gemstone smuggling, or smuggling of DPRK illegals(!!)- no place for an ex-pat to be hanging out I would have thought!

The only other folk you'e likely to bump into will be dissadent/militant Burmese or Thai Rangers ... and both will have automatics, so you're likely to come off 2nd best if you produce a handgun.

A brief point on the issue of ex-pats and gun licenses - you can get (I have - allbeit a good few years back), and you can also get a "permitt to carry" (I don't have) - both are open to ex-pats, as they are to Thai's (meaning legal), but unusual (so dont be suprized if you get the "no can do response") and subject to the same conditions as Thai applicants, plus a few more like your visa/legal status in Thailand, why you want, what type, where do you live, and some other issues - the subject has been covered a couple of times on TV General Topics (search back using "license" and "gun" as search terms).

However, since the gov launched its "rid urban areas of guns" policy, applications for handgun licenses and permitts to carry in urban/built-up areas have nearly all been rejected - literally a handfull get approved in the Bkk Metropolitan Area each year Thai applicants as well - excepting those submitted by police officers, so across the board the cops (its the area senior copper where you live who Yes/No's all applications - they are not processed on a central gov basis) are a lot more circumspect today than they were in the past.

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"Nah, nothing has happened. Im just trying to get more information on this as i am going on a long roadtrip in within remote places. Will be good to have a gun in the car for protection just in case...the unexpected."

You're an America arn't you? :)

A couple of questions,a long road trip??????,to remote places???????,just where is this mysterious,dangerous place you find yourself impelled to go,and armed,come on,let's in on it.

Can you hit the side of a barn with a handful of wheat???Could you line up another human being and pull the trigger????? I've only been here 2yrs.not once have I thought I needed a gun,even though it has been offered.Next,to some real old hands in Thai,anybody,has being in possession of a firearm saved you in a difficult situation???? Once more the overgunned,underbrained populace.Maybe you don't go on a long road trip to remote places,wherever that might be,would be a better idea for all concerned.Sorry,where were you going again???????????????? I don't feel threatened here,you do,bad luck.Remote????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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no problem, in any case:

it's enough to offer (quietly..so it seems you will consider him uncorruptable) money to the corrupted police (quite all...are mega corrupted or need more THB ...) .

Sure 101% he will hide the evidences... and you will be able to come back to your ...journey/stay/life.

Easy...I experienced here in Thailand this special unofficial Law: MONEY :)

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no problem, in any case:

it's enough to offer (quietly..so it seems you will consider him uncorruptable) money to the corrupted police (quite all...are mega corrupted or need more THB ...) .

Sure 101% he will hide the evidences... and you will be able to come back to your ...journey/stay/life.

Easy...I experienced here in Thailand this special unofficial Law: MONEY :)

Are you crazy or what :D

What will happen in ur own country if a foreigner get caught will an illegal firearm ?

Why do you think that it will be different in thailand, just because the Cops are corrupted ?

In the best case he will have to pay a huge sum of money not to go in jail and in the the worst case

if he doesn't have the money on him or if the bib who catch him doesn't like the farangs, he will just put a bullet in his head (self-defense).

When are you going to stop thinking that you are above the law just because you are a farang and you have money ?

This kind of thinking is harmful to all foreigners who live and / or work in Thailand and just want to have a normal life.

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When are you going to stop thinking that you are above the law just because you are a farang ?

He didn't say that.

He said that everyone that is willing to fork up enough can be above the law.

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