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All alcohol is going to make you fat if you are eating crap like pizza to excess and not getting adequate exercise. Alcohol can't be stored in the body and as a result, your body will give it priority over all other things for energy production in the body. So basically when alcohol is present in your body there will be a reduction in the number of fat calories you burn. Also, alcohol can increase your appetite (and lower your testosterone levels for up to 24 hours after you finish drinking :) ). Additionally, although alcohol such as spirits has no carb content they are still very high in calories. Alcohol contains 7.1 Calories per gram, where carbs only contain 4 calories per gram. So a lot of alcohol use will largely increase your calorie intake and what is not burnt will be stored as body fat.

No way?! Now THAT has got me thinking about the amount of beer I consume... :D

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All alcohol is going to make you fat if you are eating crap like pizza to excess and not getting adequate exercise. Alcohol can't be stored in the body and as a result, your body will give it priority over all other things for energy production in the body. So basically when alcohol is present in your body there will be a reduction in the number of fat calories you burn. Also, alcohol can increase your appetite (and lower your testosterone levels for up to 24 hours after you finish drinking :) ). Additionally, although alcohol such as spirits has no carb content they are still very high in calories. Alcohol contains 7.1 Calories per gram, where carbs only contain 4 calories per gram. So a lot of alcohol use will largely increase your calorie intake and what is not burnt will be stored as body fat.

No way?! Now THAT has got me thinking about the amount of beer I consume... :D

Hi captain are you still loosing weight ?

And yes its good to have high testosterone levels as it helps to build muscle and get rid of fat.

You live in Thailand and a bit of a belly is no big deal with the girls, actually read somewhere it was a sign of wealth or something . if its just a pot belly you will survive . Obese is a different story. I drink sang mig light and its done nothing for my belly but love the taste

The girls that i have spoken with here in Thailand don't like pot bellies or fat guys. These are of course not the "hey hansum man" girls you can find around, these like fat.. but preferably a fat wallet. Of course there are always exceptions but im talking general speaking.

You are right it is a sign of wealth but not in Thailand i believe some island in the South Pacific.

which Island? my bags are packed, sounds like heaven :)

All alcohol is going to make you fat if you are eating crap like pizza to excess and not getting adequate exercise. Alcohol can't be stored in the body and as a result, your body will give it priority over all other things for energy production in the body. So basically when alcohol is present in your body there will be a reduction in the number of fat calories you burn. Also, alcohol can increase your appetite (and lower your testosterone levels for up to 24 hours after you finish drinking :) ). Additionally, although alcohol such as spirits has no carb content they are still very high in calories. Alcohol contains 7.1 Calories per gram, where carbs only contain 4 calories per gram. So a lot of alcohol use will largely increase your calorie intake and what is not burnt will be stored as body fat.

No way?! Now THAT has got me thinking about the amount of beer I consume... :D

Hi captain are you still loosing weight ?

And yes its good to have high testosterone levels as it helps to build muscle and get rid of fat.

Hi there - losing weight no, losing bodyfat % yes - which is OK I guess (although my knees don't always agree) - but although I have cut down a lot on the booze this thread has got me considering how much more I might have achieved if I laid off it altogether!




Junki, you are a very ok guy. Tell you what, I know very well: wanting nothing is ecstasy

okok, make that: Drink nothing at all, alcohol that is, but more water. Start right now. Dispose every alc bottle at your home right now and never buy one again. It's over.

The only person who is in charge is you. No one else can tell you, what your hands and arms have to do. The one and only master is your mind.

To make it easier, start something complete new and stay with that. Long walks for instance.

I smoked 13 years and I stopped with a cigarette between my fingers. I thought, ok that's it. I do not need that shit. First days/weeks were strange, but slowly I completely forget the smoke. I really don't care.


Thanks Birdman....gotta give the fags up aswell...I promised myself at 25 i`ll stop so another to 2 years of abuse :D

Its Friday.........oh dear :)

I`ll report in tomorrow guys.......have a goodweekend....

