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Pattaya Motorcycle Gangs


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bikers do more charity work in thailand than any other groups.........say no more

not true, there are many organisations in thailand that dont feel the need to massage their ego, there are

also many organisations that subscribe to the point of view of, doing good unto others without the need to draw attention to oneself.

say no more.

i thought the whole idea was to draw attention to attract more advertisers and companies ,people etc to contribute to the said charity ...the bikers dont get anything out of this only the satisfaction of seeing children happy and a little better off ...ill say no more on this topic ..check out what the jesters have raised for charity over the years and thats only one group of many

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I don't know anyone in a motorcycle gang, but I have read that most police believe that the charity work is just a smokescreen to cover up criminal behavior.


Quite possibly true, Ulysses. However, I doubt if the government actually WANT to get rid of the drug trade. They just want to APPEAR to be doing something constructive.

They could get rid of the worst part of the drug trade in the matter of a couple of years if they legalized ALL drugs and made them essentially free. Let the stupid people kill themselves anyway they want. I believe in Darwinism where the weak die and the strong survive. Take away the profits and the thieving druggie misfits will have to choose some other form of crime. Unfortunately, the government, the police and the justice system is feeding from the same trough. They are all getting their kickbacks... legally or illegally.

Why should we care about what people CHOOSE to do with their OWN lives? I couldn't care less if someone wants to commit suicide... either slowly or fast. Certainly I have compassion for people in need, but there comes a time when they have to be responsible for their own actions. Take away the profits and the drug pushers wouldn't try hooking young women on the vile stuff so they could get them into the prostitution business. The money we waste on trying to prevent people from harming themselves could be put to much better use elsewhere. Cigarettes and alcohol are legal and yet they've caused far more harm than all the nasty drugs combined. Only a very small portion of people actually take hard core drugs, but billions of dollars are wasted on trying to prevent something that people want.

I know this is off topic, but it ties in with the bad image that biker clubs in Thailand get from the biker gangs of North America.

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I don't know anyone in a motorcycle gang, but I have read that most police believe that the charity work is just a smokescreen to cover up criminal behavior.


Quite possibly true, Ulysses. However, I doubt if the government actually WANT to get rid of the drug trade. They just want to APPEAR to be doing something constructive.

I would not be surprised if you are correct. It does seem bizzare that so much money is spent on the "war on drugs" when it has been obvious for years that it will never be won.

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bikers do more charity work in thailand than any other groups.........say no more

not true, there are many organisations in thailand that dont feel the need to massage their ego, there are

also many organisations that subscribe to the point of view of, doing good unto others without the need to draw attention to oneself.

say no more.

i thought the whole idea was to draw attention to attract more advertisers and companies ,people etc to contribute to the said charity ...the bikers dont get anything out of this only the satisfaction of seeing children happy and a little better off ...ill say no more on this topic ..check out what the jesters have raised for charity over the years and thats only one group of many

BB, I agree with what you are saying, I in fact applaud the efforts of the jesters and others like them, its a pity there arent more doing the same.

There are others who, just because people havent heard of them or the work they do, doesnt mean they dont exist.

There is more to charity work than a once a year big pig jig, getting your picture in a newspaper or your name on a plaque on a wall, however I digress, how each group goes about its work is an irrelevance, its the end result that matters.

I know many who freely give up their own time to try and make others lives (or what little life they have left) that little bit better.

Visit a sick childrens ward, see the children whose skin has turned green because of organ failure and no chance of a transplant, a humbling experience.

See the people who cant even afford to buy a coffin to bury their loved ones, see how grateful these people are for the chance to give the departed a dignified send off.

However as I said before I digress, I wish you and whatever group you belong to or contribute to every success, if you are able to combine a love of biking with charity work, even better.

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What's up with the motorcycle gangs of Pattaya?

I was in a go-go last night and saw 4 senior citizens wearing all black with matching black leather jackets with the name of their gang on the back.

It was pathetic. A group of senior citizens trying to reclaim their "bad-ass" youth.

In about 5 years, they can exchange their cycles fpr motorized walkers.

A poor education and ignorance is no excuse for being disrespectful.

Many of those same guys you bad mouthed do exceptional work to raise money for various charities.

In future try and think before you post, failing that phone a friend for advice.

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That's okay, the OP is just a younger version of this troll and hasn't learned his trade very well.


Thanks for the picture. I'll make a wallet size for my friends.

I was basically making a fashion statement, like not wearing white after Labor Day.

People can dress anyway they please. However, if you go beyond the fashion norms someone is bound to notice.

The people I refer to in my opening post were wearing hel_l's Angels and P-G colors.

