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Getting Cut In Front Of In Line


Do people often cut in line in Thailand?  

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The problem with queue jumping is that it is very demeaning. It is sort of like you aren't important or your less important than the other person.

If I am not in a hurry and have a cart full of stuff and someone behind me has a couple of items, I let them go ahead of me. It's just easier and I feel less rushed getting my stuff all packed and taken care of.

By the way, I go back to the States about twice a year and line jumping isn't on there. First of all, the clerk simply won't serve you and those behind you are even less forgiving. They are also a lot more vocal than Thais and there aren't any smiles with it either.

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That being said, it's a s***load worse in the States. It's like road rage up close and personal

Well it depends on the situation but try jumping a line in NYC and then you will really see what rage is all about.

I've seen people get beat bad in NYC for cutting in line.

It usually wasn't the person cutting though, it was the person who complained. :)

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If that happened in the States I would tell him to F*** off but here what to do?

Ooooh! Handbags at dawn! In the UK you get stabbed and killed for doing that (use Google ... and it was the wrong person killed!) Luckily we're not in the UK. Shit happens. It's Asian, not Thai.

The lift thing is much worse in Tokyo (but it's fun pushing pissed salarymen out of the way). Personally, I think Singapore is a nasty place in many ways, but it's worth a visit just to experience the very deep joy of people pushing in and trying to get on while you're trying to get off the tube ... and you say ''<deleted> off you stupid <deleted>!'' ... and they understand you! It's brilliant!

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From what I've seen most farangs will get all loud in places like KFC and Big C, but usually sit quietly like good little school children in places like immigration and most district offices.



It's alright for you with your extensive body of staff and high level connections (those Tuk Tuk mafia boys...). Us lot have to look after ourselves...

Anyway, how would you know what goes on in Big C???? Go there often Heng?

Yeah, if remaining in a perpetual bent over position means "looking after yourselves," knock yourself out...


Of course I've been to Big C, I'm a man of the people, ...just not for the people.


Still find it hard to believe you shop in BigC... :D (Not even low-so me would shop there.)

I actually argue violently with an official at any office, always. I'm begging to be sent home; a reason to go home that The Missus can't whip my butt over. Visa denial , work permit denial, not standing at the cinema, anything would be perfect. Actually, back on thread, the blooody Bkk immigration office queue is a real pain in the arse... blooody foreigners jumping the queue non-stop (mostly your kindred Chinese folk... :) ).

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Still find it hard to believe you shop in BigC... :D (Not even low-so me would shop there.)

I actually argue violently with an official at any office, always. I'm begging to be sent home; a reason to go home that The Missus can't whip my butt over. Visa denial , work permit denial, not standing at the cinema, anything would be perfect. Actually, back on thread, the blooody Bkk immigration office queue is a real pain in the arse... blooody foreigners jumping the queue non-stop (mostly your kindred Chinese folk... :) ).

I didn't say I shopped there, but I definitely go there.

Well good for you. That's the kind of behaviour I try to inspire. It seems so hypocritical to stand up for one's rights in some fast food joint and then to act like a serf in some official place just because you have no idea who's who. Have seen the Suan Phlu immigration deal (might even be some family members doing the line cutting... more than a few insist on using their foreign passports despite having local citizenship), glad I don't have to go through it regularly.


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I can't believe no-one has pointed out a basic fact yet, so I'm throwing it into the mix. I haven't been living in Bangkok for long, but cutting cut in front of really pissed me off UNTIL i figured out a basic fact.

How to not get cut in front of = mentally over-ride your Western sense of personal space and simply stand so close to the person in front that you are basically committing frottage. I'm not inciting anyone here, and I know you'd be arrested if you tried it back home - I'm just stating the overlooked fact that Thais have little sense of personal space - weird huh? You get cut up because you give other's a Western personal space for their privacy. I'm NOT saying you should make bodily contact, by the way.

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Line/queue hopping is a cultural thing in the land of smiles and us as guests in the Kingdom of Thailand should accept that fact. After all, we are only guests and should be prepared to accept such things.

Would we be prepared to expect a Thai to stand in line at the post office in London? - No - we would let him jump the line, because that is his cultural preogrative.

Just takes a bit of cultural awareness, guys.

We as westerners don't have a monoloply on politeness.

Joking aside, I'm in a bad mood today. It is a good thing that the banks etc have begun using the ticket/number system over the last year. Cuts out the queue jumpers.

I have spent over 12 million baht in 6 years so dont say i am a frigging guest.No excuse for arrogance and ignorance.I will NOT allow anybody to deliberately treat me like a piece of shit and push me out of the way to go before me.I dont go mad at first,i just say sorry but i am next not you.

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I can't believe no-one has pointed out a basic fact yet, so I'm throwing it into the mix. I haven't been living in Bangkok for long, but cutting cut in front of really pissed me off UNTIL i figured out a basic fact.

