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Condo Registered In Thai Name + Foreigner Name

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Condo registered in Thai name + Foreigner name - Does it automatically fall in the 49% foreign ownership ?


I found a condo registered with Thai + foreigner name (I have seen the document).

Do you think that because a farang name is written on the document i should be able to buy this apartment with only my foreigner name?

I guess that as soon as a foreigner name is written on the condo ownership document it means that this apartment falls in the 49% allowed for farangs and that this building already reached, but can you confirm? (I repeat that 49% condos in this building already are owned by foreigners)

Thanks a lot.

Also, if you can tell me which official document I need to get before buying this condo to be sure that I will be able to register it with my name?

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There is no one document - there are a whole bunch of docs, not least of which are the current house docs, as registered - you want to go through those with a fine tooth comb to establish if any 3rd party charge exisists.

Just a day or 2 ago an ex-pat posted to the forum something about trying to establish liability for repairs that needed to be done to the house he resides in - which is one house amongst many more in the complex where he lives.

Guess what? The house officially doesn't exist!

He's bought a house (and it physically exists - he paid Baht 7million) but it would appear that the land docs show no house regsitered.

The point I'm making is: when it comes to questions about houses/condo's ect .... you are best off paying an expert to confirm/verify all detail - don't take the word of a seller/vendor, or any paperwork they may present you with - get everything independantly verified, checked out and confirmed.

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The building management (juristic office) of the condo prject should have the latest registry of owners and can tell you if the limit for foreign ownership has been reached. Ownership papers by themselves may not give the full picture.

In any title transfer to a foreigner, documentation to be submitted to the Land department has to include a certified declaration from the juristic manager on the present status of foreign ownership.

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