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Hi Members,

Our Photo Challenge #6,'Thai Wildlife'

All creatures great and small, chosen by our resident 'Monk-fish'.

'No Dog' photos are allowed as we did have one on then already. :D

is now open until the end of July 2009, so please post your entries. We thank you :D

All "Entries" must be your own.

Rules are "Pinned" so please take a look at them The Rules are Here or just look below :D

1. Challenges are limited to photos taken within Thailand or are clearly Thailand related.

2. Only your own photos may be submitted.

3. You may post up to 3 photos in each challenge.

4. Photos must have been shot within the last 3 months.

5. Post processing is OK, but it will be up to the judge if it works or not.

6. Keep your images to 600-800 pixels on their longest side, if posting a link.

7. Please include some EXIF data including: speed, aperture, ISO, and any PP you've done.

8. Judging will be by Forum Poll or via Post Votes at the end of the period

9. The winner gets to set the subject for the next challenge available.

10 Each challenge will be open for 15 days or more. Please see the challenge announcement.

Good luck to one and all. Lets show them what we can do with this creepy wild topic. :)

Have fun :D

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

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Hi Folks,

Monkfish wrote:-

With so many beautiful creatures roaming Thailand take the opportunity on this challenge to get to know them a bit better. Whether it be a bee, mosquito, dog or Elephant. I am intrigued to see what you come up with.

Normal rules apply and be careful not to get bitten.

Now lets kick our cameras into gear.

Yours truly,

your Mod on this forum :)

Kan Win :D


To get things started here's my first entry.

Weaver ant on Mango Tree

Shot with Nikon D200, ISO 200, 1/60, f32, Lens 105mm VR hand held, Flash SB800


P.S. I did get bitten :) ouch


Well these will be my last entries until my next holiday. This was taken end of April so within 3 months.

Taken with Lumix TZ3 compact 31mm f4.8 1/30 ISO 200.



Here's my entry, only one per person?

Took with a Canon 450D, using a 55/250mm lens, 1/60 exposure at F7.1 aperture with ISO 400 setting. I think I used manual focusing.


Here's my entry, only one per person?

Hi 'AleG'

Up to 3 entires per person, so you have 2 more to go.

Yours truly,

Kan Win :)


post-58494-1247377576_thumb.jpg post-58494-1247377631_thumb.jpg post-58494-1247377661_thumb.jpg

All with Fuji Finepix 4 Megapixel

1) Khao Sok Nat. Park

2) Haad Yao Koh Phangan

3) Kaho Sok Nat. Park

Waiting for a new (2nd hand) 100 mm macro for my new Canon EOS 450d so, I'll see you next wildlife or macro contest! :)


Sorry, as co-winner of the last challenge, I was not advised nor did I agreed to this topic. In fact, Monkfish's last PM to me said that I could post the challenge topic but he was not taking part. Apparently he or she has decided to just ignore my suggestions and pretend I am not here.

My suggestions to him/her were: Un-post processed mobile phone pics, since that would level the playing field between us simple camera folk and those who have 90,000 baht camera bodies. If not that, I said to Monkfish, then extreme close-up shots. I also left it open for him/her to discuss the topic further. I in no way was making a unilateral demand. But it seems that my input was not accepted nor appreciated.

In fact, there should have been something like a one-photo "shoot-off" to decide a sole winner of the last challenge. But clearly this is a learning experience for the master behind the curtain as certain people are incapable of cooperating with others via PMs.

My vote is to close this thread.


Wow cant we just have an amateur photo comp with very simple rules and no arguing, its all a bit of fun isnt it?

Wow cant we just have an amateur photo comp with very simple rules and no arguing, its all a bit of fun isnt it?

Already have, with the 'Post What You Want Challenge' :)

Sorry, as co-winner of the last challenge, I was not advised nor did I agreed to this topic.

My vote is to close this thread.

I did ask you both in the open forum


and my answer is in there.

My Vote is to leave this OPEN.

Now lets get on with the show 'Photo Challenge #6, Thai Wildlife' :)

Thanking you all.

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

In fact, there should have been something like a one-photo "shoot-off" to decide a sole winner of the last challenge. But clearly this is a learning experience for the master behind the curtain as certain people are incapable of cooperating with others via PMs.

