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435 Bangkok Schools To Close July 15-19


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:) Am not an epidemiologist, but wonder the effectiveness of closing schools for 5 days.... :D Dukkha

The effect will be more people with the virus, as the kids will go to internet cafes and spread the germ and or pick up the infection.

Why doesn't the Government just say if you're ill, stay at home, if not, go to school?

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Stupid question. But what's all this "washing hands" do to a virus that is spread exclusively through the air, i.e. via coughing and sneezing..?? And i highly doubt that those silly masks have any effect on this virus. They can't even hold Diesel soot out, i've tried it.

Best regards.....


Not just any mask work. Only use an N95 approved face mask. Most of the people I see here are wearing only a pariculate matter mask. They do not stop something as small as a virus. Use NIOSH approved N95. The good ones have a one way valve and two straps.


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Stupid question. But what's all this "washing hands" do to a virus that is spread exclusively through the air, i.e. via coughing and sneezing..?? And i highly doubt that those silly masks have any effect on this virus. They can't even hold Diesel soot out, i've tried it.

Best regards.....


No - its spread through contact as well. It can survive in the open (on door handles for example) for hours so washing hands is critical to limit the spread.

Those mask have no effect in stopping the virus to enter your mouth. They help a little bit in stopping the virus being spread from you to others. But their greatest advantage is that they create a psychological barrier, you will not touch your mouth as often and other people will see that you care.

The virus can survive up to two and a half hours in the open, depends on the conditions. Tests are not 100% conclusive yet.

Wash you hands regularly with soap (dispenser better than a bar), change the towel frequently, or let everybody in the house use his own towel (always better) and change frequently.

Please use common sense, creating panick, or adapting a "I do not give a hoot" attitude does not help. If you do not agree with what the Thai do, there is still time to leave the country, keep your criticism for after the storm.

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:) Am not an epidemiologist, but wonder the effectiveness of closing schools for 5 days.... :D Dukkha

Helps to slow the rate of spreading the flu. Maybe there were reasons to suggest the flu is spreading faster through schools (or potentially will spread faster through schools). If BMA would always do things to practice safety measures, it would be much better. However, like everything else in Bangkok, nothing ever gets done until it's well overdue. Can just take a look at the place and see the obvious lack of support for cleaning up the city, and doing things to ensure sustainability. Lack of planning and implementation for public health and safety in Bangkok (or in Thailand) is probably near the worst in Asia.

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Back here in the US the swine flu is all but forgotten. Nobody running around wearing masks. And we border Mexico where is started.

Cases in border states:

Texas - 900 cases, 3 deaths

California - 553 cases

Arizona - 520 cases, 2 deaths

New Mexico - 97 cases

United States total - 6,552 cases, 9 deaths

Hysteria in the only pandemic going on here. The 1976 Swine Flu vaccine killed 25 US whereas the Swine Flu only claimed 1 life.

cOOl, at least one other person who gets it :)

Why anyone buys into this fear mongering is beyond me.

Look at the facts above and in a previous post I made.

There is no pandemic, just someone selling a lot of masks I guess...

Wake up Sheeple, lol

IMO it is better for kids not to learn in schools run by unconscious (unaware) people (in every country) anyway, so time off is all good :D

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Seems like an extreme over reaction seeing as today the WHO came out and said there is no way to stop the spread of Swine Flu.

Here in Australia they switched from protect phase to maintain phase a couple of weeks ago, this means that they are not testing everyone who has flu but are only concentrating on those who are in the high risk category (pregnant women, those who are obsese and have underlying medical conditions). We have been advised that Swine Flu is not as severe to the general population as first feared and is a mild virus, unless you fall into teh high risk category. The only deaths that have occured are in people who have underlying medical conditions.

I think it's a very strange publicity stunt in a time when they really seem to be spreading fear in Thailand.

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Why are they in a panic? Those who died have their previous diseases other than H1N1.

There are more deaths with other diseases in other countries, such as dengue fever.

