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Are the Brits abandoning England for other countries. England has the one of highest percentage of expats living around the world.


Brits have been abandoning Blighty for hundreds of years....ie during Empire etc etc, nothing has changed...

These days the drive to leave is to do with the general c*kced up state of the country with the Nu-labour Stalinists in power, immigration and ecomomic woes.

Also going to agree with Onnut as well on his theroy.... :)

Wouldnt even use the term "Great" either these days, there is nothing "Great" about it....A once proud nation on which the sun never set has been reduced to a whinging crowd of PC busybodies, by a gang of corrupt socialists/communists

no, its just that we have more brains and are more sought after!

Yes english are sought after a lot..... by bar owners

:):D ...???....robblock, mate, <deleted> are you talking about

Would suggest if this post is to survive, someone better get it Thailand related post-haste... :D

Plenty have left, plenty are leaving but on the other hand thousands are returning. Take Spain as an example, broken hearts, broken dreams... http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/money/pen...icle6297037.ece

Its only Spain, and I for one could never see the attraction of the place, some sand, sunshine, the sea was always filthy and oily, the locals were not really friendly, especially in the smaller villages and I hate squid.

Plenty have left, plenty are leaving but on the other hand thousands are returning. Take Spain as an example, broken hearts, broken dreams... http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/money/pen...icle6297037.ece

Its only Spain, and I for one could never see the attraction of the place, some sand, sunshine, the sea was always filthy and oily, the locals were not really friendly, especially in the smaller villages and I hate squid.

But would go along way to explain Brits fascination with Thailand then...???.... :)

no, its just that we have more brains and are more sought after!

Yes english are sought after a lot..... by bar owners

:D:D ...???....robblock, mate, <deleted> are you talking about

Would suggest if this post is to survive, someone better get it Thailand related post-haste... :D

lots of Brits are moving to Thailand! :):D will that work to keep the thread open just a little longer?

Plenty have left, plenty are leaving but on the other hand thousands are returning. Take Spain as an example, broken hearts, broken dreams... http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/money/pen...icle6297037.ece

Its only Spain, and I for one could never see the attraction of the place, some sand, sunshine, the sea was always filthy and oily, the locals were not really friendly, especially in the smaller villages and I hate squid.

But would go along way to explain Brits fascination with Thailand then...???.... :)

You beat me to it. :D


Here's another one.

My brother-in-law moved his family back to England because he felt public schools here were not doing his kids any justice.

The kids are smart and bilingual. He tried private tutoring but it was cutting into his beer budget.

Plenty have left, plenty are leaving but on the other hand thousands are returning. Take Spain as an example, broken hearts, broken dreams... http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/money/pen...icle6297037.ece

Its only Spain, and I for one could never see the attraction of the place, some sand, sunshine, the sea was always filthy and oily, the locals were not really friendly, especially in the smaller villages and I hate squid.

But would go along way to explain Brits fascination with Thailand then...???.... :)

Not really.

Plenty have left, plenty are leaving but on the other hand thousands are returning. Take Spain as an example, broken hearts, broken dreams... http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/money/pen...icle6297037.ece

Its only Spain, and I for one could never see the attraction of the place, some sand, sunshine, the sea was always filthy and oily, the locals were not really friendly, especially in the smaller villages and I hate squid.

But would go along way to explain Brits fascination with Thailand then...???.... :)

You beat me to it. :D

It would seem that they come here for other purposes as how many live by the sea and eat squid? Anyway, trying to eat squid with false teeth is darn hard I've been told but you would probably know this already.

That Just about Sums it up Garro :)

I don't mean to single out Britain here. I personally don't think nationalism anywhere has really served the interests of the majority of people; probably because it was never intended to.


Simple the weather it never stops raining, I only go home (note home) once a year for two/three weeks, it's enough. Everytime I'm there the weather is terrible and its meant to be the summer (two weeks ago)

The more time I spend out of the UK the more I dread having to go back to live and work (this upsets many of my friends that I feel this way about the UK) but working and living away from the UK just appeals to me th emore I see of other countries.

no, its just that we have more brains and are more sought after!

At least in my industry, I always was under the impression that it was because certain companies actively recruited borderline qualified northerners that would work cheaper then anyone else and would do anything to get away...




Where I come from, SE Qld, Australia the population is 6% recently arrived Poms, it is becoming Little Britain. Although I am sure they would prefer to think it as Neighbours.


As sure as the sun comes up each morning, you can be sure that there will be a Thai Visa thread at least once every 6 weeks of brits compaining about the UK going down the gurgler! :)

no, its just that we have more brains and are more sought after!

At least in my industry, I always was under the impression that it was because certain companies actively recruited borderline qualified northerners that would work cheaper then anyone else and would do anything to get away...



you have an Industry all to yourself. Congratulations on being a smart Southern %$#&**@$ :D

Only Joking , its interesting your blaming uneducated northerners as though there's some sort of north south divide going on. I thought we'd put that one to bed years ago and now concentrate solely on blaming recent East European migrants for all our woe's. ............. Refreshing :D


Perhaps the excitement of new National Identity Card will entice a few Brits back, read it only cost the government 1 billion pounds in the middle of a recession.


Thing is that article somehow seems to think the British people still believe that we are some kind of superpower.

This couldnt be further from the truth, 100% of people ive met throughout my life couldnt give a sh7t about the empire and ruling these countries its not as if they benefited in anyway shape or form from it ... it was only the few at the top that did.

Plus the author calls Britain a country! so im taking that its written by some American/Canadian or Aussie who doesnt know what theyre talking about.

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