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Water Canon Used Against Chiang Mai Redshirt’s - 14 Police Injured


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To understand the magnitude of 476 Billion Baht you just have to imagine this:

It cost approximately 2,000 Baht to feed an elderly Thai person for a month. 230 Billion will feed 9.58 Million elderly Thais for 1 year.

It cost approximately 50,000 Baht/year to pay for the FOOD, EDUCATION, and TRANSPORTATION needs of a Thai school children. 230 Billion will educate and care for 4.6 Million Thai Children for 1 year.

Plus you have 16 Billion left over for spare change. :)

So, 476 BILLION Baht will enable THAILAND to take care of ALL THE ELDERLY THAI people in THAILAND, plus PAY FOR THE EDUCATION and NEEDS of ALL THE THAI CHILDREN in THAILAND for the year 2009 if PAD DIDN'T STAGE A protest at the AIRPORT. That 476 BILLION IS GONE! Nothing anyone do will bring it back! The FOOD and sustenance for the entire THAILAND and the future of the Thai children is all forsaken just so a bunch of political malcontents wanted to stage a protest... 555 I don't know whether I should laugh or cry myself to sleep every night knowing that! I would think PAD organizers and sympathizers should reflect on what they DID to their own people. I don't think any foreign terrorist could have done a better job than they have.

What a load of tripe. "If the PAD didn't stage a protest all the poor Thais would now be eating caviar and drinking champagne and driving around in BMW's, but now they're all starving, living off UN assistance, waiting for Bob Geldof to arrange a concert for them". I'd cut down on the fire water if I were you.

If the PAD didn't stage a protest, Thaksin would be firmly cemented as the glorious leader by now, with family and cronies in key positions in the military. The poor Thais would be in exactly the same postion as they are today, except he may have killed a few thousand more of them.

You may want to check your caps lock key, it appears to be sticking at times.


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BTW, I LOVE ALL THAI PEOPLE. INCLUDING THAKSIN! The only exception might be some Tuk Tuk drivers, since some of them just rip off tourists and then gamble and whiskey their money away. :D THAILAND IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. Despite some hiccups in their domestic affairs, however I am a guest in their country so I enjoy their hospitality to the utmost. I DO NOT CONCERN MYSELF WITH MATTERS WHICH I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER. :)

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To understand the magnitude of 476 Billion Baht you just have to imagine this:

It cost approximately 2,000 Baht to feed an elderly Thai person for a month. 230 Billion will feed 9.58 Million elderly Thais for 1 year.

It cost approximately 50,000 Baht/year to pay for the FOOD, EDUCATION, and TRANSPORTATION needs of a Thai school children. 230 Billion will educate and care for 4.6 Million Thai Children for 1 year.

Plus you have 16 Billion left over for spare change. :)

So, 476 BILLION Baht will enable THAILAND to take care of ALL THE ELDERLY THAI people in THAILAND, plus PAY FOR THE EDUCATION and NEEDS of ALL THE THAI CHILDREN in THAILAND for the year 2009 if PAD DIDN'T STAGE A protest at the AIRPORT. That 476 BILLION IS GONE! Nothing anyone do will bring it back! The FOOD and sustenance for the entire THAILAND and the future of the Thai children is all forsaken just so a bunch of political malcontents wanted to stage a protest... 555 I don't know whether I should laugh or cry myself to sleep every night knowing that! I would think PAD organizers and sympathizers should reflect on what they DID to their own people. I don't think any foreign terrorist could have done a better job than they have.

Well lets not forget to give some gigantic demerits to the Somchai Government;

so inept they could not STOP PAD from walking to the airport with 8+ hours warning.

230 Billion for PAD, if you like.

230 billions of loss for EACH side now.

And the remaining 16 billion baht loss,

directly on the Red Shirt Leaders who instigated

the night time deadly grenade attacks on PAD at GH.

forcing them to go somewhere else.

We could be reasonably sure they weren't going to stand down

or back to a small park somewhere. Illogical.

Cause and effect.

If the grenades hadn't started and made G.H. untenable,

the airport would never have been taken.