  • 2 weeks later...

I have drunk around 5 to 8 pints of beer a day for 46 years and now sport, not a trifling six pack but my very own firkin. My effusive personality and charm, plus my wallet, serve me very well with the Thai ladies. If I were to lose weight at my age I would have a size 12 body in a size 16 skin. Euch, I have seen such old people and believe me carrying weight is better than trailing your skin behind you like the late Princess Diana's wedding dress. Cheers :)


Drink beer, lose weight

The impossible is possible, just follow these rules

You think you eat pretty healthily?

You've cut down on the sugary snacks and fry-ups? So why aren't you losing weight? The answer could be in that glass in front of you. It certainly doesn't feel like the equivalent of a doughnut, but as far as your belly's concerned, it is.

Booze is full of calories – only fat has more

It's not for nothing that that roll of lard around your middle is called a beer gut! So, if you seriously want to lose weight, do you have to become a hermit and abstain from the booze?

The answer is no – you just need to know your enemy.

Here's the science bit:

The body gives alcohol special treatment – it's fast-tracked straight from the stomach to the bloodstream, and then to the liver. Half of the alcohol will be absorbed just 10 minutes after having a drink, and all of it within an hour – faster if you drink on an empty stomach.

Why the hurry? Alcohol is a toxin, so the body's aim is to get it to the liver – the body's detox plant – as fast as possible.

But the liver can only break down about one unit of alcohol per hour, and any amount above this is turned away as it arrives at the liver and sent back into the bloodstream, to circulate around the body - causing damaging effects to all the cells it comes into contact with – until the liver can process it.

While the liver is dealing with an alcohol onslaught it's distracted from its other important functions. This leads to a build-up of fatty substances in the liver, which prevent it from working properly. 'Fatty liver' is the first stage of liver disease seen in heavy drinkers but it can be reversed if they stop drinking. But if they continue to drink, liver cells die, and there is a progression eventually to irreversible cirrhosis.

Booze and calories

Take a look at the calories in some drinks...

Beers, lager and cider (per pint)

Bitter 180 calories

Mild bitter 142 calories

Pale ale 182 calories

Brown ale 160 calories

Stout 210 calories

Lager – ordinary strength 170 calories

Lager – premium 338 calories

Dry cider 190 calories

Sweet cider 220 calories

Vintage sweet cider 580 calories

Wine (175ml glass)

Red wine 119 calories

Rose wine 125 calories

White wine (sweet) 165 calories

White wine (medium) 132 calories

White wine (sweet) 116 calories

Sparkling white wine 133 calories

Spirits (25ml pub measure)

Vodka, gin, whisky, brandy, rum etc 52 calories

Liquers (25ml pub measure)

Tia Maria, Cherry Brandy, Advocaat 66 calories

Cointreau, Drambuie 79 calories

Cream liquers 81 calories

And don't forget to add the calories for the mixers!


To burn off a 180 kcal pint of bitter (a fairly tame beast in the drinks comparison league), you'd need to do any of the following:

o 14 minutes of running

o 17 minutes of swimming

o 20 minutes of football

o 28 minutes of cycling

o 29 minutes badminton

o 44 minutes of walking

Drinking tips for lean guys

o Watch the glass size

o A one-unit wine glass is a tiny 125ml – a size that doesn't exist any more. Standard is 175ml, and large can be up to 250ml. And remember that measures poured by mates at home are notoriously generous!

o Go slow - no more than one unit per hour

o If you drink alcohol faster than the liver can handle it, it'll build up in your bloodstream, intensifying its inebriating effects and making you less able to say no to the next pint – or that chicken balti.

o Steer clear of Premium

o Premium lager and strong vintage ciders pack a far heftier punch than their less alcoholic cousins. And because that's where the calories lurk, these drinks aren't for racing snakes!

o Steer clear of sweetness

o Added sugar bumps up the calorie count – sweet wines and ciders are more calorific than drier versions, and syrupy liquers (especially the creamy ones with their added fat) are worst of all.

