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Hello, I am marrying a Thai lady in Nong Khai, a nurse, I am from USA, and I am wondering what ball park figures of what it costs to live, rent, food expenses for a couple in Nong Khai. We will have a car, so I figure right there is considerable, but for a westerner our life styles are a little higher costs. I used to live in Guatemala years back an realized we have certain ''comforts'' that are hard to leave behind....I have been figuring about 40,000 baht a month, but at this point dont know if that's adequate or not. Any ideas would be helpful, thanks in advance. Kayaken

Hello, I am marrying a Thai lady in Nong Khai, a nurse, I am from USA, and I am wondering what ball park figures of what it costs to live, rent, food expenses for a couple in Nong Khai. We will have a car, so I figure right there is considerable, but for a westerner our life styles are a little higher costs. I used to live in Guatemala years back an realized we have certain ''comforts'' that are hard to leave behind....I have been figuring about 40,000 baht a month, but at this point dont know if that's adequate or not. Any ideas would be helpful, thanks in advance. Kayaken

40K would work. So would 20K or even 200K. Very difficult to inquire towards generalities. All depends on how wish to live. Every situation is different as is everyone's level of comfort and stibility......Nong Khai and Bht40,000 should be more than enough. Some might find that figure a bit excessive and others nearly not enough.


Yes, 40,000bt should be very adequate. It depends to some extent on whether her parents are still alive and on how many brothers and sisters there are. And nephews and nieces. Aunts and uncles. Cousins. Grandparents. Motor bikes........


I live up close to Buriram and welcome to the area.

It is as every has told u, depending on your life style, u will spend too much on the extended family at first and it will depend on the toys u will want to play with.

I can really only speak for my self and I spend too much, i realize that but I am very happ and would not change any thing.

Where in the States are u from?? I lived in So Ca for 15 years before moving here in 05.


As the Thai goverment states that you need 800,000 Baht for a retirement visa i would suggest that you would need around 66,666.66 Baht per month.Some months you will not spend this amount but if you take trips here and there you will plus a bit more,also as mentioned before there are the outlaws to consider be very careful the more you give the more they will take.(i guess i am lucky on this side of things)

Hello, I am marrying a Thai lady in Nong Khai, a nurse, I am from USA, and I am wondering what ball park figures of what it costs to live, rent, food expenses for a couple in Nong Khai. We will have a car, so I figure right there is considerable, but for a westerner our life styles are a little higher costs. I used to live in Guatemala years back an realized we have certain ''comforts'' that are hard to leave behind....I have been figuring about 40,000 baht a month, but at this point dont know if that's adequate or not. Any ideas would be helpful, thanks in advance. Kayaken

How long is a piece of string?

Do you eat Dejon mustard or the cheap stuff, white bread or rye, fresh coffee or nescafe ????

what comforts? TV, electricity, running water ?

If you lived next to the lake in Guatemala then you can live just as cheaply here....(osho?)


Much as Kuhn pdavids said, you will find out after you and your lovely wife arrive in Nong Khai and there is a big welcoming party for the both of you: Are you the honored guest or are you the one who gets handed the bill.


I live here for 7 plus years now. I spend about 1,000 euro per month average, this is 48,000 baht. This includes 2 houses, my Honda motorcycle, my food (in and out doors) and a few beers and wine, my phones and internet, electricity, pets, visa fees, gardener and cleaning lady; no wife and no car and no illness insurance. It depends on your life style and your budget. Home cooking is cheap, so is the stuff at the market. So if your wife is working at night, do the cooking and safe money.

I live here for 7 plus years now. I spend about 1,000 euro per month average, this is 48,000 baht. This includes 2 houses, my Honda motorcycle, my food (in and out doors) and a few beers and wine, my phones and internet, electricity, pets, visa fees, gardener and cleaning lady; no wife and no car and no illness insurance. It depends on your life style and your budget. Home cooking is cheap, so is the stuff at the market. So if your wife is working at night, do the cooking and safe money.

No wife = major saving :D

Yes, 40,000bt should be very adequate. It depends to some extent on whether her parents are still alive and on how many brothers and sisters there are. And nephews and nieces. Aunts and uncles. Cousins. Grandparents. Motor bikes........


I live here for 7 plus years now. I spend about 1,000 euro per month average, this is 48,000 baht. This includes 2 houses, my Honda motorcycle, my food (in and out doors) and a few beers and wine, my phones and internet, electricity, pets, visa fees, gardener and cleaning lady; no wife and no car and no illness insurance. It depends on your life style and your budget. Home cooking is cheap, so is the stuff at the market. So if your wife is working at night, do the cooking and safe money.

Nongkhai (small town),no wife,no children, no car,40K=OK!

Elsewhere in Isaan,wife,extended (wife's)family,car,bike,hobby(golf or....)40K:not enough! :)


Abdulrahman, Nongkhai has golf too. Two kinds of golf. Golf for the rich (golf) and golf for the poor (jeu de boules). But you are right, life is cheap here.

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