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Is there something wrong with opendns?

I'm using a 2Mbit line from True (no other choice) and using opendns (since dns from True seemed to have many problems in the past, not sure if they cleaned up now).

BUT, since a few days I can't reach google.nl/.com! And every site that is using google in some way will load superslow (I mean minutes per page!), which is about 75% from all site since everybody seems to run Google-ads on their site (which is fine since I do the same on my webshop :) ).

However, when I switch back to use normal dns (automatic) and not use opendns everything is fine. How's this possible? Can't imagine opendns blocking Google, so what is wrong.

Does somebody experienced the same? Please share this and how to solve this.

I liked opendns, because in the past I had many problems just surfing the net. Pages take very long to start loading and need to refresh many times. Switched to opendns and every page loads fast. That is until a few days ago.

For the time being I'm not using opendns. Let's see if is ok now with dns from True.

I hope to get some feedback from other users on this. Thanks in advance.

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I have had similar problems with OpenDNS and Google sites through CAT. Not sure what is causing this, cause the resolver resolve identical on CATs DNS and OpenDNSs DNS.


I always use a second provider for my secondary DNS (my ISP), you may want to use a combination of OpenDNS and DNSadvantage.


Thanks all for your info.

I will be checking out DNSadvantage and/or combi with both.

About internetspeeds:

I just heard from my cousin in the Netherlands he changed ISP and now has a 60Mbit :) internet connection (cable, not ADSL). Dammn that's fast, 60Mbit down and 6Mbit upload. He pays about 2500 baht, but this even includes his phone and a digital TV subscription! I have a 2Mbit line here in Thailand and for 100 baht per month I can upgrade to 4Mbit, but why I should upgrade when the 2Mbit is rarely reached when going international!!


Let me add something from my own experiences.

Since I got a fixed IP address a lot of DNS and other issues are solved.

BTW I am using the same DNS combination as *cdnvic'.

Fast and reliable - 24/7!


what doe sit mean 'a fixed isp address?

i use dns advantage as had problems with open dns, but now have problems opening a lot of sites, have to keep clicking on them to eventually open them, especially yahoo. is this a dns problem?

am on maxnet in chiang mai


Just on a whim today, I visited the OpenDNS website. in the past it always said.."you are using OpenDNS". Well, it did not say this so I checked my network connections.

It was set to obtain dns automatically. Hmm. I have never set this option. So I input the OpenDNS addresses and try to surf. Nada, no connection. Replaced with the obtain automatically. Surf no problem. Hmm.

Is it possible Maxnet can reset my connection? This thread doesn't have much info. But someone said that DNSAdvantage was also affected.

Just on a whim today, I visited the OpenDNS website. in the past it always said.."you are using OpenDNS". Well, it did not say this so I checked my network connections.

It was set to obtain dns automatically. Hmm. I have never set this option. So I input the OpenDNS addresses and try to surf. Nada, no connection. Replaced with the obtain automatically. Surf no problem. Hmm.

Is it possible Maxnet can reset my connection? This thread doesn't have much info. But someone said that DNSAdvantage was also affected.

IMHO You have to set DNS in TCP/IP to static too, not "DNS automatically".

DNS for all devices should point to the router. The router should point only to OpenDNS.

Set openDNS in your router!



Thanks for your response but not sure I understand you 100%.

I have been using OpenDNS for well over a year after problems with Maxnet's servers. I changed the DNS server info in the Network Connections control panel-tcp/ip-properties.

Today I checked this info and had been reset to obtain dns auto.. not by me.

Question was can Maxnet do this from their end or pehaps a MS security update did this. Anyway no connection to internet using OpenDNS but immediate connection using obtain auto.


Thanks for your response but not sure I understand you 100%.

I have been using OpenDNS for well over a year after problems with Maxnet's servers. I changed the DNS server info in the Network Connections control panel-tcp/ip-properties.

Today I checked this info and had been reset to obtain dns auto.. not by me.

Question was can Maxnet do this from their end or pehaps a MS security update did this. Anyway no connection to internet using OpenDNS but immediate connection using obtain auto.

Before I answer I want you to do this

click --->start --->run ---> type in the box --->cmd <enter>


ipconfig /flushdns <enter>


ipconfig /all <enter>

Copy (or screen shot) the result

Please post it here


Hi all,

first thanks to all your valuable replies!

I don't know what is wrong, but for sure something isn't ok.

If I put the setting of DNS to obtain automatic DNS I can surf to Google without any issue, BUT many sites have problems and I need to refresh quite often until the page loads ok. Also connecting to my mail etc gives loads of problems. Before I used opendns and the problems were gone. Until a few days before I started this thread. Problem arrived in the form of Google not accessible and many sites which are connecting to Google give problems as well.

I tried on advice from several people a combination of OpenDNS and DNS Advantage. Without succes.

When I use OpenDNS or a combo Open/Advantage and surf to Google I get to see following message (see picture). It says: The page cannot found... Well, that looks bad English to me. Ok, I'm not a native English speaker myself, but let's say it's Thai English or am I mistaken???? Is my ISP True f.. :)... ..ing around with connections?


