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Drugged And Mugged In Bangkok


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You seem really unlucky, i have been here 3,5 years and have never been pick pocketed. I have been scammed by taxi's but that is about it.

Do you spend a lot of time out late at night in the dense tourist spots? That is where I ran into the pick-pockets.

In those 3,5 years i have been in dense tourist spots a few times. Probably spend more time there then you in total. But of course i spend most of my time a lil bit outside of Bangkok.

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You seem really unlucky, i have been here 3,5 years and have never been pick pocketed. I have been scammed by taxi's but that is about it.

Do you spend a lot of time out late at night in the dense tourist spots? That is where I ran into the pick-pockets.

Regrettably I spend much time around dense tourists but that's only because I live in Phuket where there are loads of them, sadly.

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Regrettably I spend much time around dense tourists but that's only because I live in Phuket where there are loads of them, sadly.

It was Phuket where I ran into the worst of the worst as related to pick-pockets.

Every pick-pocket attempt happened in a crowded disco. While either dancing on a very crowded dance floor or as people squeezed by.

In phuket I was dancing and that is when "She" showed up dancing behind me. I thought she was friends with the stranger I was dancing with. She ran her hands all over my body and then her hands went into my pockets.... I wrote about this so many times before.... Well... I found out that she was not anyones friend but simply the resident pick-pocket.

She must have thought I was a great target because she found me again, outside of the bar and tried to pick my pocket AGAN!

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Reminds me of that other scam where a girl has sex with you and steals your wallet ,ive lost 5 already this week.

GFL Top Tip # 1: Allways take your wallet into the bathroom with you when you freshen up.

I had the Filipino and their sister going to nurse in the Uk story in Vietnam and BKK. I did wonder what would have happened if I had went ;-). now I know

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Regrettably I spend much time around dense tourists but that's only because I live in Phuket where there are loads of them, sadly.

It was Phuket where I ran into the worst of the worst as related to pick-pockets.

Every pick-pocket attempt happened in a crowded disco. While either dancing on a very crowded dance floor or as people squeezed by.

In phuket I was dancing and that is when "She" showed up dancing behind me. I thought she was friends with the stranger I was dancing with.

Oh yeah, he moves like Patrick swayzee... :)

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Dunno how people get done like this. I mean, I'm happy to help people but I wouldn't dream of getting into a car with some moody flip and and thai bint that I'd just met on the street. Easy protection against pickpockets is to just carry your wallet down the front of your briefs. . . . unless, of course, you don't wear 'em :)

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My wife has been the target of pickpockets twice this last month. First time was at our local market in Saphan Mai. She lost her ID, all CC's, Debit cards and some cash. We just got all the cards replaced, then a week later, same thing happened at Victory Monument. She's Thai.

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I been robbed 8 times over the last 5 years, mostly my own fault. G/f away visitting parents, 12 hour bender, wake up in the morning, door is open, "Oh no not again" One has to be philosophical if one gets drunk enough to believe some sexy girl finds you irresistable. Last one though was tuk tuk driver, took 1000 baht, he was supposed to make change while I pee,heard tuk tuk start up, thought "cheeky B, has run off with my 900baht change. Next morning, cant find phone, guitar tuner, 5 harmonicas all presumably swept into guitar case and he bolted whilst I was stii in toilet. Moral of story is, dont go out without g/f to take care of you, and run interference.

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Beware people who befriend you on the street and ask favours or offer taxi tours. As this male senior citizen discovered, it can prove a life-threatening encounter.

Your comments are fair enough, but then again, he's a 'senior citizen', perhaps in his seventies. I don't want to remember what scams where tried on me when I travelled for the first time to Thailand (==> temple/ museums closed scam, free tuk-tuk scam, upstairs bar scam, wrong change for 1,000 baht banknote scam, etc.) and Malaysia (==> blackjack scam). And I still from time to time fall victim to one or the other, e.g. had my wallet stolen after living for five years in Thailand.

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About 14 years ago I was in a corner right hand side bar at Nana sitting at the bar (go-go) with my friend. The next thing I feel a little tug at my right pocket, but not really so noticable. So I ignored it. About a minute or two later I feel the same darn thing again. So I stood up, chair in back of me and put my almost dislodged wallet back in place. Right at that momnet, I seem to bump into something on the floor. I look down, and I sh*t you not, it was a dwarf standing up with a comb in his hand smiling. so I kicked him about 3-4 times before they threw him out.

How about that one.


