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A New Global Great Depression Has Been Avoided ...

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This threat started in the USA.

This threat is now OVER!

Thank you President Obama and Treasury Secretary Geithner.

This is by far the most... pathetic ... funny thing I have ever read on TV :):D:D

PS: also who rates their own thread? 5 stars after one post?...hmmm Funny & Modest too :D

O.B.A.M.A. (One Big-Ass Mistake America). The man is driving the debt to 23 trillon. Unemployment will surpass 10%, he has failed in every economic reform and Jingthings gives him, no the American business man and women credit...There is a reason is poll is at 51%.

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I think the majority of these people might disagree with you Jing

Another confused poster.

I never said unemployment is not going to get worse or that housing prices may not drop further. I am saying that a GREAT DEPRESSION, the entire global meltdown of our banking and finance system has been averted. (Remember the credit crisis, the LIQUIDITY crisis, THAT IS OVER.) I believe that and so does Alan Greenspan and every mainstream economist you can point to. Also, it did not get stopped by randomness, it got stopped by BOLD DECISIVE ACTION mostly by the leadership of BARACK OBAMA. Case closed.

Jingthing, what happens when all the money obama has printed (more than any other administration in history) catches up to the economy? It is called inflation and will stunt growth again. What will happen when all those temporary summer jobs that obama touted end in september: Hundreds of thousands more will be added to unemployment. What will happen when the u.s. census ends and all those jobs are lost.....what will happen when the bail-out moneys ends in less than two years that is paying to keep some jobs on the docket....what will happen when he raised taxes not only on the rich but now the middle-class. Uhm, Alan Greenspan last week said the u.s. is heading towards an inflation nightmare because of the current mass-printing of money. China just warned the U.s. that it needs to stop printiong money...Jingthing, just because in your little fantasy world, Obama is your savior, doesn't mean it is true. Wow, it is hard to defend my position that most Americans are pretty smart when you print stuff like this.

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Given that this just seems another attempt for some members to smear the current administration and it really has no Thailand relation in anyway. I am closing this thread.

lets all bear in mind that we are each entitled to our own political opinions and just because you don't agree with someone's politics that is no reason to assume that there is trolling in mind.


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