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BTW, I LOVE ALL THAI PEOPLE. INCLUDING THAKSIN! The only exception might be some Tuk Tuk drivers, since some of them just rip off tourists and then gamble and whiskey their money away. :D THAILAND IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. Despite some hiccups in their domestic affairs, however I am a guest in their country so I enjoy their hospitality to the utmost. I DO NOT CONCERN MYSELF WITH MATTERS WHICH I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER. :)


dam_n, this caps lock thing must be a virus, now my computer's doing it too.

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To understand the magnitude of 476 Billion Baht you just have to imagine this:

It cost approximately 2,000 Baht to feed an elderly Thai person for a month. 230 Billion will feed 9.58 Million elderly Thais for 1 year.

It cost approximately 50,000 Baht/year to pay for the FOOD, EDUCATION, and TRANSPORTATION needs of a Thai school children. 230 Billion will educate and care for 4.6 Million Thai Children for 1 year.

Plus you have 16 Billion left over for spare change. :)

So, 476 BILLION Baht will enable THAILAND to take care of ALL THE ELDERLY THAI people in THAILAND, plus PAY FOR THE EDUCATION and NEEDS of ALL THE THAI CHILDREN in THAILAND for the year 2009 if PAD DIDN'T STAGE A protest at the AIRPORT. That 476 BILLION IS GONE! Nothing anyone do will bring it back! The FOOD and sustenance for the entire THAILAND and the future of the Thai children is all forsaken just so a bunch of political malcontents wanted to stage a protest... 555 I don't know whether I should laugh or cry myself to sleep every night knowing that! I would think PAD organizers and sympathizers should reflect on what they DID to their own people. I don't think any foreign terrorist could have done a better job than they have.

Well lets not forget to give some gigantic demerits to the Somchai Government;

so inept they could not STOP PAD from walking to the airport with 8+ hours warning.

230 Billion for PAD, if you like.

230 billions of loss for EACH side now.

And the remaining 16 billion baht loss,

directly on the Red Shirt Leaders who instigated

the night time deadly grenade attacks on PAD at GH.

forcing them to go somewhere else.

We could be reasonably sure they weren't going to stand down

or back to a small park somewhere. Illogical.

Cause and effect.

If the grenades hadn't started and made G.H.

untenable the airport would never have been taken.

The CUMULATIVE effect of many, many peoples bad decision making led to the airport take over.

It took far more than just those 30 odd PAD leaders to make this come to pass.

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I remember getiing the o'l water canon form the police in the 70s. Setting was Dallas Texas, OU Sooners Vs The Texas Longhorns.

Red shirts (OU) on one side Orange shirts (UT) on the other, fights and yelling, police and the water canons....

Lots of pressure those water canons knock you off your feet.

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I remember getiing the o'l water canon form the police in the 70s. Setting was Dallas Texas, OU Sooners Vs The Texas Longhorns.

Red shirts (OU) on one side Orange shirts (UT) on the other, fights and yelling, police and the water canons....

Lots of pressure those water canons knock you off your feet.

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Well lets not forget to give some gigantic demerits to the Somchai Government;

so inept they could not STOP PAD from walking to the airport with 8+ hours warning.

230 Billion for PAD, if you like.

230 billions of loss for EACH side now.

And the remaining 16 billion baht loss,

directly on the Red Shirt Leaders who instigated

the night time deadly grenade attacks on PAD at GH.

forcing them to go somewhere else.

We could be reasonably sure they weren't going to stand down

or back to a small park somewhere. Illogical.

Cause and effect.

If the grenades hadn't started and made G.H. untenable,

the airport would never have been taken.


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BTW, I LOVE ALL THAI PEOPLE. INCLUDING THAKSIN! The only exception might be some Tuk Tuk drivers, since some of them just rip off tourists and then gamble and whiskey their money away. :D THAILAND IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. Despite some hiccups in their domestic affairs, however I am a guest in their country so I enjoy their hospitality to the utmost. I DO NOT CONCERN MYSELF WITH MATTERS WHICH I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER. :)

Just got off the plane, have you!

1st visit?

Do not overuse the caps feature, it's ignorant & rude, and shows your inexperience using the Internet.

It might be Ok amongst your school friends but not with grown-ups!

