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Shooting In Our Village


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It's not as if we live in some dodgy neighbourhood, this gated village is extremely family orientated. Also, it's not as if I am acting like a hero, bare minimum I would say.

'None of my business', I beg to differ. This is my neighbourhood. I should have the right to not put up with that. Is that really an acceptable standard of living for Thai's?

If you want to get involved, because you feel that you can't put up with it, you will have to back up your involvement with equal or, better, superior force. Which, given that you post your little problem here, you haven't. Don't get any further involved than you are already. You have already been careless enough.

The last thing you want is that a guy with a gun and a temper to go with it is getting pissed at you.

Great idea, just ignore him when he is peppering the street with bullets. Maybe, as you are leaving for work and he is taking pot shots at the local wildlife you can engage him in conversation. "Nice shooting buddy, is that a Glock or a Colt 45?"

If you think that it is a good idea to make people that shoot guns pissed off at you, than you are free to do so. I do prefer the risk of stray bullets over the risk of bullets pointed at me. I am not going to play lone ranger, or neighborhood cop.

When guns are shot in my Soi, i move the family to the back of the house, and have a look when it's over and finished with. It happens once a while, and usually at night.

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I am looking for some advice as to handle this situation...

My Thai wife and I live in a Quality House Village which has a good secure, family oriented, environment. Out of nearly 400 homes I think we have the one with the neighbour that is the 'odd one out'. He is supposed to have 4 massage parlours (so he told us), and comes across as a bit of a thai mafia style.

After listening to many many arguments between him and his wife, it finally came to an exclamation mark last night, with the husband firing 4 shots out in the soi at about 7:30pm. After hearing this I went down to see what had happened, found his wife out the front of their place, baby in arms, sitting on the driveway crying. I was going to ask her if she was ok, when I looked over into the house and saw the husband holding a pistol, at which point I quickly went back to my own place to phone my wife and get her to call the police.

During this time the couple continued to argue (screaming at the top of their lungs), about 10 mins had elapsed, and I heard their car start up. Once again, I went outside to see what was happening. The wife was now at the end of the soi, and the husband was heading towards her in the car. I stood out in the middle of the soi in front of my house, so the husband could see I was watching, hoping to deter him from doing something stupid.

When he reached her he opened the car door, got out, pulled out his gun again, cocked the trigger and pointed it at her head. I could not believe what I was seeing. Only one brave security guard stood by to observe, the rest just took off. By they way, there are many parents and children in the streets at this time. He did not shoot her, but dragged her back to their house, arguing continued, a load thud, then nothing.

By this time I am frantically calling my wife saying where are the bloody police, it must have been a half hour by now. She ends up having to get them from the police station, and bring them to our house.

When they get here, they were pathetic, so casual about something that is so serious, just a husband wife argument they said. They told us they could do nothing as they did not see it 1st hand they could only ring his doorbell, and ask him to come out. I could not beleive this, they have multiple witnesses, spent cartridges on the ground. After a few attempts they were actually going to leave. At this point I got very angry, and we basically had to bully the police into persisting to get the shooter out of his house, and down to the station. From what my wife overheard they took his gun away from him.

We shouldn't have to put up with this in our environment, nobody, in any country, should have to.

What Thai laws has he broken?, what are the penalties?, how can I best handle this?

My wife wants to keep a low profile, but fcuked if i'm going to cower in my own home, especially since he would be the only one of his sort in the village. It's actually become a very sour issue between my wife and I.

Any advice?

If this guy apparently owns 4 massage parlours, than there is a change that he and the police are all chums and part of the old boy network.

Now your neighbour knows that it was you who grassed him up to the police and made him lose face, you and your family could be in considerable danger from these people.

And as you saw by the police response to the gun incident, if you have a problem, the cavalry isn’t going to come to your rescue.

If a management company runs your estate, I suggest you complain to them under the terms of the lease and let the management company deal with it, otherwise best to stay clear and keep yourself to yourself..

The golden rules for survival in Thailand:

Keep a low profile, keep your head down and keep spending the money.

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Thanks Kurnell, appreciated. It's obviously not that easy to just sell up and move. I sure those of you who own a house understand. It would be great to hear if anyone has an idea on exactly what laws have been broken by his actions? I would have thought there were some very strict laws about firing a gun in public, and pointing a loaded weapon at someone.


1. Firing firearm in public without appropriate course

2. Attempt murder

3. Detain a person against his/her will with the threat of weapon

4. The gun should be checked if it is registered on his name or not?

If he is charged he can be kept locked up for a few days before he can get a leave permit on bail of around 200K B.

PS: He may have more than one gun and two arms...

Thanks mate.

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Thanks for all the intelligent replies, easy to sort the wheat from the chaff. Yes I am well aware of the risks in the country. I definitiely have no ego to satisfy, or looking to be a hero, just looking for some potential solutions to a problem that would concern any normal person. Once again, thanks.

