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Diagnosis Of Jungle Foot-rot Condition

syd barrett

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Are there any podiatrists or dermatologists who can give me a diagnosis of this extremely painful and severe foot condition?

Hope you know this is a Thai forum and any Thai's looking at that photo will be extremely offended.... :)

Go the doctor, your feet are f*kced....looks somewhat like trench foot, I am not making a diagnosis, I have had trench foot and it looks similar to what I had, go the quack

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At glance, It looks like you might have rather large plantar warts. They grow into the dermis not outwards like most. Trench foof or jungle rot comes from the foot being kept in a boot and kept wet. You get plantars warts from going barefoot.....They need to be removed by a Doctor who knows what he is doing my friends were taken off in Bankok and it looked like the guy just dug them out with a fork....

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At glance, It looks like you might have rather large plantar warts. They grow into the dermis not outwards like most. Trench foof or jungle rot comes from the foot being kept in a boot and kept wet. You get plantars warts from going barefoot.....They need to be removed by a Doctor who knows what he is doing my friends were taken off in Bankok and it looked like the guy just dug them out with a fork....

I agree, looks like planter warts, I had one removed back in 1970 Do a google search. they need to beremoved by a good doctor. :)

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At glance, It looks like you might have rather large plantar warts. They grow into the dermis not outwards like most. Trench foof or jungle rot comes from the foot being kept in a boot and kept wet. You get plantars warts from going barefoot.....They need to be removed by a Doctor who knows what he is doing my friends were taken off in Bankok and it looked like the guy just dug them out with a fork....

Thanks for the feedback.

I will post updated photographs following treatment, a kind of before and after comparison for general interest for those on Thai Visa plagued with tropical foot conditions.

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  • 2 months later...
Are there any podiatrists or dermatologists who can give me a diagnosis of this extremely painful and severe foot condition?

They definately look like planters warts. I had a real bad case of them quite a few years ago. You have to get them attended to, they can and will in time cripple you and the only answer if they get bad enough is amputation. There are many different ways to have them removed from liquid nitrogen to try and kill them, burning them out, or as the doctor did to me he cut off the heads with a razor(dead part of wart, no pain) then using an acid solution in a wax base for a day then soaking the feet in hot water and then grinding the heads off with a pumice stone (again no pain, heads are dead skin) and you have to do this daily for a period of time. Doing this you are drawing the wart out of the foot and can take a while to accomplish, mine took over a month to finaly finish and one day when grinding the head the last wart came out and actualy left a hole in the bottom of my foot the size of a pencil and about 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep. It didnt take long to fill in and heal but you have to get them attended to. The other methods get rid of the head but you have to get the root out or it will just continue to grow and my doctor in Canada told me that was the only method he knew that was completely succesful. There may be better ways now as this was over 30 yrs ago. They will continue to grow up inside your foot and wrap themselves around the bones and will break them. A man I worked with had them realy bad, got them in the 2nd world war and just let them go as he was afraid of doctors and by the time he went to them the doctors tried everything they could but they were too far gone and he ended up having both feet amputated so get in and have them attended to. Sorry for the long winded reply but this is important and very dangerous for you.

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if its a wart then acetic acid from vinegar for example will turn it white. Put some apple cider vinegar if possible on a cotton ball and keep in place with a bandaid for 30 to 60 minutes. If the wart looks very white then its definitely a wart.

For warts that large surgery is definitely a solid option.

a lot of people might not be aware but warts including HPV warts can be treated and removed with apple cider vinegar. You can google this and will find many pages and slight variations. Basically the wart is covered with a cotton pad soaked in ACV for 12 hours overnight etc. It might burn a little. For tough warts it will take a couple of successive treatments. It's usually a good idea to take a few days between treatments. The wart will eventually fall off. Its important to not pick at the wart as it can become infected or spread.

The viruses that causes warts will still be in the skin and new warts might grow in the future but at least the treated wart is gone.

It's also recommended to use Vitamin E oil to help the skin heal.

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