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Things To Do Without Alcohol In Thailand


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Good stuff! Maybe we can make a list and add more activities?

1. Swimming/fishing/kayaking/sailing

2. cooking classes

3. shooting range/jet ski/ go karts

4. golf/tennis/yoga

5. people watch and drive home sober before 12 am(being around people who are drunk when sober is a detterent to drinking in itself)

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I drank not a drop from 1965 to 2001, and led a full life while other family and friends were trapped in alcoholism. I am still offended at pub when drinkers dismiss my cries that I can't tolerate the shit and have to ride home. There is a lot to do without it. Almost always, alcohol use = abuse.

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I drank not a drop from 1965 to 2001, and led a full life while other family and friends were trapped in alcoholism. I am still offended at pub when drinkers dismiss my cries that I can't tolerate the shit and have to ride home. There is a lot to do without it. Almost always, alcohol use = abuse.

It would be a miracle if you could translate that into Thai in such a way that they would actually take notice.

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Good stuff! Maybe we can make a list and add more activities?

1. Swimming/fishing/kayaking/sailing

2. cooking classes

3. shooting range/jet ski/ go karts

4. golf/tennis/yoga

5. people watch and drive home sober before 12 am(being around people who are drunk when sober is a detterent to drinking in itself)

Don't forget to Visit beautiful temples too. :)

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Fishing without a beer???? I suppose it's possible.

I can't drink and fish at the same time. Both hands are occupied. It's the same with women. :)



So thats the real Thailand you love lol.Has anyone ever said you look like Gary Glitter

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I drank not a drop from 1965 to 2001, and led a full life while other family and friends were trapped in alcoholism. I am still offended at pub when drinkers dismiss my cries that I can't tolerate the shit and have to ride home. There is a lot to do without it. Almost always, alcohol use = abuse.

That's all good PB, I am sure your liver thanks you.

But does beg the question, how many drinks in the last 8 years?

Your last statement is a pretty broad stroke. I have a few beers once a week (tonight for example) and can honestly say that 99.9 percent of the abuse I hand out is when I am on TV - and sober.

Suffice to say some people are good drunks while some are not. Same goes for drivers, golfers and insurance salesmen.

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I am now a non-drinker, but I do know that some people do seem to enjoy a drink now and again; fair play to them. I never had any interest in social drinking; it seemed a bit pointless to me. Even today when I see someone leave a half a drink behind it boggles my mind.

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I am now a non-drinker, but I do know that some people do seem to enjoy a drink now and again; fair play to them. I never had any interest in social drinking; it seemed a bit pointless to me. Even today when I see someone leave a half a drink behind it boggles my mind.

well as you know most bars pour the booze in last these days so the top half is really the only good part.

does it bother you as well when people leave half a glass of coke behind?

What's pointless about social drinking?

What's truly pointless is being the only sober one when in a group of people who are drinking socially.

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I am now a non-drinker, but I do know that some people do seem to enjoy a drink now and again; fair play to them. I never had any interest in social drinking; it seemed a bit pointless to me. Even today when I see someone leave a half a drink behind it boggles my mind.

well as you know most bars pour the booze in last these days so the top half is really the only good part.

does it bother you as well when people leave half a glass of coke behind?

What's pointless about social drinking?

What's truly pointless is being the only sober one when in a group of people who are drinking socially.

If you were never a drunk then you will not understand why it would seem pointless to someone like me to drink socially.

What you do is up to you. I'm not judging you or anyone else that likes to drink; knock yourself out. I was just referring to me in the last reply.

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I am now a non-drinker, but I do know that some people do seem to enjoy a drink now and again; fair play to them. I never had any interest in social drinking; it seemed a bit pointless to me. Even today when I see someone leave a half a drink behind it boggles my mind.

well as you know most bars pour the booze in last these days so the top half is really the only good part.

does it bother you as well when people leave half a glass of coke behind?

What's pointless about social drinking?

What's truly pointless is being the only sober one when in a group of people who are drinking socially.

If you were never a drunk then you will not understand why it would seem pointless to someone like me to drink socially.

What you do is up to you. I'm not judging you or anyone else that likes to drink; knock yourself out. I was just referring to me in the last reply.

I will give your last comment some heavy consideration over a beer at 530pm mate.

Back to the topic at hand - I find eating a good respite from drinking. Give me a good brie, kalamata olives, nice bread, quality tomatos, ev olive oil and I am happy.