I only got your PM today btw and the answer is in your box. :)

As for

But clearly this is a learning experience for the master behind the curtain as certain people are incapable of cooperating with others via PMs.

Please explain to all of us as I do not understand this. :D

Thank you

Yours as ever

Win in Kan :D


The 'Clouds #5' are here once again. :)

Lets just have fun, shall we. :D

Yours truly,

Win in Kan :D

But clearly this is a learning experience for the master behind the curtain as certain people are incapable of cooperating with others via PMs.
Please explain to all of us as I do not understand this. :)

OK, no problem:

Kan Win said regarding the last challenge:

'Mark Wolfe' with 6 votes

'monkfish' with 6 votes also.

Very well done to both of you as there where some good entries this time around. whistling.gif

Please put your heads togthers (sic) and choose the next topic for our 'Challenge #6' wink.gif

I tried to cooperate with the other "winner" with suggestions of mobile phone pics along with extreme close-ups as another idea. I was hoping for some input from the other "winner" so that we could "put (our) heads together and choose the next topic," but lo and behold, the next day I look on the site and a topic is already posted. I was not keen on "Animals" as a topic since it is almost as mundane as "Clouds."

I had suggested pics from mobile phones since most people have camera phones these days, and if you don't, it's easy to borrow one.

So we didn't put our heads together and setting up a new thread using one of my suggestions is not what was requested and isn't right (yet again -- "Clouds" wasn't chosen by the winner last time either).

I don't see any point in voting for a winner if the "prize" isn't awarded. I am also slightly miffed over what sort of private deal you cut with the other "winner," since you didn't bother to send me any PM informing me of your intention to cut me out of the loop and give the sole decision for the next topic to the other "winner." Care to post the PMs on that? You have my permission (and this goes for the other "winner") to post my PMs in the open forum as they regard this matter.

So now Kan Win, the man behind the curtain, has learned that a tie in his challenge fiefdom cannot stand. He sacrificed fairness for expediency. If the aim is to encourage participation in this section of the site, the opposite has been achieved with me.

I started posting in this section of the site because it looked fun and interesting. Clearly now I see that it is arbitrarily overseen and vexatious in which to participate.

Do you understand now?


Mark Wolf sorry I really have to apologize, didn't see your suggestion on the "Close up shots" challenge which I would have

gone for as I really love Macro Photography. Probably as i was a bit annoyed to your suggestion i borrow a

cell phone to do your challenge. Hope you understand I thought the cell phone challenge was interesting

but as a winner i would also like to have taken taken part.

By the way in my first pm I did make 3 suggestions to which i received no response :D

Never mind I agree to the "Close up shots" so please let the games commence.

Would suggest no Thai breaks in the future but a shoot out :)


so, now that everbody apologized. what is the challenge now????? are going on with Photo Challenge #6, Thai Wildlife, All Creatures Great and Small or a new one. please somebody make up their mind. maybe I should just give up trying to have fun posting photos on TV as a lost cause.


A break down in communications, OK, we are past that now. My two cents....I think wildlife is an excellent topic and some great submissions have been made.

I think most members that follow this forum are keen experienced or learning photographers, that are challenged to create great pics from (the probably substantial) investment they have made in equipment. This forum provides great feedback and advice to help that learning curve. Personally, I think mobile phone cameras are a substantial departure. Apart from subject, composition and post editing, the creativity is removed....the deliberate control of light.

That said, there is no reason a mobile phone forum should not warrant it's own thread. And now it is there.

I think a 'shoot out' is a great solution to resolve future ties. Should generate much interest. But it needs clear rules and time limits to avoid future disagreements.

I am enjoying this photo challenge forum, could not give squat about winning and don't expect to. But I see no reason why several challenges cannot run at the same time, they are not competitive. Three pics a month is not too taxing, maybe weekly or biweekly challenges could increase interest.


Right im taking my toys and getting out of the sandpit, this all seems very childish.

PLease no more dummy spits or throwing toys out of the pram.

I just want to have a bit of fun and post my pics !

I just want to have a bit of fun and post my pics !

Same here 'stiggy' :D

Me first one


This one keeps on telling me 'F.... you' :D each evening.

Yours truly,

Win in Kan :)

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