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I Love Today In Chiangmai


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Oh, well, there are worse things in life than being taught a little humility! ' Although, for the life of me, I cannot think now what those worse things might be. :D

Yes, not having a cappuccino at all :)

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Oh, well, there are worse things in life than being taught a little humility! ' Although, for the life of me, I cannot think now what those worse things might be. :D

Yes, not having a cappuccino at all :)

Yes! Thank you, sbk! I was so distracted for a moment there, that I lost all perspective.

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Oh, well, there are worse things in life than being taught a little humility! ' Although, for the life of me, I cannot think now what those worse things might be. :D

not having a cappuccino at all :)

Stepping on a dead squirrel while everybody else is sleeping.


Edited by MonsieurHulot
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Oh, well, there are worse things in life than being taught a little humility! ' Although, for the life of me, I cannot think now what those worse things might be. :D

not having a cappuccino at all :)

Stepping on a dead squirrel while everybody else is sleeping.

Not to mention being (or no longer being) that squirrel ... not for being stepped apon (?upon), but for what may have led to its demise. Any clues?

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Oh, well, there are worse things in life than being taught a little humility! ' Although, for the life of me, I cannot think now what those worse things might be. :D

not having a cappuccino at all :)

Stepping on a dead squirrel while everybody else is sleeping.

Not to mention being (or no longer being) that squirrel ... not for being stepped apon (?upon), but for what may have led to its demise. Any clues?


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Oh, well, there are worse things in life than being taught a little humility! ' Although, for the life of me, I cannot think now what those worse things might be. :D

Yes, not having a cappuccino at all :D

Exactly! Was thinking same thing. Mr Blinky, I would have taken your post more seriously if you hadn't mentioned you were having...INSTANT! :D


M.Hulot, are you sure Mr/Ms Kitty there is the culprit? I think Squirrels are usually wayyyy too fast and smart to be caught by the average kitty!


Anyway..yep, another great day (made better with my fresh home-made non-instant coffee. Sorry Blinky :) ). Pausing to send a small Chiang Mai wave to Priceless. :D

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M.Hulot, are you sure Mr/Ms Kitty there is the culprit? I think Squirrels are usually wayyyy too fast and smart to be caught by the average kitty!

I'm not sure Miss Poupée is the culprit but she sure is a (usual) suspect. She's smart, fast, brave (from time to time, she likes to confront snakes) and she loves me :)

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She is guilty, I can see it in her eye.

Well I just questioned Poupée. She blamed the murder on another cat by the name of Keyser Söze :)

I tend to believe she is innocent because, when she kills a squirrel, she usually eats a thigh or two. This squirrel was dead, no doubt about it, but he still had four limbs. I take it that he overdosed on lamyais.


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This is so perfect! I can recite here my favourite poem of all time. It's called Crow Tyrannosaurus and reading it always makes a good day even better:

Creation quaked voices --

It was a cortege

Of mourning and lament

Crow could hear and he looked around fearfully.

The swift's body fled past


With insects

And their anguish, all it had eaten.

The cat's body writhed


A tunnel

Of incoming death-struggles, sorrow on sorrow.

And the dog was a bulging filterbag

Of all the deaths it had gulped for flesh and the bones.

It could not digest their screeching finales.

Its shapeless cry was a blort of all those voices.

Even man he was a walking


Of innocents --

His brain incinerating their outcry.

Crow thought "Alas

Alas ought I

To stop eating

And try to become the light?"

But his eye saw a grub. And his head, trapsprung, stabbed.

And he listened

And he heard


Grubs grubs He stabbed he stabbed



Weeping he walked and stabbed

Thus came the eye's


the ear's


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As some of you know, I am presently in cold and wet Farawayland . . . It is really heart warming to read something like this, reminding me why I moved to the Land of Smiles :)

Unless I am badly mistaken, Priceless, I believe that now is about the time many people awake and rise from their beds in your faraway land. Perhaps you are dragging yourself bleary-eyed from slumberland even as I write this note to you. Since you enjoyed at least some of the earlier parts of this topic, I thought I would tell you that today, as I looked at Doi Suthep, her head shrouded in clouds, I could have sworn that I saw hurry-home drops on her cheeks. They could have been meant only for you, so on behalf of Doi Suthep, as well as the rest of us, please do hurry home.

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Unless I am badly mistaken, Priceless, I believe that now is about the time many people awake and rise from their beds in your faraway land. Perhaps you are dragging yourself bleary-eyed from slumberland even as I write this note to you.

I hope his coffee machine is not broken.

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Now, see, i just had a feeling ms Poupée was not the culprit!

Also as with UG's cats, my kitties too used to make a big fuss when they caught something. Often they would bring in something live. But, if it was killed, they would definitely have messed it up a bit. Usually Id get some high pitched meowing noise which was unique to other mews announcing they have brought in something delicious for me. :)


Uhh..Rasseru..your favorite poem is..um... um... nope, nvm, i have no words. o.o



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Uhh..Rasseru..your favorite poem is..um... um... nope, nvm, i have no words. o.o

You didn't like his favourite poem but, maybe, who knows, you will appreciate the runner-up. It's called Crow's Nerve Fails.

It's also a pretty good poem.

Crow, feeling his brain slip,

Finds his every feather the fossil of a murder.

Who murdered all these?

These living dead, that root in his nerves and his blood

Till he is visibly black?

How can he fly from his feathers?

And why have they homed on him?

Is he the archive of their accusations?

Or their ghostly purpose, their pining vengeance?

Or their unforgiven prisoner?

He cannot be forgiven.

His prison is the earth. Clothed in his conviction,

Trying to remember his crimes

Heavily he flies.

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I guess Poupee's name seemed apt when she was a kitten ?

Tell me why, WaiWai.

In the photo here, she does resemble one of the more malign marionettes. I am sure she has spells of innocence, too.

(Wai was she named Poupee?)

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I think Poupee is sweet name. Suits her well.


Btw, did anyone notice the tag for this thread? :D:)


And, wow, what another beautiful day! :D

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well i am sure chaigmai is a wonderful place when you have been there a while and understand how the place runs , but for me its a shit hole got of the train my mobile phone taken by some one cleaning the cabin arrived in a hotel room that they double booked ,went for a walk nearly died on the fumes and then to put the cream on the cake had my visa cared scammed at the mall .

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well i am sure chaigmai is a wonderful place when you have been there a while and understand how the place runs , but for me its a shit hole got of the train my mobile phone taken by some one cleaning the cabin arrived in a hotel room that they double booked ,went for a walk nearly died on the fumes and then to put the cream on the cake had my visa cared scammed at the mall .

Your post is a stain on an otherwise pristine Topic In The Sky. :)

What you went through is called Filtering. I hate to break the news but it seems that you were rejected. :D

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