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I've heard about this new scam going around. A young Thai women approaches a man - normally in one of the entertainment or tourist areas. The young Thai women hypnotises the foreigner and five years later he awakes to realise that he has a bought a house, a car, and often a business - all of which is in her name!

thats a good one...saddly very true, lol :D:)

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Next is we will have Nigerians trying to scam us into sharing their deceased uncle's $55m inheritance, via email


You are very right, and let's not forget the Westerners making phone calls to people all over the world to invest in companies that do not exist.

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Drugged and mugged in Bangkok

On the morning of July 7 I left my hotel in Sukhumvit Road to walk into central Bangkok. A young woman of perhaps 30 and a Filipino man of about 50 approached me in a friendly manner. Finding I was English, the man said that his sister was coming to London to work as a hospital nurse.

As she was apprehensive about living in Britain, he asked if I would come to his home to reassure her. I said I would be happy to help as, by coincidence, my grandson was also a nurse in London.

He called a taxi and after 15 minutes we arrived at an attractive bungalow set in a garden. I accepted a soft drink and the sister came and sat beside me. I spoke to her about nursing in London and she listened politely.

Then the man asked me to come into another room, where he produced a pack of cards and said he would educate me in the secrets of card play.

By this time I seemed to be floating in a dreamlike place. I started giggling, which annoyed the man. He asked to see my wallet and roughly went through it. Other people came and went. We played cards but I had no idea what I was doing. He then took my camera and put it in a cupboard. I was incapable of saying or doing anything.

Finally, I was told to get into a taxi and taken to a modern shopping complex by the man and his "nurse" sister. I was told to hand my bank card to a shop assistant. I remember signing the till printouts and seeing the man and his sister head off with shopping bags. The taxi driver then took me back to my hotel.

It was not until I reached my room that my brain seemed to clear and the enormity of what I had done dawned on me. It was clear I had been drugged. I phoned my bank to cancel my debit card but three transactions totalling £2,550 had already been cleared and the money taken from my account.

The following morning the Filipino man rang my hotel room and made it clear that I should tell nobody. He said if I told the police then we would both go to a Thai jail (I had already informed the police and the British embassy). Fortunately, I did not hear from him again.

It was such a frightening experience that I want to warn other travellers to Bangkok. I will not be able to recover any of the £2,550 because I had voluntarily signed for the sums being taken from my account.

Name and address supplied

Gill Charlton replies

Bangkok is known for its sophisticated ways of parting tourists from their money and this appears a particularly elaborate swindle.

Beware people who befriend you on the street and ask favours or offer taxi tours. As this male senior citizen discovered, it can prove a life-threatening encounter.


I am so sorry for your bad experience in Thailand and wish you get over soon. Do not feel being alone at this matter. My cousin got mugged by 2 black guys in New York and luckily he did not get kill. My friends from Thai Airways went to Spain and hanged out at Mcdonald. They parked 6 handbags on their chairs while eating and enjoyed their chatting Opp??? the theives ran by and fled the scene with all handbags. My friends had to spent the night at the Embassy. My aunt and her cousin lost 2 hangbags while they were busy choosing the tops in London store. Their hangbags were on their feets and were gone within a second. No clue??? My other aunt and her husband lost wallet and handbag to French gypsy gangs..this aunt almost lost her purse in Bangkok, luckily she was awake and the thief was not able to steal. My husband lost 50 bucks at the fancy hotel $2000 a night (coperate paid for ). Money at a safe deposite box and it was gone when he claimed from the front desk. I myself was so excited at the London airport, left my Burberry coat on a bench, and it was gone after I went back from the restroom.... only a second. Well, there were so many bad stories happened to many tourists especially at the Airports etc...be aware and be alert..the suckers born every second..shamed and these are the people who do not know how to earn honest living...Sad and amzing??? these scum bags can walk on the streets and hold his or her head high in our society.....without conscious. Most cases never get results and we should have laws to hang them in Public. Wow??? I am so sick and tired to breath the same air.. This is my personal opinion and I stand tall. * will not apologize for my comment *

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Next is we will have Nigerians trying to scam us into sharing their deceased uncle's $55m inheritance, via email


You are very right, and let's not forget the Westerners making phone calls to people all over the world to invest in companies that do not exist.

Now the people in Ameica went to get even with the Nigerian gangs, and they can not fool anybody as much as they used to..my take and opinion.

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One can surmise two things about you: you live a sheltered and very careful existence, and you believe your friends accounts (of being ripped off via drugs and deception) but are v. wary of others telling similar accounts. Are your friends inherently honest, and those you don't know inherently tall tale tellers?

Here's how I contrast with your outlook. Firstly, I'm a risk taker and as a result, I've been ripped off a number of times within the past 10 years in Thailand. Admittedly, not by street scammers (though did get pick-pocketed in a HK airport bus), but had valuables stolen thieves who I thought were decent (they're hill tribe guys who were helping me build houses).

