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Foreign National Child But Also With A Thai Birth Certificate Issued Abroad - Is He A Thai National?

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1. A child aged 2 years old who is a foreign national born outside of Thailand but also has a Thai birth certificate issued by a Thai embassy abroad.

Is he then yet a Thai national or not?

The child is not registered in Amphur and Tabien Baan book.

2. Is it possible for the mother to register a child with the above status at Amphur and in Tabien Baan book without the presence of the foreign father if the father doesnt want this to happen?

The Thai birth certificate is issued abroad and shows both parents, mother thai and father a foreigner. The child has the last name of only the foreign father.

The couple are legally married abroad but their marriage is not registered in Thailand.


3. Without the thai birth certificate in hand, will it then be possible to register the child at Amphur?

and how will this registration process differ from showing up at Amphur having a BC vs not? In such a case where is a new BC issued?

4. Is the mother able to obtain a Thai passport for the child if the father would not want that to happen?

In European countries it requires both parents signature to apply for a passport to a child.


Being born of a Thai makes one Thai, the child will probably also have the nationality of the father. Thailand allows dual nationality.

The birth is registered at a Thai embassy, that means it is already registered with the Thai government. The only thing that needs to be done is regestering the child on someones tabien baan (household book)

Registering the child on someones household book is necesarry to get a Thai passport in Thailand itself. From a Thai embassy it can be gotten with only the Thai birth certificate. It will always be possible to get a cop of that, but don't know where.

If both parents hold costudy over the child, both parents must sign for the passport.

Note that a passport doesn't make one Thai, it is only proof of nationality and identity. With registering the birth at the embassy the Thai governement has been notified of the birth of a Thai citizen.

3. Without the thai birth certificate in hand, will it then be possible to register the child at Amphur?

and how will this registration process differ from showing up at Amphur having a BC vs not? In such a case where is a new BC issued?

4. Is the mother able to obtain a Thai passport for the child if the father would not want that to happen?

In European countries it requires both parents signature to apply for a passport to a child.

You'll need the birth certificate issued by the Thai embassy overseas to reguster the child. You'll also need to have the Thai passport which the child entered the country on, so that the ampur officals can record the date the child entered Thailand. It also helps to have the mother there, and the head of the house to let the child be registered on the tabieen baan.

The Thai passport will require both parents permission, unless, I presume, one parent has full custody of the child.


This child already has a foreign nationality and is living abroad.

About the passport that was also what we thought, both must sign.

The reason behind this posting is that a grusome plan of someones thai wife has just been revealed. This thai woman does not know her plan is revealed as she has confide to someone she thought was a better friend than she was. This friends boyfriend was related to the father of this child through friends so his wifes plan got back to him not long ago.

Its all about her wanting to take the child back to stay in Thailand forever and having him to support schools and her there. She knows the father can and will not stay in Thailand. The child is soon ready to attend school which is one of the important reasons for why the child also must stay in Europe. The father loves this child dearly and spend alot of time with him doing all kind of activities. They live a very good standard life with no money issues at all. The thai wife isnt working.

Today the child doesnt have any valid travel document as the previous European passport has expired as they only last for 2 year at the time when the kids are young. A new passport will not be made no matter what knowing this.

Other from this the father has started to make his own plans about how to get rid of his wife after this plan was revealed. He noticed that his wife have been asking several times the last year that she wanted to go back alone with their son for a longer holiday but where he has refused.

In short he wants her out of the way and also out of the country. The idea about how to do it is something like. Masterminding a story about tax problems so they need to divorce and put the house and money in her name to be able to keep it safe away from the tax department.

The wife will probably see this as her chance to benefit from it later and also to hold some extra cards in negotiating for something at a later point.

After the divorce is complete the tax story will get worse rapid and he will tell her they need to flee the country and to Thailand very quickly for some time and that the childs grandparents will take care of their son for a couple of months.

He will time the whole thing precisly so that her EU visa is expiring just right after they return to Thailand. NO paper regarding the childs identity will be brought with them to Thailand and there will be a one way airplane ticket for both.

This means she is now divorced, her EU visa is expired and no identity papers of the child with her in Thailand and no return ticket.

This country in Europe also has a set of rules that once being married with one its citizen and then divorced, they will not issue a new visa. Its embassy abroad will also not approve a new marriage in Thailand if trying to marry another of their citizens again. This is to prevent Thai woman from seeking a husband just because being from this country.

So, how easy will it be for her to return to that country?

It has to be mentioned that the longer he is able to keep her away the better it is. He will as soon as possible seek a court ruling once she is not living there to get sole custody of their child. It can be done actually not that long time after if the mother doesn’t stay in the country.

Other ideas to make it happen are welcomed. The reason behind it all is to protect the child so it will have a safe and good future and also the father from being blackmailed.

Thanks for your help.

PS! The father has no problems with this might looking as another cruel plan. But his answer to that is; What is more important than my child safety and myself not being in a situation where I am blackmailed and not able to get my son back as he is then a Thai and living in Thailand. This I will prevent from happening no matter what, he says. He also ads that their life was never planned to live in Thailand.


This is now entering the area of illegal activity and not a lot to do with Visas. The question was answered. The Child is a Thai National. I would suggest that a Lawyer is needed.


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