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Good Luck, Martin Of Ferang Connection,surin Fame(or Infamy)

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The BFG,Martin,Mountain or any of the many other names he has been called, goes of to Bangkok Int Hospital in Korat today.

I have OK'd this with him before posting and I would like to wish him all the best of luck and hope he will be back in the Ferang Connection,Surin soon (otherwise who else can take the p!ss out of us expats & tourists).

When I moved here 3 years ago, He was the first&only English speaker, I got to know! (Thank <deleted>, I moved on!!! :) (Joke))

I am not going to go over old ground as to the build up to this situation, but I was pleased to see he still had his typical English gruff humour about him when we spoke, a short while ago.

He insited he won't be going to the same place as Micheal Jackson, although the thought of Martin dressing up in blazer&shorts would not be an attractive sight.


David & Sri

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The BFG,Martin,Mountain or any of the many other names he has been called, goes of to Bangkok Int Hospital in Korat today.

I have OK'd this with him before posting and I would like to wish him all the best of luck and hope he will be back in the Ferang Connection,Surin soon (otherwise who else can take the p!ss out of us expats & tourists).

When I moved here 3 years ago, He was the first&only English speaker, I got to know! (Thank <deleted>, I moved on!!! :) (Joke))

I am not going to go over old ground as to the build up to this situation, but I was pleased to see he still had his typical English gruff humour about him when we spoke, a short while ago.

He insited he won't be going to the same place as Micheal Jackson, although the thought of Martin dressing up in blazer&shorts would not be an attractive sight.


David & Sri

Best wishes to Martin for a speedy recovery. Pity he won't be able to take advantage of the FC hospital room service menu in Korat, but it may be that he will have to have a stint on salads.


I hear that he has had to postpone his hospital trip for a few days, as he has has Visa renewal problems!

It never rains but it pours !

Still Good luck, Martin


I was going to post this on the visa section, but as this thread is about me, I will write it here.If any Mod feels it worth duplication, I would be more than happy.

The story started on a cold and windy night, in Old Surin Town (locals table, beer was cold, customers windy)I was eating my Roast Lamb when I suddenly went into convulsions, as a Yorkshire pudding seemed to get stuck in my throat. I could not breath, and eventually washed it away. End of story. It didn't happen again. I mentioned it to my Doctor who suggested a Barium Swallow. That came back stamped " Probable Cancer" No if's or but's just Probable Cancer. I then succumbed to an Endscope and Biopsy. Report returned, everything normal exept small CA 8cm's long in Eosophagus. I was advised to go to Bangkok to have an operation to remove it. We then got put in touch with a local man that has cured dozens of really bad cases, so we decided to give it a go.

As my visa extension was up for renewal, we had to decide which comes first. Catch 22. Pay visa, no op, op no visa.I waited until the day before my Kap Choeng date and trasferred the money from my now cancer account into the account. The herbal treatment seemed to be working so stick with it. No good. Suddenly this year your money has to be in the bank for three months before it is shown. Presumably one must beg for scraps in the street to sustain one self for the duration of the extension transaction.

I was given a three months non-imm and told to come back.

It might be said at this time that I produced a bank statment that I put 450,000 in my account in the last two months, plus offered proof of putting 1,600,000 through said account in the year since my last application. Also Tax deduction forms for the last year, because I do pay Thai income tax. I asked " what about the 40,000 a month, of which 20,000 can come from your spouse.

" No good was the reply.

Yesterday I returned to the mighty Kingdom of Kap Chong, with all my paperwork intact.

" No good" was the same reply.

He then went to point out that I had withdrawn 20,000 baht leaving only 380.000 in the account for a matter of two days. Paid bill Friday, put money in 128,000 monday. Monday afternoon 508.000 in account. Not good. 108,000 over ok. 20,000 under...no visa.

Now I don't want to blow my own trumpet (well not much) but I do more for the tourist section of Surin than anybody. I have an official plaque from the Governer for services provided. Last year I did so well at the Elephant round-up, I got a thank you letter, and invited to be a life member of the Surin Tourist Promotion Assossiation. I even have a work permit until June 2011. Our Pub/Restayrant pulls in more Farang visitors to Surin than anyone else, because we believe we have the top web-site on Surin in the World. In fact it goes on. A few years ago I receved another award for my television programme " Knock Door English" where we roamed Surin, with a TV crew, picking groups of publis sevants at random, and giving them an hours English lesson.

I now have to postpone my life saving operation so that if by any chance it is successful I will still have somewhere to live.

That is not altogether true, although I have one of the quickest speading cancers (CA) with a fatality % of around 90, my Barium Swallow last week shoed a decrease to 2cm on the size of the tumour. Well I'm still happy, although yesterday I was sure I was on the way out. Much better and fitter today though.

Cheers lads

By the way. Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of people who have offered to foot some of the bill for me. Thanks Lads...............this buggers mine.

Besides..............I take enough off you in the pub.


Sometimes it is just "one thing after another". Wishing you the best Martin and a change of luck for the better.


Good luck, Martin, wish there was something I could do to help in this situation. :)

Take care and know that everyone is thinking of you :D


Martin, Your doctor can sign a paper for you to receive a 90 day medical visa. Some people have received 4 and possibly more during their treatment for car wrecks and other things. Maybe you can get your visa sorted but if not, this could buy you some time. Immigration in Korat should be able to stamp you 90 days but if you need details send me a PM.

Martin, Your doctor can sign a paper for you to receive a 90 day medical visa. Some people have received 4 and possibly more during their treatment for car wrecks and other things. Maybe you can get your visa sorted but if not, this could buy you some time. Immigration in Korat should be able to stamp you 90 days but if you need details send me a PM.

Good post,matey



I only met Martin on a two night trip to Surin a few months back. He was cordial and friendly and made me feel welcome at Farang Connection.

Prayers go out to you Martin. Do you get to keep your cats in the hospital room with you.

Get well soon.



Just met the Michelin Man A.K.A. BFG & Martin in the petrol station near to home.

One hurdle down, Visa now sorted and he can concentrate on getting better&eating cos there is no such thing as a thin BFG. :)

Come on Martin, sort it out, mate




Martin wishing you the best as you deserve it.

You are what has made Surin Surin for sure.

Take care




I had no idea Martin was ill.


Best wishes to you Martin.

-Kirk Mazzia

Nana Foods

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child

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