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I have been looking after a cat which just turned up at my garden about 6 months ago. However a couple of months ago it started to loose a lot of wieght so i took it to the vets. The vet gave her a course of anti biotic injections and said she had a bad mouth infection. She recoverd quite well and put back on most of her wieght. Unfortunately she has got sick again. This time the vet took blood tests and said she also had a kidney infection and a sort of feline type 'aids'.

I asked the vet if she would recover and she said she would have some relief but need constant vet care. The next obvious question was - 'would it not be better to have her put to sleep' The vet said that her practice wouldn't put an animal to sleep. She said if we didn't want to bring her back for further treatment then we should just let her die. I obviously think to let her die in agony would be a terrible inhumane thing.

However, I think she may be acting on her religious beliefs not to kill!

Anyhow I personally think it would be more humane to have her put to sleep - considering her problems. Mouth ulcers. kidney problems and feline aids. Does anyone have any advice or any info as to where (if i decide best) to have her put to sleep - I live in Pattaya.



I love Cats but I also think you should get her put to sleep.

A few Years back my Boxer Dog got a Brain Tumour, and I had the painful task of asking the Vet to put him out of his mysery, he could not stand up. We tried and tried to get him better and in the end I thought it was fair to him to put him out of his mysery, he was a good dog and didnt deserve to be in Pain.

At the time I was using the Animal Hospital on Soi Nernplubwan, the owner of the place was the Guy I dealt with, very nice Guy. The service was good at that time, but I do not use the place now as I dont like the Staff, and unfortunately the owner cannot work 24 hours per day.

I am sure if you take the Cat, they will help you.

Good luck and I am sorry.


My dog was very sick , I took to the vet and they said she has a Thai virus that count be cured and that the dog would die. I asked them to put her to sleep and they said we dont do that in Thailand. I got my dog antibiotics and tried to treat her but she was slowly being eaten away and the only thing I could do was to kill her myself. It was the most horrid thing I have had to do in my life and it upset me very much but even so , I prayed to god for my forgiveness and I know in my heart I did the right thing. My dog was sufffering towards the end of her life was collapsing as she lost the use of her legs due to being so weak.

Sadly , theres not a lot you can do about your cat if it has feline aids, but you could try some other vets , if that doesnt work there is not alot else you can do other than just take care of your cat the best you can . Good luck.


It is very strange hearing of these Vets that will not put animals to sleep, to be honest I have never heard of it before.

The Nernplubwan Vets who put my dog to sleep, were excellent, they sent the body away for cremation and the ashes were delivered back after a couple of days for my collection.

Actualy it was the Vet who suggested in the first place that we should put him to sleep, and after several tests ect, I decided to go ahead with it, even though I was heartbroken, it was the best thing.

There is no way that you can let your pet die suffering in pain, that is cruel, and I doubt that you can put it out of its mysery yourself, i certainly could'nt do it anyway.

This thread has made me sad now as I am a true animal lover. :)

It is very strange hearing of these Vets that will not put animals to sleep, to be honest I have never heard of it before.

The Nernplubwan Vets who put my dog to sleep, were excellent, they sent the body away for cremation and the ashes were delivered back after a couple of days for my collection.

Actualy it was the Vet who suggested in the first place that we should put him to sleep, and after several tests ect, I decided to go ahead with it, even though I was heartbroken, it was the best thing.

There is no way that you can let your pet die suffering in pain, that is cruel, and I doubt that you can put it out of its mysery yourself, i certainly could'nt do it anyway.

This thread has made me sad now as I am a true animal lover. :)[/quote

The vets treating her are in soi Nernplaubwan - "Mapyaila animal clinic'. She was there overnight and will be there tonight/. The vet is a woman and although she aknowledges - diagnoses - that she is 'very sick'. She has said quite clearly that 'we do not kill animals'.

Where in soi Nerpluabwan is the vets that will put a sick animal to sleep - thanks?

Feline AIDS is very common - there is no cure either - let her pass peacefully.


Please read the post! My point of concern is how to have her pass peacfully - when the vet refuses to do it!


Feline AIDS. No cure. A lot of suffering for the cat and that is inhuman IMHO.