Secondly, I don't dismiss stories out of hand just because they're a bit outlandish and are told by people I don't personally know. I would venture strangers can be honest or can be rip-offs at about the same ratio as people I personally know. Just because I know someone, doesn't mean that person is upstanding character ...and vice versa.

I expected someone to dissect my posts and try to make strange assumptions and hope to bring forth some negative aspects of my personality and or my way of reasoning.

Maybe I avoid situations that many first time visitors/whoremongers/people who hang out in tourist-infested areas walk right into because I hang out only with Thai people in Thai places. I speak, read and write Thai fluently; am just over 30 in good physical shape and am not as interesting a target as a stereotypical aging money flaunting first-time charter tourist with a hip bag around his waist and a camera hanging from his neck. I do not live an even remotely sheltered or careful existance, I just don't hang out with troublemakers or aggressive-alcoholics. I also grew up with asians of different countries and spent several years of my younger life living with a Thai family so maybe I just understand the culture better than you and act to situations that may happen differently from someone who doesn't care how asians think.. Or maybe it's just that I don't behave like a impolite, loudmouth farang with no interest in or grasp of how asians interact socially.

I made one reference to a story my friend told me and said I believed the story. I didn't say the person was Ghandi or a saint. I just said I believed that perticular story. I am not vary of others I just said I can't speak for them. I didn't say I believed them or not. You are just jumping to conclusions.

So many people on this forum spend too much time trying to find negative things about other posters or what they post and so little time trying to contribute constructively to the thread.

I just posted some newspaper articles, some hearsay from other forums, one story I have heard myself, and some other references to wikipedia, etc.

I didn't make any conlusions or any accusations. It's as easy as that.. Now it's your turn again. Come on.. Dissect and infect, sir.

I agree that too many people always look for the negatives and let's face it, this type of personal crime is far worse in Europe and the USA than it is here.

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I agree that too many people always look for the negatives and let's face it, this type of personal crime is far worse in Europe and the USA than it is here.

I agree. Even in so called "friendly" Canada we have many places in the bigger Cities where you'll get mugged or have your home broken into. A parked car isn't safe anywhere in Vancouver or Surrey, even if there isn't anything visible in sight. Places like Pattaya and the rougher parts of Bangkok are know havens for the people who prey on others. The Philippines is far worse than Thailand. Tourists should make themselves aware of the dangers any place they intend to travel.

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Before I arrived in Thailand I did a fair bit of research on things to beware of. I read about the various Gem scams, Taxi scams, Mother sick scams, Palace closed scams and didn't truly believe I would encounter any of them. My first day in Thailand I encountered every single one of the scams I was warned of!

I have avoided scams in Thailand. It must be because i am such a lucky man. I really am a very lucky man. How do i know this? It is because every 100 meters I walk in Sukhumvit, a nice gentleman in a turban walks up to me and tells me that I am a very lucky man. With so many nice people telling me I am a lucky man, then it must be true. These nice gentlemen want to tell me the secret of my luckiness, but so far I have just not had the time to stop and find out. This lack of time is maybe the only unlucky thing about me.

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My wife has been the target of pickpockets twice this last month. First time was at our local market in Saphan Mai. She lost her ID, all CC's, Debit cards and some cash. We just got all the cards replaced, then a week later, same thing happened at Victory Monument. She's Thai.

Yes, the Recession is really starting to bite in Thailand. But at least pickpockets are less violent than the motorcycle bag snatchers.

Edited by bangon04
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wow, the topic has been going for nearly 2 hours and there is not yet a mention of the preverbial "nail and coffin"...... are the cynics all sleeping today.

Sad story though that an elderly gent can be taken off like this, yes he should have had more common sense but thought he was doing a good deed. Tales like this just add to people putting up their guard and is why people will not stop and help those in need these days.


I agree with you 100% and people now are looking for a fast lane. No one wants to earn an honest living anymore?? Especially the Phillipines who can master English language and they can find easily good earning jobs in Thailand. Farangs should turn this ugly people in and deport them from Bangkok if the Thais will not do. Even in America as you all know we are experiencing cheat and lie ( day and night??? ) People will not put up for long. Well, the fitness is the one who survives??? I will take this quote for my advice...I do not blame anyone who rides on his or her high horse. Amazing things happen everyday and night in America and I am suprized we become a Nation of Action..my take and opinion.

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I agree with you 100% and people now are looking for a fast lane. No one wants to earn an honest living anymore??