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James, so you'd be willing to forgo you're regular Friday evening drinking trips to the Soi 8 Pub in exchange for a good Mediterranean meal????

depends on the company john. if it was with you - not a chance. but someone that looks and talks like SBK, I would give up sex for that.

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Join the Hash !!!

What is the hash exactly.

I know, I should just google it shouldn't I.

Like GaryH said, the hash is the Hash House Harriers. Most cities have a Hash House Harriers bar or cafe. They arrange weekend runs that can be a lot of fun for active people. You don't really have to be a serious runner, but you shouldn't be an out of shape waddler either. The runs are more like a trip through the woods on trails, and you have to find the clue/note leading to the next spot. You can walk, jog or run, it's up to you. The route usually goes in a circle and ends back at a previously arranged spot. After the run there is beer and food, and a lot of joking around... such as sitting on a block of ice in your bare butt. Women don't usually participate in the bare butt ritual.

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I would have bet the farm that this would indeed be the shortest post ever - might be proved wrong - yet again

We, as kids, were always taught never to 'clean' our plates - always to leave something. Not sure if it was for the mice.

Something about table etiquette, which I always follow - but at home, or working, I dont follow.

Mostly I reefer it for later. I do the same with booze. Enough is enough. Toss it.

Only drink when not immensely busy - which I am most of the time - dont email ever when partying - go to bed.

Which is one of the great assets of Asia - we are +12 hours ahead of ROW

Hooch is like everything - balance is good - simply a glass of wine with someone delectable.


Give me a good brie, kalamata olives, nice bread, quality tomatos, ev olive oil and I am happy.

Add - black grapes, black pepper, duck pate, bottle red wine, sockeye salmon ... enough - ravenous now!!

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I like to ride my motorcycle, my bicycle, go for walks with my wife and kids. Play with the dog. Go to the lake with the family. Hop in my Vigo and go see a temple or part of Thailand I haven't seen before. Even enjoy a nice cuddle with the wife... it's amazing how good it feels to do those things with a clear, unbuzzed head and/or without a hangover.

I'm not knocking drinkers... I too put a few back every now and then. I like either a mixed drink or a glass of wine in the evening or will toss a few back if I meet up with some of my friends and local expats. I don't have much of a desire for it anymore. Or I should say... I think about it a lot, and when I get home after a spell in Iraq; I usually buy a case of beer my first day back... my wife grumbles, but relents. When I'm ready to return to work; there are 23 of them still left in the fridge. Oh well...

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I drank not a drop from 1965 to 2001, and led a full life while other family and friends were trapped in alcoholism. I am still offended at pub when drinkers dismiss my cries that I can't tolerate the shit and have to ride home. There is a lot to do without it. Almost always, alcohol use = abuse.

It would be a miracle if you could translate that into Thai in such a way that they would actually take notice.

Hardly a a miracle.

I gave up drinking alcoholicaly 9 years ago and learned quickly how to tell others in Thai how I am allergic and how to explain alcoholism.

It's amazing the response - after telling them what would happen if I took that 1 drink, they never offer again. I am often waied by elder people as they really can't believe that I can say no now.

Kids take up most of my time but there's also so much more to do - golf, tennis, travelling, movies, etc.

My social life improved 100-fold when I quit drinking.

Edited by Neeranam
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I drank not a drop from 1965 to 2001, and led a full life while other family and friends were trapped in alcoholism. I am still offended at pub when drinkers dismiss my cries that I can't tolerate the shit and have to ride home. There is a lot to do without it. Almost always, alcohol use = abuse.

It would be a miracle if you could translate that into Thai in such a way that they would actually take notice.

Hardly a a miracle.

I gave up drinking alcoholicaly 9 years ago and learned quickly how to tell others in Thai how I am allergic and how to explain alcoholism.

It's amazing the response - after telling them what would happen if I took that 1 drink, they never offer again. Twice old guys have got down on their knees and waied me :)

Kids take up most of my time but there's also so much more to do - golf, tennis, travelling, movies, etc.

My social life improved 100-fold when I quit drinking.

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I drank not a drop from 1965 to 2001, and led a full life while other family and friends were trapped in alcoholism. I am still offended at pub when drinkers dismiss my cries that I can't tolerate the shit and have to ride home. There is a lot to do without it. Almost always, alcohol use = abuse.

That's not completly true, if you just use a little, it's no harm, actually it's proven to lengten your life!

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Don't the teetotalers already have their own subforum to preach in?

This thread was just about alternatives to drinking in Thailand. I didn't realise that mentioning on an open forum would be breaking any taboos or about preaching - that was not my intent.

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