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The Real Thailand Vs Your Thailand


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There is always talk in these types of web communities from expats who have obtained a higher knowledge of Thailand and Thai people than the other foreigners living here via the discovery of what is commonly referred to as 'The Real Thailand'. This experience is traditionally described in terms of emotional and spiritual connections formed with Thai citizens. Eek hints at it in this post:

"As a side note..some men who may be attracted to the more superficial side of Thailand may wonder why others (men too, not just women) would come to Thailand. They may not see or know another side to Thailand. Their lives are in the tourist hotspots and perched on various barstools. If they actually got out there and looked around the place, they may see another side. A side where people actually treat each other with some respect"

I thought it would be interesting to hear what everyone's Thailand is. My Thailand is not very different from my America. Its primarily based on the consumption of food and women. I do not have much, if any, desire to form emotional or spiritual friendships with Thai people beyond my spouse. The best things about Thailand to me, are that everything is cheap, everyone is shorter than I am, the locals are subservient, you don't have to worry about getting robbed or attacked if you don't go looking for it, everywhere you go there are establishments setup for the purpose of male relaxation and they do a very good job at providing that service, the food is delicious, I do not have any problems communicating what I need to communicate to the locals while at the same time not being burdened by knowing what anyone else is saying. I love the fact that everyone smiles so much, the girls are so pretty and available and that everyone is so poor. I love that I do not have to work hard at all to live an awesome, worry free life style here.

What is your Thailand?

Edited by dondraper
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In a nutshell, I love Thailand for what I can't get at home. I have the best of both worlds. I spend my winters in Thailand and my spring, summer and fall in North America. It's cheaper for me to close my home in BC and stay in a hotel in Chiang Mai than it is to pay the heating at home. I can live on Thai food for cheaper than I can cook back home. I can ride my motorcycle from November to April without worrying about being wet or cold. I have a never ending supply of beautiful models to pose for portraits and paintings. I can spend all evening for $10 to $15, playng pool and flirting with the gals. I have several lovely ladies who like to go out for supper, take walks and hikes... or just sit and talk. I have a couple of families that I support and I can play with the children. And, I have a friend who organizes enough fishing trips to keep me happy in Thailand. Then, there are my annual trips to the beaches of the penninsula and my time share in Jomptien. Not a bad lifestyle and one that I couldn't improve on by being much wealthier. I'd just give more away.

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OP, ".....I love the fact........that everyone is so poor..". I'm not sure how to take that, but regardless, this is an interesting topic.

I met my GF on the internet years ago. When I finally flew to BKK, she drove 5 hours to pick me up, then took me around the country in her car.

I've never been a "tourist" type of tourist and always prefer to get off the beaten track. It was unavoidable at times to go to the tourist hot-spots (a night or two on Koh Chang and a night in Pattaya on the way back to BKK, a few days in BKK etc) and the difference between the touristy places and the non-tourist places was significant.

It's not just that the "real" places didn't have the two-price system or sleazy-looking sex tourists holding hands with minors (I was shocked in Pattaya!), it was the genuiness of the people.

There was also the novelty of people pointing, "Farang, farang!"...funny that. I got into the habit of it myself whenever we were in a small 99.99% Thai town and saw another white man, hehe.

I can't say that I'm an experienced Siamophile, but I do love the Thailand unsullied by foreign values, interference, and sleaze.

Some pleasant memories wandering on my own while the GF attended to the family business:

Walking past a group of old men sitting on the sidewalk playing maak rook. Seeing the open jawed suprise of a shopkeeper when I walked into a shop selling traditional Thai instruments (What's HE doing here???). The amusement of the bystanders when I unthinkingly asked a samlor to take me somewhere (I'm not fat, but at 85 kg I was a burden...I felt guilty afterwards...the tip must have made it worth it for him though :) ). Once I stopped and asked a group of school kids for directions to an internet cafe...they pointed and tried to explain. I took off in the direction, but inadvertantly walked right past the cafe....the kids must have been watching me, because one of them ran after me and took me back to the right place....kind and considerate. Outside a bar at closing time there was a fight...some strangers who had been talking to me insisted that I don't go and look, probably for my own safety. I went to Mae Sot with GF's brother to deliver 2500 dozen eggs, what a white-knuckled drive that was! Meeting Burmese workers, drinking beer with the locals. Locals shouting me beers at 7 am at a street vendor's bbq because of the novelty to them of a farang eating the extra spicy sauce they had. Asking a waiter to take my bottle of Johnny Walker over to the only other occupied table in the restaurant and then joining the group of soccer players for alot of spontaneous laughter as none could speak English very well, and I only had a small phrase book. Another night, being taken home (my GF's home...they were giving me a lift only) by 2 drunk katoys on one motorbike...that was scary...all 3 of us drunk and on a small bike.....it must have been hilarious to any onlookers.....gosh I could go on. Very pleasant reminisces of non-tourist Thailand.

