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Why Would She Do This?


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So far we have only heard the OP's version. I wouldn't be surprised if the Thai lady had a different version.

And if your version of events is accurate Op, perhaps you may wish to consider associating with someone just a teensy weensie bit more educated. One never reads tales of Thais that are skilled tradespeople or professionals engaging in such activity.

Spot on , my friend and i were seeing a friend off at the airport, there was a young attractive thai girl seeing off a very plump 60ish guy, she was crying on his shoulder ,she saw us looking and smiled, ,better yet as we walked out to get a taxi shes coming out and says to us " you go pattaya " ,yes we say, next thing shes sharing the taxi with us and on our arrival at the hotel she and my friend go check out the veiw from the hotel room, true story,. :)

And no doubt your friend behaved in a proper manner and took into consideration the golden rule of doing unto others as you would have done onto you. He sent her on her way, after admiring the view, right?

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She's shafted you pure and simple. That she had tears rolling down here face and saying she loved you means nada. It can be turned on and off at will by most. In future don't moddy-coddle them, their values are different to a farang's and they walk all over weakness (not talking about bashing, that's for cowards)... Thai guys, as a rule, don't run around their women. Try picking one that's not scared to stand up to their bleeding parents. Finally, chalk it up and move on. It'd never work out nicely, she's not a good un. :)
Spot on , my friend and i were seeing a friend off at the airport, there was a young attractive thai girl seeing off a very plump 60ish guy, she was crying on his shoulder ,she saw us looking and smiled, ,better yet as we walked out to get a taxi shes coming out and says to us " you go pattaya " ,yes we say, next thing shes sharing the taxi with us and on our arrival at the hotel she and my friend go check out the veiw from the hotel room, true story,. :D

Prostitution here does not seem to be that direct and cold hearted like in the West, but it is still prostitution.

Edited by Birdman
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happened to me as well, best lesson of my life almost identical story. 20,000 first then after we moved in she needed a MIllion bht urgent like right NOW short term loan. I said no f,ing way honey. She rang me 2 days later and said she was moving out. By the way this isnt just for B/G'S my current G/F is Thai muslim from the south. She works as personnel mgr for sizzler restaurants. Her best friend also a manager in the same firm has 4 boyfriends all farang sending her money. Thats life OP you move on and find a good girl if their is such a thing here. Lot of guys get badly hurt and stick with rent a girlfriend for life but a bit to shallow for long term for me and most guys I know

Edited by zorro1
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can you believe someone is lying when they have tears down theyre chin and say they love you so much? Its impossible. If she has been playing me i cant be with a thai woman period, i can never trust em.

Thais girls can ball their eyes out in a miilisecond without warning IF you accuse them of ANYTHING. This followed by why u no belive me , Luv you so much and you talk me bad. Followed by we finish . Followed by her storming out. Followed by you feeling guilty for asking her why she has a love bite on her neck so you end up believeing her bumped into door story and take her back LOL. Just watch thai soaps and you can see these girls can really Act!

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JasonM quote: />She is 28 years old, a mature woman. Why the heck she break up a relationship like she is 14 years old?

I have seen it said that a certain percent of Thai ladies in their 20s, especially those with a limited education , have mentally/emotionally developed to the equivilent of about a 14-15 year old girl who is from a western type country.

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Like she said, you and her is finished.

nothng there to begin with.

it was all a charade, some girls take the lenghty route to get paid off!

whenever girl thai say they dont like bad girls, WATCH out! they prolly one of them.



Edited by sammysung
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Tried texting her if she could give me reason, was it something i did and why not end it like friends? Why this silent breakup when we had so much fun all of the sudden?

No answer. Tried calling her but she hang up on me i think. So i guess this is 100% ended.

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WOW,all i can say is there are a lot of guys on this site that have been in some pretty messed up relationships with messed up Thai women....Have any of you ever had the same problems in your home countries...?Hmmmm. :) How much would you spend on a lady of the same nationality as yourself,but the minute a Thai lady wishes to be supported(With peanuts,i made add)you all jump up and say "Oh evil Thai lady,must be bargirl,must be cheat me"...........! :D

You don't know Thai ladys too well. She wants a car buts loses interest if its not in her name. Its a G/F not a wife . If you feel that buying a car as chump change then your avatar must be the tender for the super yacht!

