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Over 1,000 Red-shirts To File Thaksin Pardon Petition Monday

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Politcal instability always affects the economy to a lesser or greater deal depending on the level of instability. There are estimates for what both the ariprot and Songkhran cost Thailand but not for ther ongoing saga.

In realpolitk opponets of government know that instability hurts government thorugh both the economy and maybe more so but not seen through the inability of government to push through needed plans. Both yellow and red have used these tactics to hurt governments they dont like. It is all part of the game - dont let government function and maximise the hurt people feel hoping they will blame government.

And so because the Yellow's did it, it's OK for the reds to do it??

Fantastic logic...

And the yellows are terrorists, while reds doing the same thing are pro-democracy.

Just so we have our terminology set.

And so because the Yellow's did it, it's OK for the reds to do it??

Fantastic logic...

And the yellows are terrorists, while reds doing the same thing are pro-democracy.

Just so we have our terminology set.

No, I think that both sides have at times gone completely over the top and lost any claim they might have had to be espousing legitimate grievances. The violence at Songkran was just as unacceptable to me as the acts of violence by the yellows. Killings of opponents by either side should be condemned without hesitation.

What I took exception to on this thread, was those posters who appear to only focus on the lunacy of some of the red actions, whilst keeping quiet, or even applauding similar excesses from the yellows.

As for "Democracy", well I think that died when the Army took to the streets in 2006.

The Reds are twisting the knife into the economy. <deleted> for ?

Simply following the example set by the boys in yellow?

Quite amazing to read all the posts condemning the reds for bringing the economy to a standstill. Especially those from posters who were noticeably silent (or even supportive) when the yellows stepped up their campaign to destroy the previous Government by any means possible, even to the extent of closing the country off to the rest of the world via their airport takeover. How come that wasn't "twisting the knife into the economy"?

Of course this logic ignores WHAT the PPP were trying to do while in office:

Change the constitution with consulting no one but Thaksin about what he wanted.

Basically it was quite obvious that the PPP was trying an end run to clear all their bosses,

while hopefully no one was looking... PAD was the barking dog that made the people look.

They would have handed themselves the cooky jar and kept it till it was empty.

The airport move was wrong, for sure, but partly it was provoked:

by a move to 'grenade' PAD away from ~Gov house

and from being able to observe and report PPP moves,

grossly backfired as the clock was ticking down to the PPP dissolution.

Without the grenades lobbed on them they likely would never have gone to Suvarnabhumi.

But that's all 20/20 hindsight.

So really as I see it:

the Reds pushed that move to Swampy as much as anyone in ANY other colored shirt.

It was an unintended consequence of their ill thought out plan of action against PAD.

And as such, a major nail they continue to drive into the Thailand economy.

So really as I see it:

the Reds pushed that move to Swampy as much as anyone in ANY other colored shirt.

It was an unintended consequence of their ill thought out plan of action against PAD.

And as such, a major nail they continue to drive into the Thailand economy.

Any contenders for a sillier comment than this?

So really as I see it:

the Reds pushed that move to Swampy as much as anyone in ANY other colored shirt.

It was an unintended consequence of their ill thought out plan of action against PAD.

And as such, a major nail they continue to drive into the Thailand economy.

Any contenders for a sillier comment than this?

Sorry Jayboy can't buy that twist of what i observed.

If they thought that throwing grenades at their camp in the night, especially after Oct 7th,

would do anything but INCREASE the determination and militancy of PAD was delusional.

Nope Jay, they were pushed out from government house, but they were NEVER going home.

I blame the reds for still another gross miscalculation.

Similar to the S.O.E. attacks that did nothing but weaken Samak.

Miscalculation's over and over again.

I don't like what they eventually did, but that's what they did

and I hold red leaders culpable for forcing the issue unnecessarily.

PAD's MO was to blather in general from a place to get press and be heard,

RED MO is to use violence to silence.

Your mileage does vary, but I don't think you get as far.


Ok, here's how it works...

If you want your post seen, don't put personal insults in it. If you can't make your point without personal attacks, keep it quiet or go elsewhere. We don't want to censor your ideas, but we will edit your words or remove posts as I just did if they are out of line.

So feel free to express your opinion, but do it withing the rules of the forum, and the bounds of common decency.

As for "Democracy", well I think that died when the Army took to the streets in 2006.

If a pet owner abuses, mistreats and tortures an animal to the point where the vet has no option but to put that animal down, who would you blame for the death?


Meanwhile the petition has reached the Justice Ministry, and there are grand 383 boxes with signatures there.

It appears the only way for those boxes to contain 3.5mil signatures is to have only pages wth five signatures on them with the text of the petition being completely separate.

I don't know what the petition format shoud be but it doesn't sound right - did these people read or even see the petition itself, or have they just signed on a blank sheet of paper?

One opinion piece in the Nation described the petition as having three pages, with one signature at the botton of the third page, but that was rather early in the campaign.

Also the first translation of the petition that appeared in the Nation appears to be shorter than the latest version I've seen in Bangkok Post. I assume that if the text was changed, then all the prior signatures are legally invalid. Or could it be that if the text was changed along the way, so now we have maybe a million people signing for one version and asking one thing, another million signing for a different version, and so on.


As for "Democracy", well I think that died when the Army took to the streets in 2006.

If a pet owner abuses, mistreats and tortures an animal to the point where the vet has no option but to put that animal down, who would you blame for the death?


Definitely their fault.

As for "Democracy", well I think that died when the Army took to the streets in 2006.

If a pet owner abuses, mistreats and tortures an animal to the point where the vet has no option but to put that animal down, who would you blame for the death?


Definitely their fault.

