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My Boyfriend, The Sex Tourist


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Acclaimed documentary film-maker Monica Garnsey investigates the parts of the world where prostitution has become a mainstream career choice for young women - in Venezuela, where men travel over for the 'real girlfriend experience', and in parts of north-east Thailand, where it has replaced rice as the driver of the local economy and women sets their sights on marrying a rich westerner.

Maybe she's not so acclaimed anymore...reporting with the Daily Mail nowadays, making an extra buck :)



The Grand old Duke of York he had ten thousand men

He marched them up to the top of the hill

And he marched them down again.

When they were up, they were up

And when they were down, they were down

And when they were only halfway up

They were neither up nor down

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Well, I'm off the the Dominican Republic to find myself a nice young man called Spaghetti. Bye.

Yo Patsycat, I will save you the trip, you can get ur spaghetti here anytime you like :D

You can cook? :D

umm limp & soggy? In the words of MC Hammer - Can't touch that............

Boys are better than girls. :D

Jeez. My friend says that too. He's gay. :)

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There was a documentary made about swingers in Jamaica( I forget the name of the resort) but the programme featrured several women who were there purely for the sex holiday . I remember one old girl done up to the nines flaunting her cottage cheese thighs and waist level jugs on the arm of a young Jamaican stallion , lol. Ye ha , ride em cowboy . Makes me want to vomit :)

Its called Hedonism & Hedonism 2.

Once got a day-pass to see wot its all about.

There are 2 sections, one for the nudes & one for the prudes.

I found it very funny seeing the subs & doms in all their leather&whips (nearly said spank-paddles).

Many, many odd old,large couples but I suppose it was a good learning curve for me to cope with Walking Street :D


Thats it , thanks .

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This doc was released a while ago.

I didn't think it was very good.

I would like to see someone attempt to make a documentary on the much bigger 'Thai sex industry' which to a lot of people think doesn't exist.

Speaking of documentaries, the worst one I have seen is Bangkok girl.

The guy who made it was quite ignorant.

He says most of the women who freelance are HIV+ and underage.

Then gets hooked up with a bar girl and follows her around Bangkok and then usual stereotypical things appear.

He also interviews a pissed up British idiot who embarrasses himself and is obviously exploited by the filmmaker to make out all foreigners in Bangkok are like him.

A much better film than that is 'The Virgin trade'.

Although again the filmmaker is slightly ignorant there are some half decent interviews with people who live and/or do work in Thailand.

They interview a few foreigners from a different walks of life.

They interview the woman who works for UNIAP who says the scum of the earth from every country in the world, the ugliest most disgusting men from the world end up in Thailand!

The UNESCO guy informs us most trafficking in Thailand is due to begging and not sex.

And the statistics used worldwide regarding the 'sex industry' are wrong but continue to be used.

The manager from "Dollhouse" is interviewed.

An old Aussie guy is interviewed in the hotel room and has a fair few stories to tell from the Vietnam era to today.

Also a couple of pissed up Brits embarress themselves in this one.

Both these films I downloaded online somewhere.

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Acclaimed documentary film-maker Monica Garnsey investigates the parts of the world where prostitution has become a mainstream career choice for young women - in Venezuela, where men travel over for the 'real girlfriend experience', and in parts of north-east Thailand, where it has replaced rice as the driver of the local economy and women sets their sights on marrying a rich westerner.

The series of documentaries to which you refer, were already discussed in detail when they were first shown. Here's the link to the thread: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Channel-4-Do...Uk-t159483.html

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The funny thing is they have NO idiea of normal life here and think ALL thai girls are prostitutes..Not exactly the sort of thinking that has exhaulted their cause!

etc etc

Honestly I wish that females back home in Aussieland were as broad minded and level headed as EEK and others that are well travelled, but sadly this kind of thinking is what drives a wedge between guys over here and our perceptions of girls back home. :)

Very good post, ozzieovaseas. I agree. I also see eek's point of view from a woman's perspective.

But, I'll still ask the question... Why is sex tourism bad? It provides a need and an outlet for people who are soured on long term relationships. It's a simple business deal between two or more consenting adults who know what they want. And, it's not a whole lot unlike many so called "good" marriages.

Unfortunately, the people who disagree with sex tourism try to relate it to the slave trade of young females sold by their parents, and to pedophilia.

Sex is portrayed in just about every advertising campaign available. American mothers dress their 13 year old daughters up in sexy clothing. Movies are full of sex. Sex is what makes the world go round. By contrast, parts of the Islamic world cover their women from head to toe, but treat their women like chattel.