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So i was happy to provide her that last 50 000 baht she needed to complete the payment for the land. She made sure i didnt have to do this and also said she could pay me back. But i was happy to do this since i have met her family and want to help.

All my life i have lived good, i like helping people and dont care about myself.

Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives........Oscar Wilde - The picture of Dorian Gray 1891


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''I don't think she was playing you at all. If she introduced you to her parents, she had every intention in continuing a relationship with you. Now that the parents are involved, you were put to a test.

"WILL YOU BE ABLE TO SUPPORT OUR DAUGHTER? TEST". $1500 US is an amount that can be easily withdrawn from any ATM on any day. You had a problem obtaining the funds, this scared her and proved to her parents that you are not financially capable of taking care of their cherished daughter. THEY decided, you failed their test. ''


I am inclined to agree with this post above. The fact that you were introduced around the family, was a very strong statement on her part, seeking the family's approval before entering a long term relationship.

It is also possible that she is protecting you from her family, by ending your relationship now. She has to work this through herself. There is very little, if anything, that you can do about it.

If she is truly unhappy, the family will notice, and you may be given a second chance.

However, it would be unwise of me to build false hopes for you. At 50,000 Bt for 5 mths you were not ripped off. A better understanding of the clashes between western and Thai cultures would help you in the future.

Good luck.

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Well i have provided for her and given money to her mom before. 10 000 Baht. While i stayed with her i paid for everything, which is normal since she take holiday to be with me. So i paid for the car and apartment for the month. I always told her if she needs anything just ask me. The other reason why i dont think she tricked me is that when we met i sneaked in 10 000 baht in her bag so she had for food and anything else while i was away. But the next morning she had sneak the money back in my bag without telling me. So she was very about taking care of herself. I hope there is a slight chance she will call me back some day, just been 1 week since the breakup. I thought i was dealing with this nicely but i love her so extremely much. I would rather be shot than experience this pain.

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I hope there is a slight chance she will call me back some day, just been 1 week since the breakup. I thought i was dealing with this nicely but i love her so extremely much. I would rather be shot than experience this pain.

Let it go....you have been scammed, lesson learned, get on with your life....It would appear you are not listening to what people are telling you...you are not the first and will not be the last.

Go out, go get p*ssed, and play hide the sausage with somebody...

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I know its alot of money for a thai, but what makes me confused is that she has never asked for anything while i was in US for months. The way she asked me for the money was not forcing in anyway. She said if i said no it was ok. My first reaction was that i had to think about it, so i didnt say anything for days. Then when we got into a discussion about her working hard i said i can help you with the land since she wanted to help her mom. I didnt think anything "tricky" about it. And i have always been good at seeing other peoples true character, i cannot see her as someone who tricks someone. We were joking about farang thai relationships, she said she hated girls like this.

But will see tomorrow, if it was our fight and she loves me as she said before, then she will message me back tomorrow or make contact. If she ignores me again i know i have been tricked for sure. When she said she wanted to marrie me and if she was honest about this, she will not make this suddenly go weeks after. Weirdest thing ever. If it turns out she had been tricking me i will have a hard time trusting any thai girl in the future. I cannot think someone can cry over you and at the same time fool you. Will update tomorrow :)

" I cannot think someone can cry over you and at the same time fool you."--Welcome to Thailand.

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Well i have provided for her and given money to her mom before. 10 000 Baht. While i stayed with her i paid for everything, which is normal since she take holiday to be with me. So i paid for the car and apartment for the month. I always told her if she needs anything just ask me. The other reason why i dont think she tricked me is that when we met i sneaked in 10 000 baht in her bag so she had for food and anything else while i was away. But the next morning she had sneak the money back in my bag without telling me. So she was very about taking care of herself. I hope there is a slight chance she will call me back some day, just been 1 week since the breakup. I thought i was dealing with this nicely but i love her so extremely much. I would rather be shot than experience this pain.

It seems you are NOT listening to what others are ALL telling you. Don't ask questions if you don't want to follow good advice. I also had my heart broken by a woman I loved very much. I would have done anything for her and went far beyond what my better instincts told me not to. It still ended, and she left me with all her unpaid bills, her druggie son and a divorce settlement that said I had to pay for everything and give her half of everything I worked for before I even met her. Yes it hurt, but it turned out to be the best thing in the long run.