o Alternate alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic ones.

o Not only will this slow down your drinking, and limit the amount of alcohol calories you consume, it will help to rehydrate you, reducing the threat of a hangover.

o Eat before you go out, not after.

o Eating a healthy snack or meal beforehand will line your stomach and slow the uptake of alcohol into your bloodstream, so you'll be less likely to get ratted and make decisions that spell disaster for your waistline. Alcohol clouds your judgement, so any health resolutions are likely to fly out the window after a few drinks. And research has shown that if you drink with a meal you'll eat more, as well as eating more fats.

Words by registered nutritionist Carina Norris, author of You Are What You Eat: the meal planner that will change your life.

The Beer Drinkers Guide to Losing Weight

the book on how to lose weight by drinking beer - written by...etc

with thanks..from Mens Health....will drink tae that.... :)


Alcohol comes with dummy, thermal calories. Those that make Russians froze to death in snow while they think they are sweating hot after a litre of vodka.

How could beer make you fat?

Consider locking yourself up with 2 barrelrs of beer (370L) and get someone to come and check what you look like after a month.

Not only you would not be fat, you would be a dead skin-and-bone skeleton.

It's <deleted> life that beer drinkers conduct, pizza, finger food, inactivity, gravy steaks, fries...that's what makes them fat, not beer.


You're in serious trouble dude!!! You are only 22 YO and already an alcoholic. Get in touch with the AA and lay off the golden liquid.

You have to accept that you are an alcoholic before you can get better. There is no middle way here. Just like quitting smoking. I quit smoking 17 years ago. Haven't puffed on a cig for that long and probably never will again.

Good luck.

My best friend beer is finally taken a toll on the belly! the girlfriends not happy either....I`m only 22 :D

I love beer and have no intensions to stop drinking the gold liquid...but I do need to slow down and switch to Low carb beer...

My question does lower carb beers really make a big difference? or is like lower milli cigarettes? still does damage??

Pure blonde is goood :D

The other night I was having a beer before dinner and my girlfriend ask, "If you can choose only one, BEER or ME which one?"

I looked at her and then the can of Heineken in my hand took a mouthful and said YOU! :D:D:):D


By the way, I used to have a bottle of whiskey beside my bed. Now, I do not keep whiskey or beer or any other form of alcoholic beverage at home because it is difficult to stay away from it - especially when the bottle of whiskey has been opened. It beacons. It yearns attention. SO I indulge it.

So you also have to change your lifestyle and stay away from places where you are most likely to be tempted. When a fox is near the chicken house, it is difficult for the fox would really be tempted to dance with the chickens.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Beer is made from the fermentation of sugar and yeast into alcohol. Alcohol contains calories, but drinking alcohol itself doesn't usually lead to weight gain. The residual sugars do (sugars are carbs, just like pepsi).

That sugar can come from anywhere, such as rice in japanese beer or corn and barley in the u.s. or wheat in belgium. it is steeped in hot water until the sugar comes out of the grain, but is basically sugar water.

Not too different than coke or pepsi, however. coke has 155 calories for 12oz, while a budweiser is 145.

But if you came home from work and had a six pack of 12oz cokes every day, you would be pretty fat too. this is the real reason.

Drink beer, lose weight

Lager – ordinary strength 170 calories

Lager – premium 338 calories

o Steer clear of Premium

Sorry to sidetrack the topic but I'm a little confused as to why a premium lager would have double the calories of a regular lager? I would have thought that they would have been pretty much the same as the main difference between them would be different hops and yeast.

i think you can take red wine it is healthy & good for heart.

I know i am looking like crazy giving you different idea all of a sudden but try it, it is really very good i take red wine every day.

But how much of it do you drink? I had a good friend who thought the same, gave up the beer and onto the red wine, ended up drinking three bottles a night died at 58 with an heart attack. No easy way out of the alcohol problem I think :)

I drink sang mig light and its done nothing for my belly but love the taste

OMG! Someone has used the words "San Mig Light" and "taste" in the same sentence.

