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Thaksin's " Big Surprise " Still A Secret

sriracha john

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Royal Pardon campaign nears an end

More than one million people had signed their names in support of petition for a Royal Pardon for former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, a core leader of the United front for Democracy against Dictatorship, Natthawut Saikuea, said on Friday.

The signature collection campaign would continue until July 31. At midnight that day the UDD would announce the total number of signatures it had gathered and would afterward submit the petition to the Bureau of the Royal Household, Natthawut said.

He insisted the bid for a Royal Pardon was not initiated by Thaksin himself.



-- Bangkok Post 2009-07-24

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Seems Ferwert is on an anti-musician roll these days.

Guess his mommy couldn't afford that triangle and lessons he wanted as a child.

Funny boy, musicans are typically NOT stuck in one place, but react to new input

and must think quickly on their feet. And analyze complex relationships accurately

and quickly. Qualities apparently valued by Kuhn Fur Wart.

But this roll is clearly directed in one direction.

Based on information gotten by deception and duplicity.

But what could we expect otherwise? Same as it ever was.

But using that purloined hook has left your current incarnation less a secret than you think.

P_D HvT, DaleB and now FW.

Hey mods time to check those login ISP addresses for a week or so randomly.

FOUR different handles in one year, and three banishments, must be a record.

I believe ColPyat is the easily the unmatched Master with over 30 identified and banned ID's.

Certainly, however, the HagenVonPermanentlyDisorderedFerns efforts, are noteworthy and his 1200 posts put him in the top 25.

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Seems Ferwert is on an anti-musician roll these days.

Guess his mommy couldn't afford that triangle and lessons he wanted as a child.

Funny boy, musicans are typically NOT stuck in one place, but react to new input

and must think quickly on their feet. And analyze complex relationships accurately

and quickly. Qualities apparently valued by Kuhn Fur Wart.

But this roll is clearly directed in one direction.

Based on information gotten by deception and duplicity.

But what could we expect otherwise? Same as it ever was.

But using that purloined hook has left your current incarnation less a secret than you think.

P_D HvT, DaleB and now FW.

Hey mods time to check those login ISP addresses for a week or so randomly.

FOUR different handles in one year, and three banishments, must be a record.

Discuss communism in former Eastern Germany (DDR) and you will know who is who...

:D funny, but it's true... they all have these identifiable "fingerprints" that they leave behind... :)

and some, like your true example, are actually rather bizarre fixations...

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:D funny, but it's true... they all have these identifiable "fingerprints" that they leave behind... :)

and some, like your true example, are actually rather bizarre fixations...

speaking of bizarre fixations, if you signed up under another nick, id be able to spot you a mile away.

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Maybe he has a pardon lined up. Wouldn't that be nice.

Certainly put a stop to the endless moaning and gnashing of teeth.

it would be nice if he was six feet under and that would end the moaning......from everyone except you and koo

I will be in favor of him being pardoned. Once he returns to Thailand, and begins to serve his jail sentence. Until that happens, he can rot in the backwaters of the world (albeit with a private jet to whisk him from North Korea to Burma to Cuba, etc).

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Thaksin has a very effective PR team

True dat - many of them are working full time here in Thai Visa. :D

.....it's a conspiracy :D . I've always found it incredibly fascinating as to the great concern that ex-pat residents have regarding Mr. T. Constipatingly concerned. :)

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Turning the begging bowl upside down

I am not sure whether Thaksin Shinawatr himself has got anything to do with it but a "coordinator" of his 60th birthday anniversary celebration on July 26 has said a special religious ceremony will be held to counter all the blck magic initiated against him earlier.

One of the ceremonies will be to reverse the monk's begging bowl from the "bottom up" position (indicating a boycott) to an upright stance to rid of all the "black magic" conducted many years ago by Luangta Maha Bua and Sondhi Limthongkul against Thaksin.

The "big surprise" on that birthday remains a mystery. But a source close to the ceremony says: "It will be a major surprise. The whole world will be asking: How can this happen?"

I can't wait.

-- Source: http://suthichaiyoon.blogspot.com/2009/07/...pside-down.html

End Quote

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Any of our resident Thaksin lovers are going to walk around with Thaksin's mask themselves?

If there are no sand storms here in Thailand why is your head entrenched up your anus. Comments like the above the above just reflect how little you know about Thailand. I personally dont like him but everybody is entitled to their own opinion.

For his own ends admittedly, he is the only politician to help the less well off and the poor dont forget that. Now you have a muppet controlled by the privvy. I know which I prefer as an expat.


Beautiful argument, so crisp and clear, so full with convincing facts about

the "good deeds of the samaritan", not to mention your neat way to address other posters, neat!

and always the usual excuse:

I personally don't like him but everybody is entitled to their own opinion.

well, we overlook the tiny contradiction of using the little word but as if you didn't really tell the truth,

or didn't mean it, instead did you want to let the audience know that: it's "the masters voice"!?

