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Tipping For Large Condo Repair Projects

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I am totally ignorant on tipping practices in a situation like this.

Condo repair project lasting about a week. Thai supervisor/organizer who I pay and he pays the workers. Workers in and out, as many as six total. There is one key worker obviously more important than the other workers, harder work, higher skills. I have no idea how he pays the workers, standard wages I expect.

Should I tip at all? All the workers the same? If so, how much per day? Would tipping just the one key worker create bad feelings with the other workers (I expect so). If feelings weren't an issue, I would either not tip at all (as I don't think it is customary but feel free to tell me differently) or give a big tip to the key worker and nothing to the regular ones (even if it is not customary because he really deserves it).

Feelings-wise the safest thing I expect is either no tips, or equal tips. BTW, the regular workers don't especially deserve tips but I won't get into that.

Any comments appreciated. If you want to call me a CC, yes sir, so what ... Now that the flame retardant has been applied, please only comment if you have something CONSTRUCTIVE to say. Insults just roll off my back ...

Edited by Jingthing
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I am totally ignorant on tipping practices in a situation like this.

Condo repair project lasting about a week. Thai supervisor/organizer who I pay and he pays the workers. Workers in and out, as many as six total. There is one key worker obviously more important than the other workers, harder work, higher skills. I have no idea how he pays the workers, standard wages I expect.

Should I tip at all? All the workers the same? If so, how much per day? Would tipping just the one key worker create bad feelings with the other workers (I expect so). If feelings weren't an issue, I would either not tip at all (as I don't think it is customary but feel free to tell me differently) or give a big tip to the key worker and nothing to the regular ones (even if it is not customary because he really deserves it).

Feelings-wise the safest thing I expect is either no tips, or equal tips. BTW, the regular workers don't especially deserve tips but I won't get into that.

Any comments appreciated. If you want to call me a CC, yes sir, so what ... Now that the flame retardant has been applied, please only comment if you have something CONSTRUCTIVE to say. Insults just roll off my back ...

tip them 2,000 bht for a big meal and piss-up?

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tip them 2,000 bht for a big meal and piss-up?

I agree group tip but don't give any single person the money, just pay the bill and let every one see.

That's right! Pay it, 2,000 or even a bit more as you are a farang, to the main worker IN FRONT OF the other workers.


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Give us an idea of the cost of the total project

If you are really happy with how everything worked out... thus far, and the job was in the 30,000+ range, ... again, only speaking for myself, opinions are like tastebuds, and everyone likes different things, .....

Think about 300 or 400 or even 500 baht per person for the six workers. Maybe one thousand for the lead. Pay them all individually. So, you must have a lot of small money on hand.

Others will say, "Thais don't tip, and the price was already agreed upon."

I am adding up to 4,000 to your bill, and would only do this if the bill is over 30,000

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Well in your working days how many times you received a tip from you employer ? Even in US i believe you tip in restaurants and for other services but hardly for your employees or contractors.

Bonus yes, if it is agreed beforehand and is based on say timely completion of the job or quality of the job. So if you are happy with them in the end take them out for drinks and food or give lump sum of money for them to divide between them.

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We are nearing the end to a 6 month house build. I do not intend to tip any one be it a group or any single worker. We have treated the crews that have worked on our place more than fairly. Many times we buy lunch and ice and water and other snacks over the 6 months. The wife always does the "tipping" for any special work or extra task we asked for. All delivery crews were always tipped a small amount when bringing the tile or other materials. Her choice on who and how much but never more than 100 baht per person. I could look at the books to seee the totals of all the lunches and tips but my guess would be in the less than 5000 range. The workers have told her most other customers (Thai) never treat them this well.

Should you tip I would say yes but don't get carried away. Better to buy them a good meal and a few beers.

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OK, here is what I did. I realize each project and situation is really different and ultimately whether you tip or not is mostly about how you feel about it. I talked to the supervisor and he suggested 100 baht each for the almost two week project, handing to him with witness and he would distribute (they weren't all there at the end). I did this. Yes I know what you're thinking ... out of my control. I also gave the crew that was around at the end of the day a large beer at the end of most days. I also slipped the key worker an extra 1000 baht privately for him only. Overall, I realize not super generous but I feel OK about it.

Edited by Jingthing
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When we were building our house, the Mrs. would occasionally buy all the workers cold drinks, M150 etc. as well as once in a while bring a large amount of food.  We let the contractor decide if he wanted to tip his help or not as he made plenty out of the 2 year project.

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  • 2 weeks later...

While building my own house I gave a couple of times a week some foods, meals (lunches and after works) and an occaissional rice whiskey (after they've done their job ofcourse). This might be the best thing to do, take em out to eat have some fun and drinks and pay the bill.

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I had my patio built in the hot sun over about 4 days. I gave the guys a couple of ice-cold Changs each at the end of the day and they were pleased.

I get a nice smile and a wave when I see them. They don't expect much, just to be treated with some dignity and not as peons.

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