The main concern about this one is the kill ratio that it currently appears to have. Common Flu is far more widespread for the moment, and therefore appears to kill a lot more, and like Dengue fever therefore appears to be of greater concern. The thing is that it seems that more people that catch this one are dying (some stats have it as high as 5% whilst common flu is below 1%).

Really, where do you get your numbers? According to the Bangkok Post (quoted here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Close-Borders-t278944.html), less than a week ago there were 2,718 cases in Thailand with 11 deaths. According to my calculator, that's about a 0.4% death rate.

The really wonderful thing is that the cases reported virtually always included "suspected" cases as well as confirmed; this might make sense because the testing kits available are expensive (duh!), experimental and fairly unreliable, but the symptoms are so non-specific that without conclusive test results the diagnosis is questionable, at best.

Let's not forget how this "pandemic" began: people living near a mega-pig-killing facility complained about being sickened by air, ground & water pollution from the plant; the operator claimed "No, it's not that, you just have the flu." Later, of course, the self-serving "diagnosis" was helpfully confirmed by the US CDC. If you don't believe that the US government would intentionally cause (or at least inflame) a global panic to protect the US meat industry (and conveniently provide a huge boost in profits to Hoffmann-La Roche, the makers of Tamiflu), you don't know it very well.

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Stupid question. But what's all this "washing hands" do to a virus that is spread exclusively through the air, i.e. via coughing and sneezing..?? And i highly doubt that those silly masks have any effect on this virus. They can't even hold Diesel soot out, i've tried it.

Best regards.....


The reason for washing your hands is to kill the virus before it can go into the food you eat, or the food you are preparing for your children. The mask is worn to protect other people from the germs you spread when you cough of sneese. Sanitizing schools is done to clear out the possibility of the virus deing contacted by the students.

Proventative action is better than corrective action.


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Stupid question. But what's all this "washing hands" do to a virus that is spread exclusively through the air, i.e. via coughing and sneezing..?? And i highly doubt that those silly masks have any effect on this virus. They can't even hold Diesel soot out, i've tried it.

Best regards.....


Not just any mask work. Only use an N95 approved face mask. Most of the people I see here are wearing only a pariculate matter mask. They do not stop something as small as a virus. Use NIOSH approved N95. The good ones have a one way valve and two straps.


Good job James. I can see somebody here in THailand finally understands about respirators. It makes me want to vomit when I see the gov. continuing to send their traffic police out into the streets with these little pieces of cloth that are an excuse for a mask. They're so cheap with budgeting that they probably buy them at Big C or something. Those cops are getting bombarded with hazardous vapors and should be wearing a half-face respirator with organic vapor cartridges. They'll probably upgrade eventually to an N-95, not knowing that it won't do anything to protect them from vapors. But since when is Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety an important thing in Thailand, right?

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Stupid question. But what's all this "washing hands" do to a virus that is spread exclusively through the air, i.e. via coughing and sneezing..?? And i highly doubt that those silly masks have any effect on this virus. They can't even hold Diesel soot out, i've tried it.

Best regards.....


The reason behind keeping your hands clean is that it is (for almost 100 years) well known that this is how most Viruses travel. Not through the air. Indeed in the 1970s Harvard Medical School published a paper entitled "Viruses much prefer to hitch-hike" which dispelled the thinking that we caught the flu from being coughed or sneezed upon.

You are correct about the masks though, but there is some benefit for those that are already infected in that they won't be coughing and sneezing all over places which you put your hands like door handles or rails or banisters etc. because once the virus is on your hands it doesn't take too long for them to be in contact with food, utensils, glasses etc. and also the obvious hands-to face transmission.

I quite like the phrase I heard recently that "everything you want to know about avoiding the H1N1 or any flu or contageon is taught in kindergartens"

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Shame the Thai Government didn't spent more time and energy sorting out the road toll !!!!!

