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Do You Read The Database Section In The Bangkok Post


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this is more or less a inquiry. For me I was just wondering if any of you out there read this. Its available every wednesday in the bangkok post. Topics in this range for a lot of things. Any feed back, or comments on the database section are welcome

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this is more or less a inquiry. For me I was just wondering if any of you out there read this. Its available every wednesday in the bangkok post. Topics in this range for a lot of things. Any feed back, or comments on the database section are welcome

Too many lame, innapropriate and irrelevant (to Thailand) syndicated US columns. Local copy at the front often seems to be poorly written free advertising or PR (and far too often IT Week-style trade news, that few want to read). The other local copy ranges from the OK to stuff stolen from The Register. Nowhere near enough products or tech help-type stuff for a consumer supplement. At least one new(-ish) local columnist appears to be insane. The local and international round-ups on the back page are often fun. Wanda is, perhaps, the sole reason anyone would read it. God bless her <snip>

Edited by raro
wash your mouth with soap. You know why ;)
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Yes I read it every Wednesday. The most interesting articles are by Wanda Sloan.

I've been missing the "Help desk" for the past 3 weeks though - where has it gone? Is the TICTA ad the reason (space)?


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I read it HERE but the older version version is much better.

I too have looked less now the old version has gone. The old version was easier and faster to load especially on my mobile device.

I used to enjoy buying a printed copy of the Bangkok Post database to read, but more often than not there is none on the shelf whenever I pass a news stand. I first read it back in the late 1980's I think. I even managed to post an add in its "User to User" column back in 1993 to sell an old laptop.

I guess the o/p works for them the way the question is asked?

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Stopped reading Bangkok Post when they swiched to the new version.

It used to have all auto/tech/news stories on one page with a clear layout, but there too many clicks all over the place to find anything now.

I liked Open Source column and Round Up, and home and international reviews were hilarious.

Wanda is a fine soldier, but I can read only so much about those registry clean ups and alternatives to notepad, and plush but tasteful offices, and Ratchada kao tom discos.

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Yes I read it every week for last 8 years but I agree its gone downhill lately.

Sinds the old editor (Tony Waltham) went into retirement I would say.

Too many Thai dreamers stories of how Thailand will be the hub of all software and IT soon.

And its true because some Thai Governement official said so..... :)

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Tried reading the new version 3-4 times. It was just too frustrating trying to navigate and find the newst articles. So I gave it up and just never went back. A pity, as I always looked forward to the Wednesday Bangkok Post prior to the revamp.

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I love the local and international round-up. Although it is a repeat of the same puns ("Shingapore") it is entertaining and informative at the same time. Wanda Sloan as others mentioned before is also quite interesting. Never had time to read more of it so no idea about significant differences to the old version.

If Wanda or anyone else fomr the post is reading...did you ever think of making a yearbook with the application recommendations, website of the week etc?

Another column missed is the "insider", that was on the last page of the business section 2 or 3 times a week. Disappeared just shortly after Thaksin became PM (not drawing a link here other than the timing).

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I read it every week. Wanda Sloan is a gem. She has helped me several times when I sent in a problem...she even emailed me. She also reviews and recommends, usually free, software...

Has it gone down hill as several posters say? I don't know...I liked the old format but not wed to it. There does seem to be a slight decrease in "quality" the last six months ofr so...maybe, it is just me.

This section is, for me, one of the best features of The Bangkok Post...Bravo, for Wanda Sloan.

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