Edited by GungaDin
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BTW, I LOVE ALL THAI PEOPLE. INCLUDING THAKSIN! The only exception might be some Tuk Tuk drivers, since some of them just rip off tourists and then gamble and whiskey their money away. :D THAILAND IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. Despite some hiccups in their domestic affairs, however I am a guest in their country so I enjoy their hospitality to the utmost. I DO NOT CONCERN MYSELF WITH MATTERS WHICH I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER. :D

Just got off the plane, have you!

1st visit?

Do not overuse the caps feature, it's ignorant & rude, and shows your inexperience using the Internet.

It might be Ok amongst your school friends but not with grown-ups!

YES, I AM ACTUALLY IN SF NOW VISITING MY GRANDMA. :D I USE THE CAP feature to good effects. I am not offended by anything you say since I know who I am. I am an American who has a deep love of Thailand and it's people. I own properties here in Thailand and I guess you could say I am quite well off financially. I don't over spend and have a comfortable life all over the world(BTW, I do own properties all over the world :D ). However, I LOVE THAILAND THE BEST. Of course I am merely an observer of it's ups and downs so if things get out of hand then I will go somewhere else in the world. Thais LOVE ME because they know I have a deep and abiding love FOR THEM ALSO. I think you are the one who needs to "GROW UP", albeit it doesn't appear that way. :)

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Terrorist red shirts, trying to overthrow their own country by violence

They are not terrorists they are freedom fighters

and although i dont condone violence i think the government must do more to address the root cause of red shirt grievences

They're not freedom fighters, they're very naughty boys

Excellent :)

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Terrorist red shirts, trying to overthrow their own country by violence

They are not terrorists they are freedom fighters

and although i dont condone violence i think the government must do more to address the root cause of red shirt grievences

They're not freedom fighters, they're very naughty boys

Excellent :)

By the intellectual capacity and level of maturity exhibited here I comprehend perfectly the disdain most Thais have of Farangs, and their policy of only 30 days stay here in LOS for most European countries. :D Another beer mate!?

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Duly noted. I am 100% for the red shirts because I think the yellow shirts screwed Thailand out of 476 BILLION BAHT. I am not for any party that harms Thailand. Thus far Yellow shirts have done a lot to harm Thailand. IMHO. So I am for the Red and Thaksin(I know he loves the King despite what the yellow shirts says :) )!

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Terrorist red shirts, trying to overthrow their own country by violence

They are not terrorists they are freedom fighters

and although i dont condone violence i think the government must do more to address the root cause of red shirt grievences

mc2, if u feel inclined to, ...

a) i can remember some quite famous "words"; let's call it the "root explanation" humanity conceives reality... its supposed "equation result" was "mc2", isn't it?

B) "member #1"... reminds me of a lot of asian pain

c) on top of it... there's khun thaksin's face

-> all that tastes smart, ironic, intellectual, semiotic... doesn't it?


d) "They are not terrorists they are freedom fighters"

is a joke, right?

when usa supported "authentic" afghan "resistance" to topple evil soviet influence... western media called them "freedom fighters". today they're called "terrorists". weapons still are sold by western companies. & money still is made..., isn't it? & people do die... they do, day by day. the west calls is a "fight for freedom", if you'd live in afpak area... i guess for sure, you'd call them "terrorists"

e) krcm51 is on record of mob violence


f) excuse me, mc2, it's _not_ _only_ abhisit gov that must address root causes for "red shirts grievances" --- it's up to every thai. isn't it?

be well na

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I can't even read anymore of this crap. Almost one full+ page already of mostly ignorance and uninformed OPINIONS. Just like A_holes, everybody's got one. I'd sure like to know what countries a lot of you are from that you THINKanything has every been changed with a 100% peaceful protest of any kind. In fact the only mostly criminal collection of individuals I've seen named are the police and government, which are both armed. Cheese and RICE!!!,

No wonder why a lot of you guys came to Thailand, they'd had enough of you in your own countries most likely.

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Being 100% for ANY of the sides in this shows ill considered judgment.

I doubt there's more than a handful of Thais 100% for any corner of this.

And those that are show signs of zealotry at best.

The Thais have been raised since the cradle to cleave to the powerful to raise themselves up.

Whom ever seems this months best rung or coat-tail gets their vote.

Purity of belief has very little to do with forward movement.