I blame 'MO NAKED HOES'. :)


Red Shirts to file complaint against Internal Security Act enforcement

BANGKOK, Aug 26 (TNA) - Key leaders of the anti-government United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) on Wednesday announced that the group will file a complaint at the Central Administrative Court on Thursday against the planned enforcement of Internal Security Act (ISA) by the Democrat-led coalition government.

UDD key leaders Veera Musikapong, Nattawut Saikua and Jatuporn Prompan also confirmed that their planned mass rally will take place on Sunday at the Royal Plaza on Bangkok's Rajdamnoen Nok Road.

Mr Jatuporn, also a member of parliament of the opposition Puea Thai Party, said the UDD supporters will submit the complaint asking the court to order a temporary injunction for the group from the ISA enforcement which they deem as unlawful.

"We disagree with the enforcement of ISA," said Mr Veera, "We have the right to protest. We are not making a move which will destroy the country's economy as claimed by the government."

The reaction of Red Shirts' leaders came as Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva earlier said that his Cabinet will impose the ISA from Saturday through Monday August 29-September 1, but only in the capital’s Dusit district, the area where the UDD protesters will demonstrate.

The premier said that the ISA enforcement is aimed at maintaining law and order as he had been informed that some third parties may create disorder during this weekend’s Red Shirt rally.

Regarding Sunday’s mass rally, Mr Veera said the UDD supporters will gather from 1pm and will disperse sometime after midnight.

He also pledged the rally will be peaceful, without weapons, and will not be prolonged.

"This time former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra will not telephone his supporters and the gathering is not related to submitting their petition seeking a royal pardon for the ex-premier," said Mr Veera.

Mr Veera said the Sunday rally is aimed to protest the performance of the Abhisit government, which the Red Shirt group views as applying double standards and not being transparent. (TNA)



Definitely their fault.

couldn't agree more

I also was watching TV the other night and the power cut out. F&*king yellow shirts.

The other day the beer was a bit warm. yellow shirts.

And last week there was a bit of traffic. yellow shirters.

Mind you I remember over songkran I couldn't drive out from my house and I felt physically threatened. red shirt wearing yellow shirts I guess.

And there was that idiot that ran the country for a while that used to wear a yellow shirt, but always something over it. Thaksin. Bl00dy yellow shirter as well.



Definitely their fault.

couldn't agree more

I also was watching TV the other night and the power cut out. F&*king yellow shirts.

The other day the beer was a bit warm. yellow shirts.

And last week there was a bit of traffic. yellow shirters.

Mind you I remember over songkran I couldn't drive out from my house and I felt physically threatened. red shirt wearing yellow shirts I guess.

And there was that idiot that ran the country for a while that used to wear a yellow shirt, but always something over it. Thaksin. Bl00dy yellow shirter as well.


some of those things are a bit overboard but essentially you have identified the root cause of the problem of the crisis :)


Definitely their fault.

couldn't agree more

I also was watching TV the other night and the power cut out. F&*king yellow shirts.

The other day the beer was a bit warm. yellow shirts.

And last week there was a bit of traffic. yellow shirters.

Mind you I remember over songkran I couldn't drive out from my house and I felt physically threatened. red shirt wearing yellow shirts I guess.

And there was that idiot that ran the country for a while that used to wear a yellow shirt, but always something over it. Thaksin. Bl00dy yellow shirter as well.


some of those things are a bit overboard but essentially you have identified the root cause of the problem of the crisis :)


Don't do irony it seems.

Squared or in base 5... Domage!


You can comment until the cows come home about this issue.

The only thing for certain is nothing will change you know it :D and i know it :)

Remember this is Thailand :D


In Thailand or anywhere else, change happens - it's as certain as death and more certain than taxes. If there's a sufficient motivator, change will come quickly. If the motivator is not quite so sufficient, change will come less quickly. Of course, whether the change is positive or negative depends on who writes the history of it.


And positive or negative changes also is directly tied to both

Scope and Rapidity of change. Too much of both together

is usually NOT good for the common man.


Exactly, and therein lies the conflict. Since history tends to be written by the winning faction, their historians will be the ones to tell the common man how good for them it was that the winners actually won.

At least, until the revisionists come along.


After the winners died off typically.

Here we have Thaksin the loser INSITING that his take on history is still right.

That becomes propaganda; Tell a lie often enough and hope it becomes truth.

  • 2 years later...

Government urged to follow up on Thaksin amnesty

In what seems to be a renewed attempt to seek a royal pardon for fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, a pro-red-shirt weekly published an article asking what happened to the petition with 3 million signatures that was submitted two years ago.

The article published in the latest edition of Maha Prachachon, which does not include the author's name, calls on Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and Justice Minister Pracha Promnok to follow up with the Corrections Department, which oversees the royal pardon process and regulations.

The article also provides background information on the much-publicised red-shirt rally in August 2009, during which the petition was handed over to an official of the Royal Household Bureau at the Grand Palace.

Pheu Thai party-list MP Nattawut Saikua said it was the government's responsibility see the progress and report to the public.

Asked whether he would lead red shirts to "seek an answer" from Yingluck or Pracha, Nattawut said: "If I say yes, then the headlines will say that the red shirts use mob rule to press for their demands."


-- The Nation 2011-09-03


Well of course,wouldn't the more thoughtful amongst us have known and always knew,what would happen once they achieved power.

In spite of Yinglucks protestations that her Brothers situation was not of "High Priority" and was not high on the agenda,

Now it is plain to see,what a lying bunch of rabble,was elected by the easily led!

Unfortunately they know not what they do !

Thailand and their people will most certainly,get the Politicians and Governments they deserve.


If the reds don't get all they want, what's stopping them from plaguing the current administration the same way they did to Abhisit? Are there not still major public squares and shopping districts to occupy and shut down for weeks?

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