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My Wife ,my Nominee

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so what,

my wife gets 50.000 Baht a month for her and my two kids support,exept school fees,school money etc.

I am sometimes not at home for 1-2 months working abroad.

Thats the money I have to give her according to the law,or else she gets a divorce because (I dont support her/kids).

Sound familiar,some guys give the missus 20K for living,from that money she can safe some money and over some years buys a piece of land ,say one rai for 30.000 in some remote village.

Thats HER earned money regardless if its from her hubby,isnt it.Thats Her land because shes Thai

My last maid got 3.000 Baht a month not living-in.

How much support money is than legal and she can do with it what she wants?If she buys land with her earned money how she becomes my nominee.

She signs a document that the money for buying the land is hers OK.

The hubby has also a prenuptial which is in Thailand illegal unless it is approved by a court of law.

Now I am might be wrong above and others have posted similar threads, but hwere yuo/land office draws the line?

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What Thai law says that you have to support a wife and two kids in the amount of 50,000 baht per month, excluding school fees? Otherwise she gets a divorce for nonsupport! Sounds like you are being taken to the cleaners.

How much is enough??

Gave her 20 000 and she cleared the bank account and the housepaper I had to recover with a lot of dough.

I tried to transfer the land in the kids name but the prenuptial was in the way.

The kids have to be somehow 19 years old (or 21)

and have only one nationality/passport thats Thai,

Landownership is a tricky thing for a mixed couple ,Farang/Thai,a friend of mine got divorced in order that his wife could buy/sell and register land again in her maiden name.She doesnt than have to proof where she got the money from,not really logical isnt it?

Bottom line if she kicks him out of the house he gets nil,if they marry again she doesnt loose the landtitles or is there another to me unknown law

They still live together as man and wife as nobody else know about the divorce (exept the Amphoe)


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What Thai law says that you have to support a wife and two kids in the amount of 50,000 baht per month, excluding school fees? Otherwise she gets a divorce for nonsupport! Sounds like you are being taken to the cleaners.
Gave her 20 000 and she cleared the bank account and the housepaper I had to recover with a lot of dough.

At what point are you going to figure out that your are being scammed?

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Sorry, but I 'm not really clear on exactly what you are saying or exactly what you are asking ... anyway I'll have a go at responding...

Thats the money I have to give her according to the law,or else she gets a divorce because (I dont support her/kids).

One of the grounds for divorce is non-support, but I don't believe there is a stipulated minimum amount. If there was I am sure it would be a lot less than 50,000baht/month (= about 8 x the average Thai wage). If you were already divorced on the other hand then a judge might stipulate the level of support required.

How much support money is than legal and she can do with it what she wants?If she buys land with her earned money how she becomes my nominee.

"Support money" sounds like you are divorced (?) If you are married then presumably what she does with the family money is a decision you both make together, unless she rules the roost. If you were divorced then the support money would be spent how she sees fit unless otherwise specified by a judge.

Are you saying you want her to buy land or you don't?? If she is buying land against your wishes then the nominee issue wouldn't come into it (?) See separate thread in thaivisa on buying land via a thai wife for all the details on that issue

The hubby has also a prenuptial which is in Thailand illegal unless it is approved by a court of law.

Who is "the hubby"? You?? Who says the prenuptial agreement is illegal, and why? Why does the pre-nuptial agreement stop you putting the land in the child's name?? Surely you wouldn't state in the pre-nuptial that you wife gets the land?

If these are serious concerns then you need to get a good lawyer to straighten these things out because at the moment is sounds like you are quite confused and/or on the receiving end of considerable misinformation

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I am having a hard time figuring out what this guy is even saying/asking....

But it appears that he has been fed a big shit sandwich of misinformation by his wife/ex-wife/girlfriend? and he has eaten the whole thing.

To the OP - I would suggest that you try to put your thoughts into some sort of coherent form. Outline your current situation accurately, including what you have been told, etc...then ask your questions.

I am sure that someone here can help you, once they figure out just what it is you are asking.

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  • 4 months later...
What Thai law says that you have to support a wife and two kids in the amount of 50,000 baht per month, excluding school fees? Otherwise she gets a divorce for nonsupport! Sounds like you are being taken to the cleaners.

How much is enough??

Gave her 20 000 and she cleared the bank account and the housepaper I had to recover with a lot of dough.

I tried to transfer the land in the kids name but the prenuptial was in the way.

The kids have to be somehow 19 years old (or 21)

and have only one nationality/passport thats Thai,

Landownership is a tricky thing for a mixed couple ,Farang/Thai,a friend of mine got divorced in order that his wife could buy/sell and register land again in her maiden name.She doesnt than have to proof where she got the money from,not really logical isnt it?

Bottom line if she kicks him out of the house he gets nil,if they marry again she doesnt loose the landtitles or is there another to me unknown law

They still live together as man and wife as nobody else know about the divorce (exept the Amphoe)


You seem to walking around in a fog.

There is no legally defined amount for support of a wife and children.

Getting divorced to allow your Thai wife to buy land in her maiden name is actually the opposite of what you should do. The rights of Thai women married to foreigners to buy land was restored in 1999 and husband and wife need to sign a declaration together at the Land Office. If you don't do this, the transaction is illegal. The Land Code doesn't distinguish between registered marriages and Thais living with foreigners without a marriage certificate. You and your divorced wife are both guilty of a criminal offence, punishable by imprisonment, if she bought land and you didn't sign the declaration. I have never heard of a Thai wife being asked to show her source of funds in the Land Office. They sometimes ask if it is her own funds but, so far, don't ask for any evidence. They just want to see how she reacts and might investigate, if she acts suspiciously. The investigation of sources of funds is only required of Thai shareholders of companies that have foreign shareholders or directors when they buy land.

I don't why the pre-nup would prevent transfer of land to the kids. If the spouse that owns the land decides to sell or transfer it, there is nothing to stop it but minor children cannot get planning permission to build and need a court's permission to sell the land.

Since you seem unable to grasp the simplest detail of how life works in Thailand, I suggest you go home and start again in your own country where you should find things easier to understand.

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It's hugely unfair to criticise the OP, people only know the things that they know and since the OP seems to have sought legal advice of some description beforehand he shouldn't be ridiculed simply because that advice was inappropriate, the OP is looking for answers and information not ridicule so give him a break.

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