Does anybody know if using a HTTP tunnel can help?

Hi all,

first thanks to all your valuable replies!

I don't know what is wrong, but for sure something isn't ok.

If I put the setting of DNS to obtain automatic DNS I can surf to Google without any issue, BUT many sites have problems and I need to refresh quite often until the page loads ok. Also connecting to my mail etc gives loads of problems. Before I used opendns and the problems were gone. Until a few days before I started this thread. Problem arrived in the form of Google not accessible and many sites which are connecting to Google give problems as well.

I tried on advice from several people a combination of OpenDNS and DNS Advantage. Without succes.

When I use OpenDNS or a combo Open/Advantage and surf to Google I get to see following message (see picture). It says: The page cannot found... Well, that looks bad English to me. Ok, I'm not a native English speaker myself, but let's say it's Thai English or am I mistaken???? Is my ISP True f.. :)... ..ing around with connections?


Does anybody know if using a HTTP tunnel can help?

Thats a self fabricated "error" message with errors... Made in Thailand by True! Your ISP doesn't like (obviously) ya use another DNS.


Yes, I think True doesn't like another DNS, but why it's only Google which gives problems, since most of the other sites (if not all) are fine. It gives problems with other sites when they request data from Google (which currently are quite a lot of sites due to the advertising etc.).

Strange thing is that if I refresh Google a few times eventually Google will load! So are they (True) fetching everything and let an operator decide: Ok, I will let him go to Google now :)


Are you sure it is not a Google problem? They are probably redirecting you to Thailand. I am not having any problem using AdvantageDNS on True. But I have removed the country re-direct with a Google cookie. Have you removed or stopped using cookies by chance?

To set cookie (they must be allowed) use Google no country re-direct

one time in your browser.

Yes, I think True doesn't like another DNS, but why it's only Google which gives problems, since most of the other sites (if not all) are fine. It gives problems with other sites when they request data from Google (which currently are quite a lot of sites due to the advertising etc.).

Strange thing is that if I refresh Google a few times eventually Google will load! So are they (True) fetching everything and let an operator decide: Ok, I will let him go to Google now :)

Let me ask you a question: where did you set DNS - in your router or in TCP/IP?

Are you sure it is not a Google problem? They are probably redirecting you to Thailand. I am not having any problem using AdvantageDNS on True. But I have removed the country re-direct with a Google cookie. Have you removed or stopped using cookies by chance?

To set cookie (they must be allowed) use Google no country re-direct

one time in your browser.

excuse my ignorance but can you explain this a bit further? if i put in the link above by copy paste it says no such site

You click on the hot link - or type www.google.com/ncr

when i input that i get a google search page below. do you want me to pick one of these and do what they say? sorry but i am confused it sounded like you want to click on this link and it is automatic?


How to change from google.xx to google.com? [solved]

16 posts - 13 authors - Last post: 58 minutes ago

When I type www.google.com to use google to perform a search, ... Type www.google.com/ncr it will redirect you to your english google web ...

en.kioskea.net/.../affich-14111-how-to-change-from-google-xx-to-google-com - 58 minutes ago - Cached - Similar


How do I get to google.com? when I type Google.com into the ...

If u wanna go to www.google.com then please type http://www.google.com/ncr in the address bar and it would take you to the real google.com and not ...

answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid... - Cached - Similar


Why when I type www.google.com it redirects me to google.es ...

If it still does it the type in google us and click on the link to that ... You need to go to www.google.com/ncr. It'll direct you to the original Google. ...

answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid... - Cached - Similar


If I type 'www.google.com' into my address bar, goddamnit I want ...

18 Apr 2009 ... Use this URL to turn off this shit http://www.google.com/ncr ..... The only time I ever type 'www.google.com' is to see if my connection to ...

www.reddit.com/.../if_i_type_wwwgooglecom_into_my_address_bar/ - Cached - Similar


When I type in www.google.com, I keep getting google.es - Google ...

Even reaching and posting here isn't easy. If your problem is the redirection all the time, a temporary solution is to type. http://www.google.com/ncr ...

groups.google.com/group/Google_Web.../52dc298c2f6e138b - Similar


When I type in www.google.com, I keep getting google.es - Google ...

3 posts - Last post: 11 Dec 2008

If your problem is the redirection all the time, a temporary solution is to type. http://www.google.com/ncr. as the address. ...

groups.google.com/group/Google.../846b8804254e1ebd - Cached - Similar

More results from groups.google.com »


How to Disable Google.com Redirects to Your Country Google Domain ...


Once you do that one time you have a cookie that will prevent country re-directs - so you will not be sent to Thai pages anymore. But you must have cookies enabled and not clear them or would have to do again.

You can close the page and do what you want.


That's True for sure. They have been having DNS issues for months now, not sure why but they ought to know about it by now.