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its like looking in the rear view mirror in a motorcycle race and seeing that 90% of your competition is on foot and that your children will inherit your same good fortune. my kids will be internationally schooled while all the other kids are singing nation songs in their gov funded classroom.

Edited by dondraper
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I do like some of the Thai culture, although I don't know (or wish to know, for fear of spoiling the illusion) a great deal about it. Buddhism, for example, seems to me to be a very agreeable religion/philosophy. I like the emphasis on the now, I like the (forced?) rejection of materialism. I like the shy smile approach to confrontation and I like the general happiness of the place. But most of all I like the weather. I prefer England in the summer over Thailand and if England had Thailands weather I would probably choose to stay at home. But, since that is unlikely, I do spend my winters in Thailand and enjoy it immensely. The girls, of course, are probably about 50% of the attraction. They're just so dam_n beautiful. Only a gay man, really, would refute the claim that girls were one of his main reasons for coming to Thailand. I don't know whether that really answers the question, but there you have it.

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The girls, of course, are probably about 50% of the attraction. They're just so dam_n beautiful. Only a gay man, really, would refute the claim that girls were one of his main reasons for coming to Thailand.

Thank you for being honest - none of that, I'm here for the culture crap! :)

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My Thailand must exist in an alternate universe than the Thailand of many posters. I get excellent medical care, cheaply. Thais don't rob or assault me. Drivers understand motorcycles. When I crash, Thais help me. Police don't hassle me. I ride 125 kph on freeways. Being gay and the father of six straight kids seems almost normal. :)

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I like the weather,no cold winters anymore.I love the relaxed attitude of the Thai people.And if you smile to a stranger normally they smile back.Of course i don't live in a big city,but whenever i go to BKK,i still get surprised by the general politeness i see around.Of course bad things happen here too,but i avoid bars and booze and have a modest lifestyle.

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My Thailand is the real Thailand.....unlike those other fellows :)

Everyone's experience will be different from everyoneelse's. All we can say is that we have a good/bad experience - me, superb.

Why? Because of my wife, village life, the serenity of Buddhism, the food, the countryside, the climate, the people and the whole shebang

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its like looking in the rear view mirror in a motorcycle race and seeing that 90% of your competition is on foot and that your children will inherit your same good fortune. my kids will be internationally schooled while all the other kids are singing nation songs in their gov funded classroom.

How the hel_l can you say that you LOVE the fact that everyone else is poor. That is the most selfish and pathetic thing I've ever heard! I hope your kids will ONLY inherit the same good fortune from you ...... nothing else

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There is always talk in these types of web communities from expats who have obtained a higher knowledge of Thailand and Thai people than the other foreigners living here via the discovery of what is commonly referred to as 'The Real Thailand'. This experience is traditionally described in terms of emotional and spiritual connections formed with Thai citizens. Eek hints at it in this post:

"As a side note..some men who may be attracted to the more superficial side of Thailand may wonder why others (men too, not just women) would come to Thailand. They may not see or know another side to Thailand. Their lives are in the tourist hotspots and perched on various barstools. If they actually got out there and looked around the place, they may see another side. A side where people actually treat each other with some respect"

I thought it would be interesting to hear what everyone's Thailand is.