Here here. There was an article in the newspaper recently questioning exactly what M.R. Sukhumbhand Paribatra had achieved since taking over 6 months ago, answer....... nothing. There was also something in the press regarding police clamping down on motorists and especially mentioned a 1,000 baht fine for drivers who failed to stop on pedestrian crossings. Well having been almost run over 3 times while trying to cross Thonglor yesterday, on a crossing, I doubt they will have much luck there. There are lots more things the residents of Bangkok need to improve every day life than wasting valuable funds on cheap face masks that will achieve virtually nothing. Shame these people get their priorities confused. More knee jerk here I fear. It was not all that long ago that a foreigner returning from Thailand showed flu symptoms and the powers that be were quick to jump in and say there was no flu in Thailand???? What was that all about? Rather than look at it objectively I suppose it is easier to blame the farang.

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Where do you get your information? According to http://flutracker.rhizalabs.com/ the official count in the US is as of this moment:

United States total - 38,744 confirmed cases, 201 deaths

Back here in the US the swine flu is all but forgotten. Nobody running around wearing masks. And we border Mexico where is started.

Cases in border states:

Texas - 900 cases, 3 deaths

California - 553 cases

Arizona - 520 cases, 2 deaths

New Mexico - 97 cases

United States total - 6,552 cases, 9 deaths

Hysteria in the only pandemic going on here. The 1976 Swine Flu vaccine killed 25 US whereas the Swine Flu only claimed 1 life.

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435 Bangkok schools closed July 15-19

BANGKOK: -- The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration has ordered closed all of its 435 schools, 200 nurseries and 13 occupational training centres for five days from July 15 to 19 to prevent the spread of the A/H1N1 flu.

M.R. Sukhumbhand Paribatra, the BMA governor, said after a meeting of the city administrators on Tuesday that the BMA will concentrate on campaigning for the people to wear a protective mask, especially at a crowded place.

The BMA will distribute 2 million masks to the people at various crowded locations such as at the BTS electric train stations and Hua Lampong railway station. Bangkok MPs and city councillors will be asked to distribute 10,000 masks each to the people in their constituencies, he said.

Billboards to campaign for the peple to wear a mask and wash their hands will be put up at various corners of the city starting Tuesday. All community radios will also be asked to join the campaign.

The BMA also plans to close all of its school on Aug 10-11 to allow officials concerned to conduct a major clean up of the schools five days from August 8 to 12. However, this can be changed if the cabinet makes a resolution for schools to close for a clean up before this period.


-- Bangkok Post 2009-07-14

Not sure, but seems like a real waste of time, closing schools for 5 days, what if anything, is that going to really accomplish. All the kids will run to shopping centers, where with the crowds there, the virus will still spread. Also as far as the masks go, they do not really do anything in the way of stopping or even slowing down infection, this is just a world run on panic with all the news media.

It is all BS.

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Back here in the US the swine flu is all but forgotten. Nobody running around wearing masks. And we border Mexico where is started.

Cases in border states:

Texas - 900 cases, 3 deaths

California - 553 cases

Arizona - 520 cases, 2 deaths

New Mexico - 97 cases

United States total - 6,552 cases, 9 deaths

Hysteria in the only pandemic going on here. The 1976 Swine Flu vaccine killed 25 US whereas the Swine Flu only claimed 1 life.

Actually its worse than that now in the US there are 37,246 cases and 211 deaths in the US through July 10, 2009 and current statistics by state are at the Center for Disease Control Website at http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/update.htm

Do the math and you get a kill rate of .0057 and apply that to about 30 million estimated cases in Thailand and you get about 170,000 deaths in Thailand due to swine flu and millions worldwide. Those are the cold hard numbers of a pandemic. Take your daily Vitamin D3 to build up immunity should you get the flu and your body should be better able to fight off the flu per Dr. Miller at http://www.lewrockwell.com/miller/miller27.html

You could do a Google search on this for more info on the importance of Vitamin D3 but too much is harmful so stay within their recommendations.

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and what are the students supposed to do while school is closed? stay at home? :D

How many times btw have you personally saw a Thai washing his hands? they take showers 2 times a day but not much watercontact

between morning and evening....and NO SOAP please.......

