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Tuk Tuks Trying It On


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I just want to see if other people have the same problems I do with Tuk Tuk drivers. I live in Hang Dong and after every night out we usually phone our taxi drive (Mr Yo) to collect us, slightly worse for wear. On a few occasions Mr Yo has not been about, family matters and the such so we have instead opted to fins another way of getting home. Now on every occasion we have used a Tuk Tuk I think 6 times this year they have all hovered around the 200-250 baht fare from wherever we've been in Chiang Mai. Then always on the way home, about half way usually they slow to almost a stop and demand another 100 baht as it is further away than they thought. They know exactly where I live as it is easy to communicate but the greedy bastads still try it on. If I can find a yellow cab after midnight I grab it with both hands and legs but they're not that popular at night.

So is it just me that theyb try it on with??

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I just want to see if other people have the same problems I do with Tuk Tuk drivers. I live in Hang Dong and after every night out we usually phone our taxi drive (Mr Yo) to collect us, slightly worse for wear. On a few occasions Mr Yo has not been about, family matters and the such so we have instead opted to fins another way of getting home. Now on every occasion we have used a Tuk Tuk I think 6 times this year they have all hovered around the 200-250 baht fare from wherever we've been in Chiang Mai. Then always on the way home, about half way usually they slow to almost a stop and demand another 100 baht as it is further away than they thought. They know exactly where I live as it is easy to communicate but the greedy bastads still try it on. If I can find a yellow cab after midnight I grab it with both hands and legs but they're not that popular at night.

So is it just me that theyb try it on with??

my suggestion is to ask Mr Yo for a recommendation of another yellow taxi should he not be available, and keep that in your phonebook.

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or find a tuk tuk with a phone who likes repeat business, the price can even get cheaper that way

Better still (though this won't work for the majority of you guys who like ladies), there are a few cute gay tuk tuk drivers out there, get their numbers and you get reliable service plus two rides for the price of one :D Believe me, its true..........only in LOS! But a caution to our straight brethren, those lady tuk-tuk drivers, sorry but most of them are lesbians :)

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another sign of the tourist turn down by the looks of things, tuk tuk drivers with bills to pay and less punters to charge. result try a little scam thinking it is harmless and the rich farang wont care, but i am afraid the farang does care and he tellls his friends so now no one trusts chiangmai tuk tuk drivers any more. so they dont wont use them or even worse, come here any more.

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Better still (though this won't work for the majority of you guys who like ladies), there are a few cute gay tuk tuk drivers out there, get their numbers and you get reliable service plus two rides for the price of one :D Believe me, its true..........only in LOS! But a caution to our straight brethren, those lady tuk-tuk drivers, sorry but most of them are lesbians :)

So? Some of the people here are women. Are you sexist or something?

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But a caution to our straight brethren, those lady tuk-tuk drivers, sorry but most of them are lesbians :)

So? Some of the people here are women. Are you sexist or something?

He's warning us that they are not usually up for a romp in the rice fiends with some romantic old git with a blue one in his pocket. :D

Edited by Ulysses G.
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UG, get your morning coffee: what I meant was that the women here might still be interested in a lezzie tuk tuk drivestress, so he shouldn't assume that his double-ticket scenario wouldn't work across the board with women tuktukstresses. He's like totally leaving out women and is completely male focussed. Thats just *SO* sexsthist. <hand-thing>

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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UG, get your morning coffee: what I meant was that the women here might still be interested in a lezzie tuk tuk drivestress, so he shouldn't assume that his double-ticket scenario wouldn't work across the board with women tuktukstresses. He's like totally leaving out women and is completely male focussed. Thats just *SO* sexsthist. <hand-thing>

:D there goes me thinking only with the brain between my legs again............... :)

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UG, get your morning coffee: what I meant was that the women here might still be interested in a lezzie tuk tuk drivestress, so he shouldn't assume that his double-ticket scenario wouldn't work across the board with women tuktukstresses. He's like totally leaving out women and is completely male focussed. Thats just *SO* sexsthist. <hand-thing>

gettting it on with the tuk tuk driver, man or woman, would be the furtherest from my mind when travelling in one.

Perhaps the title of "tuk tuks trying it on" is somewhat misleading in this case :)

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another sign of the tourist turn down by the looks of things, tuk tuk drivers with bills to pay and less punters to charge. result try a little scam thinking it is harmless and the rich farang wont care, but i am afraid the farang does care and he tellls his friends so now no one trusts chiangmai tuk tuk drivers any more. so they dont wont use them or even worse, come here any more.

The ones that you could trust were always few and far between.

Like the yellow metered taxis, they don't want to turn their meters on and as I don't want to miss my plane I usually pay :)

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Never had any problems with tuk tuks in CM , I just ask for the price and normally 50 Baht is enough in the central areas.

If they dont accept it I look for another tuk tuk that will. Its ok to use the brain.

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or find a tuk tuk with a phone who likes repeat business, the price can even get cheaper that way

Better still (though this won't work for the majority of you guys who like ladies), there are a few cute gay tuk tuk drivers out there, get their numbers and you get reliable service plus two rides for the price of one :D Believe me, its true..........only in LOS! But a caution to our straight brethren, those lady tuk-tuk drivers, sorry but most of them are lesbians :)

Interesting reply. It looks like TukTuk drivers 'try it on' in more ways than one.

BTW - I didn't realise that an Avatar with a man's bottom would be acceptable.

I don't have an Avatar yet, so maybe it's a good opportunity to try out my new scanner - providing it will bear my weight, of course.

