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Any Law Against Teacher Hitting Students?

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Would depend on the school..

I have heard Thai teachers quite happy to discipline Thai students in the cheaper schools.. Also heard some horrific scamming.. kids HAVE to go to the teachers own Internet cafe to do their homework or he fails them, teacher charges more than other net cafes, and with printing and time used 200 baht per student per nights homework is quite normal.. the parent involved in this had to buy thier kid into the school at a 50k cost (and negotiation by a local poo yai) as there was no spots / over crowding and was too scared to rock the boat.

I doubt too many farangs would be happy to hear their kid was getting hit at school..


As far as I am aware there is a law banning corporal pumishment from schools except where there is agreement between the teacher & parents. Many years ago when my twin daughters were in Bor 3 class their lady teacher (1st year at the school) was merciliously punishing the students for the slightest discretion & not uncommon to line up the whole class on occasion to mete out strokes on the hands with her canes. On one occasion a boy was struck 27 times. I always remember the image of the teacher's desk with a little box of canes sticking up ominously & the teacher looking completely stressed. The whole class was living in fear & one day when my kids came out the classroom crying after the whole class had again received a beating I snapped & marched this teacher to the headmaster's office where some strong words were uttered.

There was a promise that no more beatings would occur & the teacher would use detention as a deterrent. From that day on the class atmosphere completely changed with the kids becoming more responsive, teacher was much more relaxed, & at the end of the school year the students had become genuinely fond of their teacher with many bringing gifts for her.

I went through school when corporal punishment was allowed, leather straps to the hand in primary school to storkes of the cane on the backside at high school, & don't feel any harm from it but the above case with my kids is an aberration & the scamming thing, if true, should be bought to the notice of the authorities.


There is a law that prohibits corporal punishment but I cannot find it. I see it daily at my school, and have taken videos of them doing so.

My dream is to laminate that page and walk up to the teacher in front of everyone and give it to them. Priceless!

I know of rather severe cases of teachers hitting their students.

Fear is ruling.

Are these isolated cases?

It was legal until 4-5 years ago. Its still common practice countryside and occures even here in Phuket, even in expensive private schools.

It has recently become illegal to hit your wife.


Don't worry. Times have changed.

With the exception of annuban (elementary), teachers don't hit students much any more, because the students frequently retaliate with severe after-school beatings of offending teachers. Pretty common knowledge. Ask around.

As far as corruptions, yeah, that's all growing quite well. In the villages, it's not uncommon to see students assigned to yard work or even cleaning the teachers' houses and washing their cars. It's one reason why many rural families resort to sending their children to live with relatives and study in larger towns.


I always tell my kids that if the Teacher ever hits them to tell me right away !! Because the next day that Teacher would not be able to teach any one for a couple of months !!! If you know what I mean :D

It's good to know some bad boys !! :)


if a teacher hit my kid I would walk in and hit him in the same way as he hit my boy. so if he hit him on the ar-e with a cane I would do the same to him in front of his class and then probably find a new school.

i would not be impressed if my boy came home and told me something like that.

I know of rather severe cases of teachers hitting their students.

Fear is ruling.

Are these isolated cases?

It was legal until 4-5 years ago. Its still common practice countryside...

Yes, still common practice throughout Isaan in public elementary and high schools. Just two weeks ago I witnessed a high school teacher whopping an unruly high-schooler upside his head, hard enough to give him cauliflower ear.

Think 50-60 years ago in the U.K. or USA, and you have a good picture of the current classroom climate in this country. I do remember one face slap from a teacher (6th grade) and a fist-punch in the back from another teacher (7th grade). Ah, the good old days. :)

Predictably, it's not what the law says; what's important is if it's enforced or not. As a parent, you need to lay down the law (your personal law) to a principal BEFORE you enroll your kid. Let them know you won't stand for illegal treatment of your child, and you'll bring charges if you hear about it. Not a positive way to start a relationship with a new school, but necessary if you want to try to avoid such an incident.

if a teacher hit my kid I would walk in and hit him in the same way as he hit my boy. so if he hit him on the ar-e with a cane I would do the same to him in front of his class and then probably find a new school.

i would not be impressed if my boy came home and told me something like that.

I suggest you try another method of resolving any situation like that otherwise you might end up in a new home plus the other students could get the wrong message that it is OK to resort to violence.

if a teacher hit my kid I would walk in and hit him in the same way as he hit my boy. so if he hit him on the ar-e with a cane I would do the same to him in front of his class and then probably find a new school.

i would not be impressed if my boy came home and told me something like that.

I would do the same



I shall not resort to primitive means like beating someone up. Although I must quell the urge so much that it hurts. The aim is to have a good and stressless education for the child. I understand by now that making losing the Thai party its face will be counterproductive and the price may be paid by the child. And its not the teacher that loses its face, it is the whole school tolerating or perhaps even encouraging such so-called disciplinary methods.

From you responses I gather that none of you personally has a child exposed to a hitting teacher, are there?


I shall not resort to primitive means like beating someone up. Although I must quell the urge so much that it hurts. The aim is to have a good and stressless education for the child. I understand by now that making losing the Thai party its face will be counterproductive and the price may be paid by the child. And its not the teacher that loses its face, it is the whole school tolerating or perhaps even encouraging such so-called disciplinary methods.

From you responses I gather that none of you personally has a child exposed to a hitting teacher, are there?

Your question shows you have not read all the posts. Check out my one, 3rd from the top.

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