....No? - it's your very own "opinion"....? ah well, I see.... "opinion" is it called these days..!

It comes in repetition form you guys, like the never ending rotations of a tibetan prayer wheel -

but it's only words repeated ad nauseum - but all assertion without substance!

Well and I really love this:

he is the only politician to help the less well off and the poor...

Well - it is an "opinion", but an opinion based on emotions, on things like: "I liked this guy, he did something"!

without foundation, without any proof, lacking any facts..


what really "helped the not so well off and the poor"?

Help the audience with the FACTS!

was it...

The rice pledging scheme - that will cost the entire Nation 34 Billion?

and is threatening Thailand as being the worlds No.1 Rice Exporter,

Thailand because of this may lose it No.Status to Vietnam!

...and has only benefited the wholesalers, storehouse keepers, millers and exporters?

the dead OTOP Scheme that ended up being "chic-boutiques" were one could buy

a 100 gr. bag of sun dried chillis for 90 Baht, or "100% pure virgin" Coconoil 125 ml for 230 ThB?

Who "benefited" from this scheme?

the 30 Baht "health care" scheme, every body could go to the hospital

but the hospitals lacking proper budgeting, running soon out of stock and doctors turned to

more promising grounds - all of a sudden Thailand witnessed a surge in Privat ***** Hospitals.

How benefited from this?

The x-ray machines scam on the suvannbhum project?

The Tax evasion on a grand scale...?

The Tapioca scheme, the Palm oil scheme, the eucalyptus saplings scheme...

the fact that Mangosteen at producer level bring 3 Baht/kg today, so is Rambutan, so have many

crops dropped as a result of overproduction, but lacking marketing channels for export or

value added channels like canning or juice production -

another "Project" which initially was encouraged by cheap credits and encouragement through the period Thaksins Premiership.....

(Remember who promoted "sustainable economy"?)

...much and much more of this - was Thaksins "edible democracy", a PR designed marketing gimmicks

wrapped in steep andsweet promises for his very own gain as in "Thailand Inc.", to his and his cronies benefits alone...! A giant Pyramid scheme!

He wasn't only betraying the people with blunt lies neatly wrapped in gift paper and hollow promises,

but consolidating his grip on the country in intimidating everyone who dared to challenge Thaksin's "Thailand Inc."

with uncomfortable questions!

... want some more? - Just ask!

....and to those advances towards the privatization of an entire nation,

ruling at will and gusto - the "evil coup" put an end and freed the Nation

from the grip of a self serving, self righteous, de facto dictatorship in the making!

It's only him who brought the "split" to this nation, it's only him who keeps stirring the hot ambers,

he can't give up, unitl he got it his way or someone made him stop!

Edited by Samuian
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He urged Thaksin supporters to wait and see the ''big surprise'' in store for his 60th birthday celebrations tomorrow at Kaew Fa Chula Manee temple in Nonthaburi's Bang Kruai district.

Holographic techniques will be used to create a three-dimensional image of Thaksin.

Is it just me or is Thaksin just getting a bit weird?

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I will be in favor of him being pardoned.

Nah, time to stop with this nonsense of one law for the privileged, another law for the rest of us. What message does that send?

These people should be setting an example to the rest of society.

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Thaksin's " Big Surprise " Still A Secret

after all I start to belief the "big surprise" is so secret that even Mr. Thaksin doesn't know the surpise yet... :)

Another PR stunt - he must be drooling whilst jumping up and down in satisfaction

having an entire Nation guessing and wondering what his stunt is....

in that sense one must admit his PR Agents are world class!

I think it's a big mistake to give his stunts so much attention and news coverage - it

helps his campaigns a lot ...that is waht his campaigns are all about - not to be forgotten

- be "the talk of the town" - "he did it again"!

"Aren't we really proud of him"?

Welcome to the show Ladies & Gentlemen, the greatest show on earth....!

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He urged Thaksin supporters to wait and see the ''big surprise'' in store for his 60th birthday celebrations tomorrow at Kaew Fa Chula Manee temple in Nonthaburi's Bang Kruai district.

Holographic techniques will be used to create a three-dimensional image of Thaksin.

Is it just me or is Thaksin just getting a bit weird?


Thats not Hollywood... its better - its Hollyweird

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He urged Thaksin supporters to wait and see the ''big surprise'' in store for his 60th birthday celebrations tomorrow at Kaew Fa Chula Manee temple in Nonthaburi's Bang Kruai district.

Holographic techniques will be used to create a three-dimensional image of Thaksin.

Is it just me or is Thaksin just getting a bit weird?

Actually he has shown this turn of mind since 2006.

He DOES get "a bit weird" when under strong pressure.

Such as losing his 2006 Referendum/snap Election bid on himself vis z vis the Temasek sale .

And when he cabinet started jumping ship to save their own butts.

Or when he came back and then started LOSING cases in court. Panicked and split.