How to not get cut in front of = mentally over-ride your Western sense of personal space and simply stand so close to the person in front that you are basically committing frottage. I'm not inciting anyone here, and I know you'd be arrested if you tried it back home - I'm just stating the overlooked fact that Thais have little sense of personal space - weird huh? You get cut up because you give other's a Western personal space for their privacy. I'm NOT saying you should make bodily contact, by the way.

Damm i thought you gave me an excuse to ride up against the pretty girl in front of me *LOL*

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Line/queue hopping is a cultural thing in the land of smiles and us as guests in the Kingdom of Thailand should accept that fact. After all, we are only guests and should be prepared to accept such things.

Would we be prepared to expect a Thai to stand in line at the post office in London? - No - we would let him jump the line, because that is his cultural preogrative.

Just takes a bit of cultural awareness, guys.

We as westerners don't have a monoloply on politeness.

Joking aside, I'm in a bad mood today. It is a good thing that the banks etc have begun using the ticket/number system over the last year. Cuts out the queue jumpers.

I have spent over 12 million baht in 6 years so dont say i am a frigging guest.No excuse for arrogance and ignorance.I will NOT allow anybody to deliberately treat me like a piece of shit and push me out of the way to go before me.I dont go mad at first,i just say sorry but i am next not you.

Pot..... Kettle..... Black.....

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From what I've seen most farangs will get all loud in places like KFC and Big C, but usually sit quietly like good little school children in places like immigration and most district offices.


Queue Jumping?A bad trait of the Thais,easy to discourage them,though!

If a child,small pat on the hand,he'll understand!

Woman?Stronger pat,and show away her things!

Man?Big pat and his groceries may fall on the floor!

Most of the time they are so surprised,they only look,mouth agape!

So many staff and other people around,they will not stab you there. :D

Immigration or Amphur:I want that few rights that the Country allow me.If I'm thrown out for something fishy,so be it.

It's a big world,outside. :D

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I have spent over 12 million baht in 6 years

WOW! !! :D What a HUGE contributor to the thai economy you are <- NOT! !! :). Tooting your own horn will get you NOWHERE here, but don't take my word for it, by all means keep tooting. ..

My question to you is: do you say your oh-so acerbic witticism in 'real' thai, in ‘two-word-tourist-thai’ or do you prefer to speak in what passes for ‘engrish’ in this neck of the woods?


Thankfully it seems I’m not the only person living in the glorious "Land 'O Thais" who thinks the queue jumping penchant the “indigenous natives” exhibit here is something that causes consternation to people who actually come from a ‘real’ country...

Good to know; (even with my thai-bashing penchant) that I am not alone in this oxymoronic quandary of the mythical and alleged thing known as "thai culture". :D

BTW: ANY thai that has a modicum of control over my ability to live in this country gets treated with deference, although the queue jumpers defintely do not get the same treatment

Edited by tod-daniels
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Seems you have parted with too much cash in the last 6 years doodie.....i personally keep this lot on a much tighter chain....i may have spent 600,000 baht in the last 6 years, does that qualify me for anything? :)

It will qualify you to be flamed by Todd i have so much money Daniels,who doesnt know how much i have spent the previous 4 years.What a horrible nasty guy he is,love to meet him though with the other guy :D

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Yes, thats definately one thing that happens alot in Thailand.

Its kind of like the idiots that try to get into the lift before the people inside it get out.

Pathetic people only concerned for themselves. :)

I voted no becuse i always stop them when they cut

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You need to proactively discourage line cutting. Stand in a manner which would make it very difficult for someone to get infront of you. If you notice someone sneaking up along side you make sure you step across infront of them.

And when you get to the counter make sure you're belly is right up touching the counter and put your arms out on the counter using up the entire area.

There is one thing I love about queue jumpers; when they manage to unwittingly jump into the middle of a group. So when the first person of the group reaches the front the entire group has to walk past the shamefaced queue jumper, as the rest of the queue asks each other how s/he ended up in the middle of that group.

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Yes and I never tolerate it unless it is someone who is doing so because they are physically disabled or elderly.

Yesterday I was getting a taxi at the On Nut BTS station, and the cops pulled over 3 taxis that people had jumped in a few dozen meters up the street ahead of the 70 person line in an attempt to cut in front. I was very happy. Then some young Thai girls had to yell at some ignorant teen age boys who tried to cut in front of the line.

A couple months ago in Dubai a Indian cut in front of me in the line at Carefor. I gripped him up by his shoulder, yanked him back, and said "What you didn't see me there??? You think I'm someone you can just jump in front of??? Get in the back of the line!"

He bantered on for awhile as I paid for my goods and was still going as I left. I think more people should stand up against that sort of ignorant azz behavior. That's one of my pet peeves.

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From what I've seen most farangs will get all loud in places like KFC and Big C, but usually sit quietly like good little school children in places like immigration and most district offices.


Queue Jumping?A bad trait of the Thais,easy to discourage them,though!

If a child,small pat on the hand,he'll understand!

Woman?Stronger pat,and show away her things!

Man?Big pat and his groceries may fall on the floor!

Most of the time they are so surprised,they only look,mouth agape!