I tried SM Light a few months back and it's tasteless pishwater, in fact a bottle of soda water has more taste, why the hel_l do you think they ram a slice of lime in the neck of the bottle.

You're in serious trouble dude!!! You are only 22 YO and already an alcoholic. Get in touch with the AA and lay off the golden liquid.

Ignore this <deleted>, you are not an alcoholic. If you look at the criteria outfits like AA use to judge whether you are an alky or not at least 75% of the world population would be deemed alcoholics. Good news for the AA as they like to suck people in and indoctrinate them to recruit others.

By the way, I used to have a bottle of whiskey beside my bed.

So just because you like a few beers you get judged alongside this real alky. That's AA for you, they degrade you until you believe their propaganda and start to really believe you are one of them, then it's too late you are sucked into "The Organisation" and will soon be out recruiting.

If you want to lose weight firstly stay off the beers for a few days a week. Exercise every, and I mean every, day even if it's only a walk for a couple of hours (I don't do gyms, they are for men to pose and be admired by other men). Sure you get sweaty but a cool shower at the end of it puts everything right then quench your thirst with soda water. Here in Viet Nam we have bottles of green tea with lemon and it's a very good thirst quenching alternate to soda but you have to watch the sugar content (32g per 330ml) and the calories (128 per 330). The same stuff should be available in Thailand, there are various brands, the one I have here now is by San Miguel (of all people) but there are others.

  • 4 weeks later...

Unfortunately for those beer-lovers it's not only the blank calories of beer and the habit of drinking a lot of that (for me terrible) stuff that makes you fat.

It was mentioned a couple of times before that beer lowers testosterone.

This is true, but it's still not the whole bad story. Beer lowers testosterone by reducing the synthesis of testosterone in the body. The culprit for this are the phytoestrogens that come from the hops in the beer. These phytoestrogens are steroids with a very similar molecular structure as the female hormone estrogen. The high level of phytoestrogens in beer works to give off the presence of regular female estrogen in the male body. In fact, the levels of phytoestrogen in hops are so high that many female 'breast enhancement' products contain high doses of the plant. Over time as the estrogen levels continue to rise with more beer consumption, the body begins to read these levels and reacts. Through a more complex hormonal feedback mechanism and by the fact that these phytohormones occupy receptor sites for male and female hormones the body is tricked into believing that there is an excess in sexual hormones available and thus it also starts to shut down the production of the male hormone testosterone to a certain degree.

Now you have an excess of hormones mimicking the female estrogen and not enough of the male hormone testosterone. The effects of that are very well visible. First of all it's no secret that drinking a lot of beer makes one impotent or at least one is not as potent any more as he would be without it. Another important effect is the change in metabolism and the predisposition for storing fat. Women store fat differently than men - obvious. Now look at how real heavy beer drinkers get fat. They are having a distinctively different way of storing fat than other obese men - and that's the effect of the hormonal imbalances. Phytoestrogens in hops can cause fat to be deposited into the classic "beer-belly" pattern. You don't get a beer belly by just eating too much - the reason for the beer belly is the hormonal imbalance induced by the phytoestrogens in beer.

Now there is another even more disturbing effect that is visible with many heavy beer drinkers. The female hormones start to let some men develop man-boobs. Basically stated, man boobs are stored fat deposits that harden over time and can not be broken down. These fat deposits occur in pectoral or breast tissue areas. The end result is fatty breast tissue with puffy and discolored nipples.

If you don't believe this just google phytoestrogens and beer and you will find hundreds of serious medical and biochemical references explaining this in debth.

Here some other very clear indications for the presence of female hormones in beer:

If a man drinks too much beer...

