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This lot will not be very impressed

Chinese-Thai investors agree to co-invest to boost business synergy

PATTAYA, July 28 (TNA) – Chinese investors from business associations worldwide and leading Thai businesspersons have co-invested in trade valued at US$6.2 billion or some Bt210.8 billion as part of their effort to boost business synergy, according to Industry Minister Chanchai Chairungruang.

Some 400 Chinese investors and Thai counterparts participated in the four-day meeting in this seaside resort city southeast of Bangkok to discuss business opportunities in Thailand.

Describing the first day of the meeting as an impressive success, Mr Chanchai said the 35 Chinese and Thai partners achieved business deals and agreed to sign memorandum of understanding (MOU) on their joint investment.

Two major companies, who signed at the meeting, are Saha Farm, a leading agricultural producer in Thailand, and New Hope Group, a large Chinese company with 270 affiliates.

Other companies are in industries such as electronic parts, textiles, chemical products, and processed farm output


-- TNA 28/07/09http://enews.mcot.net/view.php?id=11010

At least the PM knows where his bread is buttered.....

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The vast majority of Thais are not aligned with yellow or red. However, more support Thaksin than anyone else, that much is certain! And thus the certainty that there will be no election allowed in the near future.

Honestly, most everyone I know in the real rural situation would be extending a pox on both their houses. I believe this media social engineered seed that the 'upcountry peasantry' is in the majority towards a Thaksin camp is more myth than not.....

Doesn't Abhisit have his militia and whatever military support he needs with him? Surely they know this is a necessity every time he ventures out of BKK. Illegitemacy begets illegitimacy! But unlike the airport thing, the pro-democracy Red Shirts will be challenged, which should not be difficult. The pro-democracy Red Shirts are not a militarized movement as was the PAD, nor do they have the PAD friends in high places. They are not New Politics....they are merely old-fashioned boring old Democracy advocates. Poor deluded souls that they are! Hmmmmm, this disturbs silent majority?..."they is the silent majority" jingthing!

Frankly, both are quite militant - despite their respective political identities and connections. I might add as well, that both promote such imaginary ideals of Democracy in their rhetoric and slogans, but either one understands what this is nor realizes the truer nature of the Thai political sysytems. What has always amused me is that one will find {throughout all the Thailand based ex-pat forums} good reasoned Resident Westerners who are quite adamant as to taking their respective intellect and logic and becoming sided with their favourite politico fashion of the day. The dogma and debate can become quite heated as Farang undertone a corner of support. Very very few seem to understand the nature of contemporary Thai history and how it continues to reflectively play out today - nothing will change {for the good} until certain elements of society change as well. Otherwise, all sides are just spinning their wheels. :)

A typical PAD position, but making it sound as if they are wise people above the fray......."A pox on all their houses" and once we convince everyone of that, we will actualize our underlying motive to remove all vestiges of elective democracy. Than on top of it, they suggest that a one-person-one-vote system is somehow alien to some cultures. I understand perfectly the nature of contemporary Thai history and how it continues to be reflectively played out today. Nothing will change for the good until certain elements of society change..........Like electoral politics?... So you can put who you perceive as the enlightened ones into power?....namely your enlightened elitist friends, who know what is best for those intellectually challenged dolts (ICD) from the NE? Those ICD know what is best for them and dont need you and your friends telling them what is best for them. We dont need some pontification about obscure "contemporary Thai history" We know what it is, and the enlightened Thai electorate will help you understand. Equating the militia-type PAd with their military style perimeters, military support and weaponry to the citizen style Pro-democracy Red Shirts is historical revisionism for ulterior purposes.

Look at the Field Guide to South-East Asian Military Juntas and you'll note the similar press manipulation, lack of democracy, and demonization of the opposition characteristic to both of the juntas in question.

Historically, these military regimes traditionally are underwritten by.....{whom}?? Guesses anyone....?? :)


There's nothing wrong with disliking Thaksin, that's your right and certainly justifiable. However, when one's hatred obcures ones judgement to the point of cheerleading juntas, well, oh my!

Couldn't really say what the great Thai silent majority would be thinking, yes?

Yes, you can. It is called polling.

It is also known as far as mobilizing people into mobs, either side is under one percent of the population who will actually get off their <deleted> to go an event, 500 baht or no 500 baht,.

Polls, surveys, and other whimsical measuring tools are always agendically manipulated - this occurs everywhere. How media gets away with promoting such nonsense, is beyond me. How the masses buy into it is even more revealing.


The reds are NOT fighting for "democracy" rather they are fighting for Thaksin and his money. The test is this. If Abhisit was the one they thought had his power "stolen" from him would these reds be throwing Molotov cocktails for him? I thought not! As it stands Abhisit is the legal PM of Thailand during a time of crisis for Thailand. Let him govern. Stop trying to eject him violently. New elections will come, it won't be that long. As it is, the reds are DAMAGING their own country.

The reds are NOT fighting for "democracy" rather they are fighting for Thaksin and his money. The test is this. If Abhisit was the one they thought had his power "stolen" from him would these reds be throwing Molotov cocktails for him? I thought not! As it stands Abhisit is the legal PM of Thailand during a time of crisis for Thailand. Let him govern. New elections will come, it won't be that long.