These are some very violent gangs getting most of their money from the drug trade at least in North America.

Edited by gguy
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That's okay, the OP is just a younger version of this troll and hasn't learned his trade very well.


Thanks for the picture. I'll make a wallet size for my friends.

I was basically making a fashion statement, like not wearing white after Labor Day.

People can dress anyway they please. However, if you go beyond the fashion norms someone is bound to notice.

The people I refer to in my opening post were wearing hel_l's Angels and P-G colors.

These are some very violent gangs getting most of their money from the drug trade at least in North America.

there is no hells angels in thailand ..they must have been on holiday ....p-g colours..?? i presume this is prospect gremium colours you are referring to ??? they have a chapter in thailand alright ......thai biker mc clubs do no harm to anyone unless you go looking for it ..few guys wearing leather vests ...its easy to annoy you aint it...ever hear of the old saying "NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER"...remember that the next time you see some bikers in leather .......

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If you see some old fellows standing around in motor cycle leathers, especially if the have Hells Angels motifs on their back approach them and tell them how 'pathetic' you think they look. I'm sure they will appreciate it and thank you for your opinion.

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What's up with the motorcycle gangs of Pattaya?

I was in a go-go last night and saw 4 senior citizens wearing all black with matching black leather jackets with the name of their gang on the back.

Maybe they just have a sponsorship deal with Viagra? :D

In any case I doubt they're in Pattaya to worry about anyone's opinion. They're there to have fun.

was the name "tourist police volunteers" ? :)

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Please Op, learn the difference between “Gang” and “Club.” Calling some gentlemen Gangsters, ie.. members of organized criminal organization just because they ride a Harley and have leather vest with there WW2 military unit on them is just a little ridicules. This makes you sound like a mobster ie.. someone who walks around in a mob with burning torches screaming, “burn the witches!” Something to think about while I go to go get my Harry Potter costume out and wait for my magical powers to manifest. I am sure if these gents knew how intimidated you were by their “bad ass” costumes they would have worn their matching pink Lacoste, plaid shorts, and penny loafers. But just for the record, this wouldn’t mean that they were members of a Yacht Club’s sailing gang.

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Many of those same guys you bad mouthed do exceptional work to raise money for various charities.

I see pictures of many of there charity runs in the bathroom stalls all over Pattaya. It is kind of amazing how many of these events end up with nud_e girls in them. Whose kidding who here? Just another excuse to get drunk, drive and find women that I thought they were suppose to be helping with there charity.

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For Goodness sake m8!! u realy need to start worrying about the correct gangs!! These senior citezens ur talking about are the big boys such as the jesters... well they do plenty of charity such as the jesters fair every year!!! now how can some few bikers that do absolutely nothing at all but help others and show of there love of bikes be such a big problem for a W*ANKER like u? what the hel_l is ur soddin problem? :) the bikers u need to worry about are the ones that go around on the loud exausted rice rockets!! they r the lot that cause problems and bugger up the street!

So u m8 im probably geussin arent so young urself because if u were a youngster u would look more at the bike than at the person riding it! or is there something ur not telling us? :D so shut up u miserable old fart!!

what a <snip>, bikers are the best, if you don't like em don't look

Edited by raro
flame deleted - please keep it civil
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They are having fun and not bothering anyone

They bother me with there unbelievably load motors they just love to rev up as high as they can to make sure everybody knows they are there.

No it's like a cult. They like to be dressed in leather and they like to have Harleys. They are ok. Troubles you can get only with the Ladybike gangs, the local kids, 16 year old, etc. There is a real problem ( stealing druging, etc). Harley drivers are nice peaple. I personally don't have a chopper as i more into American Classic Cars. This is anoether cult. But i like to see someone drives a chomepoliched Harley and i love the sound as well. And every year o visit their Bike Show (Burapah, if my spelling is right). May nice peaple, Thais or Farangs. Have to understand: Not everoone want to be a "greene" or have a normal (boring) Family Life. Therefore peaple have the same interests, they meeting in groups where peaple have the same interests and hobbies, it doesn't mean that they are bad.

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They are having fun and not bothering anyone

They bother me with there unbelievably load motors they just love to rev up as high as they can to make sure everybody knows they are there.

you're well advised NOT to rev up a Harley too much...

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What's up with the motorcycle gangs of Pattaya?

I was in a go-go last night and saw 4 senior citizens wearing all black with matching black leather jackets with the name of their gang on the back.

It was pathetic. A group of senior citizens trying to reclaim their "bad-ass" youth.

In about 5 years, they can exchange their cycles fpr motorized walkers.

you were in a go go ,how old are you,what were you doing in a go go , and what buisness is it of yours,good on em.

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