...he will not be able to stand up and will sit down to pee

...his driving is getting terrible and dangerous

...he is starting to talk too much without making sense

...he is getting emotional

...he is failing to think rationally

...he is starting to argue over nothing

...he is refusing to apologize when obviously wrong


Man, am I happy that I don't like beer!!

Unfortunately for those beer-lovers it's not only the blank calories of beer and the habit of drinking a lot of that (for me terrible) stuff that makes you fat.

It was mentioned a couple of times before that beer lowers testosterone.

.......The end result is fatty breast tissue with puffy and discolored nipples.....

If a man drinks too much beer...

...he will not be able to stand up and will sit down to pee

...his driving is getting terrible and dangerous

...he is starting to talk too much without making sense

...he is getting emotional

...he is failing to think rationally

...he is starting to argue over nothing

...he is refusing to apologize when obviously wrong


So, excessive beer drinking turns you into a female but still you're not gay? :)

My opinion: beer tastes like piss, whiskey tastes like turpentine. I tried it and never understood it. It's calorie-laden poison.

i think you can take red wine it is healthy & good for heart.

I know i am looking like crazy giving you different idea all of a sudden but try it, it is really very good i take red wine every day.

Nah ! gives me a headache .

You live in Thailand and a bit of a belly is no big deal with the girls, actually read somewhere it was a sign of wealth or something . if its just a pot belly you will survive . Obese is a different story. I drink sang mig light and its done nothing for my belly but love the taste

No WAY man, woman need an sixpack :D ....

Just joking :) , but yeah beer makes you fat, because you drink large quantities of the stuff. But drinking the spirits, won't make you much fat, but kills the organs way quicker than beer ( only if you take straight shots, not mixing )

Don't agree with the one regarding spirits, i am 74 (look and feel 60-) and have been drinking West Indian Rum since i was 21 yrs old and in the Royal Navy where we used to get a tot every day.


Its not always the beer thats the culprit. Beer makes you crave a certain type of food being exactly what you stated, salty,spicy,lots of snacks such as peanuts,chips not to mention perhaps the odd pizza after leaving the pub. I switched to cider with ice, a great drink for a hot day however its expensive but you dont chug it down like beer and I drink less

  • 6 months later...

Switch to spirits. Scotch you can drink w/ water or soda. I stay away from beer as I can and I love it. Precisely the reason.

Pretty Thai women like fat farang about as much as farang women do - not all all. Don't kid yourself. When I found out how much they are really down on it, I lost another few kg.

Not healthy either!!!

  • 1 month later...

Switch to spirits. Scotch you can drink w/ water or soda. I stay away from beer as I can and I love it. Precisely the reason.

Pretty Thai women like fat farang about as much as farang women do - not all all. Don't kid yourself. When I found out how much they are really down on it, I lost another few kg.

Not healthy either!!!

Its a bit of an improvement spirits over beer but still the alcohol is 7 cal per gram. On a bottle of wiskey that could be 1000 (liter is about 1000 grams) x 40 % (alchol content) x 7 = 2800 cals that is more then what a active guy burns in a day. (so if you only had that bottle you would still get fatter because you don't burn it off) (not many drink a whole bottle however)

Then it also lowers your testosterone and that is real bad too because low testosterone will help you get fat easy.

But still i can understand people to want to drink so just drink sensibly and reduce your food intake during that day.


Ive seen only san miguel light (so sweet I can't drink it more than once a night) and then chang light, which I hear is ok but it's only sold in a few places.


The calories you intake VS calories you burn - it's all that counts. You want to lose fat, you have to intake less than you burn, or you have to burn more than you intake. If a guy sits on his all all day in front of TV with a beer in his hand - he doesn't burn a lot and probably his intake is 2-3 times (or even more) than he burns.

You plan on drinking in the evening? Adjust your food intake for the day.

I stay away from beers and coolers and such. When I drink, I drink whiskey with soda or vodka on a rocks. I do enjoy an odd beer once in a while in a hot day, but I can afford to do it because I spend in average 2 hrs x 5 times a week in a gym.

  • 5 weeks later...

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