Get the cat put to sleep and out of its misery.


I also agree about putting her to sleep. Trouble is, either where you can go, or how you can do it yourself.

I had a very old cat that i love dearly. He was happy and well then suddenly he started to be listless and not eat. Took him to the vet who gave him a shot of steroids to try get him eating again. Worked but not for long. Took him back again, vet said he really is just old now. She recommended putting him to sleep. I was selfish and went for another steroid injection. I feel so sad about that because he was obviously uncomfortable. He still purred and showed love, but it was so painful for both of us. I felt very guilty. He actually died on his own not long after, but i regret that i didnt just put him to sleep rather than put him through all that. Still hurts. Try find a way to put her to sleep. Hope someone can help you.


You may want to have this topic moved to the Pets forum. You will get a lot of good advice there. My cat has something similar--not the AIDS thing, but it's suffering from kidney failure (along with the mouth ulcers). He's been going down for years, but is still hanging in there. He has to have saline solution, 150 ml, subcutaneously everyday, along with a couple of medications. He eats well, but has to have special food--very fine, no lumps. When his mouth is sore, then he gets tuna in spring water, which he drinks. He's on antibiotics for about 2 weeks and then off for a couple of weeks (he's been off for quite a while because his mouth is OK.

I sometimes put cooked chicken in a blender for him as well. It's really a lot of work taking care of (actually it's the saline that's most unpleasant). He's not in pain and even plays a lot. But it's still a matter of time.

This many years long saga will continue because I can't find a vet to put him to sleep when the time comes. I don't need them to do it--just give me the medicine and I'll do it, because I want the cat to die peacefully at home. He really doesn't like going to the vet.

Best of luck to you, the cat is very lucky and I hope you know how nice your being.

You may want to have this topic moved to the Pets forum. You will get a lot of good advice there. My cat has something similar--not the AIDS thing, but it's suffering from kidney failure (along with the mouth ulcers). He's been going down for years, but is still hanging in there. He has to have saline solution, 150 ml, subcutaneously everyday, along with a couple of medications. He eats well, but has to have special food--very fine, no lumps. When his mouth is sore, then he gets tuna in spring water, which he drinks. He's on antibiotics for about 2 weeks and then off for a couple of weeks (he's been off for quite a while because his mouth is OK.

I sometimes put cooked chicken in a blender for him as well. It's really a lot of work taking care of (actually it's the saline that's most unpleasant). He's not in pain and even plays a lot. But it's still a matter of time.

This many years long saga will continue because I can't find a vet to put him to sleep when the time comes. I don't need them to do it--just give me the medicine and I'll do it, because I want the cat to die peacefully at home. He really doesn't like going to the vet.

Best of luck to you, the cat is very lucky and I hope you know how nice your being.

Thanks Scott I would be gratefull to move to pets section

I have been looking after a cat which just turned up at my garden about 6 months ago. However a couple of months ago it started to loose a lot of wieght so i took it to the vets. The vet gave her a course of anti biotic injections and said she had a bad mouth infection. She recoverd quite well and put back on most of her wieght. Unfortunately she has got sick again. This time the vet took blood tests and said she also had a kidney infection and a sort of feline type 'aids'.

I asked the vet if she would recover and she said she would have some relief but need constant vet care. The next obvious question was - 'would it not be better to have her put to sleep' The vet said that her practice wouldn't put an animal to sleep. She said if we didn't want to bring her back for further treatment then we should just let her die. I obviously think to let her die in agony would be a terrible inhumane thing.

However, I think she may be acting on her religious beliefs not to kill!

Anyhow I personally think it would be more humane to have her put to sleep - considering her problems. Mouth ulcers. kidney problems and feline aids. Does anyone have any advice or any info as to where (if i decide best) to have her put to sleep - I live in Pattaya.


Comments from the wife ... who is a vet in Thailand:

Firstly, she is a little sceptical about the diagnosis you have been given - in particular as you have said nothing about a blood test of any sort been done - so what you have been told is somewhat vague to say the least, and could be explained a better. With that said, another thing to keep in mind is that there are Thai's who practise animal husbandry, but who also present themselves as vets (which may explain why no blood test was undertaken, and why they were reluctant to put the animal down - pentobarbital is a tightly controlled drug in Thailand, which even real vets have to account for.). Not common in urban areas, but in rural areas where vets can be sparsely spread, it happens quite a bit. Question: in view of the vague diagnosis you have been given, this was a real vet you took the cat to(?).