There are Millions in this Country here, some died from swineflue, SO WHAT? many more dying of accidents every single day. What is

the goverment doing to prevent that? :)

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Bacteria will eventually rule the world once again. In fact, they always have. Hehehe. They've been here for nearly 4 billion years and were the first forms of life (excluding blue-green algae). Have to find a way to manage living with the bacteria. If a Pandemic occurs, Bangkok (and Thailand) are among the worst prepared nations in Asia. So much for all the rampant Thai nationalism and looking down at surrounding neighbors such as Cambodia, Burma, and Laos.

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I believe the new Harry Potter movie is arriving on Wed or Thurs, should ensure thousands of kids can avoid being herded together in the classrooms.

Very little chance of any virus being spread in the malls or movie theaters. :)

Another stroke of genius from the powers that shouldn't be. :D

BTW- can you only catch this flu in Bangkok schools?

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The main concern about this one is the kill ratio that it currently appears to have. Common Flu is far more widespread for the moment, and therefore appears to kill a lot more, and like Dengue fever therefore appears to be of greater concern. The thing is that it seems that more people that catch this one are dying (some stats have it as high as 5% whilst common flu is below 1%). Therefore preventing the spread (or attempting too) is a rational step. The WHO are saying that its too late to prevent it though, so it does seem like this is a reaction after the horse has not only bolted, but has made it to the next field, mated, raised a championship winning foal and is now off to glue factory.

Where are you getting your stats from? In the UK there have been over 10,000 cases so far and it made the news a couple days ago that there was the first death of a person who didn't have a pre-existing health condition.

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435 Bangkok schools closed July 15-19

BANGKOK: -- The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration has ordered closed all of its 435 schools, 200 nurseries and 13 occupational training centres for five days from July 15 to 19 to prevent the spread of the A/H1N1 flu.

M.R. Sukhumbhand Paribatra, the BMA governor, said after a meeting of the city administrators on Tuesday that the BMA will concentrate on campaigning for the people to wear a protective mask, especially at a crowded place.

The BMA will distribute 2 million masks to the people at various crowded locations such as at the BTS electric train stations and Hua Lampong railway station. Bangkok MPs and city councillors will be asked to distribute 10,000 masks each to the people in their constituencies, he said.

Billboards to campaign for the peple to wear a mask and wash their hands will be put up at various corners of the city starting Tuesday. All community radios will also be asked to join the campaign.

The BMA also plans to close all of its school on Aug 10-11 to allow officials concerned to conduct a major clean up of the schools five days from August 8 to 12. However, this can be changed if the cabinet makes a resolution for schools to close for a clean up before this period.


-- Bangkok Post 2009-07-14

Not sure, but seems like a real waste of time, closing schools for 5 days, what if anything, is that going to really accomplish. All the kids will run to shopping centers, where with the crowds there, the virus will still spread. Also as far as the masks go, they do not really do anything in the way of stopping or even slowing down infection, this is just a world run on panic with all the news media.

It is all BS.

This will make the international news circuit saying something sensationally similar to this


Thailand was forced to shut down all schools, training centers, and internet cafes today due to an alarming rate of new swine flu cases..... All people in Thailand have been advised to stay indoors and out of public places, otherwise they run a serious risk of catching and spreading the virus. [insert more hyperbole here]


When this new “sensational” story breaks the international news, I wonder how many people will cancel their trips?

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You can certainly call it fear mongering if you like, but the 1918 pandemic was indeed a replica of this strain and there were 6 waves of the virus. Currently we are experiencing the 1st wave. We know that this pathogen produces Hypercytokinemia which is what will be killing the young people by the time it has fully developed. Yes the flu symptoms aren't the scary part. Check it out on Wikipedia, I'd say you'll possibly be a bit more humble afterward. Making a "what-if" statement out of H1N1 is a bit like the Thai teenagers screaming down the highway on their motorbike at 160km/h with no helmet, no care of the speed limit nor the other traffic nor the lights and sayin "I've never been injured yet - so it is surely fine!"

