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Mosquito Killer

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I just bought a pulse jet engine powered thermal mosquito killer machine.


Paid 35.000 baht for this unit.

1 1/2 liters of 80% Malathion 500 baht.

Used it for the first time today, filled it up with gasolin to power the jet engine, and the mixed pesticide liquide to a separate tank.

Easy to start, pushed the ignition button and the jet engine woke up and roared loudly. Waited for 20 sec to preheat and turned the valve to feed the pesticide to the heat blower.

And the heavy densided white smoke ejected 5 meters straight out from the nozzle.

It took me 12 minutes to smoke down my test area, 90 by 18 meters square.

The pesticide mixture contains following as recommended by the shop:

1:4 mixture of malathion to diesel.

I used a M3 halvmask with carbon filter for personal protection.

It works well, have not seen any mosquito around the whole evening today.

What I do not like is the vague smell of diesel all over the test area and rainbow color surface on all waterspots.


Does anyone here have any experience with this kind of machine?

Does it really need diesel for the pesticide mixture, no other liquid more envo friendly to be found?

Malachion good or any other recommendation?

All the best,



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sounds pretty toxic to me

i rather the moskitos myself

try burning damp coconut husks... very effective smells great and non toxic

in the end the chemical way make more.... not less moskitos surely

kill the things that eat the moskitos and they will just come back and more later

when will we get it.....

only working with nature can we ever hope to win in the long term

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Every few weeks, the local council come round and spray the back garden for 10 bht, this doesnt kill the mossies but makes them impotent, i havent really noticed the difference, they are still there in great numbers and still bite!!

I continue to use Dettol mixed with a cheap after bath oil, 50/50 mix in a diffuser bottle, sprayed on exposed skin, never had a bite in 2 years, but on the farm, they bite through clothing!!!

The real bad ones have black stripes on the wings, these carry Dengue fever,

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Master Chief,

I have used and seen used similar devices, one was for dispensing tear gas, another for simulating smoke, the smoke generator used diesel in the mix and was often used indoors. The last was for what you are attempting, mosquito abatement, also with diesel in the mix; the fogging was done once a week and was fairly effective.

Take the same precaution you would when spraying with any other dispenser, read the labels and wear the proper protective gear.

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Okay, today I will do a second fog down at the test area, just before dawn, when the mosquito start to be fully active.

Saw only a few mosquitos this morning.

After surfing the net for some answers, found a report from Tonga gov. about the mixture, they recommend a mixture of pesticide and diesel at 1/24.

Shall try this.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a related question.

I think it's the government that is sending these guys with the blue overalls around spraying for mosquito protection. Does anyone know what they use?

posted the question with more details here, would appreciate if you have a look: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Pesticides-S...-M-t286722.html


Okay, today I will do a second fog down at the test area, just before dawn, when the mosquito start to be fully active.

Saw only a few mosquitos this morning.

After surfing the net for some answers, found a report from Tonga gov. about the mixture, they recommend a mixture of pesticide and diesel at 1/24.

Shall try this.

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or, better yet.....use a sweet scented massage oil and it will make the malathion smell so sweet that you can breath it in.....seriously, malathion is not nice stuff to breath or to absorb thru the skin. We used to spray it on our orchid farm and I dressed up in a full white plastic suit, rubber gloves, boots and full face mask. here, the locals spray malathion and much worse, using only a t shirt for protection.

And if diesel sprayed on water lays a fine film on water surface, why not use diesel [or some other oil only?]

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just in Singapore for a horticultural event (I was invited to be a judge at the Singapore Tree Climbing Championship) put on by the National Parks Board. At the hort trade show there was a pest control company, with sharp young entomologist staff, that does work for the NP as well as private properties, and they use an interesting biological control application for mosquito control. They are using BTI (Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis) in a backpack sprayer outfitted as a fogger. For large areas, parks, orchards or roadside appliations they use a truck mounted fogger. This application targets the larvae in standing or condensed water. For control of adult mosquitos in some situations they add bifenthrin. Bifenthrin is a pyrethroid and of course not a biological control, but BT is. They said that the BTi alone brought good control in most circumstances.

I don't know if you can fog BT with your unit, but I sure would prefer BTi and bifentrin to diesel and malathion any day, although probably a little more expensive.

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"Malathion is a medfly and mosquito control pesticide which has been shown to have serious health effects upon humans. Observed effects include weakening of the immune system (thereby resulting in increased colds, flu and infections), birth defects, genetic damage, accelerated aging of certain body organs, increased neurological damage to the elderly and serious harm to wildlife. This report shows how the public is being misled by this very dangerous pesticide."


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post-32989-1250802256_thumb.png I too have been looking for a fogger here in Thailand. I have seen Government workers on occasion fogging wide areas of the market places. One needs to also be verycareful to avoid the stampead of escaping rats , mice and bugs.

I in my last life before retiring worked in Hollywood at 20th Century Fox. The movie industry also uses this very same kind of RAM JET gun to produce fog and smoke for films.

I will look for the one you bought and give it a try

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