In any event a couple general pictures and some closeups of mouth (open), teeth, eyes, underbellow and any info on the anti-biotics that were perscribed last time round - will allow her to express an opinion regards the animals' general condition and possibilites regards just what is wrong with the cat (emphasize on possibilities).

If you are wanting to put it down - that is decided is it? - there are vets in/around Pattaya who will do the job - if you can't find one, drop me a PM and the wife will give you an intro to a vet in the area who will do the job, and who will also give you a proper diagnosis.

While by no means wishing to encourage the practice, if you are caught out with the animal suffering real bad over a weekend and can;t get hold of a vet to do the job - ask your other half to find a neighbour with a small caliber handgun - will do the job instantly - and if not inclined to go about it like that, a dose of any [human] narcotic pain killer tab (morphine sulphate tab 100mg/or equi-dose of any other narcotic pain killer - crushed up finely and mixed into a little food on an empty stomach) will do the job (meaning: without suffering). I hate seeing animals suffer - there are debates regards just what pain wild animals feel when preyed upon (adrenalin and other biochemistry mechanisms kick in with shock that researches believe may well relieve pain perception), but all indications and research indicates that domesticated mammals dying of cancer or other drawn out illnesses, percieve pain and suffer from it in the much same way as humans.


I know of two cats with advanced kidney problems due to FIV (feline version of aids). Both have been very sick, but once on supporting med's and a special kidney diet they are living quite a good (humane) life. The owners of these cats love them dearly and i can see that also that has a very positive effect on the cats' health. By no means, are these cats ready to go. The owners do know, though, that there is no chance on a cure for FIV, and bit-by-bit the animals' immune system will be destroyed.

Once these cats indicate they no longer want to be on this earth, they feel too sick, the owners will take the final decision.

I agree with above posts to have a second opinion. In case, treatment can give the OP's cat some more quality time, I doubt vets are willing to put her down. But if that is not possible anymore, there are vets who will euthanize, in Pattaya or otherwise in BKK. Unfortunately, I'm not able to tell you where. Thong Lor Animal Hospital maybe?


We had a cat that was injured in a car accident.I'm sure if it was Europe or America they would have put her to sleep but in Thailand they just wont do it as it is against their beliefs and will bring them bad luck.

That is why you see so many mangy dogs hobbling around on only three good legs.

In your case I would certainly seek a second diagnostic opinion first,though.

Terrible to see a poor animal suffering for a long time.Maybe some sort of financial inducement to the vet would bring a humane ending if it is bad news ?


Please get a second opinion and proper blood tests done for confirmation of FIV. Our oldest cat contracted it and on medication he lead quite a normal healthy life for many years, but I must admit in the end it was very painful to see him go through the last phases, and if I had my time again I would have had him put to sleep before it got too painful. If you just look at your cat, they will tell you with their eyes if they want to go. FIV is manageable but not curable, keep this in mind, and other cats in your care are also at a real risk. I dont envy anyone of this descison, I hope you find yours



Indeed cats can still have a comfortable life when having feline HIV. It is however advised to keep him/her indoors and away from other cats.

Get second opinion and get proper medication!


Update: Blood test shows poor Kidney and Liver function and Anemia. Also syptomatic mouth ulcers - mouth leaking still, after 4 days of treatment as inpatient at vets. Being treated with anti biotics by syringe feed at home, and vitamins for anemia. Vet said that this all adds upto HIV.Seems that here in Thailand they prefer to treat terminally sick animals as we do terminally sick people in the west - i.e. let them die in agony :)


This is nothing more than a money grab by Vets in some circumstances, they understand that there is nothing that can be done so milk the owner for a while. Mouth ulcers are one of the final sign of full blown FIV and combined with liver and kidney failure, your cat will take a great deal of medication and will have to be extremely healthy to pull through it, this is the stage that I mentioned I would never put my pet through again. Sometime you just have to be kind.


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