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My sympathy goes out to you my friend. I can imagine this to be very uncomfortable for you.

I think it was M Singh who hit the nail on the head, about a life being cheap.

Take care of your family. Don't get yourself shot. Think about it mate.

Edited by longstebe
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Christ, while all the smugness? The guy is asking for some help/info to a real problem, not 'I'm pissed that my pizza is salty, how do I get a refund' or 'I got ripped off at the market'. Alright, we all know one shouldn't get involved but why come on here barking TIT, welcome to Thailand, etc... to what end! Just skip over or hangout in the joke forum. Would you, if you had a family in one of the top moobahns in the country, be as flippant?

Unfortunately, op, there really isn't much you could. Perps like this are in all levels of society and live everywhere. The only viable option without getting done over is to look for a house elsewhere. All the best.

I agree with this and the previous comment. Too many opinions based on rumours about Thai culture from know-it-alls that know <deleted>-all. If you have no genuine ideas to help situation then, go to a bar and tell your lame stories there.

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My sympathy goes out to you my friend. I can imagine this to be very uncomfortable for you.

I think it was M Singh who hit the nail on the head, about a life being cheap.

Take care of your family. Don't get yourself shot. Think about it mate.

Agree 100%....You really need to step back and think really hard about getting involved further, but i fear it may already be to late. By the reaction of the BIB, i'd say the crazed neighbor knows already that you called them up and a loss of face has already occurred. You already know that he is a gun crazed lunatic, so why risk upsetting him further. If a call goes out next time that a farang has been shot in the village, then you've already seen the urgent response received from the local BIB. Please consider where you are, and the reality of the situation....life is to short and cheap here to think otherwise.

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What's he supposed to do? Wait until the bullet comes through the window and then go look for the slug, find it if it's embedded in his wife's skull, dig it out with a knife, and then return it to the shooter with a nice smile and dutiful wai?

For us westerners not, for thai people YES :)

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If the suspect is found guilty as charged (if he is charged afterall) he can be sentenced to be behind bard for more than decade. However, even he is charged it's doubtful if other witnesses will testify in the court.

Given how long it takes to go to court, and believe me he will be out on bail/extended release during that time. Is it worth putting your life on the line. Dale Henry's family are still waiting for justice after nearly 18 months!

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My sympathy goes out to you my friend. I can imagine this to be very uncomfortable for you.

I think it was M Singh who hit the nail on the head, about a life being cheap.

Take care of your family. Don't get yourself shot. Think about it mate.

Agree 100%....You really need to step back and think really hard about getting involved further, but i fear it may already be to late. By the reaction of the BIB, i'd say the crazed neighbor knows already that you called them up and a loss of face has already occurred. You already know that he is a gun crazed lunatic, so why risk upsetting him further. If a call goes out next time that a farang has been shot in the village, then you've already seen the urgent response received from the local BIB. Please consider where you are, and the reality of the situation....life is to short and cheap here to think otherwise.

OK, just to set this straight, and not apologising for this guy, this is the 1st time a gun has appeared in over a year of barneys with his wife. Yes, clearly shooting in public is way over the top, hence the concern. I doubt that at this point 'it's too late'. It's the next actions/inactions forward that need to be handled correctly, and this is why I' m looking for some expat opinions.

We have had many discussions with this guy before over neighbourly issues, nothing negative. He's not a loon 24/7. I think deep down he must know he's a f_wit for his behaviour, and he may have a good idea that I called the police, if our security hadn't also done the same - which would be expected. Either way I'm not good for seeing this happen again.

So, moving forward, I now know this guy has the potential to snap, not going to put myself in the line of fire, and looking for ways to best handle it. Trust me, I didn't make him lose face, he did that very well on his own in front of the village, and I'm sure the gossip has spread right throughout by now. The police turned up after the main event, by which time many bystanders, and securtiy saw what he did.

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You must be new to Thailand 'cos your whole post reads like you are in Basingstoke.

1. Why on earth would you call the police in Thailand? Don't you know they're never going to get involved in domestic disputes?

2. Why on earth would you think the police would come? What's in it for them?

3. Why are you surprised to see a gun? Believe it or not, your nice estate is awash with them.

4. Why are you surprised to see a violent domestic? Thailand is famous for wife-beating.

5. Why do you think you making yourself visible is going to change anything? You are a farang. You are totally unconnected. You have no influence.

6. Why are you surprised at the outcome? The missus/girlfriend always stomps off and then always allows herself to be dragged back into the car. It's always the same. I've seen it a million times.

For goodness sake, man, you've been here a while, stop being so green. This is normal here. This is not Basingstoke!

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You must be new to Thailand 'cos your whole post reads like you are in Basingstoke.

1. Why on earth would you call the police in Thailand? Don't you know they're never going to get involved in domestic disputes?