And when Songkran came around and he got caught lying, and NOT lying, on International TV,

"Line up to get the 500baht for y'all." "Mr T!!! You can't say that."

oops. open mouth, insert foot. Oh so TASTY!

And his interviews where he spouted clearly wrong facts. Hundreds dead, etc etc.

And suborned insurrection in the streets.

And now his post Buriram loss of face,

and 2.2 bil baht on trial started, pronouncements.

He will now unveil a big surprise...

Seems SOOOO desperate to keep in the news with something POSITIVE.

Edited by animatic
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Turning the begging bowl upside down

I am not sure whether Thaksin Shinawatr himself has got anything to do with it but a "coordinator" of his 60th birthday anniversary celebration on July 26 has said a special religious ceremony will be held to counter all the blck magic initiated against him earlier.

One of the ceremonies will be to reverse the monk's begging bowl from the "bottom up" position (indicating a boycott) to an upright stance to rid of all the "black magic" conducted many years ago by Luangta Maha Bua and Sondhi Limthongkul against Thaksin.

The "big surprise" on that birthday remains a mystery. But a source close to the ceremony says: "It will be a major surprise. The whole world will be asking: How can this happen?"

I can't wait.

-- Source: http://suthichaiyoon.blogspot.com/2009/07/...pside-down.html

End Quote

Having read the above, I'm reminded of a friend of mine's prayer "Dear Lord, please don't let me take this place too seriously" :)

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Christmas in July


You better watch out,

You better not try,

To ignore Mr. T.

I'm telling you why

Thaksin's Surprise is coming to town.

He's making a LIST and checking it twice.

Gonna find out who's Red Shirt or nice.

Thaksin's Surprise is coming to town.

He sees when you've been dreaming,

Of a past that he made up.

He knows that you've been hoodwinked,

But he doesn't give a schtup!


You better protest,

That he's was set up

By Hi So elites

Because he doesn't give up.

Thaksin's clause is coming to town.


Little Red horns,

and little Red hooves

a long pointy tail

and slithery moves

Thaksin's Surprise is coming to town.

He sees they you get paid off

500 baht the going rate

He knows that it is peanuts

But he knows that's what you'll take

Democracy calls

He's telling us so

It's not really true

But what do we know.

Thaksin's Surprise is coming to town.


The guys on the stage

Scream out to the mob

Till the master phones in

and acts like a yob.

Thaksin's Surprise is coming to town.


You better watch out,

If he gets back in

cause he's gonna get those

who were against him

Thaksin's Surprise is coming to town.

Thaksin's mob is out on the town

Thaksin wants buy up your town.

Thaksin's clause is coming to town.

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Maybe he has a pardon lined up. Wouldn't that be nice.

Certainly put a stop to the endless moaning and gnashing of teeth.

it would be nice if he was six feet under and that would end the moaning......from everyone except you and koo

I will be in favor of him being pardoned. Once he returns to Thailand, and begins to serve his jail sentence. Until that happens, he can rot in the backwaters of the world (albeit with a private jet to whisk him from North Korea to Burma to Cuba, etc).

i am in favour of a pardon too, as long its given to him posthumously.........

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The fear that manifest itself regarding a hypothetical Thaksin return would be that he probably wouldn't serve any prison time or at the very least a nominal sentence. The fines that would be assessed - he could pay those easily. Pardon or not. Found guilty or not. His presence abroad seem to be more of a distracting nuisance, which I might add is an invented and promoted item more than it deserves, than if he was here. The myth and legend continues.....most by into it.

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Thaksin: I will return to save the country soon

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra told his red-shirted supporters that he would soon return to Thailand to help settle the pressing problems of the country. The declaration was made on Saturday afternoon while Thaksin was phoning in to address his supporters gathering at Bua Kwan temple in Nonthaburi province, where the one day in advance birthday party for the ousted premier was held.

Thaksin thanked the red-shirts for the party and told them to be patient and wait for his return. He was confident that he would be able to come home to lead the new government in dealing with various problems of the country.

Earlier, former PM’s office minister Jakkrapop Penkair had phoned in to give moral support to the red-shirts for their attempt to fight for a full democracy.

Continued here:



-- Bangkok Post 2009-07-25

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Thaksin: I will return to save the country soon

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra told his red-shirted supporters that he would soon return to Thailand to help settle the pressing problems of the country. The declaration was made on Saturday afternoon while Thaksin was phoning in to address his supporters gathering at Bua Kwan temple in Nonthaburi province, where the one day in advance birthday party for the ousted premier was held.

Thaksin thanked the red-shirts for the party and told them to be patient and wait for his return. He was confident that he would be able to come home to lead the new government in dealing with various problems of the country.

Earlier, former PM’s office minister Jakkrapop Penkair had phoned in to give moral support to the red-shirts for their attempt to fight for a full democracy.

Continued here:



-- Bangkok Post 2009-07-25

So where is the support for morality,

to go with their moral support?

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