But being in 'a group' often does.

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I can't even read anymore of this crap. Almost one full+ page already of mostly ignorance and uninformed OPINIONS. Just like A_holes, everybody's got one. I'd sure like to know what countries a lot of you are from that you

THINK anything has every been changed with a 100% peaceful protest of any kind.

In fact the only mostly criminal collection of individuals I've seen named are the police and government, which are both armed. Cheese and RICE!!!,

No wonder why a lot of you guys came to Thailand, they'd had enough of you in your own countries most likely.

Lets ask Mahatma Ghandi's ghost if peaceful protest ever changed anything?

CHANGE! : it happens every year month day hour minute second of all our lives.

Big changes sometimes take a bit longer, such that we don't SEE the change unless looking back.

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To understand the magnitude of 476 Billion Baht you just have to imagine this:

It cost approximately 2,000 Baht to feed an elderly Thai person for a month. 230 Billion will feed 9.58 Million elderly Thais for 1 year.

It cost approximately 50,000 Baht/year to pay for the FOOD, EDUCATION, and TRANSPORTATION needs of a Thai school children. 230 Billion will educate and care for 4.6 Million Thai Children for 1 year.

Plus you have 16 Billion left over for spare change. :)

So, 476 BILLION Baht will enable THAILAND to take care of ALL THE ELDERLY THAI people in THAILAND, plus PAY FOR THE EDUCATION and NEEDS of ALL THE THAI CHILDREN in THAILAND for the year 2009 if PAD DIDN'T STAGE A protest at the AIRPORT. That 476 BILLION IS GONE! Nothing anyone do will bring it back! The FOOD and sustenance for the entire THAILAND and the future of the Thai children is all forsaken just so a bunch of political malcontents wanted to stage a protest... 555 I don't know whether I should laugh or cry myself to sleep every night knowing that! I would think PAD organizers and sympathizers should reflect on what they DID to their own people. I don't think any foreign terrorist could have done a better job than they have.

What a load of tripe. "If the PAD didn't stage a protest all the poor Thais would now be eating caviar and drinking champagne and driving around in BMW's, but now they're all starving, living off UN assistance, waiting for Bob Geldof to arrange a concert for them". I'd cut down on the fire water if I were you.

If the PAD didn't stage a protest, Thaksin would be firmly cemented as the glorious leader by now, with family and cronies in key positions in the military. The poor Thais would be in exactly the same postion as they are today, except he may have killed a few thousand more of them.

You may want to check your caps lock key, it appears to be sticking at times.

" ..... If the PAD didn't stage a protest, Thaksin would be firmly cemented as the glorious leader by now, with family and cronies in key positions in the military. The poor Thais would be in exactly the same postion as they are today, except he may have killed a few thousand more of them. ...."

I totally and absolutely agree with this comment.

In fact it frightens me to this where we would be today under the taxsin dictatorship.

Burma and Nth Korea somehow come to mind.

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How did you know, I do sleep in yellow pyjamas! have you been peeking in my windows at night?

I can't say whether tourism in northernmost Thailand is getting back to health, but one indicator is the relatively large number of farang who go to the modest sized Night Bazaar here in C.Rai. Between 7 and 9 pm, on the road leading to the main entrance, police have to sometimes stop traffic to allow large groups of tourists to cross the street. These are tourists who usually stay at mid-priced hotels and g.h's, rather than over-priced resorts - so perhaps the TAT numbers (which give more weight to resort numbers) are not well enough apprised. Plus, tourists may be fat and poor dressers, but they do have some sense of where the safer areas of Thailand are. When they read newspapers reporting riots in Pattaya and Bangkok, and possible riots for Phuket (upcoming ASEAN meet), then you might expect them to look elsewhere in Thailand - for safer places.

I'd venture that UDD and DAAD and whatever else the Red Shirts call themselves are doing more damage to Thailand's tourism sector than whatever the Yellows did.


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I can't even read anymore of this crap. Almost one full+ page already of mostly ignorance and uninformed OPINIONS. Just like A_holes, everybody's got one. I'd sure like to know what countries a lot of you are from that you

THINK anything has every been changed with a 100% peaceful protest of any kind.

