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Has Living In Thailand Made You Lazier?


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Simply enough question. Has anyone got any lazier since living in Thailand due to the lifestyle? I personally have. I used to always be up early when in the UK but now I sleep in most chances I get. I also get severely bored of everything (especially visiting Central every day of every week because of nothing else to do) and said boredom makes me feel I have not slept for days. For example on Mother's Day I got up at 1pm, went to Central with my girlfriend, left around 5pm (after visiting the same shops for the Nth time) and I am so tired though boredom that by 7pm I just want to sleep.

Does anyone else feel like this? Does anyone have any advice?



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Simply enough question. Has anyone got any lazier since living in Thailand due to the lifestyle? I personally have. I used to always be up early when in the UK but now I sleep in most chances I get. I also get severely bored of everything (especially visiting Central every day of every week because of nothing else to do) and said boredom makes me feel I have not slept for days. For example on Mother's Day I got up at 1pm, went to Central with my girlfriend, left around 5pm (after visiting the same shops for the Nth time) and I am so tired though boredom that by 7pm I just want to sleep.

Does anyone else feel like this? Does anyone have any advice?



Get a job Ian. Perhaps it's time to drop the mall rat persona. :)

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Before I came here I was working nearly ALL of the time , then I thought thats it , ive had enough and im giving it all up.

Came here and I do NOTHING , its wonderful . No I never get bored , I do get tired but I have just become like the rest of the Thais , they laze about doing nothing , why cant I .

Exercise is my problem , I dont do any and I know with all the smoking and drinking and eating , Im going to die but at least I will be happy doing i t.

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Before I came here I was working nearly ALL of the time , then I thought thats it , ive had enough and im giving it all up.

Came here and I do NOTHING , its wonderful . No I never get bored , I do get tired but I have just become like the rest of the Thais , they laze about doing nothing , why cant I .

Exercise is my problem , I dont do any and I know with all the smoking and drinking and eating , Im going to die but at least I will be happy doing i t.

How long have you been retired? :)

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Before I came here I was working nearly ALL of the time , then I thought thats it , ive had enough and im giving it all up.

Came here and I do NOTHING , its wonderful . No I never get bored , I do get tired but I have just become like the rest of the Thais , they laze about doing nothing , why cant I .

Exercise is my problem , I dont do any and I know with all the smoking and drinking and eating , Im going to die but at least I will be happy doing i t.

Could be a case of minor depression - increased sleep is one of the red flags; maybe a bit of adjustment disorder...but what might be more on the money would be not having a plan of what you would do with your life once you got to Thailand. You don't give your age, but if you've spent a life of concentrated work before arriving here with no plans - doing nothing just isn't your style. Obviously, doing the mall maggot thing isn't, either. That's good. What hobbies did you have before you came here? Did you have any hobbies that you had to give up because you didn't have time in your prior life? Perhaps you could try to pick those up again.

Just some thoughts...

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fine line between lazy and relaxing

I have found i can relax more,not worrying about working 12-14 hours a day 6 days a week.Now i can do what i want,within reason and feel healthier and slimmer.Most days we walk and stop for lunch or do some shopping,or tenpin bowls or golf or shag lol.

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Up to you, you can even stay in bed. It's your life you are wasting by letting precious time elapse. You never will be that young tomorrow.

I would stop doing that. Change radically, make a sacrifice and maybe move to a more natural surrounding and start something which helps you to know yourself better.

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I became bored and lazy when I was about 57 years old and came to the conclusion that my career had gone as far as it would. Now retired at 64 years old, I am still lazy. I can't say that I am really bored. I was bored when I lived in the farang ghetto. The beach got old as well as the bars and the same old faces. Living upcountry has helped me a lot. I have a lot of toys, land and a well equipped workshop. I have a lot of things to do that I just never seem to get around to doing. I am now in a state of proper laziness. :)

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Before I came here I was working nearly ALL of the time , then I thought thats it , ive had enough and im giving it all up.

Came here and I do NOTHING , its wonderful . No I never get bored , I do get tired but I have just become like the rest of the Thais , they laze about doing nothing , why cant I .

Exercise is my problem , I dont do any and I know with all the smoking and drinking and eating , Im going to die but at least I will be happy doing i t.


Good on ya!

Same here...worked all the time including morning, afternoon and evening runs and workout sessions.

Told myself before I retired here that I may still run, but not going to do squat. Cuz now I can.

I have achieved the goal of laying about, doing nothing except anything that I feel like at the moment.

Luckly, I have a Thai family that tells me all the time to take it easy, don't think too much, jai yen, and relax...

I still go for a run in the a.m. ( not as far distance wise as I should ) and then take the rest of the day to relax/recover.

Yeah, I got lazier.

and it feels sooooooooooooo good.

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When I came to live in Thailand 8 Years ago, i was shocked at seing the Thai people just falling asleep anywhere. The Motorcycle guys fast asleep. Thai people seem to be able to just doze off wherever and whenever they want to, even if its just for a couple of minutes.

I had a building firm in my house, the Boss of the firm curled up on my sofa and had a long sleep...