I value your opinion and I would tend to agree with you if I had my eyes and ears taped to the ASTV media machine. Whether you want to believe it or not, many of the Reds are fighting for greater representation of the common Thai. Sure, some are motivated by a love for Thaksin, too. And there are many of us, who are neither yellow nor Red, that just root for the underdog against the military junta in Thailand and Myanmar.

Doesn't Abhisit have his militia and whatever military support he needs with him? Surely they know this is a necessity every time he ventures out of BKK. Illegitemacy begets illegitimacy! But unlike the airport thing, the pro-democracy Red Shirts will be challenged, which should not be difficult. The pro-democracy Red Shirts are not a militarized movement as was the PAD, nor do they have the PAD friends in high places. They are not New Politics....they are merely old-fashioned boring old Democracy advocates. Poor deluded souls that they are! Hmmmmm, this disturbs silent majority?..."they is the silent majority" jingthing!

Frankly, both are quite militant - despite their respective political identities and connections. I might add as well, that both promote such imaginary ideals of Democracy in their rhetoric and slogans, but either one understands what this is nor realizes the truer nature of the Thai political sysytems. What has always amused me is that one will find {throughout all the Thailand based ex-pat forums} good reasoned Resident Westerners who are quite adamant as to taking their respective intellect and logic and becoming sided with their favourite politico fashion of the day. The dogma and debate can become quite heated as Farang undertone a corner of support. Very very few seem to understand the nature of contemporary Thai history and how it continues to reflectively play out today - nothing will change {for the good} until certain elements of society change as well. Otherwise, all sides are just spinning their wheels. :)

A typical PAD position, but making it sound as if they are wise people above the fray......."A pox on all their houses" and once we convince everyone of that, we will actualize our underlying motive to remove all vestiges of elective democracy. Than on top of it, they suggest that a one-person-one-vote system is somehow alien to some cultures. I understand perfectly the nature of contemporary Thai history and how it continues to be reflectively played out today. Nothing will change for the good until certain elements of society change..........Like electoral politics?... So you can put who you perceive as the enlightened ones into power?....namely your enlightened elitist friends, who know what is best for those intellectually challenged dolts (ICD) from the NE? Those ICD know what is best for them and dont need you and your friends telling them what is best for them. We dont need some pontification about obscure "contemporary Thai history" We know what it is, and the enlightened Thai electorate will help you understand. Equating the militia-type PAd with their military style perimeters, military support and weaponry to the citizen style Pro-democracy Red Shirts is historical revisionism for ulterior purposes.

Far from a PAD supporter, I am {nor a Thaksin-drone, I might add}. Quite indifferent to all these political spectrums - just because it really gets us knowhere. One might observe your instinctive labeling of others as typical {even predictable}, as I might not see your principled political views as worthy - so I must be one of 'them'. When one counters a said political theory, this certainly doesn't determine political views of this person. I've always found it terribly fascinating to observe common or knowledgable Western pundits that insist on forcing a suggested 'superior' cultural/political engagements on traditional non-Western societies. Perhaps as we see the modern Thai: What if they don't find you that developed as to mirror? What if they don't want to be like you? The respective cultural differences clash at every instance. Illusional Western political ethos do not transit easily within Asian cultures. Never have, never will. They find their own place. As to the predisposition that some might aquire towards contemporary Thai historiography, this placement usually is conscrewed ethnocentrically, therefor getting it wrong time and again.


"Illusional Western Political ethos do not transit easily within Asian cultures" nor Middle eastern cultures, nor African cultures, nor...........but electoral one-person-one-vote Democracy does, regardless of its cultural origins. ..........For you and your PAD friends to suggest that you know better what is good for others in your own society than they do themselves, is the height of arrogance. Electoral politics is all about ensuring that the interests of the majority are protected by that majority. To follow the precepts of so-called New Politics by recycling paternalistic old politics, has nothing to do with ethnocentricity, and everything to do with "tyranny of the minority". Your dissavowal of having PAD sympathy's is typical of them. By distancing themselves from the PAD's anti-democracy agenda, supporters hope to enhance their credibility to advocate for the PAD, with advocacy that just happens to mirror it. How coincidental. Either you are an anti-democratic PAD sympathiser, or a pro-democracy Red Shirt sympathiser. You cannot claim nuetrality. It doesn't exist. Nuetrality=PAD/new-old paternalistic politics/anti-democracy!.

"Illusional Western Political ethos do not transit easily within Asian cultures" nor Middle eastern cultures, nor African cultures, nor...........but electoral one-person-one-vote Democracy does, regardless of its cultural origins. ..........For you and your PAD friends to suggest that you know better what is good for others in your own society than they do themselves, is the height of arrogance. Electoral politics is all about ensuring that the interests of the majority are protected by that majority. To follow the precepts of so-called New Politics by recycling paternalistic old politics, has nothing to do with ethocentricity, and everything to do with "tyranny of the minority".

Why do you insist to believe I'm overtly political? Quite the contrary - I'm of that 'A-political' circle. Just know better than to find every aspect of my existence political. Still using Eurocentric comparatives....the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Either you are an anti-democratic PAD sympathiser, or a pro-democracy Red Shirt sympathiser. You cannot claim nuetrality. It doesn't exist. Nuetrality=PAD/new-old paternalistic politics/anti-democracy!.

You sound like George Bush. You're either with us, or agin' us. No, not the case. The world is not black and white, nor is it red and yellow. It would easy for pea brains if it were so, but it ain't.

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