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Government Land Near Pattaya

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We have a good Thai friend here that has told us her brother/family acquired rights to some government land in the hills overlooking Pattaya and are able to build homes on it. I did not think much of it until last weekend when she offered us some of this land to build on if we wished. She is responding to recent events with the death of her father and her brother, and she is like a sister to us (known her for 32 years). She wants us to stay connected with her and knows we are planning to retire in Thailand.

While she is not the type of person to know all the ins and outs of land rights, I wonder if there is something to this. Has anyone ever heard of Thai people being able to "homestead" (perhaps not right term) on government land and build houses?

Not sure if I am really interested, but she certainly perked my ears up when she made that generous offer.

Appreciate any comments.

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Virtually everywhere around Pattaya is already zoned and surveyed. Chanots are the norm for all land titles. Therefore any land if it really overlooks Pattaya should have a chanote land title. If its on a hill, odds are its government land or temple/wat land and I believe (but would stand corrected by someone with better direct knowledge) that this type of land is never sold. Sounds very suspicious to me and i'd be very very cautious.

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Virtually everywhere around Pattaya is already zoned and surveyed.  Chanots are the norm for all land titles.    Therefore any land if it really overlooks Pattaya should have a chanote land title.  If its on a hill, odds are its government land or temple/wat land and I believe (but would stand corrected by someone with better direct knowledge) that this type of land is never sold.    Sounds very suspicious to me and i'd be very very cautious.

What's a chanot?

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Virtually everywhere around Pattaya is already zoned and surveyed.  Chanots are the norm for all land titles.    Therefore any land if it really overlooks Pattaya should have a chanote land title.   If its on a hill, odds are its government land or temple/wat land and I believe (but would stand corrected by someone with better direct knowledge) that this type of land is never sold.    Sounds very suspicious to me and i'd be very very cautious.

What's a chanot?

Chanot is like deeds to land, its what you get when you register yourself as the land owner for a particular piece of land.

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Chanot is like deeds to land, its what you get when you register yourself as the land owner for a particular piece of land.

I'll try to check with out friend to see if they have documents such as these for the land. It was my impression that her family acquired rights to this land (not ownership) in some form of government lottery or something. I believe this happened some years back (4-5 maybe).

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