I've found a way which seems to have sorted all my DNS problems for the time being - not had a problem since these were set up. These are set on my computer, NOT on the router.

When you set up your DNS servers under TCP/IP v4 - there should be a button which says "Advanced" - click the button, then select the DNS Tab.

There you will see "DNS Server addresses, in order of use" - and you can enter as many DNS servers as you want.

For me, my list is: (True, as I often use Wi-Fi outside the house - this needs to be first in order to connect properly) (normally the default router gateway) (DNSAdvantage) (OpenDNS)

... (3 more DNS servers for True, DNSAdvantage and OpenDNS)

Save the changes. In the main screen, do *not* select "Obtain DNS server address automatically" as this will reset your list.

Since I set this up last week - never had a DNS issue. If you are on a wired connection or using your home computer you can probably skip the 1st entry on the list as you won't be needing True Wi-Fi access, or if you can discover it, put your ISPs DNS server there.


I had some DNS issues in the past not True related. I share concerns regarding openDNS but I'd like to add some general remarks.

The DNS server in your network/LAN is your router. Everything in your network is pointed to the router

So when I started to have DNS issues even with dnsadvantage I did what I done before and set the DNS server in TCP/IP to which is

the router. DNS is set in the router. After that my DNS issue was solved.

I am running XP pro, SP2

Yes, I think True doesn't like another DNS, but why it's only Google which gives problems, since most of the other sites (if not all) are fine. It gives problems with other sites when they request data from Google (which currently are quite a lot of sites due to the advertising etc.).

Strange thing is that if I refresh Google a few times eventually Google will load! So are they (True) fetching everything and let an operator decide: Ok, I will let him go to Google now :)

Let me ask you a question: where did you set DNS - in your router or in TCP/IP?

At the moment I have set the DNS in TCP/IP, not in my router. I use a WIFI router by the way from True. Not sure if I can change DNS setttings, since True standard disabled some settings in my router I believe.

Are you sure it is not a Google problem? They are probably redirecting you to Thailand. I am not having any problem using AdvantageDNS on True. But I have removed the country re-direct with a Google cookie. Have you removed or stopped using cookies by chance?

To set cookie (they must be allowed) use Google no country re-direct

one time in your browser.

Thanks for your suggestion :) . I will going to check this tonight (I'm still at work now). I accept cookies until I close Firefox (then almost everything collected will be deleted like cookies, cache, history etc). If I remove this country re-direct, do I need to do this everytime when I start FF (since I delete all cookies when I close FF)? Isn't there some kind of extension/plugin for FF that can take care this?

Yes, I think True doesn't like another DNS, but why it's only Google which gives problems, since most of the other sites (if not all) are fine. It gives problems with other sites when they request data from Google (which currently are quite a lot of sites due to the advertising etc.).

Strange thing is that if I refresh Google a few times eventually Google will load! So are they (True) fetching everything and let an operator decide: Ok, I will let him go to Google now :)

Let me ask you a question: where did you set DNS - in your router or in TCP/IP?

At the moment I have set the DNS in TCP/IP, not in my router. I use a WIFI router by the way from True. Not sure if I can change DNS setttings, since True standard disabled some settings in my router I believe.

and that has to be found out. Whats the router brand?

Once you do that one time you have a cookie that will prevent country re-directs - so you will not be sent to Thai pages anymore. But you must have cookies enabled and not clear them or would have to do again.

You can close the page and do what you want.

Oh, ok, just see the answer of my queston in my previous post :)

Anyway, normally I don't get re-directed to a Thai page, since I use Quick Locale Switcher which works quite ok and switches to Dutch for me when I open google.com (and to Thai when my wife is using FF :D )

I will play some more tonight if I have time with DNS settings and cookies to see what happens.

Yes, I think True doesn't like another DNS, but why it's only Google which gives problems, since most of the other sites (if not all) are fine. It gives problems with other sites when they request data from Google (which currently are quite a lot of sites due to the advertising etc.).

Strange thing is that if I refresh Google a few times eventually Google will load! So are they (True) fetching everything and let an operator decide: Ok, I will let him go to Google now :)

Let me ask you a question: where did you set DNS - in your router or in TCP/IP?

At the moment I have set the DNS in TCP/IP, not in my router. I use a WIFI router by the way from True. Not sure if I can change DNS setttings, since True standard disabled some settings in my router I believe.

and that has to be found out. Whats the router brand?

I thought it's a Zyxel P-660HW Series, which I got it for free from True when I signed up for my ADSL and I can remember that I saw only quite limited settings which I could change. Maybe they put a special True branded firmware in it. I'm not an expert on this field, but know how to setup an encrypted wifi connection etc.

I thought it's a Zyxel P-660HW Series, which I got it for free from True when I signed up for my ADSL and I can remember that I saw only quite limited settings which I could change. Maybe they put a special True branded firmware in it. I'm not an expert on this field, but know how to setup an encrypted wifi connection etc.

can you open your Zyxel and tell me what the page shows I have displayed:


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