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Always prefer song taews to tuktuks as cheaper and easier. Plus, the tuktuk drivers do like to try it on..as in "Hi, where you from?" "Oh, you speak Thai?", "You have boyfriend?", "Ok ok..60 baht...because you so "suay"" If i was more "suay", id probably get it cheaper. :) Anyway, I dont dig the often barrage of personal questions on the journey, so song taew is much more pleasant.

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or find a tuk tuk with a phone who likes repeat business, the price can even get cheaper that way

Yes. Can we post names and phone numbers here?

While I agree that the tuk tuk drivers who cluster in the obvious farang departure points tend to "try it on" by overcharging (or rather, their formidable bosses do), they can also get to know you and "situate" you quite quickly, at which point the price tends to gravitate more towards the local one.

Also, there seem to be plenty of roving (freelance?) drivers who ask reasonable prices.

Noone should be trying it on in the other sense! (Unless you are "open" to it, of course). People in occupations like this are absolute experts on body language and instant personality assessments! Look sharp!

In any case, I think the only exchanges possible in tuk tuks are brief roarings at the red lights, so one is pretty safe from unwanted conversation :)!

Edited by mirelie
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Always prefer song taews to tuktuks as cheaper and easier.

How much do you pay for a song taew and how can you know which way its going?

Even though the day price seems to have gone back down to 15 baht, i still pay 20 baht. But, if short distance (ie heavy thing i cant carry so take a short ride ) 10 baht. Any further distance such as Airport plaza, will usually pay a bit more. But, only 20 baht coming from there back into town. As for knowing which way they are going, if its an issue for me time wise etc, i just ask them.

Edited by eek
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I agree with Eek, I much prefer song taews, although their drivers can "get it on" in much the same way she described with tuk-tuk drivers.

It has never crossed my mind that they're trying anything sexual, though. As a lady obviously in her mid-fifties, I'm often invited to sit up front with the driver. I notice they do this with with older passengers, out of respect I think. Then the questions start, almost always with "how old are you" (I try to explain where I come from you don't ask a lady my age her age) and then move onto number of kids, where I'm from, how long in CM, etc, etc, etc. I figure they're just nosy, not trying to develop a future relationship. I don't really mind, though, since it is more comfortable in the front of a song taew and often they'll turn on the A/C without my asking when they see how much I'm sweating (oops, I'm just dewy, ladies don't sweat!)

The only time I use tuk-tuks is when I'm in a real hurry or can't seem to locate a song taew after waiting about 10 minutes. In other words, I use a tuk-tuk rarely. I hate being thrown about in the back of the tuk-tuk and arriving all wind-blown.

I've been curious to try those old-style bicycle tuk-tuks (they have a name I can't remember). I've noticed the only people who use them are either tourists or older Thai ladies. Those Thai ladies must be onto something. Perhaps they're easier to enter/exit than a tuk tuk or perhaps they don't like arriving all wind-blown, either.

The previous poster asked how to hail a songtaew, what was the fare and how do you know where they're going. That's been addressed in previous threads. Perhaps the search function will yield some answers. Otherwise, I guess he/she could start a new thread about how to utilize song taews.

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Why farangs worry about what amounts to a dollar or less is beyond me. I could understand it for Thais making 200 baht a day, but not most farangs. I saw three attractive French women trying to short change a red bus driver for a trip up Doi Suthep. It is a 24 km round trip and the drivers have already calculated a narrow profit for the trip. I think it was 30 baht each if the bus was full, but 50 baht each for just the 6 of us. These three tightwads wanted the 30 baht fair. I finally got exasperated and told the driver I'd pay the difference and made it very clear I didn't think highly of the dames.

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I hate being thrown about in the back of the tuk-tuk and arriving all wind-blown.

Thats another reason i prefer song taews!

I have to say that on the occasions that ive sat in the front of a song taew i have had some nice experiences/conversations with the drivers too, particularly the older gentlemen. Ive never felt uncomfortable. They've always come across as friendly and sociable. But, the tuktuk guys seem a bit more sort of hardball. Maybe its out of boredom or extreme curiosity, but i think at times they can go to far with their questions. Anyway, i havent taken that many tuktuk rides really, so i guess its unfair to lump all the guys together.

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I hate being thrown about in the back of the tuk-tuk and arriving all wind-blown.

Thats another reason i prefer song taews!

I have to say that on the occasions that ive sat in the front of a song taew i have had some nice experiences/conversations with the drivers too, particularly the older gentlemen. Ive never felt uncomfortable. They've always come across as friendly and sociable. But, the tuktuk guys seem a bit more sort of hardball. Maybe its out of boredom or extreme curiosity, but i think at times they can go to far with their questions. Anyway, i havent taken that many tuktuk rides really, so i guess its unfair to lump all the guys together.

Thanks for the tip.

I arrive Chiang Mai in 2 weeks and will only try to use song taews this time .

20 Baht is a very good price compared with tuk tuks.

Edited by balo
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Some drivers such as Sukhit (who has a stand at House of Male) own their own machine; others rent from owners. A difficult business to survive. I've known 2 drivers (neither gay nor lesbian); they barely survive.

Earning an honest living is one thing; scamming - the topic of this thread - is another.

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Why farangs worry about what amounts to a dollar or less is beyond me. I could understand it for Thais making 200 baht a day, but not most farangs.

As I said at the start they demand 100 baht extra which is closer to three dollars ( I'm presuming you mean US$) and that isn't what bothers me, as they would probably get 50-100 baht tip as I am drunk. If they want 300 baht ask for it and I'll haggle or go to the next guy. Don't try and stop half way home almost in a threatening way as it stupid o'clock in the morning and dark.

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