2. Why on earth would you think the police would come? What's in it for them?

3. Why are you surprised to see a gun? Believe it or not, your nice estate is awash with them.

4. Why are you surprised to see a violent domestic? Thailand is famous for wife-beating.

5. Why do you think you making yourself visible is going to change anything? You are a farang. You are totally unconnected. You have no influence.

6. Why are you surprised at the outcome? The missus/girlfriend always stomps off and then always allows herself to be dragged back into the car. It's always the same. I've seen it a million times.

For goodness sake, man, you've been here a while, stop being so green. This is normal here. This is not Basingstoke!


The sooner a farang realizes he/she is only a guest here, with no rights of due process, no rights of protest, no rights of normal police protection, no mandate to interfere in the lives of Thai citizens, etc., the happier (albeit more street-wise) they will be.

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To the OP.

I'm sure most of the expats agree with you that we shouldn't have to put up with this sh!t but its out

there wheather we like it or not.

Clearly you feel very strong about the situation.Somehow I don't think the rest of the village would want

to get involved.This means your on your own (no sh!t). The only way I can see you breathing a sigh of

relief, would be for him to move home or you.

Put your house on the market.

Yes you would be giving in to this idiot but the most important thing is you and your family will be safe.

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Why should HE move out for that one guy with a gun in his neighborhoud? !!

Because the OP has a family to look after.

Would you want your kids playing outside if you knew at any moment a crazy guy with a gun was

about to start spraying the air with lead?

I wouldn't. It was just my opinion.

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All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Great to see a good man doing something.

Waza I understand the sentiment,but don't you think your deluding yourself,great to see a good man burying himself in his own community ,is that what you want,in the name of principle,when none exists all around you.For example,I live 12klms. outside C.Mai. 300yrds. off Highway 107,drinking a few at the local Thai laan ahaan,verbal erupts between two Thais,both return home,40mtrs.,houses opposite each other,in full view of myself,wife,6,7 friends,ha ha that's all over,oh no it's not,one of the 2 leaves his house,stands in the middle of the road,and empties the magazine of a hand gun through the front of his neighbours house.Father,Mother,two children inside.Shock and amazement for all onlookers,but there you have it.

So don't go to to the police,they won't help you,the one doing the shooting was a policeman.

How and why do you think they are going to listen to you "whitey"

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OP, Never ever never get involved in a Thai domestic dispute. If anything the guy involved will turn on you and possibly come after you with the gun. In one way your lucky, most Thai houses are concrete so relatively safe from the odd misplaced gunshot. You may consider adding extra bricks to the wall of one room to create a safe room but whatever you do, stay inside and do not get involved. In fact it may already be to late if the Thai Police told the guy you were the one who called them on him and insisted they get involved. If they did tell him and he is a suicidal nut case you and your family will be high up on his list of people to target when he does go off the rails.

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A fair few. actually

I know one personally, then there was the guy in Ranong murdered by his wife, the guy in Chumphon shot by his neighbor in a dispute, those Russian girls murdered on the beach in Pattaya....

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Like the OP said, he knows the guy and has spoken to him on several occasions. Normally the guy is OK but on this occasion lost the plot. I agree, the OP shouldnt make himself a target by getting physically involved while the guys blood is running hot and he is seeing red. I think the Op handelled the situation. If he wants to seriously get involved he should talk to the guy, tell him of his concerns for the safety of the children in the street and his family. Or go through a third party, EG: the village leader or local council. But I would advise him not to soil his pants and run away, like other here. I have seen things as deeply disturbing as this in my street in Aus, but luckily our cops are more re-active.

Edited by waza
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I was not suggesting he be scared, only that he be smart. Confronting anyone who is angry and has a gun is a bad business, not for the hobbyist. Certainly if the man came onto his property waving a gun around he would have no choice but to take direct action. Any sober family man who is not being directly threatened should only be concerned about his family and should put them first. This may sound pretty tough but if the woman was dumb enough to get involved with violent idiot and then not get her self away from him its not the responsibility of anyone but her and her family to keep her safe.

Truth is, in most cases confronting a family feud will not make you a hero. Usually they end up hating you for your trouble, being this is free advice/commentary, take it or leave it.

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I agree with you No Krap, getting physically involved in a domestic dispute usually leads to you being the target of both the disputing parties. It like arguing with a drunk, a no win situation.

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I agree with others here. Don't get involved no matter how much you might like to. In ALL domestic violence problems the police in "civilized" countries separate the two combatants, otherwise the two WILL gang up on the police. It will be the same if the OP gets involved in any way. As many people have already mentioned the police in Thailand do NOT respond the same way they do in western countries. It is a fact that tourists and expats have to live with.

Is it fair? No, but as a foreigner in their country you have to live with it. We have to accept the bad with the good no matter how unfair it might be.

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