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Do You Lend $$$ To Your Friends?


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One of my friends always ask me to lend her some money nearly every month. Of course she returns the money back on time. But just now the number she asked for is huge for me. I am hesitated. Now she even has no money to buy an air ticket to go home. I didnt charge any interest. So if I lend her, should I deserve the interest this time?

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One of my friends always ask me to lend her some money nearly every month. Of course she returns the money back on time. But just now the number she asked for is huge for me. I am hesitated. Now she even has no money to buy an air ticket to go home. I didnt charge any interest. So if I lend her, should I deserve the interest this time?

Beware ! When you lend money to one person on a regular basis, you will come unstuck one day for sure, and possibly lose a friend. Why can't she manage her money anyway? As far as interest is concerned, I'd be more interested in just getting the loan back. My policy is, " please don't ask, as a refusal may offend" :o

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One of my friends always ask me to lend her some money nearly every month. Of course she returns the money back on time. But just now the number she asked for is huge for me. I am hesitated. Now she even has no money to buy an air ticket to go home. I didnt charge any interest. So if I lend her, should I deserve the interest this time?

Beware ! When you lend money to one person on a regular basis, you will come unstuck one day for sure, and possibly lose a friend. Why can't she manage her money anyway? As far as interest is concerned, I'd be more interested in just getting the loan back. My policy is, " please don't ask, as a refusal may offend" :o

I agree entirely. I HAD a friend who would hit me for 20euro here 20euro there which I would always get back but not always on time.then evenually hit me for the big one 400euro. We fell out over him not paying me back. Friends no more and needless to say I never saw the money. Oh and in my opinion we all use the term friend very loosely.

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One of my friends always ask me to lend her some money nearly every month. Of course she returns the money back on time. But just now the number she asked for is huge for me. I am hesitated. Now she even has no money to buy an air ticket to go home. I didnt charge any interest. So if I lend her, should I deserve the interest this time?

Hmmm, always a tricky subject.

If she borrows large sums that leave you short, then yes I think you should, but approaching the subject with her probably won't go down well.

Have you tried jokingly suggesting 'I should charge you interest!'.

After you've said that, you should ask her for real.

Just explain that you've never said 'No' and her lendings have left you short, so perhaps she wouldn't mind adding say 5% interest?

My theory is:

1 She'll never ask to borrow from you again! (Good for you!)

2 She'll pay the interest and your'll make a bit extra (Still good for you!) :o

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Everytime when she borrowed money from me, I asked her to wirte an IOU. I just doubt whether IOU does make sense. And I'm not sure when she will come back to Thailand again. She said yes but I doubt. Usually I can get the money back within one month. That's why I didnt charge her interest. But this time she said at least three months. Tooo annoying...

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Everytime when she borrowed money from me, I asked her to wirte an IOU. I just doubt whether IOU does make sense. And I'm not sure when she will come back to Thailand again. She said yes but I doubt. Usually I can get the money back within one month. That's why I didnt charge her interest. But this time she said at least three months. Tooo annoying...

You've gotta think of yourself first here Anna, It's your money.

Tell her 3 months is too long, and you can't do it.

If she has the gaul to get in a huff about it, then <deleted> to her, sounds like you've done enough for her that she should be greatfull for anyway.

Say NO.

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Often lent money to close friends, sometimes quite large amounts. Always been paid back, although on a few occasions it's taken a while. Aslong as they explain why they can't pay me on time, then I don't get too bothered. Borrowed quite large amounts off friends too, so it works both ways.

I wouldn't lend large amounts to friends I'm not so close to, and I would never dream of asking for interest. I would also never lend money if it would leave me short unless it was a real emergency with someone I trust.

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Everytime when she borrowed money from me, I asked her to wirte an IOU. I just doubt whether IOU does make sense. And I'm not sure when she will come back to Thailand again. She said yes but I doubt. Usually I can get the money back within one month. That's why I didnt charge her interest. But this time she said at least three months. Tooo annoying...

You've gotta think of yourself first here Anna, It's your money.

Tell her 3 months is too long, and you can't do it.

If she has the gaul to get in a huff about it, then <deleted> to her, sounds like you've done enough for her that she should be greatfull for anyway.