My Thailand is not very different from my America. Its primarily based on the consumption of food and women. I do not have much, if any, desire to form emotional or spiritual friendships with Thai people beyond my spouse. The best things about Thailand to me, are that everything is cheap, everyone is shorter than I am, the locals are subservient, you don't have to worry about getting robbed or attacked if you don't go looking for it, everywhere you go there are establishments setup for the purpose of male relaxation and they do a very good job at providing that service, the food is delicious, I do not have any problems communicating what I need to communicate to the locals while at the same time not being burdened by knowing what anyone else is saying. I love the fact that everyone smiles so much, the girls are so pretty and available and that everyone is so poor. I love that I do not have to work hard at all to live an awesome, worry free life style here.What is your Thailand?

you read my mind,

cheers. :)

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its like looking in the rear view mirror in a motorcycle race and seeing that 90% of your competition is on foot and that your children will inherit your same good fortune. my kids will be internationally schooled while all the other kids are singing nation songs in their gov funded classroom.

How the hel_l can you say that you LOVE the fact that everyone else is poor. That is the most selfish and pathetic thing I've ever heard! I hope your kids will ONLY inherit the same good fortune from you ...... nothing else

Its highly correlated to the cost of living. Sure, some place are cheap/expensive because of abundant/limited resources and/or geography (Islands, etc), but for the most part, the cost of living is determined by the cost of labor and the relative size of the local economy. Its seems contradictory to say "I like that a maid only costs 10k baht a month but I dislike the overwhelming rural poverty"...

Btw, here is what I look like incase you see me out on the town and want to buy me a shot of rye.


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There is always talk in these types of web communities from expats who have obtained a higher knowledge of Thailand and Thai people than the other foreigners living here via the discovery of what is commonly referred to as 'The Real Thailand'. This experience is traditionally described in terms of emotional and spiritual connections formed with Thai citizens. Eek hints at it in this post:

"As a side note..some men who may be attracted to the more superficial side of Thailand may wonder why others (men too, not just women) would come to Thailand. They may not see or know another side to Thailand. Their lives are in the tourist hotspots and perched on various barstools. If they actually got out there and looked around the place, they may see another side. A side where people actually treat each other with some respect"

I thought it would be interesting to hear what everyone's Thailand is. My Thailand is not very different from my America. Its primarily based on the consumption of food and women. I do not have much, if any, desire to form emotional or spiritual friendships with Thai people beyond my spouse. The best things about Thailand to me, are that everything is cheap, everyone is shorter than I am, the locals are subservient, you don't have to worry about getting robbed or attacked if you don't go looking for it, everywhere you go there are establishments setup for the purpose of male relaxation and they do a very good job at providing that service, the food is delicious, I do not have any problems communicating what I need to communicate to the locals while at the same time not being burdened by knowing what anyone else is saying. I love the fact that everyone smiles so much, the girls are so pretty and available and that everyone is so poor. I love that I do not have to work hard at all to live an awesome, worry free life style here.

What is your Thailand?

Overall you have painted a picture of a man's world which Thailand certainly is.

You last paragraph is some what naive, I should add though, however the fact that it applies to you, means it's your Thailand and you have pointed that out, so I respect that. However, my perspective and take on Thailand are very different from yours.

1- Assuming similar standars as I'm used to in the UK.....Thailand is cheap if you live like a Thai on a low income, for example... as soon as you eat decent wetern grub, it's far from cheap, international schools are expensive and a decent rental house costs 6 times a low income Thai's salary.

2- Locals being shorter and of any bearing depends on one's ego, in my world it just means I can spot the wife very easily in Big C.

3- The locals are subservient... I don't where you are living, sounds like in a spa resort. 20 years ago on my first visit, I seem to remember them being more obliging but I wouldn't say subservient. 21st Century has changed all that.

4- Not getting robbed is a very true statement but also depends where you're from in society.

5- Male relaxation, as I've mentioned Thailand is definitely a man's world, couldn't agree with you more.

6- Food is delicious, albeit a lot heralding from China, Thai food's too greasy for me and I prefer Cantonese, Caribbean, Italian and controversially no doubt, British, but I don't cook like my mum.

7- Regarding language , some say ignorance is bliss and what you don't know doesn't hurt, and yes that is true, but being detached from what's going on around you is your choice, some would call it aloof, personally I think it's rather dull.

8- smiles are great, absolutely, just one's cyncism can (applies to some)creep into the equation if one lets it after years of seeing smiles and then watching them backfire later.