In fact the only mostly criminal collection of individuals I've seen named are the police and government, which are both armed. Cheese and RICE!!!,

No wonder why a lot of you guys came to Thailand, they'd had enough of you in your own countries most likely.

Lets ask Mahatma Ghandi's ghost if peaceful protest ever changed anything?

CHANGE! : it happens every year month day hour minute second of all our lives.

Big changes sometimes take a bit longer, such that we don't SEE the change unless looking back.

Ever heard the saying "the empty can rattles the most"?

Do you even think about what you say....before, during or after you write it?

I wonder if senility is bliss? Care to comment on that?

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Lets see the yellow shirts shut down the two most important airports to over throw an elected government and nothing was done to stop them or punish later for starting the downward spiral of Thai tourism.

But a few redshirts get the water canon.

By my knowledge the yellow shirts never attacked an policestation or policemen where in ICU due to their actions, may I also remind you that the yellow shirts never tried to bring fire arms into any airport.

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Red Shirt = 150 Baht at local store.

Yellow Shirt = 150 Baht at local store.

Forced Closing of Airport for 2 weeks by the PAD = 2% of GDP of THAILAND. 14 Billion DOLLARS! 476 Billion Baht!

Given that Thailand's GDP is estimated at $648 Billion dollars for 2009.

Projected growth rate of Thai economy is at 1.8 by the Thai government(which means they have replaced a Prime minister that they didn't like with another Prime minister that they hate even more! to push themselves into RECESSION - given that now they have negative growth of -.2% due to the airport closure). I think the PAD should face the consequences of their actions since 476 Billion Baht will buy a lot of rice and it means that THAI children might go hungry because of the callousness of their actions.

Priceless. I cry for Thailand. I LOVE THE THAI PEOPLE and it pains me to see this.

You seems to forget that there an wordwide economic reccesion at hand, or is this also the fault of the yellow shirt, please keep some sense of reality;

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you really have been living in the boondocks for far too long and need to come back to the real world -- yellow shirt non violent - come on - not from what i saw here in bkk-- and allowed really -- some rowdies - you mean PAD thugs dont u or u only use that term when referring to UDD members - Well feel happy in your yellow shirt - sure you sleep in yellow pyjamas also -- but time to get your head out of the mountain clouds and come back to reality and some touch of the real world - healthy tourism really - try telling that the tour operators here and hotels who experienced massive cancellations due to the airport closures and are still feeling it-- come get wth the real world

And I presume the red shirts riots and violence in CM will not hurt the tourist industry at all; Last week I was in CM my 4 Star hotel was almost empty; But hey the red shirts made the perfect PR to attract tourist again;

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Terrorist red shirts, trying to overthrow their own country by violence

They are not terrorists they are freedom fighters

and although i dont condone violence i think the government must do more to address the root cause of red shirt grievences

Beware me of the kind of freedom fighters who attack temples and beat up monks, and not allowing others the freedom of speech or gathering.

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BTW, I LOVE ALL THAI PEOPLE. INCLUDING THAKSIN! The only exception might be some Tuk Tuk drivers, since some of them just rip off tourists and then gamble and whiskey their money away. :D THAILAND IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. Despite some hiccups in their domestic affairs, however I am a guest in their country so I enjoy their hospitality to the utmost. I DO NOT CONCERN MYSELF WITH MATTERS WHICH I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER. :D

Just got off the plane, have you!

1st visit?

Do not overuse the caps feature, it's ignorant & rude, and shows your inexperience using the Internet.

It might be Ok amongst your school friends but not with grown-ups!

YES, I AM ACTUALLY IN SF NOW VISITING MY GRANDMA. :D I USE THE CAP feature to good effects. I am not offended by anything you say since I know who I am. I am an American who has a deep love of Thailand and it's people. I own properties here in Thailand and I guess you could say I am quite well off financially. I don't over spend and have a comfortable life all over the world(BTW, I do own properties all over the world :D ). However, I LOVE THAILAND THE BEST. Of course I am merely an observer of it's ups and downs so if things get out of hand then I will go somewhere else in the world. Thais LOVE ME because they know I have a deep and abiding love FOR THEM ALSO. I think you are the one who needs to "GROW UP", albeit it doesn't appear that way. :)

Are you for real, or just a trol.

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