It may sound like a joke - but it's not! The som tum lady just outside my apartment building had her bag stolen, incl. money and ID card, only a few weeks ago. She hardly makes any money, selling papaya salad and ice coffee; not having much money. And it's not even a major road, but a small alley, where all the Thais know one another. Some people are really desperate these days. :)

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My wife has been the target of pickpockets twice this last month. First time was at our local market in Saphan Mai. She lost her ID, all CC's, Debit cards and some cash. We just got all the cards replaced, then a week later, same thing happened at Victory Monument. She's Thai.

Yes, the Recession is really starting to bite in Thailand. But at least pickpockets are less violent than the motorcycle bag snatchers.

I urge all Farangs to fight back by carrying a plong ( a small thick wood ) and when the thief mortorcycle runs by, you should be able to smack his or her body. Then you know the rest of my story...in America now every home has so many guns and the responsible gun owners will not allow the bad guy to rape, rob or harm the home owners....because some state the intruders will get shot and the homeowner is free from any wrong doing. Well, my advice for Farang is a crazy idea but, it is practical and I take a stand...

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Reminds me of that other scam where a girl has sex with you and steals your wallet ,ive lost 5 already this week.

GFL Top Tip # 1: Allways take your wallet into the bathroom with you when you freshen up.

Tip # 2 : dont pick up a girl who you meet on the street , i.e beach road pattaya

I cant believe some members in the pattaya forum were tying so hard to defend these poor girls :):D:D:D

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sorry im lazy so ill cut and paste this from somewhere else.

these stories are true.

"Had a prettty rough day a few days ago when i remember getting out of a taxi in soi sukhamvit 3 soi 6? in bankok to meet my friends at the lido hotel. no bars no booze

next thing i knew i came to in hospital about 19 hours later. the nurse woke me with an injection which was pretty scary as i was still unconscious till she jabbed me so didnt even see if the needle was new. any how too late . i was a bit scared i asked why she was injecting me, why i was in hospital .

she said i'd had a blood sample taken and analyzed and i'd been drugged with a massive dose and the injection wud "stop the drug/ get healthy" so i let her get on with it.

turns out id arrived at the hospital at about 3pm and been unconscious till about 9am the next day. the nurses and 2 social workers were very nice and they were concerned as the dose was enough to kill someone older/ weaker or female. . total amnesia since about 2.-3pm, like falling off a cliff into a big black hole. im not insured and was scared of the bill but i think they just let me off without paying.

bizarrely they 1st asked for 100, 00 bhat then 10, 000 then ok, "no money" obviously id had my thai bhat and 2 cards stolen

so i just left that morning as i felt alright but they said i shuda stayed longer.

any1 know what the drug/ mickey finn/ knock-out drop was? i think it knocked me out almost instantly. i forgot to ask the hospital wot drug it was plus language issues etc.

are there long-term health implications? i feel okish

apparently its rampant here in Bangkok but they r not usually so retarded as to use such a massive dose."

i will add that i wudnt go home with any stranger and consider myself fairly savvy/ cynical. my only attention was to meet my friends who'd just flown in at their hotel.

some other weird things, i can remember up to about 2.30 or so and i was in hospital the nurses said somewhere around 3 or 4. plus there was still dollars in the backpocket of my money belt. i think i had passed out so quickly ( in public?) they only opened the one pocket that had bhat phone and cards in. that makes me suspect they had seen me buy sth or been the seller. who knows?

i read up a bit and it sounds alot like GHB or scolpomine

was concerned id beeen taken to an atm as i cant remember anything at all, so anythingt possible but crappy free ANZ cvambo card i think doesnt work here. i hope. and chinese bank account ponly had a few hundred bucks. neither have credit function.

And apparently... you are still on :)

Wow?? you are lucky?? I can't believe people now at all especailly in Bangkok. When I was young we never allowed to visit the city..there were so many bad people near the train station and now seem every where in the city..Sorry and I hope you feel better soon. let's tell the international police and hope you let everyone knows by posting more sites..so pp will be aware...thanks for sharing???

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Pretty to easy to avoid...

1. Don't accept any drinks or food from people you don't know.

2. Dont take any tablets from people you don't know. (even if they claim give you big power)

3. Keep an eye on your own drinks at all time.

Do this and you will be 99.9% sorted!! :)

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I agree with you 100% and people now are looking for a fast lane. No one wants to earn an honest living anymore?? Especially the Phillipines who can master English language and they can find easily good earning jobs in Thailand. Farangs should turn this ugly people in and deport them from Bangkok if the Thais will not do.

Some nice sweeping generalizations about Filipinos there, bigot. :)

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It is sad that these bad things happen anyway.

But to today you are all lucky , i can offer you some share's,there very good proffit,

these are share's in refridgeratorfactory on iceland.

If interested pm me for more dtails

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