9-beauty is in the eye of the beholder and most Thai women (over 90% for sure) are certainly not available to the foreigner, but there's nothing better from a man's perspective here, than living in a land and believeing that every woman wants to shag you. Fantasy is very healthy.

10-Sounds like you're set up for life which is 'Your Thailand' Some will envy you and some will be jealous of you and others will be glad to be members of your club. For me, I have different priorities which make it difficult to call some aspects of Thailand 'awesome' and certainly not 'worry free' as I still have business here and would like to own real estate in my name and/or in my wife's without the fear of possible future repercussions, so it can be handed down in the future. I consider buying real estate as a reward for hard work, not really being able to own it is my pet 'peeve' here.

Your post is a very interesting one. Thanks

regards Bojo

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1- Assuming similar standars as I'm used to in the UK.....Thailand is cheap if you live like a Thai on a low income, for example... as soon as you eat decent wetern grub, it's far from cheap, international schools are expensive and a decent rental house costs 6 times a low income Thai's salary.

You will get shanked in many American High Schools plus you pay huge taxes to pay for that free schooling. I think this has been discussed endlessly. I will just say that value for money, I don't think anywhere in the world beats Thailand.

Locals being shorter and of any bearing depends on one's ego, in my world it just means I can spot the wife very easily in Big C.

Height, after money, is what women find most desirable.

beauty is in the eye of the beholder and most Thai women (over 90% for sure) are certainly not available to the foreigner, but there's nothing better from a man's perspective here, than living in a land and believeing that every woman wants to shag you. Fantasy is very healthy.

You speak for yourself only. :)

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I enjoyed living in north Phuket for several years very much, (apart from the distraction of my 'ex'!). Although I lived just by the boundary of the international airport, there were very few foreigners in my moobahn. It was (and still is), quite safe to leave doors unlocked and valuables about. Thai food from the corner shop is very tasty and cheap. The village is 50/50 Buddhist/Muslim and everyone got on very well and I never encountered any unfriendliness or aggression.

I enjoyed cycling from my hotel and along the beach by the runway, and thereafter along Mai Khao beach and up to the Sarasin Bridge. There were hardly any cars and life in the small villages near Mai Khao beach seemed very tranquil. They still have rice paddies near Mai Khao (and there is a YouTube clip somewhere of me gathering rice and trying to catch catfish with the Phuket governor)

When the planes took off and land at the airport, I would often sit and watch as they flew low over the beach. Probably no-one would see the herd of buffalo who relaxed in a mud pool just beyond the airport fence!

Perhaps when I'm old (well, older..), I will become a monk for 3 to 6 months. It would be interesting to experience this type of lifestyle.

My main regret about Thailand is that there are so many foreigners! I'm also to blame then :)

I certainly prefer the more tranquil life in Thailand. Perhaps will settle in Issan/Nong Khai when I retire, (so when I'm about 85 years old then...). For the moment, it's romantic Pattaya for me!


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1- Assuming similar standars as I'm used to in the UK.....Thailand is cheap if you live like a Thai on a low income, for example... as soon as you eat decent wetern grub, it's far from cheap, international schools are expensive and a decent rental house costs 6 times a low income Thai's salary.

You will get shanked in many American High Schools plus you pay huge taxes to pay for that free schooling. I think this has been discussed endlessly. I will just say that value for money, I don't think anywhere in the world beats Thailand.

Locals being shorter and of any bearing depends on one's ego, in my world it just means I can spot the wife very easily in Big C.

Height, after money, is what women find most desirable.

beauty is in the eye of the beholder and most Thai women (over 90% for sure) are certainly not available to the foreigner, but there's nothing better from a man's perspective here, than living in a land and believeing that every woman wants to shag you. Fantasy is very healthy.

You speak for yourself only. :)

Humour was always top in polls of preferences in men that women desire most, at least the ones that I read.

I speak in general regarding women but I suspect anyone who can speak the language has a far greater chance than those who don't.

International schools in Thailand are more expensive (taking into account your money goes 4 times further here, in other words food and housing are 1/4 the cost of UK but schools are about 1/2) IMO than the rugby playing public schools in the UK and their standards/facilities are nowhere near UK standard.