Say NO.

I have to agree, sounds like a high chance of her defaulting. If the amount is huge to you as you say, then you can't afford the risk.

Forget about the interest, I'd be more concerned about getting the original amount back.

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never lend money. if you have to, only lend money to old friends whom you know manage their funds well under normal circumstances. once you lend, don't expect to be repaid.

i met a girl last year and we got along well. after several months of occassional partying, she asked me out one night, was real nice to me and all, and towards the end of the evening she finally got round to ask me to lend her 30,000 baht so that she could put a downpayment towards a second hand car that her friend was desperate to sell. she said its only a temporary cashflow problem and that she'd pay it back. i flat out said no, if she had cashflow problems, she shouldn't be borrowing for a discretionary purchase. the worse thing you can do is allow someone to pass on their cash management problems to you. in fact you are probably doing them a longer term favour by making them grasp the reality and consequence of their tardy financial state. we remained friends despite the uncomfortable situation of me refusing to help out, and recently, i was happy to see that she had learnt to save, enough to take a month-long vacation overseas. never allow people to abuse your wealth, and hopefully with good sense, they may learn better.

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I agree with the other posters...be VERY careful with lending money. Some people will ask for large amounts which in many cases may never be paid back. Things like this ruin friendships the world over. Never lend large amounts to friends...if they have money problems it's their problem, not yours. If they hold a grudge and won't talk to you again, then they weren't a real friend to begin with. If you really want to lend some money, make darn sure it's an amount that won't hurt you.

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I used to help out my best mate a bit. Hes fukcing useless with money. The last time i helped him out was in 97. He was into abit of dealing. If ya know what i mean? If he didn't get that cash then he wouldn't be walking.ie knee capped. Anyway i put myself in debt to help him out,. I did get the money back eventually. But i told him there and then. Mate i love you. You are my best mate. If you want this to stay the same. Then dont ask me again. He never did. So anna. Tread carefully. If you do lend the money then lay down the law. Tell them straight and dont go back on your word.

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It depends... good friend, friend, acquaintance, coworker?

Actually, the first and last categories will get immediate small assistance from me on request- because they should be worth a small amount in first place, and because I can be sure they would be good for it in the second.

If I asked someone for more than maybe 5K as a loan, I would certainly offer interest and let it be up to the borrower to decide to refuse. In general, I make sure to pay friends back as quickly as possible- friends are far more valuable than money over the long run.


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One of my friends always ask me to lend her some money nearly every month. Of course she returns the money back on time. But just now the number she asked for is huge for me. I am hesitated. Now she even has no money to buy an air ticket to go home. I didnt charge any interest. So if I lend her, should I deserve the interest this time?

....A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed...

....But When YOU Need....your Friend has Fleed.. :o

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only lend money you can afford to loose !

lend to my thai friend ( well exboyfriend ) 20000 dollars , got back 10000 1 year after and 5000 the next year , did charge low interest .

still 5000 to go , have been offer the last 5000 but do not need it , i ask him to keep it for emergency is case of something happen ...

other friends will put a limit !

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I always say no because two things happens when you lend money to a friend.

You lose your money and you lose your friends as well so tell them that they are too good a friend to lose.

Can't be more diplomatic than that could you?

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Thanks, all.

I just said no to her. But I'm still afraid of her. Anyway, a girl without money in Thailand is dangerous. Hope she will be fine.

You made the right choice, Anna. I was especially leery about it when you said she needed it for a plane ticket to LEAVE thailand.... to return who knows when. That's about a bad a situation to lend money as I've heard.

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One of my friends always ask me to lend her some money nearly every month. Of course she returns the money back on time. But just now the number she asked for is huge for me. I am hesitated. Now she even has no money to buy an air ticket to go home. I didnt charge any interest. So if I lend her, should I deserve the interest this time?

Tell her she should borrow it from a Farang guy. That way she does not have to repay.

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Thanks, all.

I just said no to her. But I'm still afraid of her. Anyway, a girl without money in Thailand is dangerous. Hope she will be fine.

Anna - why are you afraid of her - is she not a friend? Seems like you need to consider what sort of relationship it is that you have with her.

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