The last time the world experienced a full H1N1 pandemic it killed an estimated 6% of the population = abut 60 million by the time it had completed its mutation cycle (FYi all type A influenza viruses are a rapidly and constantly mutating pathogen). If it does that in the next year or so; your what-if scenario would be 360 million dead in a bout 6- 8 month time frame and most of them between 15-40 years of age. That is not a risk to be flippant or joking about, and that is why all the WHO experts are overly concerned. Listen to the experts, not the media or your next door neighbor.

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I believe the new Harry Potter movie is arriving on Wed or Thurs, should ensure thousands of kids can avoid being herded together in the classrooms.

Very little chance of any virus being spread in the malls or movie theaters. :)

Another stroke of genius from the powers that shouldn't be. :D

BTW- can you only catch this flu in Bangkok schools?

Good point! Thats what I am trying to answer myself since the closing was announced,


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The main concern about this one is the kill ratio that it currently appears to have. Common Flu is far more widespread for the moment, and therefore appears to kill a lot more, and like Dengue fever therefore appears to be of greater concern. The thing is that it seems that more people that catch this one are dying (some stats have it as high as 5% whilst common flu is below 1%). Therefore preventing the spread (or attempting too) is a rational step. The WHO are saying that its too late to prevent it though, so it does seem like this is a reaction after the horse has not only bolted, but has made it to the next field, mated, raised a championship winning foal and is now off to glue factory.

Where are you getting your stats from? In the UK there have been over 10,000 cases so far and it made the news a couple days ago that there was the first death of a person who didn't have a pre-existing health condition.

more than that.

In the UK yesterday, a 6 year old girl died. Not only that... a doctor died of it too.

No underlying health problems known of.

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:) Am not an epidemiologist, but wonder the effectiveness of closing schools for 5 days.... :D Dukkha

Very effective. Instead of mixing with a limited number of known people for 5 days the students will all head off to the shopping malls where they can mix with thousands of unknown people. That should help it spread!!

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You can certainly call it fear mongering if you like, but the 1918 pandemic was indeed a replica of this strain and there were 6 waves of the virus. Currently we are experiencing the 1st wave. We know that this pathogen produces Hypercytokinemia which is what will be killing the young people by the time it has fully developed. Yes the flu symptoms aren't the scary part. Check it out on Wikipedia, I'd say you'll possibly be a bit more humble afterward. Making a "what-if" statement out of H1N1 is a bit like the Thai teenagers screaming down the highway on their motorbike at 160km/h with no helmet, no care of the speed limit nor the other traffic nor the lights and sayin "I've never been injured yet - so it is surely fine!"

The last time the world experienced a full H1N1 pandemic it killed an estimated 6% of the population = abut 60 million by the time it had completed its mutation cycle (FYi all type A influenza viruses are a rapidly and constantly mutating pathogen). If it does that in the next year or so; your what-if scenario would be 360 million dead in a bout 6- 8 month time frame and most of them between 15-40 years of age. That is not a risk to be flippant or joking about, and that is why all the WHO experts are overly concerned. Listen to the experts, not the media or your next door neighbor.

Yes:Well said :)
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Stupid question. But what's all this "washing hands" do to a virus that is spread exclusively through the air, i.e. via coughing and sneezing..?? And i highly doubt that those silly masks have any effect on this virus. They can't even hold Diesel soot out, i've tried it.

Best regards.....


It is a well proven fact that washing hands particularly after have visited the dunny is a must especially for people handling/preparing food.

BUT Thai's are very poorly disciplined when it comes to washing hands either after using the bathroom or prior to cooking food.

AND when it comes to the hand sterilising gels that are available in most other countries on the planet just try buying some in the realm. Pharmacists don't even know what you are talking about.

Thailand remains a 4th world country and will remain so for the appreciable future.

What did the bible say "forgive them for they know not what they do" :)

Edited by john b good
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