Yes taxes are cheaper at low end but company taxes are 30% here in Thailand for anyone who earns a decent living here.

Regards Bojo

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Btw, here is what I look like incase you see me out on the town and want to buy me a shot of rye.


Hmm…the forehead is a bit too big for me, and I don’t like a smoker..I can see a ciggy there

Can’t see the bottom half well, for all I know it could look like a butterball.

Also…you do look a bit stuck-up, all-that!!…with the “SP” personality (judging from the pix and posts)……a bit turn off - for me.

Btw…not everyone is poor, and throwing ourselves at any first available farang we see. Many of us do have better pick among our own local boys…..better looking, loving, considerate, caring, not a butterfly, not full of themselves,…similar ages & socioeconomic…..etcs

There are plenty of them, single & available!!!


Ooh you would be quite surprised how many of us (both white and darker skin tone…also anything in between)…are much richer than a lot of farangs over here.

So don’t flatter yourself too much when in thailand…yeah

Those are also another side of the real Thailand, and want to pass them along

Just in case you don’t understand the local language well, and some looks you may be getting.

Well you did ask…about the real Thailand.

Just want to contribute something.. :)

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My Thailand is...

-Getting up early in the morning and standing butt nekkid with my wife, sipping a cup of proper filter coffee, on the balcony of our apartment in an all Thai neighbourhood. Nobody can see us that high up. Unobstructed 180degree view of BKK.

-When going to her office in Lad Phrao and all the people in that part of the soi know who I am and smile back :D

-Getting lost in the neighbourhood sois & yeaks and trying to find your way home. :D Sucks with a big car, but you get to see the real Bangkok.

-Enjoying my wifes cooking at home and relaxing on the couch with a movie in the evening.

-Driving to her parents place out in Ratburi somewhere and enjoying her parents' and sister's company. They are very sweet and genuine people. Go target shooting out in the bush somewhere.

-Going for our weekly massage at tiny place in the back of some soi and having the best 2 hr massage ever. For only 200baht... (None of the happy ending crap.)

-Going to various excellent restaurants in the area and walk away with a bill of about 800baht (1000 maximum) for a sumptous meal and beer. Kickass.

-Falling asleep and waking up with the love of my life in my arms. :D

I try to avoid the tourist areas like the plague, or Mexican flu, if you like. I see a big difference in attitude of the people in those areas. Women in many venues trying to hit on you in a very overdone way. :)

Halloooo, khun lor, mee faen mai khaa?

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There is always talk in these types of web communities from expats who have obtained a higher knowledge of Thailand and Thai people than the other foreigners living here via the discovery of what is commonly referred to as 'The Real Thailand'. This experience is traditionally described in terms of emotional and spiritual connections formed with Thai citizens. Eek hints at it in this post:

"As a side note..some men who may be attracted to the more superficial side of Thailand may wonder why others (men too, not just women) would come to Thailand. They may not see or know another side to Thailand. Their lives are in the tourist hotspots and perched on various barstools. If they actually got out there and looked around the place, they may see another side. A side where people actually treat each other with some respect"

I thought it would be interesting to hear what everyone's Thailand is. My Thailand is not very different from my America. Its primarily based on the consumption of food and women. I do not have much, if any, desire to form emotional or spiritual friendships with Thai people beyond my spouse. The best things about Thailand to me, are that everything is cheap, everyone is shorter than I am, the locals are subservient, you don't have to worry about getting robbed or attacked if you don't go looking for it, everywhere you go there are establishments setup for the purpose of male relaxation and they do a very good job at providing that service, the food is delicious, I do not have any problems communicating what I need to communicate to the locals while at the same time not being burdened by knowing what anyone else is saying. I love the fact that everyone smiles so much, the girls are so pretty and available and that everyone is so poor. I love that I do not have to work hard at all to live an awesome, worry free life style here.

What is your Thailand?

Uhm, yeah okay :) ............. :D

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And then there is Pattaya... from the sordid to the beautiful... and everything in between...






And its non stop construction...


From shanties...


To a new highrise every week...


But mostly it's a thousand friendly bars with even more friendly watresses


And a nearby beach...


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