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The Temple Where You Go To Vomit!


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interesting story.

what do you think are the prerequisits for success in this treatment ?

strong willpower or addressing underlying psycological issues leading to addiction or something else?

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I think that without a strong determination to stop the temple might be practically useless. Wat Thamkrabok does offer some unique tools which not only make recovery possible, but also a joy.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 7 months later...

The OP in this thread has written a book about the temple and it seems to be doing quite well over in Ireland. He was on the TV and radio when I was back there. I don't think he posts anymore here though which is a pity. I haven't seen this book available over here yet though but his website says it is due for release soon. I haven't read it yet but it looks interesting. I think he had another thread on here about the temple but I can't find it.


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  • 4 months later...

The monk who was so inspirational to me at the temple died three weeks ago. Here is something I wrote about him.


Great article. I would like to ad that people can visit Wat Tum Grabok without entering treatment. You can take an herbal sauna at Pra Gordon's sauna, get herbal medicine, feed the fish in the giant pond (kids love it) or wander around checking out the temples, the orchards, gardens and the cave which the temple is named after.

Pra Gordon is from New York and a Vietnam vet. Take him some DVDs, western food, or vitamins.

He will get the sauna extra hot on request!

Pra Gordon has taken the vow to be a monk for life so he is always around. I visit him at least once a month and I love his sauna. D4D

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  • 4 months later...

I just read your book Paul . ' Dead Drunk ' , for anyone who is interested I bought it in a bookshop in BKK. I read it in just over a day, and it was a good informative eye opener. I know a few people who are definitely going down this road, and would recommend it highly. Good luck with your continual recovery.

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  • 1 month later...

The monk who was so inspirational to me at the temple died three weeks ago. Here is something I wrote about him.


Pra Hans was an inspiration to may. I just happened to be visiting Pra Gordon the day after Pra Hans passed. D4D

FYI, Phra Gordon died on 20 April, just this past Wednesday, sad to say.


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