A year later a friend invited me over to Thailand and it's been clear sailing ever since. I've never had such good loving from a bevy of lovely women. And, I don't have to visit a lawyer after every breakup. Go out, find some pretty young thing and have a good time. It will cost you far less in the long run.

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I often read in forums guys stating "I am a young guy, very fit, healthy" and the also say good looking. If that is the case why get involved with a women from a foreign country? There are plenty of beautiful Asian women in the USA that are not poor. Honestly if I was " young guy, very fit, healthy" I would have never got involved with a woman from a developing nation. Guys on this forum can BS all they want but I admit I know that getting a beautiful wife 10 years my junior without scary emotional baggage in Canada would be near impossible. I wasn't about to settle for that so I married my fantastic Thai wife. I was very lucky but my job allowed me to take my time and find the right women, none of this long distance stuff.

If you are young don't waste your time with women from developing nations. Your from the USA there are millions of hot women there and you don't have to worry about cultural hang ups.

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Tourist guide, she can speak japanese. Told her i love her and if she wants to talk about it i am here. So all i can do is wait and see. Ofcourse there is plenty of fish in the sea, i have dated many. This is my first thai girlfriend though. But she is everything i want and i thought i was that for her also. But yeah, i know i hurt her alot by leaving her that one night and her mom knew also since she cried on the phone with her. So i can only hope she can put things aside and think about all we have been through.

Anyways thanks for all the advices people, most appreciated. This seem like a good forum :)

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But yeah, i know i hurt her alot by leaving her that one night and her mom knew also since she cried on the phone with her. So i can only hope she can put things aside and think about all we have been through.

Anyways thanks for all the advices people, most appreciated. This seem like a good forum :D

Will state again..you are not listening to what people are telling you... :)

You are in denial, you have been scammed..she is proberly already with her new Farang...hence the reason she will not talk to you

"all we have been through"...<deleted>...you where only together for 5 months

Being to understand why Thai's call some Farang "Kwaai"...

Beginning to think you are very stupid or a troll....

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Well honestly you are beeing the troll here. Why do you think i have been scammed? If she wanted money she could easily have extracted more from me as i said earlier "Just call me if you need anything" which she hasnt. And with a new farang? Thats just speculations from your part. Stop beeing so judgemental about thai women. Its not logical she has found someone new after showing me to her whole family, she would loose face big time.

Not in denial and certainly not stupid, i have no clue why she broke up. I have some ideas but thats what they are, ideas. And you cant have a definite answer either since you havent been part of this relationship. No point in discussing this anymore.

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Is there no end to line of Farang Lemmings.Thai GF best actress you ever come accross.

Lesson 1 don't make the same mistake twice.

Farangs are not the only ones being duped. Lies and scams are a national past time in this country and they do it to each other just as much. You will seldom hear a Thai complain about being scammed as they loose face, an insult to injury.

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Jason a few questions

How many times have you been to Thailand?

Did you not ever read anythign about the ladies? OK you say she is a tour guide, speaks Japanese I believe she would have a service to sell.

How old are you? Eighteen? you have been taught a serious lesson always do your homework before travelling, dont hand money out to virtual strangers.

Good luck and let me know when your in Thailand next you can buy the drinks.

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Well i have provided for her and given money to her mom before. 10 000 Baht. While i stayed with her i paid for everything, which is normal since she take holiday to be with me. So i paid for the car and apartment for the month. I always told her if she needs anything just ask me. The other reason why i dont think she tricked me is that when we met i sneaked in 10 000 baht in her bag so she had for food and anything else while i was away. But the next morning she had sneak the money back in my bag without telling me. So she was very about taking care of herself. I hope there is a slight chance she will call me back some day, just been 1 week since the breakup. I thought i was dealing with this nicely but i love her so extremely much. I would rather be shot than experience this pain.

jason m fella,

if you really feel you love this girl and she is the one,mate go and relocate yourself to thailand and live happily ever after,and then when you get bored of thailand,you both can rtn to your home country together,but then you or should i say she will have to go through all the hassle of getting

entry clearance.

The best of luck IF she is the one. :)

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