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Haha Patsy! :)

That docu that britmav posted was pretty interesting. Interesting to see the flip side. One thing that i havent seen in female sex-tourist docus (but may happen, just from the docus ive seen, i havent), is the woman bad mouthing their male countrymen. Actually, even from women who move to another country and have a relationship/marriage etc with someone from another culture or race. Its like they dont even think about it, they just happy getting on with their lives. No idea why some men here seem pre-occupied at making negative comparisons and derogatory comments so much.

Part 2 is one about Turkey - can't find it anywhere or I would have posted it. Bit sad - lady brings her son and daughter with her and shags some young turkish lad when they are about.

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hey eeek, im on yourside, afterall I've always thought of myself as a lesbian :) .....errrr not that your one, im not sure this has come out the way I intended it too ....doh!

It might not have come out as intended, ND. Could I suggest, "...afterall I've always thought of myself as a lesbian trapped in a man's body...".

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In case that question is misconstrued..... I mean the hole you referred to in "Health And Medicine" forum.

Never worry - you're a Senior Member - you can say whatever you like, unlike us poor newbies, who get stomped on for saying "arse".

I think you got "stomped on" (overstatement!) for saying "arse" in the way that you did, not for the actual word.

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Haha Patsy! :)

That docu that britmav posted was pretty interesting. Interesting to see the flip side. One thing that i havent seen in female sex-tourist docus (but may happen, just from the docus ive seen, i havent), is the woman bad mouthing their male countrymen. Actually, even from women who move to another country and have a relationship/marriage etc with someone from another culture or race. Its like they dont even think about it, they just happy getting on with their lives. No idea why some men here seem pre-occupied at making negative comparisons and derogatory comments so much.

Part 2 is one about Turkey - can't find it anywhere or I would have posted it. Bit sad - lady brings her son and daughter with her and shags some young turkish lad when they are about.

In the same room? :D

But, I will be frank here, brit, I've seen lots of men do that as well, so either way, its pretty sad.

**edit*** but not in the same room. :D

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I thought your quote sounded more Oscar Wilde than Shakespeare, SBK....but indeed it's Shakespeare! Live and learn.

I'm glad you added that edit....otherwise YOU would have been in the same room also!

No chance of that! :)

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Does anyone have a link for the second part of the documentary? The Thailand part? Downloaded the first part, thanks to the member who provided that. Was very interesting.

Haha Patsy! :)

That docu that britmav posted was pretty interesting. Interesting to see the flip side. One thing that i havent seen in female sex-tourist docus (but may happen, just from the docus ive seen, i havent), is the woman bad mouthing their male countrymen. Actually, even from women who move to another country and have a relationship/marriage etc with someone from another culture or race. Its like they dont even think about it, they just happy getting on with their lives. No idea why some men here seem pre-occupied at making negative comparisons and derogatory comments so much.

Part 2 is one about Turkey - can't find it anywhere or I would have posted it. Bit sad - lady brings her son and daughter with her and shags some young turkish lad when they are about.

Oh i believe i saw that part some time ago. Didnt realise it was part of the same series. The young boy was around 13-14 and the girl around 16. I felt pretty uncomfortable watching it. Its one thing if she wants a holiday like that, but another thing if bringing her kids along too. I remember they asked the son if he minded, and he was putting on a brave act saying he doesnt really like it etc, but that shes been doing it a long time. He looked really sad. Also, if i recall correctly the daughter went out all night at one point, staying over at some Turkish guys place that she just met. Her mum was upset about it, but i kept thinking ..what example are you setting her? I think some things in parents lives should be kept separate from their kids.

Note for Sbk: they were not in the same room lol!

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Oh i believe i saw that part some time ago. Didnt realise it was part of the same series.

It wasn't, that was Manhunters: Our Turkish Toyboys.

Also, if i recall correctly the daughter went out all night at one point, staying over at some Turkish guys place that she just met.

It was established that the daughter who went 'missing' for a night was shagging the brother of her mother's boyfriend. :)

There's a good account of the programme, along with some angry responses here:


Here's channel 4's trailer where you can also 'meet' the gigolos & read about another documentary, Sex Trips For Girls (missed that one).


I believe that all these programmes are available via torrent sites.

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Well if you are going to have that sort of holiday I think leave the children at home. I know personally we all know our parents shag, but thats something we dont want to really see first hand. Course - they weren't in the room with their mum, but the children knew what she was up to. It's extremely embarrassing, and something you shouldnt put your children through - basically waving it in their face. I'd say this if this was a lad or lady parent btw.

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Well if you are going to have that sort of holiday I think leave the children at home. I know personally we all know our parents shag, but thats something we dont want to really see first hand. Course - they weren't in the room with their mum, but the children knew what she was up to. It's extremely embarrassing, and something you shouldnt put your children through - basically waving it in their face. I'd say this if this was a lad or lady parent btw.

My parent's don't shag.....

...do they?..

...oh God no, this isn't happening.

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