I had never seen it before, coming from the UK, i had been working long hours. and now, I try to have a little doze now and again, if you can't beat them, Join them.

Yes I think I got Lazier, but I still have a few hobbies to keep me sain. :)

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Not even!

Since we got 4& 1/2+ Rai a couple of years ago I find myself watering the trees & plants installing endless water systems & in general working harder than I was when I was 18. But I do not mind at all My choice- better for me to keep fit & busy & try to take a day off a week & just lounge around. Life has been easier since we sold 1/2 the lot to some friends. 1/2 the maintenance. Now I can devote my full attention to building the 2nd house. First small one was to test the water. The water was tepid at best on the last build -so I will be doing most of my own building to avoid stupid 85 degree corners!

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Being retired I only do things that I would enjoy doing, if it doesn't sound like fun I get a handyman to do it for a few baht.

Don't have time to be bored as my hobbies keep me busy. And I have mastered spending a lot of time doing absolutely nothing and doing it very well I might add.

Retirement is good....... :):D :D

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Before I came here I was working nearly ALL of the time , then I thought thats it , ive had enough and im giving it all up.

Came here and I do NOTHING , its wonderful . No I never get bored , I do get tired but I have just become like the rest of the Thais , they laze about doing nothing , why cant I .

Exercise is my problem , I dont do any and I know with all the smoking and drinking and eating , Im going to die but at least I will be happy doing i t.

...maybe not. Some people suffer the last years in agony. At least you realise where's the problem.

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As one that has studied intercultural management and relationhips in depth, I can tell you that you are just suffering from a severe bout of culture shock. The best thing you could so right now is to go for a holiday to a country that has a very different culture : maybe Australia, lets say. When you get back, it will put Thailand in perspective again and you will feel much better in yourself.

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Yes, me too, i put most of it down to the heat, too hot to walk, etc, in the uk i would walk my dog for hours up on the moor, or walk along the river dart on sundays ,here cant be bothered,however i do have a hobby, off road motorcycling,i go to cambodia for 10 days at a time, i ALWAYS find the energy for that,so theres a tip, get a hobby, may work for you,. :)

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:) ..lazier? what's that? never heard of it! in fact, i got busier. have to think abt my gf's family mai sabai. have to worry my rote kerng break down somewhere in the mountains n the towing charge for a farang costs a mountain of bahts. have to think what's for dinner for a whole village when the folks are celIbrating some god's birthdays, have to .....i could go on n on....hen-pecked? NO! just happen to be a sex-slave n enjoying it. so how on earth i can get lazier? i'm lapping it all up.....try it, s&m is hard work ......................GOT IT????????? :D
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Actually i have more energy then when i was in Holland. I do exercise a lot more then when i was in Holland. I have however sometimes problems with working when there is no pressure. Especially after a real busy month i go slower the first 1 1/2 week of the new month. But that is ok im self employed. Still i would like it if i could go on and on.

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Not even!

Since we got 4& 1/2+ Rai a couple of years ago I find myself watering the trees & plants installing endless water systems & in general working harder than I was when I was 18. But I do not mind at all My choice- better for me to keep fit & busy & try to take a day off a week & just lounge around. Life has been easier since we sold 1/2 the lot to some friends. 1/2 the maintenance. Now I can devote my full attention to building the 2nd house. First small one was to test the water. The water was tepid at best on the last build -so I will be doing most of my own building to avoid stupid 85 degree corners!

So its you who is knicking the land off thais,pretending its your ladies money :)

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Not even!

Since we got 4& 1/2+ Rai a couple of years ago I find myself watering the trees & plants installing endless water systems & in general working harder than I was when I was 18. But I do not mind at all My choice- better for me to keep fit & busy & try to take a day off a week & just lounge around. Life has been easier since we sold 1/2 the lot to some friends. 1/2 the maintenance. Now I can devote my full attention to building the 2nd house. First small one was to test the water. The water was tepid at best on the last build -so I will be doing most of my own building to avoid stupid 85 degree corners!

So its you who is knicking the land off thais,pretending its your ladies money :)

Exactly :D

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Only boring people get bored.

I know, and I am a very boring person. I bore myself to death. I am hoping our new land purchase will help so I can get back into gardening, something that I've always loved, and help me get some exercise. I am content but bored, if that makes any sense. Surprised my wife puts up with me. She seems to be happy simply by not being shat upon by me as many of her girlfriends' husbands have done to them.

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Lazier? Without a doubt.

But the heat must take most of the blame for that, and adopting to the thai style after several years here.

I am only 46, retired here some years ago. Spent some years of my early life travelling around the tennis circuit most parts of the world, and found my lady that way here in Thailand. Retired after some good years and times on the internet though.

I rarely find myself playing tennis anymore, the heat is just too much. But indoor badminton can be recommended, golf etc.

The thai style of living is getting to me too, despite of trying to keep up my shape and health.

But I never get bored, as there are still so many things to do here in Thailand.

I kinda like the way my everyday life turns out, and laziness has just become a part of it. Still no time to get bored, but hey, I am only 46.

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