So many staff and other people around,they will not stab you there. :D

Immigration or Amphur:I want that few rights that the Country allow me.If I'm thrown out for something fishy,so be it.

It's a big world,outside. :D

Thanks for confirming my anecdote. Although I think you'll find the pushy vs. kowtowing hypocrisy also extends to anywhere that the farang is a fish out of water. Usually the extent of protest is 'hyper eye rolling/mumbling' with no one paying much attention.


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Too little space for too many people. Can include the roadways also. The banks and post office seem to have successfully brought in the 'take a number' system. I do not do Car 4, Tesco etc. Que jumpers seem to hesitate at Global/Home Pro as the hand tools I am carrying seem to be a visual warning. I still open doors and stand aside for females, young and old, offer seat to female when seating is full, and will even let a car merge into traffic (sometimes) and get the nicest smiles, waves, and thank you's imaginable. When some dip does jump the que/line I ask them if they are in a hurry to get back to work? This normally bring a 'sorry' and a retreat.

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Yes, one of my pet peeves...When I was just holidaying it didn't matter but it was frustrating....now I won't let it happen unless it could cause me bodily harm, but on the same note I've noticed at resorts and whatnot that cater to farangs I will be served before a thai that has been waiting longer...I don't like it when it happens to me so I wait my proper turn....When I am driving through Tesco Lotus or mall I also notice most drivers just whiz right by pedestrians...I stop and let them go...some just stand there not knowing what I am doing others are grateful and give a wave....I always tell my GF that it has to start somewhere and maybe if I let someone cross the road etc. maybe they will do the same...who knows but if you do nothing nothing will happen....

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It used to happen to me all the time, then as I started to learn a little thai I started to say "jink jink bye guy guy"... Bigger, smaller, man, woman doesn't matter I don't let them cut in front of me, the only people I let cut in front of me is the elderly people.

It amazes me at time how rude Thais can be, I have never once cut infront of the line. If some one is behind me at the store and I have a cart full of food and they only have a few items, I tell them to cut in front of me... Yet in 4 years I have NEVER had a Thai offer to let me cut infront of them when they have a cart full and I have a few items.

There seems to be a lack of manners all around when it comes to lines, but its not Thailand specific, its the same in Korea, China, and probably most asian countries.

You also see people jumping the lines at red lights, driving up the left turn only lane so they can then force their way over into the lane going straight cutting a bunch of cars.

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Yes, one of my pet peeves...When I was just holidaying it didn't matter but it was frustrating....now I won't let it happen unless it could cause me bodily harm, but on the same note I've noticed at resorts and whatnot that cater to farangs I will be served before a thai that has been waiting longer...I don't like it when it happens to me so I wait my proper turn....When I am driving through Tesco Lotus or mall I also notice most drivers just whiz right by pedestrians...I stop and let them go...some just stand there not knowing what I am doing others are grateful and give a wave....I always tell my GF that it has to start somewhere and maybe if I let someone cross the road etc. maybe they will do the same...who knows but if you do nothing nothing will happen....

To us it makes perfect sense Richard, it has to start somewhere.

But my observations are that if you stop to let the pedestrian across it makes it more dangerous. The Pedestrian thinks it is safe, but the guy in the car behind you decides to overtake (why the heck has this person stopped and holding me up) and cleans the pedestrian up on the way through. Or the motorbikes whizzing past.

But you are right, it has to start somewhere.

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What action I take if someone jumps the line depends on who it is.

If it`s a 6ft guy built like a brick sh-t house, than I just smile and step back.

But if the queue jumper is only a cute little school kid, sweet old lady or a disabled person, than I would smack them in the face, push em to the ground and say; now let that be a lesson to ya.

Well, that`s the normal thing to do, isn`t it?

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What action I take if someone jumps the line depends on who it is.

If it`s a 6ft guy built like a brick sh-t house, than I just smile and step back.

But if the queue jumper is only a cute little school kid, sweet old lady or a disabled person, than I would smack them in the face, push em to the ground and say; now let that be a lesson to ya.

Well, that`s the normal thing to do, isn`t it?

I see you had your 'comedy' pill this morning Sass. :)

Back to the topic at hand, normally it's some motorbike taxi guy or equiv that i see to this at 711. They walk in and exclaim loudly "happy 100 baht" or similar while I am paying. When this happens I make sure I ask the nice teller a few extra questions to reward them with this impatience. Not sure if they feel better when I do this, but I know I do.

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I just push back in front of them and say sorry i was here first.

Same here. Usually with a smile. The only time I did get annoyed was at a bank when I was paying some money in and the guy who'd just finished his transaction came back, pushed my money and paying in slip to one side and laid his bank book down again and started telling the clerk there was a problem. Completely ignored me. Rude bastard. If he'd indicated to me that he had a problem (maybe with body language assuming I didn't speak Thai) I would have politely let him conclude his business. I picked his bank book up and handed it to him telling him he'd have to wait and not to touch my money. Give the bank it's due the clerk told him to she'd attend to him after serving me.

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